Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the syntax definition of an event in c# syntax.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// With Keywords [security] [keywords] event [event handler type] [name];
        /// Without Keywords [security] [keywords] event [event handler type] [name];
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="source">The source <see cref="CsEvent"/> model to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Namespace manager used to format type names.This is an optional parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="includeSecurity">Includes the security scope which was defined in the model.</param>
        /// <param name="eventSecurity">Optional parameter that sets the target security scope for the event.</param>
        /// <param name="includeKeywords">Optional parameter that determines if it will include all keywords assigned to the source model, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="includeAbstractKeyword">Optional parameter that determines if it will include the definition for the abstract keyword in the definition if it is defined. default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireStaticKeyword">Adds the static keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireSealedKeyword">Adds the sealed keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireAbstractKeyword">Adds the abstract keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireOverrideKeyword">Adds the override keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireVirtualKeyword">Adds the virtual keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <returns>Fully formatted event definition or null if the event data could not be generated.</returns>
        public static string CSharpFormatEventDeclaration(this CsEvent source, NamespaceManager manager = null, bool includeSecurity = true, CsSecurity eventSecurity = CsSecurity.Unknown,
                                                          bool includeKeywords        = true, bool includeAbstractKeyword = false, bool requireStaticKeyword = false, bool requireSealedKeyword = false, bool requireAbstractKeyword = false,
                                                          bool requireOverrideKeyword = false, bool requireVirtualKeyword = false)
            if (source == null)
            if (!source.IsLoaded)

            StringBuilder eventFormatting = new StringBuilder();

            CsSecurity security = eventSecurity == CsSecurity.Unknown
                ? security = source.Security
                : security = eventSecurity;

            if (includeKeywords & source.IsSealed)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Sealed} ");

            if (includeSecurity)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{security.CSharpFormatKeyword()} ");

            if (includeKeywords)
                if (source.IsStatic)
                    eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Static} ");
                if (includeAbstractKeyword & source.IsAbstract)
                    eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Abstract} ");
                if (source.IsOverride)
                    eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Override} ");
                if (source.IsVirtual)
                    eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Virtual} ");

            var signature = source.CSharpFormatEventSignature(manager, includeSecurity, security, includeKeywords,
                                                              includeAbstractKeyword, requireStaticKeyword, requireSealedKeyword, requireAbstractKeyword,
                                                              requireOverrideKeyword, requireVirtualKeyword);


Beispiel #2
		public TheEvent(CsEvent pCsEvent, TheClass pTheClass, FactoryExpressionCreator pCreator) {
			MyClass = pTheClass;

			if (pCsEvent.declarators.Count > 1) throw new Exception("No more than one event declaration per handler is supported");

			_declarator = pCsEvent.declarators.First.Value;

			Name = _declarator.identifier.identifier;//RealName = 
			//FullRealName = MyClass.FullRealName + "." + RealName;
			FullName = MyClass.FullName + "." + Name;

			string eventName = Helpers.GetEventFromAttr(pCsEvent.attributes, pCreator);
			IsFlashEvent = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventName);

			Add = new TheMethod(_declarator.entity.add, pTheClass, pCreator, true, true);
			Remove = new TheMethod(_declarator.entity.remove, pTheClass, pCreator, true);
			EventName = Helpers.GetEventFromAttr(pCsEvent.attributes, pCreator);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the signature of an event in c# syntax.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// With Keywords [security] [keywords] event [event handler type] [name]
        /// Without Keywords [security] [keywords] event [event handler type] [name]
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="source">The source <see cref="CsEvent"/> model to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">Namespace manager used to format type names.This is an optional parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="includeSecurity">Includes the security scope which was defined in the model.</param>
        /// <param name="eventSecurity">Optional parameter that sets the target security scope for the event.</param>
        /// <param name="includeKeywords">Optional parameter that determines if it will include all keywords assigned to the source model, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="includeAbstractKeyword">Optional parameter that determines if it will include the definition for the abstract keyword in the definition if it is defined. default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireStaticKeyword">Adds the static keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireSealedKeyword">Adds the sealed keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireAbstractKeyword">Adds the abstract keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireOverrideKeyword">Adds the override keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireVirtualKeyword">Adds the virtual keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <returns>Fully formatted event definition or null if the event data could not be generated.</returns>
        public static string CSharpFormatEventSignature(this CsEvent source, NamespaceManager manager = null, bool includeSecurity = true, CsSecurity eventSecurity = CsSecurity.Unknown,
                                                        bool includeKeywords       = true, bool includeAbstractKeyword = false, bool requireStaticKeyword = false, bool requireSealedKeyword = false, bool requireAbstractKeyword = false, bool requireOverrideKeyword = false,
                                                        bool requireVirtualKeyword = false)
            if (source == null)
            if (!source.IsLoaded)

            StringBuilder eventFormatting = new StringBuilder();

            CsSecurity security = eventSecurity == CsSecurity.Unknown
                ? security = source.Security
                : security = eventSecurity;

            if (includeKeywords & source.IsSealed)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Sealed} ");

            if (includeSecurity)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{security.CSharpFormatKeyword()} ");

            bool staticKeyword   = false;
            bool sealedKeyword   = false;
            bool abstractKeyword = false;
            bool overrideKeyword = false;
            bool virtualKeyword  = false;

            if (includeKeywords)
                if (source.IsStatic)
                    staticKeyword = true;
                if (source.IsSealed)
                    sealedKeyword = true;
                if (includeAbstractKeyword & source.IsAbstract)
                    abstractKeyword = true;
                if (source.IsOverride)
                    overrideKeyword = true;
                if (source.IsVirtual)
                    virtualKeyword = true;

            if (!staticKeyword)
                staticKeyword = requireStaticKeyword;
            if (!sealedKeyword)
                sealedKeyword = requireSealedKeyword;
            if (!abstractKeyword)
                abstractKeyword = requireAbstractKeyword;
            if (!overrideKeyword)
                overrideKeyword = requireOverrideKeyword;
            if (!virtualKeyword)
                virtualKeyword = requireVirtualKeyword;

            if (staticKeyword)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Static} ");
            if (sealedKeyword)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Sealed} ");
            if (abstractKeyword)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Abstract} ");
            if (overrideKeyword)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Override} ");
            if (virtualKeyword)
                eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Virtual} ");

            eventFormatting.Append($"{Keywords.Event} {source.EventType.CSharpFormatTypeName(manager)} {source.Name}");
