public override ActionResult Delete(int id)
            var a = new Credential();

            a.RoleID      = Request.QueryString[0];
            a.UserGroupID = Request.QueryString[1];
            var b = new CredentialDAO().Delete(a);

            if (b && ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Xóa Thành Công");
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Không Thể Xóa");
        public static void Begin(Credential credential)
            int beforeCount = 0;
            int afterCount  = 0;

            // Credential API
            List <Credential> credentials;

            // Get existing
            beforeCount = CredentialDAO.Get().Count;

            // Insert and Updating: if ID is included, it will update
            credential = CredentialDAO.PostUpdate(credential);

            // Reading: Use GetCredentials() to retrieve a list of obj
            credentials = CredentialDAO.Get();

            // get master item count
            afterCount = credentials.Count;

            // write
            CredentialTest.Write(credentials, "INSERT", beforeCount, afterCount, true);

            // make a soft update to some property (Optional)
            // credential.<property> = 1;

            // re-assign the before count
            beforeCount = afterCount;

            // Insert and Updating: if ID is included, it will update
            credential = CredentialDAO.PostUpdate(credential);

            // Reading: Use GetCredentials() to retrieve a list of obj
            credentials = CredentialDAO.Get();

            // Get existing
            afterCount = CredentialDAO.Get().Count;

            // write
            CredentialTest.Write(credentials, "UPDATE", beforeCount, afterCount);

            // Reading: Use GetCredentials() to retrieve a list of obj w/ 1 item
            credentials = CredentialDAO.Get(credential);

            // get count
            afterCount = credentials.Count;

            // reassign count
            beforeCount = afterCount;

            // write
            CredentialTest.Write(credentials, "Single", afterCount, 1);

            // Deleting - Send in the obj w/ at minimal the ID populated

            // Reading: Use GetCredentials() to retrieve a list of obj
            credentials = CredentialDAO.Get();

            // get count
            afterCount = credentials.Count;

            // write
            CredentialTest.Write(credentials, "Removed", beforeCount, afterCount, true);