Beispiel #1
    //Function called from Update to shift the map based on the player party's current location
    private void RepositionMap()
        //Finding the selected party's tile so we know where the map should show
        TileInfo partyTile = CharacterManager.globalReference.selectedGroup.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile;

        //If the party tile is different from before, we update the tile position
        if (this.currentTile == null || this.currentTile != partyTile)
            //Setting our current tile to the party tile
            this.currentTile = partyTile;

            //Getting the row and column of the current tile
            CreateTileGrid.TileColRow newTileColRow = CreateTileGrid.globalReference.GetTileCoords(partyTile);

            if (newTileColRow != null)
                //Getting the rect transform component for this game object
                RectTransform ourRect = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

                //Setting the pivot position based on the offsets
                ourRect.pivot = new Vector2((newTileColRow.col * 1f) / (CreateTileGrid.globalReference.cols * 1f),
                                            (newTileColRow.row * 1f) / (CreateTileGrid.globalReference.rows * 1f));
                //Re-centering the map sprite so that our pivot position is now at 0,0 in the middle of the minimap
                ourRect.localPosition = new Vector3();
Beispiel #2
    //Constructor function for this class
    public PartySaveData(PartyGroup groupToSave_)
        this.combatDist = groupToSave_.combatDistance;

        CreateTileGrid.TileColRow tileLocation = CreateTileGrid.globalReference.GetTileCoords(groupToSave_.GetComponent <WASDOverworldMovement>().currentTile);
        this.tileCol = tileLocation.col;
        this.tileRow = tileLocation.row;

        //Looping through all of the characters in the given party and getting their save data
        this.partyCharacters = new List <global::CharacterSaveData>();
        for (int c = 0; c < groupToSave_.charactersInParty.Count; ++c)
            //If the current character isn't null, we save it's data
            if (groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c] != null)
                CharacterSaveData charData = new CharacterSaveData(groupToSave_.charactersInParty[c]);
            //If the current character slot is null, we add the empty slot
Beispiel #3
 //Constructor function for this class
 public EnemyTileEncounterInfo(EnemyEncounter encounter_)
     //Getting the object prefab for the encounter
     this.encounterPrefab = encounter_.encounterPrefab;
     //Getting the tile that this encounter is on
     CreateTileGrid.TileColRow encounterCoords = CreateTileGrid.globalReference.GetTileCoords(encounter_.GetComponent <Movement>().currentTile);
     this.encounterTileCol = encounterCoords.col;
     this.encounterTileRow = encounterCoords.row;
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        //Finding the party group's row and col coords in the overworld
        CreateTileGrid.TileColRow partyColRow = CreateTileGrid.globalReference.GetTileCoords(this.partyMove.currentTile);

        if (partyColRow != null)
            //Setting the anchor position of the player location object relative to the size of this UI object
            Vector2 anchorPos = new Vector2((partyColRow.col * 1f) / (CreateTileGrid.globalReference.cols * 1f),
                                            (partyColRow.row * 1f) / (CreateTileGrid.globalReference.rows * 1f));

            this.playerLocationObj.anchorMin = anchorPos;
            this.playerLocationObj.anchorMax = anchorPos;