Beispiel #1
 void OpenTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (CreateTestWindow.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(CreateTestWindow.FileName, Encoding.Unicode))
             while (!file.EndOfStream)   //Reading till end of file
                 string        line     = file.ReadLine();
                 List <Answer> answers  = new List <Answer>();
                 byte          m        = 0;
                 string[]      elements = new string[3];
                 for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)   //Reading all line
                     if (i + 2 < line.Length && line.Substring(i, 3) == "<<<")
                         i += 3;
                         for (int j = i; j + 2 < line.Length && line.Substring(j, 3) != ">>>"; j++)    //Finding elements
                             elements[m] += line[j];
                         if (m == 2)
                             bool   AnswerOrCorrect = true, AnswerIsCorrect = false;
                             string tmp = "", tmp2 = "";
                             for (int j = 0; j <= elements[2].Length; j++)                                                            //Reading answers
                                 if ((j < elements[2].Length - 3 && elements[2].Substring(j, 3) == "|||") || j == elements[2].Length) //Checking is this element is answer or correction of answer
                                     if (AnswerOrCorrect)
                                         AnswerOrCorrect = false;
                                         j += tmp2.Length + 2;
                                         AnswerOrCorrect = true;
                                         if (tmp2 == "True")
                                             AnswerIsCorrect = true;
                                         else if (tmp2 == "False")
                                             AnswerIsCorrect = false;
                                         if (j == elements[2].Length - 1)
                                         answers.Add(new Answer(AnswerIsCorrect, tmp));
                                         tmp  = "";
                                         tmp2 = "";
                                         j   += tmp.Length + 2;
                                     if (AnswerOrCorrect)
                                         tmp += elements[2][j];
                                         tmp2 += elements[2][j];
                         i += elements[m].Length;
                         if (m < 3)
                             m = 0;
                 Questions.Add(new Question(elements[0], ToBoolean(elements[1])));   //Now we're adding our questions into a list
                 Questions[Questions.Count - 1].Answers = answers;
         QuestionIndex.Value = 0;
Beispiel #2
        // Method:	 ModifyTest
        // Description: Worker function for modifying an existing test.  Called by
        //    right clicking or double clicking a scheduled test in the list view
        // Parameters:
        //    functionName - string that contains the function name
        //    paramStr - string that contains a comma delimeted list of parameter values to the function
        //    returnValue - string that contains the return value
        //    errorCode - string that contains the error code
        //  testID - string that contains the unique testID for this test
        // Return Value: none
        private void ModifyTest(string functionName, string paramStr, string returnValue, string errorCode, string testID)

            InterceptedFunction function = InterceptedFunctionDB.GetInstance("functions.xml").GetFunctionByName(functionName);
            if (function == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Function " + functionName + " not defined in the function database.");

            String[] functionParameters = paramStr.Split(',');

            // remove any leading spaces
            int index = 0;
            foreach (String p in functionParameters)
                functionParameters[index] = p.Trim();

            // set the default values of each test parameter
            index = 0;
            foreach (InterceptedFunctionParameter fp in function.Parameters)
                fp.TestValue = functionParameters[index];

            CreateTestWindow window = new CreateTestWindow(function);
            window.ReturnValue = returnValue;
            window.ErrorCode = errorCode;
            if (window.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            string section = window.Section;
            string testFunction = window.FunctionName;
            string action = window.Action;
            int numParams = window.NumApplicableParams;
            Array AppParamValues = window.ApplicableParamValues;
            Array AppParams = window.ApplicableParams;
            Array AppTypes = window.ApplicableParamTypes;
            Array AppPos = window.ApplicableParamPos;

            //make sure we capture changes made in the dlg
            string[] actionArray = action.Split(' ');
            string newReturnValue = actionArray[0];
            string newErrorCode = actionArray[1];
            string newParamStr = "";

            // Convert the error string into an error code
            string strErrorCode = null;
            if (actionArray.Length > 0)
                strErrorCode = ErrorCodeDB.GetInstance().GetCodeFromString(actionArray[1]);
            if (strErrorCode != null)
                action = actionArray[0] + ' ';
                action += strErrorCode;

            index = 1;
            foreach (string param in AppParamValues)
                if (index != AppParamValues.Length)
                    newParamStr += param + ", ";
                    newParamStr += param;

            //if testid is null a new test will be created, otherwise the existing one will be altered
            //this.holoScriptApp.CreateScheduledTest(section, testFunction, action, numParams, AppParamValues, AppTypes, AppPos, ref testID);

            //if testid is new then a new entry will be created, otherwise the existing one will be altered
            AddScheduledTestItem(testFunction, newErrorCode, newReturnValue, newParamStr, testID);
