public void CreateSubscriber_With_BasicInfo_ContactPhone_Email_Pin_PPV_AccountType_ValidateUserAbleToCreateNewSubscriber()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Given a user that has permission to create new subscriber
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = new SIMPLTestContext().GetFakeUserDtoObject;

                // And the new subscriber has a valid id
                // And the new subscriber has a valid name
                // And the new subscriber has a service enabled default to false
                // And the new subscriber has a contact phone
                // And the new subscriber has a email
                // And the new subscriber has a pin
                // And the new subscriber has ppv settings
                // And the new subscriber has residential account type
                var createSubModel = new CreateSubscriberModel
                    USI = "subid",
                    Name = "subname",
                    AccountType = AccountTypeDto.Residential,
                    ServiceEnabled = false,
                    CBR = "4250010001",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    PIN = "subpin",
                    PPVCap = "150.00",
                    PPVResetDay = "15",
                    PPVPrivilege = SubscriberEnums.PPVPrivilegeEnum.Capped

                // When creating new subscriber
                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.CreateSubscriberSubscriberDtoUserDto =
                    (myClient, mySubscriberDto, myUserDto) => true;

                var searchController = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<SearchController>();
                var actionResponse = searchController.CreateSubscriber(createSubModel) as JsonResult;

                // Then the user receives a response
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse, "CreateSubscriber json result is null");
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse.Data, "CreateSubscriber json result data is null");

                // And the response is successful
                var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var expectedResult = new
                    status = "valid",
                    isModal = false,
                    newSubscriberID = createSubModel.USI
                Assert.AreEqual(jss.Serialize(expectedResult), jss.Serialize(actionResponse.Data.ToJSON()));
        public void User_Attempts_To_create_a_new_subscriber_with_correct_data_and_an_error_is_returned()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())

                // Given a user that has permission to create new subscriber
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = new SIMPLTestContext().GetFakeUserDtoObject;

                //And good data is used in the model
                var createSubModel = new CreateSubscriberModel
                    USI = "subid",
                    Name = "subname",
                    AccountType = AccountTypeDto.Residential,
                    ServiceEnabled = false,
                    CBR = "4250010001",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    PIN = "subpin",
                    PPVCap = "150.00",
                    PPVResetDay = "15",
                    PPVPrivilege = SubscriberEnums.PPVPrivilegeEnum.Capped

                var searchController = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<SearchController>();

                //This is for creating a Fault exception
                const string expectedErrorMessage = "This is a fault exception message";
                var faultDetail = new ValidationDetailDto()
                    Message = expectedErrorMessage

                var faultDetails = new List<ValidationDetailDto>();

                var validationFault = new ValidationFaultDto()
                    Details = faultDetails

                var fault = new FaultException<ValidationFaultDto>(validationFault);

                //Have Controller CreateSubscriber method throw the fault when called
                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.CreateSubscriberSubscriberDtoUserDto = delegate { throw fault; };


                //Call the actual controller method
                var actionResponse = searchController.CreateSubscriber(createSubModel) as JsonResult;


                // Then the user receives a response
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse, "CreateSubscriber json result is null");
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse.Data, "CreateSubscriber json result data is null");

                // And the expected response is a Fault exception
                var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var expectedResult = new
                    status = "error",
                    isModal = false,
                    errorMessage = "This is a fault exception message"
                Assert.AreEqual(jss.Serialize(expectedResult), jss.Serialize(actionResponse.Data.ToJSON()));
        public void User_attempts_to_create_a_new_subscriber_with_correct_data_and_an_non_Rosettian_error_is_returned()
            using (ShimsContext.Create())
                // Given a user that has permission to create new subscriber
                ShimCurrentUser.AsUserDto = new SIMPLTestContext().GetFakeUserDtoObject;

                var createSubModel = new CreateSubscriberModel()
                    USI = "subid",
                    Name = "subname",
                    AccountType = AccountTypeDto.Residential,
                    ServiceEnabled = false,
                    CBR = "4250010001",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    PIN = "subpin",
                    PPVCap = "150.00",
                    PPVResetDay = "15",
                    PPVPrivilege = SubscriberEnums.PPVPrivilegeEnum.Capped

                // When creating new subscriber
                ShimRosettianClient.AllInstances.CreateSubscriberSubscriberDtoUserDto =
                    (myClient, mySubscriberDto, myUserDto) => true;

                //Create a non-Fault exception
                string exceptionMessage = "This is my argument exception";
                ShimSubscriberExtension.MapToNewSubscriberCreateSubscriberModel =
                    delegate { throw new ArgumentException(exceptionMessage); };

                var searchController = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<SearchController>();
                var actionResponse = searchController.CreateSubscriber(createSubModel) as JsonResult;

                // Then the user receives a response
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse, "CreateSubscriber json result is null");
                Assert.IsNotNull(actionResponse.Data, "CreateSubscriber json result data is null");

                // And the response is successful
                var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var expectedResult = new
                    status = "error",
                    isModal = false,
                    errorMessage = exceptionMessage
                Assert.AreEqual(jss.Serialize(expectedResult), jss.Serialize(actionResponse.Data.ToJSON()));
        public void CreateSubscriber_With_BasicInfo_ContactPhone_Email_Pin_PPV_AccountType_ValidateUserAbleToCreateNewSubscriber()
            var sub = new SubscriberDto();
                // Given a user that has permission to create new subscriber

                // And a new subscriber with all valid info
                // And the new subscriber has a valid id
                // And the new subscriber has a valid name
                // And the new subscriber has a valid cbr
                // And the new subscriber has a valid email
                // And the new subscriber has a valid pin
                sub = DataHelper.NewSubscriberData();

                // And the new subscriber has a residential account
                Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sub.ID) && sub.Accounts != null && sub.Accounts.Any());
                sub.Accounts.First().AccountType = AccountTypeDto.Residential;

                // And the new subscriber has ppv settings
                Assert.AreEqual("2", sub.Accounts.First().PPVPrivilege);

                var createSubModel = new CreateSubscriberModel
                    USI = sub.ID,
                    Name = sub.Name,
                    AccountType = sub.Accounts.First().AccountType,
                    ServiceEnabled = false,
                    CBR  = sub.SubContactPhone,
                    Email = sub.SubContactEmail,
                    PIN = sub.Accounts.First().PIN,
                    PPVCap = sub.Accounts.First().PPVCap,
                    PPVResetDay = sub.Accounts.First().PPVResetDay,
                    PPVPrivilege = SubscriberEnums.PPVPrivilegeEnum.Capped

                // When creating new subscriber with the valid subscriber info
                var result = SearchControllerForTest.CreateSubscriber(createSubModel) as JsonResult;

                // Then the user receives a response
                Assert.IsNotNull(result, "CreateSubscriber json result is null");
                Assert.IsNotNull(result.Data, "CreateSubscriber json result data is null");

                // And the response is successful
                var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                var expectedResult = new
                    status = "valid",
                    isModal = false,
                    newSubscriberID = sub.ID

                Assert.AreEqual(jss.Serialize(expectedResult), jss.Serialize(result.Data.ToJSON()));

                // And the new subscriber created in provisioning system
                var actualSub = DataHelper.LoadSubscriber(sub.ID);
                Assert.IsTrue(actualSub != null && actualSub.Accounts != null && actualSub.Accounts.Any(), "Subscriber account is null");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested id
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.ID, actualSub.ID, "Id does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested name
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Name, actualSub.Name, "Name does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested cbr
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.SubContactPhone, actualSub.SubContactPhone, "SubContactPhone does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested email
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.SubContactEmail, actualSub.SubContactEmail, "SubContactEmail does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested pin
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Accounts.First().PIN, actualSub.Accounts.First().PIN, "PIN does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested ppv settings
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Accounts.First().PPVCap, actualSub.Accounts.First().PPVCap, "PPVCap does not match");
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Accounts.First().PPVPrivilege, actualSub.Accounts.First().PPVPrivilege, "PPVPrivilege does not match");
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Accounts.First().PPVResetDay, actualSub.Accounts.First().PPVResetDay, "PPVPrivilege does not match");

                // And the new subscriber created with the requested account type
                Assert.AreEqual(sub.Accounts.First().AccountType, actualSub.Accounts.First().AccountType, "Account type does not match");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex is AssertFailedException, ex.ToString());