Beispiel #1
        public double[,] SortRank(double[,] orgRanks)
            Matrix <double> matRanks = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray(orgRanks);

            double[] projects = matRanks.Column(0).ToArray();
            double[] ranks    = matRanks.Column(1).ToArray();

            Array.Sort(ranks, projects, Comparer <double> .Create((a, b) =>
                if (a == 0 && b != 0)
                if (a != 0 && b == 0)
                if (a > b)
                if (a < b)

            matRanks.SetColumn(0, CreateVector.DenseOfArray(projects));
            matRanks.SetColumn(1, CreateVector.DenseOfArray(ranks));

Beispiel #2
        private double[] To1DAwards(double[,] awards2D)
            // [1,2]
            // [2,2]   => [1,1,2,2,3,3]
            // [3,2]
            Matrix <double> matAwards2D = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray(awards2D);
            int             totalAwards = (int)matAwards2D.Column(1).Sum();

            double[] awardRanks = new double[totalAwards];
            int      index      = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r < matAwards2D.RowCount; r++)
                double award  = awards2D[r, 0];
                double number = awards2D[r, 1];

                for (int n = 0; n < number; n++)
                    awardRanks[index] = award;

Beispiel #3
        void Construct(bool zeroInit)
            // TODO: repair a bug (Maybe, last matrix is null? Or just index disorder?)
            weights = new Matrix <double> [conf.numHidLayers + 2];
            int prev, next;

            prev = conf.numInputs;
            for (int i = 0; i < conf.numHidLayers; i++)
                next = conf.numHiddens;
                if (zeroInit)
                    weights[i] = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(next, prev);
                    weights[i] = CreateMatrix.Random <double>(next, prev, distrib);
                prev = next;
            next = conf.numOutputs;
            if (zeroInit)
                weights[conf.numHidLayers + 1] = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(next, prev);
                weights[conf.numHidLayers + 1] = CreateMatrix.Random <double>(next, prev, distrib);
Beispiel #4
        public Matrix <double> Recognize(Matrix <double> pattern)
            if (pattern.RowCount != Dimension || pattern.ColumnCount != Dimension)
                throw new Exception("Incompatible image dimensions");
            //var rtnVector = CreateMatrix.Dense<double>(Dimension, Dimension).AsColumnMajorArray();

            // convert 0 => -1
            pattern.MapInplace(x => x == 0 ? -1 : x, Zeros.Include);

            // to row vector
            var row   = pattern.AsColumnMajorArray();
            var input = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRowArrays(row);

            var rtnVector = input.Clone().ToRowMajorArray();

            for (int e = 0; e < numOfEpoch; e++)
                for (int i = 0; i < Memory.ColumnCount; i++)
                    var memoryColumn = Memory.Column(i).ToColumnMatrix();
                    rtnVector[i] = Math.Sign(DotProduct(rtnVector, memoryColumn));

            var rtnMatrix = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumnMajor <double>(Dimension, Dimension, rtnVector);

            rtnMatrix.MapInplace(x => x == 0 ? -1 : x, Zeros.Include);
Beispiel #5
        protected override Vector <double> CalculateSearchDirection(ref Matrix <double> inversePseudoHessian,
                                                                    out double maxLineSearchStep,
                                                                    out double startingStepSize,
                                                                    IObjectiveFunction previousPoint,
                                                                    IObjectiveFunction candidate,
                                                                    Vector <double> step)
            startingStepSize  = 1.0;
            maxLineSearchStep = double.PositiveInfinity;

            Vector <double> lineSearchDirection;
            var             y = candidate.Gradient - previousPoint.Gradient;

            double sy = step * y;

            inversePseudoHessian = inversePseudoHessian + ((sy + y * inversePseudoHessian * y) / Math.Pow(sy, 2.0)) * step.OuterProduct(step) - ((inversePseudoHessian * y.ToColumnMatrix()) * step.ToRowMatrix() + step.ToColumnMatrix() * (y.ToRowMatrix() * inversePseudoHessian)) * (1.0 / sy);
            lineSearchDirection  = -inversePseudoHessian * candidate.Gradient;

            if (lineSearchDirection * candidate.Gradient >= 0.0)
                lineSearchDirection  = -candidate.Gradient;
                inversePseudoHessian = CreateMatrix.DenseIdentity <double>(candidate.Point.Count);

Beispiel #6
        private void SaveAsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TFadjustedZ == null)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Cannot save an adjusted TF while in an error state.",
                                "Error saving", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();

            sfd.Filter   = "Matlab MAT (*.mat)|*.mat|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
            sfd.FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TFFilename) + "_adj.mat";
            if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            var Z = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumns(new IEnumerable <double>[] { TFadjustedZ });
            //var Sr = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumnVectors(new Vector<Complex>[] { TFadjustedSr });
            var Sr = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumns(new Vector <Complex>[] { TFadjustedSr });

            var matrices = new List <MatlabMatrix>();

            matrices.Add(MatlabWriter.Pack(Z, "z"));
            matrices.Add(MatlabWriter.Pack(Sr, "Sr"));
            MatlabWriter.Store(sfd.FileName, matrices);
Beispiel #7
        private void Reshuffle(StateOperator state, SystemBipartition bipartition)
            EvaluatedMatrix = new Transformation(CreateMatrix.Dense <Complex>(state.RowDimension, state.ColumnDimension));
            int rowOffset = 0, columnOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < state.RowDimension; i++)
                int reshRowStart = rowOffset * bipartition.DimensionA, reshColumnStart = columnOffset * bipartition.DimensionB;
                int reshRowIterator = reshRowStart, reshColumnIterator = reshColumnStart;
                int reshColumnLimit = reshColumnStart + bipartition.DimensionB;
                for (int j = 0; j < state.RowDimension; j++)
                    EvaluatedMatrix[reshRowIterator, reshColumnIterator] = state[i, j];
                    if (reshColumnIterator == reshColumnLimit)
                        reshColumnIterator = reshColumnStart;
                if (columnOffset == bipartition.DimensionA)
                    columnOffset = 0;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function used to create the masking map from a single image represented as a
        /// vector. We do this step so we can do ALL convolutions or pools for an image in one single
        /// computational step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kernelSideLength">
        /// The length of one side of the convolution/pool. All filters are assumed square.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="strideSize">The stride length that will be used with this map.</param>
        /// <param name="startingImage">
        /// An images represented as a vector that we are creating the map for.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Matrix <double> CreateMaskingMap(int kernelSideLength, int strideSize, Vector <double> startingImage)
            int             _imageSideDimension       = (int)Math.Sqrt(startingImage.Count);
            int             _endingImageSideDimension = (_imageSideDimension - kernelSideLength) / strideSize + 1;
            Matrix <double> _result = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>((int)Math.Pow(kernelSideLength, 2), (int)Math.Pow(_endingImageSideDimension, 2));

            for (int i = 0; i < _endingImageSideDimension; i += strideSize)
                for (int j = 0; j < _endingImageSideDimension; j += strideSize)
                    int             _arrayIndex = i * _imageSideDimension + j;
                    Vector <double> _dataPatch  = Vector <double> .Build.Sparse((int)Math.Pow(kernelSideLength, 2));

                    for (int k = 0; k < kernelSideLength; k++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < kernelSideLength; m++)
                            _dataPatch[k * kernelSideLength + m] = startingImage[_arrayIndex + m + kernelSideLength * k];
                    _result.SetColumn(j + i * _endingImageSideDimension, _dataPatch);

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs through a single convolution layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layerInfo">The layer info used for this layer.</param>
        /// <param name="inputImages">
        /// A matrix of all the images that will be convolved. Each row is an image.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A matrix of all the resulting images. Each row is an image.</returns>
        internal Matrix <double> Convolve(ConvolutionalLayerInformation layerInfo, Matrix <double> inputImages)
            // Construct out return matrix that will include all layers of our images.
            Matrix <double> _outputImages = null;

            foreach (Tuple <int, Vector <double> > _imageDimensionAndIndex in inputImages.EnumerateRowsIndexed())
                // Create the matrix so we can do all of the convolutions at once.
                Matrix <double> _preConvolutionMap = this.CreateMaskingMap(layerInfo.KernelSize, layerInfo.Stride, _imageDimensionAndIndex.Item2);

                Matrix <double> _filtersForThisDimension = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(layerInfo.FlattenedFilters.Count, layerInfo.FlattenedFilters[0].ColumnCount);

                foreach (Matrix <double> _filter in layerInfo.FlattenedFilters)
                    _filtersForThisDimension.InsertRow(_imageDimensionAndIndex.Item1, _filter.Row(_imageDimensionAndIndex.Item1));

                // Create the result image matrix if it's not created yet
                if (_outputImages == null)
                    _outputImages = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(layerInfo.FilterCount, _preConvolutionMap.ColumnCount, 0.0);

                // Store off the result of our filters multiplied by our map. This ends up being every filter passing over
                // the entire image, and returning a dimentions for each kernel in the layer. We sum all the dimensional results in one dimension.
                _outputImages = _outputImages.Add(_filtersForThisDimension.Multiply(_preConvolutionMap));

            // Return all the resulting dimensions of the images after convolution
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs through the network and makes a prediction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input image to run the prediction on.</param>
        /// <returns>The values from the final layer. The largest value is the networks prediction.</returns>
        public double[] FeedForward(double[] input)
            Matrix <double> _currentImages = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRowVectors(CreateVector.DenseOfArray <double>(input));

            foreach (ILayerInformation _layerInformation in this.LayerInformation)
                switch (_layerInformation.LayerType)
                case (LayerType.Convolutional):
                    ConvolutionalLayerInformation _convInfo = _layerInformation as ConvolutionalLayerInformation;
                    _currentImages = this.Convolve(_convInfo, _currentImages);

                case (LayerType.Pooling):
                    PoolingLayerInformation _poolInfo = _layerInformation as PoolingLayerInformation;
                    _currentImages = this.Pool(_poolInfo, _currentImages);

                case (LayerType.NonLinear):
                    NonLinearLayerInformation _nonLinearInfo = _layerInformation as NonLinearLayerInformation;
                    _currentImages = this.NonLinear(_nonLinearInfo, _currentImages);

            double[] _fullyConnectedInput = CreateVector.DenseOfEnumerable <double>(_currentImages.EnumerateRows().SelectMany(a => a)).ToArray();

Beispiel #11
        public static double[][] GramSchmidt(double[][] vectors)
            Matrix <double> matrix = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumnArrays(vectors);
            var             result = matrix.GramSchmidt();

Beispiel #12
    private void GetSparseKernel()
        int sampleRate = 1;

        if (InputArgs.ContainsKey("SAMPLE_RATE"))
            if (InputArgs["SAMPLE_RATE"].GetType().Name == "Int32")
                sampleRate = (int)InputArgs["SAMPLE_RATE"];

        float  threshold     = 0.000054f;
        int    numOctaves    = int.Parse(Settings["OCTAVES"][0]);
        int    binsPerOctave = int.Parse(Settings["BINS_PER_OCTAVE"][0]);
        double minFreq       = double.Parse(Settings["MIN_FREQ"][0]);
        int    numBins       = numOctaves * binsPerOctave;
        double Q             = 1 / (Math.Pow(2, 1 / (double)binsPerOctave) - 1);

        int fftLen = 1;

        while (fftLen < Q * sampleRate / minFreq)
            fftLen *= 2;

        NAudio.Dsp.Complex[] tempKernel = new NAudio.Dsp.Complex[fftLen];
        List <Complex[]>     sparKernel = new List <Complex[]>();

        for (int k = 0; k < numBins; k++)
            int N = (int)Math.Ceiling(Q * sampleRate / (minFreq * Math.Pow(2, k / (double)binsPerOctave)));
            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                Complex temp = NAudio.Dsp.FastFourierTransform.HammingWindow(n, N) / (N * (1 + (double.Parse(Settings["N_WEIGHTING"][0]) * N)))
                               * Complex.Exp(2 * Math.PI * Complex.ImaginaryOne * n * (Q / N)) * (1000 * (1 + (double.Parse(Settings["N_WEIGHTING"][0]) * 1000)));

                tempKernel[n].X = (float)temp.Real;
                tempKernel[n].Y = (float)temp.Imaginary;
            NAudio.Dsp.FastFourierTransform.FFT(true, (int)Math.Log(fftLen, 2.0), tempKernel);
            Complex[] compKernel = new Complex[tempKernel.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < tempKernel.Length; i++)
                if (tempKernel[i].X < threshold && tempKernel[i].Y < threshold)
                    compKernel[i] = new Complex(0, 0);
                    compKernel[i] = new Complex(tempKernel[i].X, tempKernel[i].Y);
        Matrix <Complex> kernelMat = CreateMatrix.SparseOfRowArrays(sparKernel.ToArray());

        kernel = kernelMat.ConjugateTranspose();
Beispiel #13
    public Neural()
        nodes   = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length];
        weights = new Matrix <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        biases  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];

        gammaValues  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        deltaWeights = new Matrix <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        deltaBiases  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeSetup.Length; i++)
            nodes[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeSetup.Length - 1; i++)
            weights[i]      = CreateMatrix.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1], nodeSetup[i]);
            deltaWeights[i] = CreateMatrix.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1], nodeSetup[i]);

            biases[i]      = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);
            deltaBiases[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);
            gammaValues[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);

        /// <summary>
        /// 求矩阵的逆
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MatrixIntGF26 Inverse()
            if (detInverse == -1)
                throw new Exception("希尔密码的加密矩阵无法求出其在有限域内的逆矩阵");

            // A的逆 = A的伴随式 / A的行列式
            //        = A的伴随式 × A的行列式的逆元
            var matrix  = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray(elements);
            var inverse = matrix.Inverse();             // 逆矩阵
            var adjoint = inverse * determinant;        // 伴随矩阵

            // 将矩阵化为整数并求模
            var adjointInt = ToIntMatrix(adjoint);

            // 再求矩阵的有限域下的逆
            var result = new int[row, column];

            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
                    result[i, j] = Mod(adjointInt[i, j] * detInverse);

            return(new MatrixIntGF26(result));
 //Assumes full observability and no D matrix.
 //Generates an empty set of matrices representing the state-space model.
 public LinearStateSpaceModel(int numberOfStates = 6, int numberOfInputs = 2)
     A = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(numberOfStates, numberOfStates);
     B = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(numberOfStates, numberOfInputs);
     C = CreateMatrix.DenseIdentity <double>(numberOfStates);
     D = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(0, 0);
        public static Matrix <float> SVDPseudoInverse(this Matrix <float> mat)
            if (mat.RowCount < mat.ColumnCount)
                var svd = mat.Svd();

                var u     = svd.U;
                var dVec  = svd.S;
                var dStar = CreateMatrix.Diagonal(mat.RowCount, mat.RowCount, (x) => dVec[x] < 10 ? 0f : 1f / dVec[x]);

                var vt = svd.VT;

                while (vt.RowCount > mat.RowCount)
                    vt = vt.RemoveRow(mat.RowCount);

                // V D* UT
                return(vt.Transpose() * dStar * u.Transpose());
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #17
        public int Query(float[] inputArray)
            Matrix <float> inputs = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumnMajor(784, 1, inputArray);

            var hidden_inputs  = wih * inputs;
            var hidden_outputs = Activate(hidden_inputs);

            var final_inputs  = who * hidden_outputs;
            var final_outputs = Activate(final_inputs);

            float[] fArray = final_outputs.ToRowMajorArray();

            int   maxInd = -1;
            float max    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < fArray.Length; i++)
                if (fArray[i] > max)
                    max    = fArray[i];
                    maxInd = i;

            Printer.WriteLine(string.Format("Outputs: {0}, Answer: {1}", ArrayToChar(final_outputs.ToColumnMajorArray()), maxInd));

Beispiel #18
        public void Train(IList <double> datas, IList <double> expectedValues)
            var resultMatrix = expectedValues.ToMatrix();
            var inputMatrix  = datas.ToMatrix();

            var resultM = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRows(resultMatrix);
            var inputM  = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRows(inputMatrix);
            var guessM  = Predict(inputMatrix);

            var errM     = resultM - guessM;
            var deltaWho = errM.GetDeltaError(guessM, LEARNING_RATE) * ActivationHidenSigmoid.Transpose();
            var deltaBho = errM.GetDeltaError(guessM, LEARNING_RATE);

            var errHiddenM = WeightHO.Transpose() * errM;
            var deltaWih   = errHiddenM.GetDeltaError(ActivationHidenSigmoid, LEARNING_RATE) * inputM.Transpose();
            var deltaBih   = errHiddenM.GetDeltaError(ActivationHidenSigmoid, LEARNING_RATE);

            WeightHO = WeightHO + deltaWho;
            WeightIH = WeightIH + deltaWih;

            BiaisHO = BiaisHO + deltaBho;
            BiaisIH = BiaisIH + deltaBih;
Beispiel #19
        public void ParseDirectory(String path)
            FileList = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path).Select(x => Path.GetFileName(x)).ToList();
            IEnumerable <char> distinctSymbols = FileList.
                                                 Aggregate <String>((x, y) => x + y).
                                                 Where(x => !Char.IsLetter(x)).
                                                 OrderByDescending(x => x);
            List <string[]> splitNames = FileList.Select(x => x.Split(distinctSymbols.ToArray <char>(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).ToList();
            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > > splitSingleNames = splitNames.Select(x => x.Select(a => Tuple.Create("", a.ToLower())));
            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > > splitPairNames   = splitNames.Select(x => x.Zip(x.Skip(1), (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a.ToLower(), b.ToLower())));
            IEnumerable <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > > union            = splitPairNames;//splitSingleNames.Zip(splitPairNames, (a, b) => a.Concat(b));
            HashSet <Tuple <string, string> > vocabSet = new HashSet <Tuple <string, string> >();

            foreach (IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > tokens in union)
                foreach (Tuple <string, string> token in tokens)

            Vocab       = vocabSet.ToList();
            ParsedNames = union.Select(x => x.Select(y => Vocab.FindIndex(z => z.Item1.ToLower() == y.Item1.ToLower() && z.Item2.ToLower() == y.Item2.ToLower())).ToList()).ToList();
            IEnumerable <double> zeros = Enumerable.Repeat(0.0, Vocab.Count);

            double[] v = ParsedNames
                         .Select(x => zeros.Select((a, i) => x.Contains(i) ? /*IndexLookup.IsNumeric(Vocab[i].Item2)?5.0:*/ 15.0 : 0.0))
                         .Aggregate((x, y) => x.Concat(y))
            Input = CreateMatrix.Dense(Vocab.Count, ParsedNames.Count, v).Transpose().NormalizeRows(2);
Beispiel #20
        public void Train(Matrix <double> pattern)
            if (pattern.RowCount != Dimension || pattern.ColumnCount != Dimension)
                throw new Exception("Incompatible image dimensions");
            if (PatternCount >= MaxPatternCount)
                throw new Exception("Full Memory");

            var tempMatrix = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(NeuronsCount, NeuronsCount);

            // convert 0 => -1
            pattern.MapInplace(x => x == 0 ? -1 : x, Zeros.Include);

            // to column vector
            var col          = pattern.AsColumnMajorArray();
            var columnVector = CreateMatrix.DenseOfColumnArrays(col);

            // create weighted matrix
            columnVector.TransposeAndMultiply(columnVector, tempMatrix);

            //set diagonal to 0
            tempMatrix = tempMatrix.Subtract(CreateMatrix.DenseIdentity <double>(NeuronsCount, NeuronsCount));

            // add pattern
            Memory = Memory + tempMatrix;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Objective model with a user supplied jacobian for non-linear least squares regression.
        /// </summary>
        public static IObjectiveModel NonlinearModel(Func <Vector <double>, double, double> function,
                                                     Func <Vector <double>, double, Vector <double> > derivatives,
                                                     Vector <double> observedX, Vector <double> observedY, Vector <double> weight = null)
            Vector <double> func(Vector <double> point, Vector <double> x)
                var functionValues = CreateVector.Dense <double>(x.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++)
                    functionValues[i] = function(point, x[i]);


            Matrix <double> prime(Vector <double> point, Vector <double> x)
                var derivativeValues = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(x.Count, point.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < x.Count; i++)
                    derivativeValues.SetRow(i, derivatives(point, x[i]));


            var objective = new NonlinearObjectiveFunction(func, prime);

            objective.SetObserved(observedX, observedY, weight);
Beispiel #22
    //Called after gathering training data
    public Vector <double>[] Solve(double[,] X, double[,] yArray)
        //Solve matrix to generate weights for runtime calibration

        double[]          y     = new double[yArray.GetLength(0)];
        Vector <double>[] theta = new Vector <double> [yArray.GetLength(1)];

        //Process each collum one by one
        for (int i = 0; i < yArray.GetLength(1); i++)
            //Clone raw data to manipulate
            double[,] Xclone = X.Clone() as double[, ];

            //Disable channels not used for this solve
            Xclone = DisableChannels(Xclone, ActiveSensors, i);

            Matrix <double> XMatrix = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray(Xclone);

            RemoveChannels temp = RemoveEmptyChannels(XMatrix);
            XMatrix = temp.ReducedMatrix;
            //Get a solution vector
            y = getCollumn(yArray, i);
            Matrix <double> tempMat = XMatrix;

            //Perform Regression fit
            Vector <double> yVector = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(y);
            theta[i] = MultipleRegression.Svd <double>(tempMat, yVector);

            //Add removed collumns
            theta[i] = PadArray(temp.usedCol, theta[i]);

Beispiel #23
        public void GetGlobalKeepMatrix()
            int NumberOfActiveDOF    = 0;
            int NumberOfAvailableDOF = 0;
            int RowIndex;

            foreach (Element i in Elements)
                NumberOfActiveDOF    += Convert.ToInt32(GetElementStateExistanceVector(i.ElementId).Sum()) / 2;
                NumberOfAvailableDOF += 6;
            Matrix <double> GlobalKeepMatrix = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(NumberOfActiveDOF * 3, NumberOfAvailableDOF * 3);

            foreach (Element i in Elements)
                Vector <double> DOFExist = GetElementStateExistanceVector(i.ElementId);
                RowIndex = 0;
                for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                    if (DOFExist[index] == 1)
                        GlobalKeepMatrix.InsertAtIndex(CreateMatrix.DenseIdentity <double>(3), index * 3, RowIndex);
                        RowIndex += 3;
            this.KeepMatrix = GlobalKeepMatrix;
Beispiel #24
    public Neural(List <float> flatValues)
        nodes   = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length];
        weights = new Matrix <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        biases  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];

        gammaValues  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        deltaWeights = new Matrix <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];
        deltaBiases  = new Vector <float> [nodeSetup.Length - 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeSetup.Length; i++)
            nodes[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < nodeSetup.Length - 1; i++)
            weights[i]      = CreateMatrix.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1], nodeSetup[i]);
            deltaWeights[i] = CreateMatrix.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1], nodeSetup[i]);

            biases[i]      = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);
            deltaBiases[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);
            gammaValues[i] = CreateVector.Dense <float>(nodeSetup[i + 1]);

Beispiel #25
        public void TrainingSet(double[,] x, int[] y)
            if (x.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 < y.Length)
                throw new Exception("You have more labels than training examples!");
            if (x.GetUpperBound(0) + 1 > y.Length)
                throw new Exception("You have more training examples than labels!");

            int cv_size = (int)(0.2 * (x.GetUpperBound(0) + 1));

            double[] _y = new double[y.Length - 2 * cv_size];

            y = (int[])y.Clone();
            X = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray(x);

            Random r = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < X.RowCount - 2; i++)
                int j = r.Next(i, X.RowCount);
                var a = X.Row(i);
                var b = X.Row(j);
                X.SetRow(j, a);
                X.SetRow(i, b);

                int t = y[i];
                y[i] = y[j];
                y[j] = t;

            CV   = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRowVectors(X.Row(0));
            X    = X.RemoveRow(0);
            Test = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRowVectors(X.Row(0));
            X    = X.RemoveRow(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < cv_size - 1; i++)
                CV   = CV.InsertRow(i + 1, X.Row(0));
                X    = X.RemoveRow(0);
                Test = Test.InsertRow(i + 1, X.Row(0));
                X    = X.RemoveRow(0);
            double[] _cvy   = new double[cv_size];
            double[] _testy = new double[cv_size];
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * cv_size; i++)
                _cvy[i / 2]   = y[i++];
                _testy[i / 2] = y[i];
            for (int i = 2 * cv_size; i < y.Length; i++)
                _y[i - 2 * cv_size] = y[i];
            Y     = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(_y);
            CVY   = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(_cvy);
            TestY = CreateVector.DenseOfArray(_testy);
Beispiel #26
        private List <Vector <double> > Normalize(List <Vector <double> > values)
            var columns = CreateMatrix.DenseOfRowVectors(values).EnumerateColumns();
            var mean    = CreateVector.DenseOfEnumerable(columns.Select(Statistics.Mean));
            var std     = CreateVector.DenseOfEnumerable(columns.Select(Statistics.StandardDeviation));

            return(values.Select(v => (v - mean) / std).ToList());
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the local mass matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The local mass matrix</returns>
        private Matrix <double> GetLocalMassMatrix()
            Matrix <double> LocalMassMatrix = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(6, 6);

            LocalMassMatrix.InsertAtIndex(CreateMatrix.DenseIdentity <double>(3) * this.Mass, 0);
            LocalMassMatrix.InsertAtIndex(this.Inertia, 3);
 //Also assumes no D matrix.
 public LinearStateSpaceModel(double[,] AMatrix, double[,] BMatrix,
                              double[,] CMatrix)
     A = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray <double>(AMatrix);
     B = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray <double>(BMatrix);
     C = CreateMatrix.DenseOfArray <double>(CMatrix);
     D = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(0, 0);
 public NeuralNetwork(NeuralNetworkParameters parameters, IContinuousDistribution rng)
     NetworkParameters = parameters;
     HiddenWeights     = CreateMatrix.Random <float>(NetworkParameters.HiddenLayerNeuronCount, NetworkParameters.InputCount, rng);
     HiddenBiases      = CreateVector.Random <float>(NetworkParameters.HiddenLayerNeuronCount, rng);
     OutputWeights     = CreateMatrix.Random <float>(NetworkParameters.OutputCount, NetworkParameters.HiddenLayerNeuronCount, rng);
     OutputBiases      = CreateVector.Random <float>(NetworkParameters.OutputCount, rng);
Beispiel #30
 public Network(int dimension, int numOfEpoch = 100)
     this.numOfEpoch = numOfEpoch;
     Dimension       = dimension;
     NeuronsCount    = Dimension * Dimension;
     MaxPatternCount = (int)(NeuronsCount / 2 * Math.Log(NeuronsCount));
     Memory          = CreateMatrix.Dense <double>(NeuronsCount, NeuronsCount);