public override byte[] PackRequest()
            byte[] request = new byte[25];

            DNP3WriteCommandParameters commandParam = (DNP3WriteCommandParameters)CommandParameters;

            CommandParameters.Length = 18;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBuilder.Build(CommandParameters), 0, request, 0, 10);
            request[10] = commandParam.TransportControl;
            request[11] = commandParam.AplicationControl;
            request[12] = commandParam.FunctionCode;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)commandParam.ObjectTypeField)), 0, request, 13, 2);
            request[15] = commandParam.Qualifier;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(commandParam.RangeField)), 0, request, 16, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(commandParam.Prefix)), 0, request, 18, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToUInt16(commandParam.Value)), 0, request, 20, 2);
            request[22] = 0x00;

            ushort crc1 = 0;

            for (int i = 10; i < 23; i++)
                CrcCalculator.computeCRC(request[i], ref crc1);
            crc1 = (ushort)(~crc1);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(crc1), 0, request, 23, 2);

Beispiel #2
        public void testGetProtocolModeCrc()
            int expected_crc = 0x0414;

            byte[] sample = { (byte)0x83, 0x02, 0x74, 0x01 };
            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc));
Beispiel #3
        public void testReadSiCard6B8()
            int expected_crc = 0x4E0A;

            byte[] sample = { (byte)0xE1, 0x01, 0x08 };
            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc));
Beispiel #4
        public void testAnswerStartupCrc()
            int expected_crc = 0x8B12;

            byte[] sample = { (byte)0xF0, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x4D };
            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc));
Beispiel #5
        public void testGetCardBlocksCrc()
            int expected_crc = 0x1611;

            byte[] sample = { (byte)0x83, 0x02, 0x33, 0x01 };
            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc));
Beispiel #6
        public override byte[] PackRequest()
            byte[] request = new byte[20];

            DNP3ReadCommandParameters commadnParam = (DNP3ReadCommandParameters)CommandParameters;

            CommandParameters.Length = 0x0d; //20 - 2*(2 CRC) - 2 Start - 1 len
            Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBuilder.Build(CommandParameters), 0, request, 0, 10);
            request[10] = commadnParam.TransportControl;
            request[11] = commadnParam.AplicationControl;
            request[12] = commadnParam.FunctionCode;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)commadnParam.ObjectTypeField)), 0, request, 13, 2);
            request[15] = commadnParam.Qualifier;
            request[16] = (byte)commadnParam.RangeField;
            request[17] = (byte)commadnParam.RangeField;
            ushort crc = 0;

            for (int i = 10; i < 18; i++)
                CrcCalculator.computeCRC(request[i], ref crc);
            crc = (ushort)(~crc);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(crc), 0, request, 18, 2);

Beispiel #7
        public void testReadSiCard8B0()
            int expected_crc = 0xE209;

            byte[] sample = { (byte)0xEF, 0x01, 0x00 };
            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc));
Beispiel #8
        public static byte[] getSwappedCrc(byte[] chunk)
            var crc32    = new CrcCalculator();
            var crc      = crc32.GetCRC32(chunk);
            var crcArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(crc);

Beispiel #9
        public static uint calc_crc(string filename)
            var b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(filename);

            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                b[i] = (byte)(~filename[i] & 0xff);
            return(CrcCalculator.CaclulateCRC32(b) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Beispiel #10
 public void testReadSiCard8Bx()
     int[]  expected_crc = { 0xE609, 0xE709, 0xE409, 0xE509 };
     byte[] sample_byte  = { 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 };
     for (int i = 0; i < expected_crc.Length; i++)
         byte[] sample = { (byte)0xEF, 0x01, sample_byte[i] };
         Assert.AreEqual((object)CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (expected_crc[i]),
                         "CRC failed on Block " + sample_byte[i]);
Beispiel #11
 public void testReadSiCard6Bx()
     int[]  expected_crc = { 0x460A, 0x440A, 0x450A, 0x420A, 0x430A, 0x400A, 0x410A };
     byte[] sample_byte  = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 };
     for (int i = 0; i < expected_crc.Length; i++)
         byte[] sample = { (byte)0xE1, 0x01, sample_byte[i] };
         Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), (object)(expected_crc[i]),
                         "CRC failed on Block " + sample_byte[i]);
Beispiel #12
        public void TestSampleCRC()
            byte[] sample =
                0x53, 0x00, 0x05, 0x01,
                0x0F, 0xB5, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x1E, 0x08
            int expected_crc = 0x2C12;

            Assert.AreEqual(CrcCalculator.Crc(sample), expected_crc);
Beispiel #13
        public TelloCommand Read(byte[] data)
            EndianBinaryReader reader   = new EndianBinaryReader(data);
            Stream             inStream = reader.BaseSteam;

            byte[] header = reader.ReadBytes(3);
            inStream.Position = 0;

            byte fid = reader.ReadByte();

            ushort size = (ushort)(reader.ReadUInt16() >> 3);

            if (size < 11)
                throw new TelloException(
                          $"Packet too small, expected at least {size}.");
            byte crc8     = reader.ReadByte();
            byte calcCrc8 = CrcCalculator.Crc8(header);

            if (crc8 != calcCrc8)
                throw new TelloException(
                          $"CRC8 mismatch, {crc8:x} != {calcCrc8:x}.");

            byte   packetType = reader.ReadByte();
            ushort commandId  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort sequenceId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort dataSize   = (ushort)(size - HeaderSize);

            byte[] messageData = reader.ReadBytes(dataSize);
            ushort crc16       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            long   pos         = inStream.Position;

            inStream.Position = 0;
            byte[] crc16Data = reader.ReadBytes(size - 2);
            inStream.Position = pos;
            ushort calcCrc16 = CrcCalculator.Crc16(crc16Data);

            if (crc16 != calcCrc16)
                throw new TelloException(
                          $"CRC16 mismatch, {crc16:x} != {calcCrc16:x}.");

            return(new TelloCommand(packetType, (TelloCommandId)commandId, sequenceId, messageData));
        override public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)

            int readCount = 0;

            // We should calculate CRC accumulatively for the following conditions
            // 1. Seek is not supported by the underlying stream: this will be the case for
            //      writing stream in streaming mode
            // 2. This write request is consequtive to the highwater mark of the CRC calculation
            // 3. This write request is at 0 offset and the CRC hasn't been calculated yet
            if (!_underlyingStream.CanSeek)                   // Case #1
                readCount = _underlyingStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
                CrcCalculator.Accumulate(buffer, offset, readCount);
                long originalPosition = _underlyingStream.Position;

                readCount = _underlyingStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);

                // This operation needs to be done after Read since read can throw an exception; in that case
                //  we want to preserve the original CRC
                if (originalPosition == 0 && _highWaterMark == -1)
                    _highWaterMark = 0;

                if (originalPosition == _highWaterMark)
                    CrcCalculator.Accumulate(buffer, offset, readCount);
                    _highWaterMark = _underlyingStream.Position;

                if (_validateCrcWithExpectedCrc && CanValidateCrcWithoutRead())
                    if (CrcCalculator.Crc != _expectedCrc)
                        throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.CorruptedData));

        override public void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)

            // We should calculate CRC accumulatively for the following conditions
            // 1. Seek is not supported by the underlying stream: this will be the case for
            //      writing stream in streaming mode
            // 2. This write request is consequtive to the highwater mark of the CRC calculation
            // 3. This write request is at 0 offset and the CRC hasn't been calculated yet
            if (!_underlyingStream.CanSeek)                   // Case #1
                _underlyingStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
                CrcCalculator.Accumulate(buffer, offset, count);
                long originalPosition = _underlyingStream.Position;

                // If we ever fail to Write below _highWaterMark, we want CRC to be recalculated in case
                //  if a caller decides to recover from the error
                if (originalPosition < _highWaterMark)
                    _highWaterMark = -1;

                _underlyingStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);

                if (originalPosition == 0)
                    _highWaterMark = 0;

                if (originalPosition == _highWaterMark)
                    CrcCalculator.Accumulate(buffer, offset, count);
                    _highWaterMark = _underlyingStream.Position;

            // CRC cannot be checked against the to-be-validated CRC anymore
            _validateCrcWithExpectedCrc = false;

            // mark the global dirty flag
            _blockManager.DirtyFlag = true;
Beispiel #16
        public void ProcessPhotonData(byte[] payload)
            if (payload.Length < PhotonHeaderLength)

            TickCount = Environment.TickCount;
            //TickCount = 146722234;

            int offset = 0;

            NumberDeserializer.Deserialize(out short peerId, payload, ref offset);
            ReadByte(out byte flags, payload, ref offset);
            ReadByte(out byte commandCount, payload, ref offset);
            NumberDeserializer.Deserialize(out int timestamp, payload, ref offset);
            NumberDeserializer.Deserialize(out int challenge, payload, ref offset);

            bool isEncrypted  = flags == 1;
            bool isCrcEnabled = flags == 0xCC;

            if (isEncrypted)
                // Encrypted packages are not supported

            if (isCrcEnabled)
                int ignoredOffset = 0;
                NumberDeserializer.Deserialize(out int crc, payload, ref ignoredOffset);
                NumberSerializer.Serialize(0, payload, ref offset);

                if (crc != CrcCalculator.Calculate(payload, payload.Length))
                    // Invalid crc

            for (int commandIdx = 0; commandIdx < commandCount; commandIdx++)
                HandleCommand(payload, ref offset);
Beispiel #17
        public byte[] Write(TelloCommand command, ushort seqId)
            int                size      = command.Data.Length + HeaderSize;
            MemoryStream       outStream = new MemoryStream();
            EndianBinaryWriter writer    = EndianBinaryWriter.FromStream(outStream, true);

            writer.Write((ushort)size << 3);
            if (command.Data != null)
Beispiel #18
        public byte[] Build(DNP3CommandParameters param)
            byte[] header = new byte[10];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)param.Start)), 0, header, 0, 2);
            header[2] = param.Length;
            header[3] = param.Control;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)param.Destination), 0, header, 4, 2);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)param.Source), 0, header, 6, 2);
            ushort crc = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                CrcCalculator.computeCRC(header[i], ref crc);
            crc = (ushort)(~crc);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes((short)crc), 0, header, 8, 2);

        public override Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> PareseResponse(byte[] response)
            if (!CrcCalculator.CheckCRC(response))

            byte[] dataObjects = MessagesHelper.GetResponseDataObjects(response);
            var    index       = (ushort)BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataObjects, 5);
            var    value       = BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataObjects, 7);

            Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> retVal = new Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint>();
            AnalogPoint point = new AnalogPoint();

            point.Index        = index;
            point.Value        = value;
            point.RegisterType = RegisterType.ANALOG_OUTPUT;
            retVal.Add(new Tuple <RegisterType, int>(RegisterType.ANALOG_OUTPUT, point.Index), point);

Beispiel #20
        public override Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> PareseResponse(byte[] response)
            if (!CrcCalculator.CheckCRC(response))

            byte[] dataObjects = MessagesHelper.GetResponseDataObjects(response);

            Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> retVal = new Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint>();
            DiscretePoint point = new DiscretePoint();

            point.Index = (ushort)BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataObjects, 5);
            byte controlCode = dataObjects[7];

            point.Value = controlCode == 0x81 ? 0 : 1;

            retVal.Add(new Tuple <RegisterType, int>(RegisterType.BINARY_OUTPUT, point.Index), point);

Beispiel #21
        public override byte[] PackRequest()
            byte[] message = new byte[15];

            DNP3ConfirmCommandParamters commandParam = (DNP3ConfirmCommandParamters)CommandParameters;

            CommandParameters.Length = 0x08;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(headerBuilder.Build(CommandParameters), 0, message, 0, 10);
            message[10] = commandParam.TransportControl;
            message[11] = commandParam.AplicationControl;
            message[12] = commandParam.FunctionCode;

            ushort crc = 0;

            for (int i = 10; i < 13; i++)
                CrcCalculator.computeCRC(message[i], ref crc);
            crc = (ushort)(~crc);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(crc), 0, message, 13, 2);

        // Internal Methods

        // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        // This method doesn't preserve the seek position of the underlying stream.
        // It (non-preservation of the seek pointer) is mostly done for compression
        // scenarios in which seeking back in the compressed streams will result in
        // switching to the expensive simulation stream. This method is only called
        // from scenarios during Flush Close of the package where position of the
        // Compressed stream is insignificant
        internal UInt32 CalculateCrc()

            if (_underlyingStream.CanSeek)
                long originalPosition = _underlyingStream.Position;

                if (_highWaterMark == -1)
                    _highWaterMark = 0;

                if (_highWaterMark < _underlyingStream.Length)
                    _underlyingStream.Position = _highWaterMark;
                    _highWaterMark = _underlyingStream.Length;

Beispiel #23
        public override Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> PareseResponse(byte[] response)
            if (!CrcCalculator.CheckCRC(response))

            byte[] dataObjects = MessagesHelper.GetResponseDataObjects(response);

            Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint> retVal = new Dictionary <Tuple <RegisterType, int>, BasePoint>();

                int typeFieldPosition  = 0;
                int startIndexPosition = 3;
                int stopIndexPosition  = 4;

                int len        = dataObjects.Length;
                int lastRange  = 0;
                int pointTypes = 0;
                while (len > 0)
                    ushort typeField     = (ushort)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((short)BitConverter.ToUInt16(dataObjects, typeFieldPosition));
                    byte   startIndex    = dataObjects[startIndexPosition];
                    byte   stopIndex     = dataObjects[stopIndexPosition];
                    int    numberOfItems = stopIndex - startIndex + 1;
                    int    range         = 5; //type(2) + qual + satrt + stop index

                    switch (typeField)
                    case (ushort)TypeField.BINARY_INPUT_PACKED_FORMAT:
                    case (ushort)TypeField.BINARY_OUTPUT_PACKED_FORMAT:
                        pointTypes += 1;
                        range      += numberOfItems % 8 == 0 ? numberOfItems / 8 : numberOfItems / 8 + 1;
                        byte[] binaryObject = new byte[range];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(dataObjects, lastRange, binaryObject, 0, range);
                        ParseBinaryObject(binaryObject, typeField, ref retVal);
                        lastRange += range;

                    case (ushort)TypeField.ANALOG_OUTPUT_STATUS_16BIT:
                        pointTypes += 1;
                        range      += numberOfItems * 3;
                        byte[] analogObject = new byte[range];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(dataObjects, lastRange, analogObject, 0, range);
                        ParseAnalogOutputObject(analogObject, typeField, ref retVal);
                        lastRange += range;

                    case (ushort)TypeField.ANALOG_INPUT_16BIT:
                        pointTypes += 1;
                        range      += numberOfItems * 2;
                        byte[] analogObject = new byte[range];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(dataObjects, lastRange, analogObject, 0, range);
                        ParseAnalogInputObject(analogObject, typeField, ref retVal);
                        lastRange += range;
                    len -= range;
                    typeFieldPosition  += range;
                    startIndexPosition += range;
                    stopIndexPosition  += range;
                    if (pointTypes == 4)
            catch { }

 public SimpleCrcInputStream(IAsyncSimpleInputStream <byte> @base, CrcCalculator <T> crcCalculator, bool leaveBaseUndisposed = false) :
     base(@base, leaveBaseUndisposed)
     CrcCalculator = crcCalculator;
Beispiel #25
 public CrcCalculator <T> CreateCalculator()
     return(CrcCalculator.Create <T>(this));
 void Start()
     crcCalculator = new CrcCalculator(CrcPolynomialDivisor);
     UdpNetworkManager.Instance.OnReceiveData += ReceiveData;