static void LoadDatabase()
            // Load the data into the database
            using (CoursesContainer ctx = new CoursesContainer()) {
                Course course1 = new Course()
                    CourseCode = "QAEDNF", Description = ".NET Enterprise Development", DaysDuration = 5

                PublicRun run1 = new PublicRun()
                    Course = course1, StartDate = DateTime.Today, VMImage = "EDNF Image", RoomCapacity = 12


                Person fred = new Person()
                    Name = new Name()
                        FirstName = "Fred", LastName = "Flintstone"
                    Address = new Address()
                        Line1 = "1 Pall Mall", Town = "London", Postcode = "ER1"
                Person wilma = new Person()
                    Name = new Name()
                        FirstName = "Wilma", LastName = "Flintstone"
                    Address = new Address()
                        Line1 = "2 Pall Mall", Town = "London", Postcode = "ER1"
                Person barney = new Person()
                    Name = new Name()
                        FirstName = "Barney", LastName = "Rubble"
                    Address = new Address()
                        Line1 = "3 Pall Mall", Town = "London", Postcode = "ER1"


        private static void ListAllPeopleRegisteredForQAEDNF()
            // Read it out from ModelFirst
            using (CoursesContainer ctx = new CoursesContainer()) {
                var query = from cr in ctx.CourseRuns
                            where cr.Course.CourseCode == "QAEDNF"
                            select cr.People;

                foreach (var q in query)
                    foreach (var p in q)
                        Console.WriteLine(p.Name.FirstName + " " + p.Name.LastName);