public ActionResult Details(int id)
            #region Logic Here

             * Dispaly the course with drop downlist of its instructors

            var course = unit.CourseManager.GetById(id);

            // get the instructors who teach this course
            var instructorId = course.InstructorCourses.Where(a => a.Fk_CourseID == id).
                               Select(a => a.Fk_InstructorId).ToList();
            var instructors = ctx.Instructors.Where(a => instructorId.Contains(a.Id));

            CourseInstructorVM courseVM = new CourseInstructorVM
                CourseId            = course.Id,
                CourseName          = course.Name,
                CourseCode          = course.Code,
                CourseHours         = course.Hours,
                CourseHasInstructor = course.HasInstructor,
                Instructors         = new SelectList(items: instructors,
                                                     dataValueField: "Name",
                                                     dataTextField: "Name",
                                                     selectedValue: instructors)

        public ActionResult AssignCourseToInstructor(int id)
            Course            course      = unit.CourseManager.GetById(id);
            List <Instructor> instructors = unit.InstructorManager.GetAllBind();

            CourseInstructorVM courseVM = new CourseInstructorVM
                CourseId    = course.Id,
                CourseName  = course.Name,
                Instructors = new SelectList(items: instructors,
                                             dataValueField: "Id",
                                             dataTextField: "Name",
                                             selectedValue: instructors)

        public ActionResult AssignCourseToInstructor(CourseInstructorVM courseInstructorVM)
            // get entities
            var course           = ctx.Courses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == courseInstructorVM.CourseId);
            var instructor       = ctx.Instructors.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == courseInstructorVM.InstructorId);
            var InstructorCourse = courseInstructorVM.InstructorCourse;

            // Make them equal to Zero because it always sent as "NULL"
            InstructorCourse.Fk_CourseID     = 0;
            InstructorCourse.Fk_InstructorId = 0;

            course.HasInstructor             = true;
            InstructorCourse.Fk_InstructorId = instructor.Id;
            InstructorCourse.Fk_CourseID     = course.Id;


Beispiel #4
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            var instructor = unit.InstructorManager.GetById(id);

            // get the course who is teached this instructor
            var courseId = instructor.InstructorCourses.Where(a => a.Fk_InstructorId == id).
                           Select(a => a.Fk_CourseID).ToList();
            var courses = ctx.Courses.Where(a => courseId.Contains(a.Id));

            CourseInstructorVM courseVM = new CourseInstructorVM
                InstructorId    = instructor.Id,
                InstructorName  = instructor.Name,
                InstructorDept  = instructor.Department,
                InstructorMail  = instructor.Mail,
                InstructorPhone = instructor.Phone,
                Courses         = new SelectList(items: courses,
                                                 dataValueField: "Name",
                                                 dataTextField: "Name",
                                                 selectedValue: courses)
