Beispiel #1
 public void Simple()
     var visitor = new CountingVisitor<double>();
     var vector = new VectorN(2);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating whether this graph is weakly connected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if this graph is weakly connected; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"><see cref="IsDirected"/> is <c>true</c>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="Graph{T}"/> is empty.</exception>
        /// <example>
        /// <code source="..\..\NGenerics.Examples\DataStructures\General\GraphExamples.cs" region="IsStronglyConnected" lang="cs" title="The following example shows how to use the IsStronglyConnected method."/>
        /// </example>
        public bool IsStronglyConnected()
            #region Validation

            if (_graphIsDirected)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This operation is only valid on a directed graph. For undirected graphs, rather test for weak connectedness.");

            if (_graphVertices.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(GraphIsEmpty);


            var countingVisitor = new CountingVisitor <Vertex <T> >();

            foreach (var vertex in _graphVertices.Keys)
                BreadthFirstTraversal(countingVisitor, vertex);

                if (countingVisitor.Count != _graphVertices.Count)


Beispiel #3
 public void AcceptExample()
     var visitor = new CountingVisitor<double>();
     var vector3D = new Vector3D();
     Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #4
        public void when_reading_assemblies_from_different_platforms_then_succeeds()
            var metro = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoMetro\bin\DemoMetro.dll").FullName;
            var sl    = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoSilverlight\bin\DemoSilverlight.dll").FullName;
            var wp    = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoPhone\bin\DemoPhone.dll").FullName;
            var clr   = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoProject\bin\DemoProject.dll").FullName;

            var countMetro = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-metro");
            var countSl    = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-sl");
            var countWp    = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-wp");
            var countClr   = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-net");


            Assert.Equal(countMetro.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);

            Assert.Equal(countMetro.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);

            Assert.Equal(countMetro.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
Beispiel #5
        public void DepthFirstTraversalExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance.
            var graph = new Graph <int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph.
            var vertex1 = graph.AddVertex(1);
            var vertex2 = graph.AddVertex(2);
            var vertex3 = graph.AddVertex(3);

            // Add edges between the vertices.
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex3);

            // Create a new counting visitor, which will keep track
            // of the number of objects that are visited.
            var countingVisitor = new CountingVisitor <Vertex <int> >();

            // Define in which order the objects should be visited -
            // we choose to do a pre-order traversal, however, you can
            // also choose to visit post-order.  Note that In-Order is
            // only available on Binary Trees, and not defined on graphs.
            var orderedVisitor = new PreOrderVisitor <Vertex <int> >(countingVisitor);

            // Perform a depth first traversal on the graph with
            // the ordered visitor, starting from node vertex1.
            graph.DepthFirstTraversal(orderedVisitor, vertex1);

            // The visitor will have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, countingVisitor.Count);
Beispiel #6
        public void BreadthFirstTraversalExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance
            var graph = new Graph <int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph
            var vertex1 = graph.AddVertex(1);
            var vertex2 = graph.AddVertex(2);
            var vertex3 = graph.AddVertex(3);

            // Add edges between the vertices
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex3);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex3);

            // Create a counting visitor.  The counting
            // visitor will keep track of the number of
            // items on which Accept was called.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <Vertex <int> >();

            // Perform a breadth first traversal of the graph,
            // starting at vertex vertex1.
            graph.BreadthFirstTraversal(visitor, vertex1);

            // The visitor will have visited three vertices.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #7
        public void when_reading_assembly_then_succeeds()
            var clr = new FileInfo(@"DemoProject.dll").FullName;

            var countClr = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-net");

Beispiel #8
        public void Simple()
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <double>();
            var vector  = new VectorN(2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #9
        public void AcceptExample()
            var visitor  = new CountingVisitor <double>();
            var vector3D = new Vector3D();

            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #10
        private void PrintElementCounts(Shape rootShape)
            var elementCounts = new CountingVisitor();


            Console.WriteLine("Circles: {0}, Rectangles: {1}, Composites: {2}",
                              elementCounts.Circles, elementCounts.Rectangles, elementCounts.Composites);
        public void AcceptExample()
            var matrix = new ObjectMatrix<double>(2, 2);
            matrix[0, 0] = -2;
            matrix[0, 1] = 3;
            matrix[1, 0] = 4;
            matrix[1, 1] = 6;
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor<double>();


            Assert.AreEqual(4, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value indicating whether this graph is weakly connected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if this graph is weakly connected; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="Graph{T}"/> is empty.</exception>
        /// <example>
        /// <code source="..\..\NGenerics.Examples\DataStructures\General\GraphExamples.cs" region="IsWeaklyConnected" lang="cs" title="The following example shows how to use the IsWeaklyConnected method."/>
        /// </example>
        public bool IsWeaklyConnected()
            if (_graphVertices.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(GraphIsEmpty);

            var countingVisitor = new CountingVisitor <Vertex <T> >();

            BreadthFirstTraversal(countingVisitor, GetAnyVertex());

            return(countingVisitor.Count == _graphVertices.Count);
Beispiel #13
        public void AcceptExample()
            var matrix = new ObjectMatrix <double>(2, 2);

            matrix[0, 0] = -2;
            matrix[0, 1] = 3;
            matrix[1, 0] = 4;
            matrix[1, 1] = 6;
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <double>();


            Assert.AreEqual(4, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #14
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var heap = new Heap<string>(HeapType.Minimum) {"cat", "dog", "canary"};

            // There should be 3 items in the heap.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, heap.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the heap.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor<string>();

            // Make heap call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #15
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var skipList = new SkipList<string, int> {{"cat", 1}, {"dog", 2}, {"canary", 3}};

            // There should be 3 items in the SkipList.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, skipList.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the skipList.
            var visitor =new CountingVisitor<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();

            // Make the skipList call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var tree = new RedBlackTree<string, int> {{"cat", 1}, {"dog", 2}, {"canary", 3}};

            // There should be 3 items in the tree.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the tree.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();

            // Make the tree call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #17
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var sortedList = new SortedList <string> {
                "cat", "dog", "canary"

            // There should be 3 items in the sortedList.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, sortedList.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the sortedList.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <string>();

            // Make sortedList tree call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #18
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var heap = new Heap <string>(HeapType.Minimum)
                "cat", "dog", "canary"

            // There should be 3 items in the heap.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, heap.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the heap.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <string>();

            // Make heap call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<string, int>(PriorityQueueType.Minimum);

            // There should be 3 items in the priorityQueue.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, priorityQueue.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the priorityQueue.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor<string>();

            // Make priorityQueue call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #20
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var deque = new Deque<string>();

            // There should be 3 items in the deque.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, deque.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the deque.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor<string>();

            // Make deque call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #21
        public void AcceptExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance
            var graph = new Graph <int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph

            // Create a counting visitor.  The counting
            // visitor will keep track of the number of
            // items on which Accept was called.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <int>();

            // Let the visitor in the door

            // The visitor will have visited three vertices.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #22
        public void AcceptExample()
            // Create a sample PascalSet instance
            var set = new PascalSet(100);

            // Set a couple of values in the PascalSet
            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i += 10)

            // Create a counting visitor that will count the number of
            // items visited.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <int>();

            // Open up the door for the visitor

            // The visitor will have visited 10 items
            Assert.AreEqual(visitor.Count, 10);
Beispiel #23
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue <string, int>(PriorityQueueType.Minimum);


            // There should be 3 items in the priorityQueue.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, priorityQueue.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the priorityQueue.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor <string>();

            // Make priorityQueue call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            var circularQueue = new CircularQueue <string>(10);


            // There should be 3 items in the circularQueue.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, circularQueue.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the circularQueue.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor <string>();

            // Make circularQueue call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #25
        public void AcceptExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance
            var graph = new Graph<int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph

            // Create a counting visitor.  The counting
            // visitor will keep track of the number of
            // items on which Accept was called.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor<int>();

            // Let the visitor in the door

            // The visitor will have visited three vertices.
            Assert.AreEqual(visitor.Count, 3);
Beispiel #26
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            // Create a Bag
            var bag = new Bag<string>

            // There should be 3 items in the bag.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, bag.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the bag.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor<string>();

            // Make bag call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            BinarySearchTreeBase <string, int> tree = new BinarySearchTree <string, int>
                { "cat", 1 },
                { "dog", 2 },
                { "canary", 3 }

            // There should be 3 items in the tree.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, tree.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the tree.
            var visitor =
                new CountingVisitor <KeyValuePair <string, int> >();

            // Make the tree call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #28
        public void AcceptVisitorExample()
            // Create a Bag
            var bag = new Bag <string>

            // There should be 3 items in the bag.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, bag.Count);

            // Create a visitor that will simply count the items in the bag.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor <string>();

            // Make bag call IVisitor<T>.Visit on all items contained.
            bag.AcceptVisitor <string>(visitor);

            // The counting visitor would have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, visitor.Count);
Beispiel #29
        public void when_reading_assemblies_from_different_platforms_then_succeeds()
            var metro = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoMetro\bin\DemoMetro.dll").FullName;
            var sl = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoSilverlight\bin\DemoSilverlight.dll").FullName;
            var wp = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoPhone\bin\DemoPhone.dll").FullName;
            var clr = new FileInfo(@"..\..\..\Demo\DemoProject\bin\DemoProject.dll").FullName;

            var countMetro = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-metro");
            var countSl = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-sl");
            var countWp = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-wp");
            var countClr = new CountingVisitor("NuDoq-net");


            Assert.Equal(countMetro.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.TypeCount, countClr.TypeCount);

            Assert.Equal(countMetro.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.ElementCount, countClr.ElementCount);

            Assert.Equal(countMetro.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
            Assert.Equal(countSl.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
            Assert.Equal(countWp.ContainerCount, countClr.ContainerCount);
Beispiel #30
        public void DepthFirstTraversalExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance.
            var graph = new Graph<int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph.
            var vertex1 = graph.AddVertex(1);
            var vertex2 = graph.AddVertex(2);
            var vertex3 = graph.AddVertex(3);

            // Add edges between the vertices.
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex3);

            // Create a new counting visitor, which will keep track
            // of the number of objects that are visited.
            var countingVisitor = new CountingVisitor<Vertex<int>>();

            // Define in which order the objects should be visited -
            // we choose to do a pre-order traversal, however, you can
            // also choose to visit post-order.  Note that In-Order is
            // only available on Binary Trees, and not defined on graphs.
            var orderedVisitor = new PreOrderVisitor<Vertex<int>>(countingVisitor);

            // Perform a depth first traversal on the graph with
            // the ordered visitor, starting from node vertex1.
            graph.DepthFirstTraversal(orderedVisitor, vertex1);

            // The visitor will have visited 3 items.
            Assert.AreEqual(countingVisitor.Count, 3);
Beispiel #31
        public void BreadthFirstTraversalExample()
            // Initialize a new graph instance
            var graph = new Graph<int>(true);

            // Add three vertices to the graph
            var vertex1 = graph.AddVertex(1);
            var vertex2 = graph.AddVertex(2);
            var vertex3 = graph.AddVertex(3);

            // Add edges between the vertices
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex3);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex3);

            // Create a counting visitor.  The counting
            // visitor will keep track of the number of
            // items on which Accept was called.
            var visitor = new CountingVisitor<Vertex<int>>();

            // Perform a breadth first traversal of the graph,
            // starting at vertex vertex1.
            graph.BreadthFirstTraversal(visitor, vertex1);

            // The visitor will have visited three vertices.
            Assert.AreEqual(visitor.Count, 3);