Beispiel #1
 public Models.Subscription CreatCorporateSubs(CorporApplicant a, int n, SubDuration s)
     Models.Subscription subcorp = new Models.Subscription {
         App2 = a, NumberOfCopies = n, SubDuration = s
Beispiel #2
 public SubscriptionCorpVM()
     App2                 = new CorporApplicant();
     subcatalog           = new SubscriptionCatalog();
     appcatalog           = new ApplicantCatalog();
     makeSubscriptioncorp = new RelayCommand(MakeNewSubscription);
     clean                = new ObjectClean();
     List                 = new ObservableCollection <Subscription>();
        private void MakeNewSubscription(object obj)
            string          name   = Name;
            string          add    = Address;
            string          email  = Email;
            string          phone  = Phone;
            string          title  = Title;
            string          mstop  = MailStop;
            string          cd     = CompanyDepartment;
            int             nocopy = NumberOfCopies;
            SubDuration     subdur = SubDuration;
            CorporApplicant app    = appcatalog.CreateCorpApplicant(name, add, email, phone, title, mstop, cd);

            Models.Subscription sub = subcatalog.CreatCorporateSubs(app, nocopy, subdur);
Beispiel #4
        //  make a method to create corporate Applicant
        public CorporApplicant CreateCorpApplicant(string n, string address, string email, string ph, string title,
                                                   string mailStop, string companyDep)
            appList = new List <Applicant>();
            CorporApplicant app2 = new CorporApplicant
                Name              = n,
                Address           = address,
                Email             = email,
                Phone             = ph,
                Title             = title,
                MailStop          = mailStop,
                CompanyDepartment = companyDep

        //  make a method to create corporate Applicant
        public CorporApplicant CreateCorpApplicant(string n, string address, string email, string ph, string title,
                                                   string mailStop, string companyDep, string password)
            appList = new ObservableCollection <Applicant>();
            CorporApplicant app2 = new CorporApplicant
                Name              = n,
                Address           = address,
                Email             = email,
                Phone             = ph,
                Title             = title,
                MailStop          = mailStop,
                CompanyDepartment = companyDep,
                Password          = password
