Beispiel #1
        public static bool PointIsOnAxisAlignedSegment(LineSegment l, Core.Geometry.Point p)
            if ((int)l.Start.X == (int)l.End.X && (int)l.Start.X == (int)p.X)
                if (l.Start.Y < l.End.Y && l.Start.Y <= p.Y && p.Y <= l.End.Y)
                if (l.Start.Y > l.End.Y && l.Start.Y >= p.Y && p.Y >= l.End.Y)

            if ((int)l.Start.Y == (int)l.End.Y && (int)l.Start.Y == (int)p.Y)
                if (l.Start.X < l.End.X && l.Start.X <= p.X && p.X <= l.End.X)
                if (l.Start.X > l.End.X && l.Start.X >= p.X && p.X >= l.End.X)
        /*Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm
         * INPUT: A set of points P in sequence and a tolerance value
         * OUTPUT: A simplified chain after removing some of the points from P
        public static void PolygonalChainSimplification(Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Geometry.Point[] PointList, int start, int end, double epsilon)
            // Find the point with the maximum distance
            double dmax = 0, d = 0;
            int    index = 0;

            for (int i = start + 1; i <= end - 1; i++)
                d = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(PointList[start], PointList[end], PointList[i]);
                if (d > dmax)
                    index = i;
                    dmax  = d;

            // If max distance is greater than epsilon, recursively simplify
            if (dmax > epsilon)
                // Recursive call
                PolygonalChainSimplification(PointList, start, index, epsilon);
                PolygonalChainSimplification(PointList, index, end, epsilon);
                for (int i = start + 1; i <= end - 1; i++)
                    PointList[i] = new Core.Geometry.Point(-1, -1);
        public static bool PointIsOnAxisAlignedSegment(LineSegment l, Core.Geometry.Point p)
            if ((int)l.Start.X == (int)l.End.X && (int)l.Start.X == (int)p.X)
                if (l.Start.Y < l.End.Y && l.Start.Y <= p.Y && p.Y <= l.End.Y)
                if (l.Start.Y > l.End.Y && l.Start.Y >= p.Y && p.Y >= l.End.Y)

            if ((int)l.Start.Y == (int)l.End.Y && (int)l.Start.Y == (int)p.Y)
                if (l.Start.X < l.End.X && l.Start.X <= p.X && p.X <= l.End.X)
                if (l.Start.X > l.End.X && l.Start.X >= p.X && p.X >= l.End.X)

             * double AB =  Math.Sqrt((l.Start.X - l.End.X)*(l.Start.X - l.End.X) + (l.Start.Y - l.End.Y)*(l.Start.Y - l.End.Y));
             * double AP = Math.Sqrt((l.Start.X - p.X) * (l.Start.X - p.X) + (l.Start.Y - p.Y) * (l.Start.Y - p.Y));
             * double PB = Math.Sqrt((p.X - l.End.X) * (p.X - l.End.X) + (p.Y - l.End.Y) * (p.Y - l.End.Y));
             * if (AB == AP + PB) return true;*/
Beispiel #4
        public static bool PointIsOnSegment(LineSegment l, Core.Geometry.Point p)
            double AB = Math.Sqrt((l.Start.X - l.End.X) * (l.Start.X - l.End.X) + (l.Start.Y - l.End.Y) * (l.Start.Y - l.End.Y));
            double AP = Math.Sqrt((l.Start.X - p.X) * (l.Start.X - p.X) + (l.Start.Y - p.Y) * (l.Start.Y - p.Y));
            double PB = Math.Sqrt((p.X - l.End.X) * (p.X - l.End.X) + (p.Y - l.End.Y) * (p.Y - l.End.Y));

            if (AB < (AP + PB + .0001) && (AP + PB - .0001) < AB)
        private static double GetFacewidth(List <Vertex> face)
            int index = 0;

            LineSegment[] segments = new LineSegment[face.Count];
            Vertex[,] segmentVertices = new Vertex[face.Count, 2];
            Vertex initialVertex = null, oldVertex = null;

            Core.Geometry.Point u1, u2;
            foreach (var boundaryVertex in face)
                if (oldVertex == null)
                    initialVertex = oldVertex = boundaryVertex;
                u1 = new Core.Geometry.Point(boundaryVertex.XLoc, boundaryVertex.YLoc);
                u2 = new Core.Geometry.Point(oldVertex.XLoc, oldVertex.YLoc);
                segmentVertices[index, 0] = boundaryVertex;
                segmentVertices[index, 1] = oldVertex;
                segments[index++]         = new LineSegment(u1, u2);
                oldVertex = boundaryVertex;
            u1 = new Core.Geometry.Point(oldVertex.XLoc, oldVertex.YLoc);
            u2 = new Core.Geometry.Point(initialVertex.XLoc, initialVertex.YLoc);
            segmentVertices[index, 0] = initialVertex;
            segmentVertices[index, 1] = oldVertex;
            segments[index]           = new LineSegment(u1, u2);

            double facewidth = Double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < face.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < face.Count; j++)
                    if (i == j)
                    if (segments[i].Start == segments[j].Start || segments[i].End == segments[j].End ||
                        segments[i].End == segments[j].Start || segments[i].Start == segments[j].End)

                    double width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[i, 0], segmentVertices[i, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[j, 0]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[i, 0], segmentVertices[i, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[j, 1]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[j, 0], segmentVertices[j, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[i, 0]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[j, 0], segmentVertices[j, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[i, 1]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
        public static void MsaglStretchAccordingToZoomLevel(Tiling g, Dictionary <int, Node> idToNodes)
            int[,] listNeighbors = new int[20, 3];
            double[] d = new double[10];
            int[]    a = new int[10];
            int[]    b = new int[10];
            Core.Geometry.Point[] p    = new Core.Geometry.Point[10];
            bool localRefinementsFound = true;
            int  iteration             = 8;
            int  offset = iteration * 2;

            a[1] = 1; b[1] = 1; a[2] = 0; b[2] = 1; a[3] = -1; b[3] = 1; a[4] = -1; b[4] = 0;
            a[5] = -1; b[5] = -1; a[6] = 0; b[6] = -1; a[7] = 1; b[7] = -1; a[8] = 1; b[8] = 0; a[9] = 0; b[9] = 0;

            while (localRefinementsFound && iteration > 0)
                localRefinementsFound = false;

                for (int index = g.N; index < g.NumOfnodesBeforeDetour; index++)
                    Vertex w = g.VList[index];

                    int numNeighbors = 0;

                    for (int k = 0; k < g.DegList[w.Id]; k++)
                        if (g.EList[w.Id, k].Used == 0)
                        listNeighbors[numNeighbors, 1] = g.EList[w.Id, k].NodeId;
                        listNeighbors[numNeighbors, 2] = k;

                    if (numNeighbors <= 1)

                    //compute the lowest zoom level among incident rails
                    var lowestZoomLevel = int.MaxValue;
                    for (int index2 = 1; index2 <= numNeighbors; index2++)
                        if (g.EList[index, listNeighbors[index2, 2]].Used < lowestZoomLevel)
                            lowestZoomLevel = g.EList[index, listNeighbors[index2, 2]].Used;

                    //for each possible move
                    for (int counter = 1; counter <= 9; counter++)
                        d[counter] = 0;
                        //find the ink cost of that move
                        for (int k = 1; k <= numNeighbors; k++)
                            //try to stretch the high priority rails
                            if (g.EList[index, listNeighbors[k, 2]].Used != lowestZoomLevel)
                            double length = Math.Sqrt((w.XLoc + a[counter] - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].XLoc) *
                                                      (w.XLoc + a[counter] - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].XLoc)
                                                      (w.YLoc + b[counter] - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].YLoc) *
                                                      (w.YLoc + b[counter] - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].YLoc)
                            if (length < .5)
                                length = 1000;

                            d[counter] += length;

                        p[counter] = new Core.Geometry.Point(a[counter], b[counter]);
                    Array.Sort(d, p);

                    for (int counter = 1; counter <= 9; counter++)
                        var mincostA = (int)p[counter].X;
                        var mincostB = (int)p[counter].Y;

                        if (!(mincostA == 0 && mincostB == 0))
                            w.XLoc += mincostA;
                            w.YLoc += mincostB;
                            if (g.GetNodeExceptTheGivenNode(w, w.XLoc, w.YLoc, offset) >= 0 ||
                                g.MsaglGoodResolution(w, listNeighbors, numNeighbors, offset) == false
                                //||g.noCrossings(w) == false
                                w.XLoc -= mincostA;
                                w.YLoc -= mincostB;
                                localRefinementsFound = true;
        public static void MsaglMoveToMedian(Tiling g, Dictionary <int, Node> idToNodes, LgLayoutSettings _lgLayoutSettings)
            //foreach point first produce the crossing candidates.

            //now proceess the movement
            int[,] listNeighbors = new int[20, 3];
            double[] d = new double[10];
            int      a = 0, b = 0;

            Core.Geometry.Point[] p    = new Core.Geometry.Point[10];
            bool localRefinementsFound = true;
            int  iteration             = 10;
            //int offset = iteration * 2;
            int unit = (int)_lgLayoutSettings.NodeSeparation / 2;

            if (_lgLayoutSettings.hugeGraph)
                iteration = 3;
                unit      = (int)_lgLayoutSettings.NodeSeparation;

            while (localRefinementsFound && iteration > 0)
                localRefinementsFound = false;

                for (int index = g.N; index < g.NumOfnodesBeforeDetour; index++)
                    Vertex w = g.VList[index];

                    int numNeighbors = 0;

                    for (int k = 0; k < g.DegList[w.Id]; k++)
                        listNeighbors[numNeighbors, 1] = g.EList[w.Id, k].NodeId;
                        listNeighbors[numNeighbors, 2] = k;

                    if (numNeighbors <= 1)

                    for (int counter = 1; counter <= 9; counter++)
                        d[counter] = 0;

                        if (counter == 1)
                            a = unit; b = unit;
                        if (counter == 2)
                            a = 0; b = unit;
                        if (counter == 3)
                            a = -unit; b = unit;
                        if (counter == 4)
                            a = -unit; b = 0;
                        if (counter == 5)
                            a = -unit; b = -unit;
                        if (counter == 6)
                            a = 0; b = -unit;
                        if (counter == 7)
                            a = unit; b = -unit;
                        if (counter == 8)
                            a = unit; b = 0;
                        if (counter == 9)
                            a = 0; b = 0;

                        for (int k = 1; k <= numNeighbors; k++)
                            double length = Math.Sqrt((w.XLoc + a - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].XLoc) *
                                                      (w.XLoc + a - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].XLoc)
                                                      (w.YLoc + b - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].YLoc) *
                                                      (w.YLoc + b - g.VList[listNeighbors[k, 1]].YLoc)
                            if (length < 1)
                                length = 1000;

                            d[counter] += length;

                        p[counter] = new Core.Geometry.Point(a, b);
                    Array.Sort(d, p);

                    for (int counter = 1; counter <= 9; counter++)
                        var mincostA = (int)p[counter].X;
                        var mincostB = (int)p[counter].Y;

                        if (!(mincostA == 0 && mincostB == 0))
                            w.XLoc += mincostA;
                            w.YLoc += mincostB;
                            if (g.GetNodeExceptTheGivenNode(w, w.XLoc, w.YLoc, 5) >= 0 ||
                                g.MsaglGoodResolution(w, listNeighbors, numNeighbors, 5) == false ||
                                g.noCrossingsHeuristics(w, index) == false
                                w.XLoc -= mincostA;
                                w.YLoc -= mincostB;
                                localRefinementsFound = true;
Beispiel #8
        private static double GetFacewidth(List <Vertex> face)
            int index = 0;

            LineSegment[] segments = new LineSegment[face.Count];
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
            Vertex[,] segmentVertices = new Vertex[face.Count, 2];
            Vertex initialVertex = null, oldVertex = null;
            Core.Geometry.Point u1, u2;
            foreach (var boundaryVertex in face)
                if (oldVertex == null)
                    initialVertex = oldVertex = boundaryVertex;
                u1 = new Core.Geometry.Point(boundaryVertex.XLoc, boundaryVertex.YLoc);
                u2 = new Core.Geometry.Point(oldVertex.XLoc, oldVertex.YLoc);
                segmentVertices[index, 0] = boundaryVertex;
                segmentVertices[index, 1] = oldVertex;
                segments[index++]         = new LineSegment(u1, u2);
                oldVertex = boundaryVertex;
            u1 = new Core.Geometry.Point(oldVertex.XLoc, oldVertex.YLoc);
            u2 = new Core.Geometry.Point(initialVertex.XLoc, initialVertex.YLoc);
            segmentVertices[index, 0] = initialVertex;
            segmentVertices[index, 1] = oldVertex;
            segments[index]           = new LineSegment(u1, u2);

            double facewidth = Double.MaxValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < face.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < face.Count; j++)
                    if (i == j)
                    if (segments[i].Start == segments[j].Start || segments[i].End == segments[j].End ||
                        segments[i].End == segments[j].Start || segments[i].Start == segments[j].End)

                    double width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[i, 0], segmentVertices[i, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[j, 0]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[i, 0], segmentVertices[i, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[j, 1]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[j, 0], segmentVertices[j, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[i, 0]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
                    width = PointToSegmentDistance.GetDistance(segmentVertices[j, 0], segmentVertices[j, 1],
                                                               segmentVertices[i, 1]);
                    if (facewidth > width)
                        facewidth = width;
Beispiel #9
 internal static void PositionFrameworkElement(Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement frameworkElement, Core.Geometry.Point center, double scale)
     PositionFrameworkElement(frameworkElement, center.X, center.Y, scale);
Beispiel #10
 internal static Windows.Foundation.Point WpfPoint(Core.Geometry.Point p)
     return(new Windows.Foundation.Point(p.X, p.Y));