Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and initializes an instance of ReprojectionService.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceMapService">The inner map service that delivers the map images to be re-projected.</param>
        /// <param name="crs">The CRS to target by this instance.</param>
        /// <param name="reprojector">The re-projector to be used. Uses the default image re-projector if not explicitly set.</param>
        /// <param name="reprojectionServiceOptions">Additional options to be used by this map service.</param>
        public ReprojectionService(MapService sourceMapService, string crs, ImageReprojector reprojector = null, ReprojectionServiceOptions reprojectionServiceOptions = null)
            // store parameters
            SourceMapService = sourceMapService;
            try { TargetToSourceTransformation = CoordinateTransformation.Get(Crs = crs, sourceMapService.Crs); }
            catch { throw new ArgumentException("Failed to setup coordinate transformation for source \"" + sourceMapService.Crs + "\" and target \"" + crs + "\""); }

            Reprojector = reprojector ?? new ImageReprojector();
            ReprojectionServiceOptions = reprojectionServiceOptions ?? new ReprojectionServiceOptions();
Beispiel #2
        static void SimpleTest()
            // create some places
            var places = new Place[] {
                new Place {
                    Location = new Location(841090, 5006420), Name = "Frankfurt"
                new Place {
                    Location = new Location(1323560, 5230020), Name = "Berlin"

            // get a transformation for transforming from PTV GeoMinSek to PTV Mercator
            ICoordinateTransformation t = CoordinateTransformation.Get(

            // transform the places
            t.Transform <Place>(
                place => place.Location,
                (place, loc) => place.Location = loc

            double d_Frankfurt_Berlin = CoordinateReferenceSystem.XServer.PTV_MERCATOR.GetHaversineDistance(965820, 6458402, 1489888, 6883432);

            Console.WriteLine("-- simple test --\n");

            // Location l = new Location(1528170, 6623338);
            // Location m = new Location(33411907, 5656638);

            // Console.WriteLine("" + m + " == " + l.Transform("cfMERCATOR", "cfUTM"));


            Console.WriteLine("\n<press return to continue>");
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.SetWindowSize(120, 60);

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            string r1 = Registry.GetContent();
            string r2 = Registry.GetContent(true);

            Direct.CoordinateTransformation.Enabled = true;

            double x = 8, y = 49;

            CoordinateTransformation.Get("EPSG:4326", "PTV_MERCATOR").Transform(x, y, out x, out y);

            string wkt = Registry.Get("cfGeoMinSek").WKT;


            CoordinateReferenceSystem.Parse("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +custom=Ptv.Components.Projections.Custom.GeoMinSekTransformation");

            Registry.SetContent(r1, true, true);

            ICoordinateTransformation t = Proj4.CoordinateTransformation.Get("cfGEOMINSEK", "EPSG:76131");

            System.Windows.Point p =
                new System.Windows.Point(959361, 5332563);


 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a bounding box from one CRS to another returning the resulting BoundingLines structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boundingBox">Bounding box to transform.</param>
 /// <param name="sourceCrs">The source CRS.</param>
 /// <param name="targetCrs">The target CRS.</param>
 /// <param name="nSupportingPoints">Number of supporting points to use.</param>
 /// <returns>BoundingLines structure that corresponds to the bounding box in the target CRS.</returns>
 public static BoundingLines TransformBoundingBox(this IBoundingBox boundingBox, string sourceCrs, string targetCrs, int nSupportingPoints)
     return(TransformBoundingBox(boundingBox, CoordinateTransformation.Get(sourceCrs, targetCrs), nSupportingPoints));
Beispiel #5
 public Location transform(object from, object to, Location p)
     return(CoordinateTransformation.Get(from as CoordinateReferenceSystem, to as CoordinateReferenceSystem).Transform(p));
Beispiel #6
        private void SetProj4Transform(string spatialReferenceId)
            var t = CoordinateTransformation.Get(spatialReferenceId, "PTV_MERCATOR");

            transform = p => PtvMercatorToCanvas(t.Transform(p));
Beispiel #7
 private static Func <Point, Point> TransformProj4(string sourceSrid, string destSrid)
     return(CoordinateTransformation.Get(sourceSrid, destSrid).Transform);