// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (_Sensor == null || _ColorSourceManager == null || _DepthSourceManager == null)
        Mat colorMat = _ColorSourceManager.GetColorMat();

        ushort[] depthData = _DepthSourceManager.GetData();
        _colorTexture = _ColorSourceManager.GetColorTexture();
        if (_mapperMat == null)
            _mapperMat = new Mat(_colorTexture.height, _colorTexture.width, CvType.CV_8UC3);

        colorSpace = new ColorSpacePoint[depthData.Length];
        depthSpace = new DepthSpacePoint[_colorTexture.width * _colorTexture.height];
        _Mapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(depthData, colorSpace);
        _Mapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, depthSpace);

        //_mapperMat = colorMat;
// ******************************************************Body frame event************************************************************
    void SendDatatoController()
        //emit a event to bodydataeventcontroller
        if (OnBodyData != null)
            coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, depthSpacePoints);
            OnBodyData(this, new KinectBodyDataEvent(depthSpacePoints, bodyIndexData, colorData));
        //emit a event to bodydataeventcontroller
        private void DrawColorCoodinate()
            // カラー画像の解像度でデータを作る
            var colorImageBuffer = new byte[colorFrameDesc.LengthInPixels *

            // カラー座標系に対応するDepth座標系の一覧を取得する
            var depthSpace = new DepthSpacePoint[colorFrameDesc.LengthInPixels];

            mapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthBuffer, depthSpace);

            // 並列で処理する
            Parallel.For(0, colorFrameDesc.LengthInPixels, i =>
                int depthX = (int)depthSpace[i].X;
                int depthY = (int)depthSpace[i].Y;
                if ((depthX < 0) || (depthFrameDesc.Width <= depthX) ||
                    (depthY < 0) || (depthFrameDesc.Height <= depthY))

                // Depth座標系のインデックス
                int depthIndex = (depthY * depthFrameDesc.Width) + depthX;
                int bodyIndex  = bodyIndexBuffer[depthIndex];

                // 人を検出した位置だけ色を付ける
                if (bodyIndex == 255)

                // カラー画像を設定する
                int colorImageIndex = (int)(i * colorFrameDesc.BytesPerPixel);
                colorImageBuffer[colorImageIndex + 0] = colorBuffer[colorImageIndex + 0];
                colorImageBuffer[colorImageIndex + 1] = colorBuffer[colorImageIndex + 1];
                colorImageBuffer[colorImageIndex + 2] = colorBuffer[colorImageIndex + 2];

            ImageColor.Source = BitmapSource.Create(
                colorFrameDesc.Width, colorFrameDesc.Height, 96, 96,
                PixelFormats.Bgr32, null, colorImageBuffer,
                (int)(colorFrameDesc.Width * colorFrameDesc.BytesPerPixel));
Beispiel #4
        public static void Test_GetCameraPoints(DepthMetaData myDepthMetaData, CoordinateMapper myCoordinateMapper)
            CameraSpacePoint[] cameraMappedPoints = new CameraSpacePoint[ColorMetaData.XColorMaxKinect * ColorMetaData.YColorMaxKinect];

            myCoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToCameraSpace(myDepthMetaData.FrameData, cameraMappedPoints);
            List <CameraSpacePoint> myMappedPoints = new List <CameraSpacePoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cameraMappedPoints.Length; ++i)
                double colorMappedToDepthX = cameraMappedPoints[i].X;
                double colorMappedToDepthY = cameraMappedPoints[i].Y;
                if (!double.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Camera Points : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].X.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].Y.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].Z.ToString());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Number of ColorSpacePoints: " + myMappedPoints.Count.ToString());

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Old.Camera Points : " + cameraMappedPoints[0].X.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[0].X.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[0].Z.ToString() + " : ");

            DepthSpacePoint[] colorMappedToDepthPoints = new DepthSpacePoint[ColorMetaData.XColorMaxKinect * ColorMetaData.YColorMaxKinect];
            myCoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(myDepthMetaData.FrameData, colorMappedToDepthPoints);
            List <DepthSpacePoint> myMappedPointsDepth = new List <DepthSpacePoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < colorMappedToDepthPoints.Length; ++i)
                double colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].X;
                double colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].Y;
                if (!double.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Camera Points : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].X.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].Y.ToString() + " : " + cameraMappedPoints[colorIndex].Z.ToString());
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Number of ColorDepthPoints: " + myMappedPointsDepth.Count.ToString());

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("--> Depth Points : " + colorMappedToDepthPoints[0].X.ToString() + " : " + colorMappedToDepthPoints[0].X.ToString() + " : " );
        public unsafe void Update(ushort[] depthData, byte[] bodyIndexData, Body body)
            double handLength = 0.0;
            double barLength  = 0.0;
            double barHeight  = 0.0;
            double angle      = 0.0;

            Joint shoulderLeft  = body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft];
            Joint shoulderRight = body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight];
            Joint chest         = body.Joints[JointType.SpineShoulder];
            Joint waist         = body.Joints[JointType.SpineBase];
            Joint elbowLeft     = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft];
            Joint elbowRight    = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight];
            Joint handLeft      = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft];
            Joint handRight     = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            Joint footLeft      = body.Joints[JointType.FootLeft];
            Joint footRight     = body.Joints[JointType.FootRight];

            if (waist.TrackingState == TrackingState.NotTracked)

            if (waist.Position.Z < 2.0f || waist.Position.Z > 4.5f)

            if (shoulderLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && shoulderRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                elbowLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && elbowRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked &&
                handLeft.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked && handRight.TrackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked)
                handLength =
                    shoulderLeft.Position.Length(shoulderRight.Position) +
                    shoulderLeft.Position.Length(elbowLeft.Position) +
                    shoulderRight.Position.Length(elbowRight.Position) +
                    elbowLeft.Position.Length(handLeft.Position) +

            CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, _depthPoints);

            fixed(DepthSpacePoint *colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = _depthPoints)
                int    minimumX        = int.MaxValue;
                int    maximumX        = int.MinValue;
                int    minimumY        = int.MaxValue;
                int    maximumY        = int.MinValue;
                ushort minimumDistance = 0;
                ushort maximumdistance = 0;

                for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < _depthPoints.Length; ++colorIndex)
                    float colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                    float colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                        int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < DepthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < DepthHeight))
                            int    depthIndex = (depthY * DepthWidth) + depthX;
                            ushort depth      = depthData[depthIndex];

                            if (bodyIndexData[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                                if (depthX < minimumX)
                                    minimumX        = depthX;
                                    minimumY        = depthY;
                                    minimumDistance = depth;
                                if (depthX > maximumX)
                                    maximumX        = depthX;
                                    maximumY        = depthY;
                                    maximumdistance = depth;

                DepthSpacePoint depthMinimum = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = minimumX,
                    Y = minimumY

                DepthSpacePoint depthMaximum = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = maximumX,
                    Y = maximumY

                CameraSpacePoint cameraMinimum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthMinimum, minimumDistance);
                CameraSpacePoint cameraMaximum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthMaximum, maximumdistance);

                ColorSpacePoint colorMinimum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthMinimum, minimumDistance);
                ColorSpacePoint colorMaximum = CoordinateMapper.MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthMaximum, maximumdistance);

                CameraSpacePoint cameraTrail = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = (cameraMinimum.X + cameraMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (cameraMinimum.Y + cameraMaximum.Y) / 2f,
                    Z = (cameraMinimum.Z + cameraMaximum.Z) / 2f

                ColorSpacePoint colorTrail = new ColorSpacePoint
                    X = (colorMinimum.X + colorMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (colorMinimum.Y + colorMaximum.Y) / 2f

                DepthSpacePoint depthTrail = new DepthSpacePoint
                    X = (depthMinimum.X + depthMaximum.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (depthMinimum.Y + depthMaximum.Y) / 2f

                CameraSpacePoint feet = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = (footLeft.Position.X + footRight.Position.X) / 2f,
                    Y = (footLeft.Position.Y + footRight.Position.Y) / 2f,
                    Z = (footLeft.Position.Z + footRight.Position.Z) / 2f

                CameraSpacePoint projection = new CameraSpacePoint
                    X = cameraTrail.X,
                    Y = feet.Y,
                    Z = cameraTrail.Z

                barLength = cameraMinimum.Length(cameraMaximum);
                barHeight = cameraTrail.Length(projection);

                angle = cameraMinimum.Angle(cameraMaximum, new CameraSpacePoint {
                    X = cameraMaximum.X, Y = cameraMinimum.Y, Z = (cameraMaximum.Z + cameraMinimum.Z) / 2f

                if (angle > 180.0)
                    angle = 360.0 - angle;

                if (cameraMinimum.Y < cameraMaximum.Y)
                    angle = -angle;

                if (barLength > handLength)
                    BarDetectionResult result = new BarDetectionResult
                        Minimum = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraMinimum,
                            ColorPoint  = colorMinimum,
                            DepthPoint  = depthMinimum
                        Maximum = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraMaximum,
                            ColorPoint  = colorMaximum,
                            DepthPoint  = depthMaximum
                        Trail = new MultiPoint
                            CameraPoint = cameraTrail,
                            ColorPoint  = colorTrail,
                            DepthPoint  = depthTrail
                        BarHeight = barHeight + HEIGHT_DIFFERENCE,
                        BarLength = barLength,
                        Angle     = angle

                    BarDetected?.Invoke(this, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        override public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (Bitmap == null)
                InitBuffers(colorFrame.FrameDescription, depthFrame.FrameDescription, bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == Pixels.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(Pixels, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(_depthData, _depthPoints);

                // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                for (int i = 0, ci = 0; i < _depthPoints.Length; ++i, ci += Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL)
                    float colorToDepthX = _depthPoints[i].X;
                    float colorToDepthY = _depthPoints[i].Y;

                    // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorToDepthX) &&
                        // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                        int depthX = (int)(colorToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                            int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                            // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                            if (_bodyData[depthIndex] != 0xff)

                    for (int b = 0; b < Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL; ++b)
                        Pixels[ci + b] = 0;

 private void DoMapping() => coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(uDepthPixels, mappedDepth);
Beispiel #8
        // --- color
        private void ProcessColorMapping(MultiFrame multiFrame)
            // --- color mapping from kinect
            long ticks1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            DepthSpacePoint[] colorMappedToDepthPoints = new DepthSpacePoint[colorWidth * colorHeight];
            coordMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(multiFrame.DepthData, colorMappedToDepthPoints);
            Utils.UpdateTimer("(ColorMappingCoord)", ticks1);

            // --- mapped colorAsDepth -> depth
            long ticks2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            byte[] colorMappedBytes = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * 4];

                fixed(byte *fixedColorMapped = colorMappedBytes)
                fixed(ushort *fixedDepthData   = multiFrame.DepthData)
                fixed(byte *fixedBodyIndexData = multiFrame.BodyIndexData)
                    byte *  ptrColorMapped   = fixedColorMapped;
                    ushort *ptrDepthData     = fixedDepthData;
                    byte *  ptrBodyIndexData = fixedBodyIndexData;

                    // 8 bit
                    if (Context.Use8bitDepth)
                        for (int i = 0; i < colorPixelSize; i++)
                            // checking infinity before adding + 0.5f is about 5x faster (!!)
                            float xTmp = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].X;
                            float yTmp = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].Y;

                            int x = float.IsInfinity(xTmp) ? -1 : (int)(xTmp + 0.5f);
                            int y = float.IsInfinity(yTmp) ? -1 : (int)(yTmp + 0.5f);

                            if (x >= 0 && x < depthWidth && y >= 0 && y < depthHeight)
                                int  idx = x + y * depthWidth;
                                byte val = (ptrBodyIndexData[idx] < 6 ? byte.MaxValue : (byte)(ptrDepthData[idx] / depthToByte));
                                *    ptrColorMapped++ = val;
                                *    ptrColorMapped++ = val;
                                *    ptrColorMapped++ = val;
                                *    ptrColorMapped++ = 255;        // alpha
                                ptrColorMapped += 4;                // 0 is default
                    // full depth (13 bit)
                        for (int i = 0; i < colorPixelSize; i++)
                            // checking infinity before adding + 0.5f is about 5x faster (!!)
                            float xTmp = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].X;
                            float yTmp = colorMappedToDepthPoints[i].Y;

                            int x = float.IsInfinity(xTmp) ? -1 : (int)(xTmp + 0.5f);
                            int y = float.IsInfinity(yTmp) ? -1 : (int)(yTmp + 0.5f);

                            if (x >= 0 && x < depthWidth && y >= 0 && y < depthHeight)
                                int    idx = x + y * depthWidth;
                                ushort val = ptrDepthData[idx];
                                *      ptrColorMapped++ = (byte)(val % 256);
                                *      ptrColorMapped++ = (byte)(val / 256);
                                *      ptrColorMapped++ = ptrBodyIndexData[idx];
                                *      ptrColorMapped++ = 255;      // alpha
                                ptrColorMapped += 4;                // 0 is default
            multiFrame.ColorMappedBytes = colorMappedBytes;
            Utils.UpdateTimer("(ColorMappingBytes)", ticks2);
        void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            var reference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            // Infrared
            using (var infraFrame = reference.InfraredFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (infraFrame != null)
            // Color
            using (var colorFrame = reference.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                // Depth
                using (var depthFrame = reference.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                    if (colorFrame != null && depthFrame != null)
                        var _colorWidth  = colorFrame.ColorFrameSource.FrameDescription.Width;
                        var _colorHeight = colorFrame.ColorFrameSource.FrameDescription.Height;
                        var _depthWidth  = depthFrame.DepthFrameSource.FrameDescription.Width;
                        var _depthHeight = depthFrame.DepthFrameSource.FrameDescription.Height;

                        using (Microsoft.Kinect.KinectBuffer depthBuffer = depthFrame.LockImageBuffer())
                            // verify data and write the color data to the display bitmap
                            if (((this.depthFrameDescription.Width * this.depthFrameDescription.Height) == (depthBuffer.Size / this.depthFrameDescription.BytesPerPixel)) &&
                                (this.depthFrameDescription.Width == this.depthBitmap.PixelWidth) && (this.depthFrameDescription.Height == this.depthBitmap.PixelHeight))
                                // Note: In order to see the full range of depth (including the less reliable far field depth)
                                // we are setting maxDepth to the extreme potential depth threshold
                                ushort maxDepth = ushort.MaxValue;

                                // If you wish to filter by reliable depth distance, uncomment the following line:
                                //// maxDepth = depthFrame.DepthMaxReliableDistance

                                this.ProcessDepthFrameData(depthBuffer.UnderlyingBuffer, depthBuffer.Size, depthFrame.DepthMinReliableDistance, maxDepth);

                        using (KinectBuffer colorBuffer = colorFrame.LockRawImageBuffer())
                            // verify data and write the new color frame data to the display bitmap
                            if ((_colorWidth == this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth) && (_colorHeight == this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight))
                                    (uint)(_colorWidth * _colorHeight * 4),

                                this.colorBitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth, this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight));

                        if ((takeScreenshot || dumpPpms) && !robot.IsMoving())
                            ushort[] depths = new ushort[_depthHeight * _depthWidth];

                            DepthSpacePoint[] mappedColor = new DepthSpacePoint[_colorHeight * _colorWidth];
                            cm.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depths, mappedColor);

                            byte[] colors = new byte[_colorHeight * _colorWidth * 4];
                            //this is the byte array that is converted into a ppm in the end, make it rgba form
                            colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colors, ColorImageFormat.Rgba);

                            this.mappedColor = mappedColor;
                            this.depths      = depths;
                            this.colors      = colors;

                            if (takeScreenshot)
                                takeScreenshot = capturePanorama || false;
                            else if (dumpPpms)
                                dumpPpms = false;

                            // Kick off another rotation if capturing a panorama
                            if (capturePanorama)
                                if (numRotations < MAX_ROTATIONS)
                                    this.capturePanorama = false;
                                    this.takeScreenshot  = false;
                                    this.imageNum     = 0;
                                    this.numRotations = 0;

                        depthCamera.Source = this.depthBitmap;
                        colorCamera.Source = this.colorBitmap;
                        infraCamera.Source = this.infraBitmap;
Beispiel #10
    void Update()
        if (reader != null)
            MultiSourceFrame frame = reader.AcquireLatestFrame();
            if (frame != null)
                using (ColorFrame colorFrame = frame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) {
                    if (colorFrame != null)
                        colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorData, ColorImageFormat.Rgba);
                using (DepthFrame depthFrame = frame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) {
                    if (depthFrame != null)
                        //Debug.Log ("bodyIndexFrame not null");
                using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = frame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) {
                    if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
                        //Debug.Log ("bodyIndexFrame not null");

                frame = null;

        Utils.copyToMat(colorData, outputMat);

        Utils.copyToMat(colorData, rgbaMat);

        coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, depthSpacePoints);
        int width      = rgbaMat.width();
        int height     = rgbaMat.height();
        int depthWidth = 512;

        byte[] maskOn = new byte[] { 0 };
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                int index = x + y * width;

                int tmp = ((int)depthSpacePoints [index].X + (int)depthSpacePoints [index].Y * depthWidth < 0) ? 0 : (int)depthSpacePoints [index].X + (int)depthSpacePoints [index].Y * depthWidth;

                if (bodyIndexData [tmp] == 255)
                    maskData [index] = 0;
                    maskData [index] = 255;
        Utils.copyToMat(maskData, maskMat);

        if (mode == modeType.original)
            rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

            Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "ORIGINAL MODE " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
        else if (mode == modeType.sepia)
            Core.transform(rgbaMat, rgbaMat, sepiaKernel);

            rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

            Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "SEPIA MODE " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
        else if (mode == modeType.pixelize)
            Imgproc.resize(rgbaMat, pixelizeIntermediateMat, pixelizeSize0, 0.1, 0.1, Imgproc.INTER_NEAREST);
            Imgproc.resize(pixelizeIntermediateMat, rgbaMat, rgbaMat.size(), 0.0, 0.0, Imgproc.INTER_NEAREST);

            rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

            Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "PIXELIZE MODE" + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
        else if (mode == modeType.comic)
            Imgproc.cvtColor(rgbaMat, comicGrayMat, Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY);


            Imgproc.GaussianBlur(comicGrayMat, comicLineMat, new Size(3, 3), 0);

            Utils.copyFromMat(comicGrayMat, comicGrayPixels);

            for (int i = 0; i < comicGrayPixels.Length; i++)
                comicMaskPixels [i] = 0;

                if (comicGrayPixels [i] < 70)
                    comicGrayPixels [i] = 0;

                    comicMaskPixels [i] = 1;
                else if (70 <= comicGrayPixels [i] && comicGrayPixels [i] < 120)
                    comicGrayPixels [i] = 100;
                    comicGrayPixels [i] = 255;

                    comicMaskPixels [i] = 1;

            Utils.copyToMat(comicGrayPixels, comicGrayMat);

            Utils.copyToMat(comicMaskPixels, comicMaskMat);

            comicGrayMat.copyTo(comicDstMat, comicMaskMat);

            Imgproc.Canny(comicLineMat, comicLineMat, 20, 120);


            Core.bitwise_not(comicLineMat, comicLineMat);

            comicLineMat.copyTo(comicDstMat, comicMaskMat);

            Imgproc.cvtColor(comicDstMat, rgbaMat, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGBA);

            rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

            Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "COMIC MODE " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);

        Utils.matToTexture(outputMat, texture);
Beispiel #11
        public WriteableBitmap ColorBitmap2(ColorMetaData myColorMetaData, DepthMetaData myDepthMetaData, BodyMetaData myBodyMetaData)
            if (myDepthMetaData == null || myBodyMetaData == null || myColorMetaData == null)
            this.colorArrayWithDepthInfo = new DepthSpacePoint[ColorMetaData.XColorMaxKinect * ColorMetaData.YColorMaxKinect];
            coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(myDepthMetaData.FrameData, this.colorArrayWithDepthInfo);

            if (colorArrayWithDepthInfo == null)

            this.colorArrayWithDepthInfo = new DepthSpacePoint[ColorMetaData.XColorMaxKinect * ColorMetaData.YColorMaxKinect];

            // Loop over each row and column of the color image
            // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index


                int colorMappedToDepthPointCount = this.colorArrayWithDepthInfo.Length;

                fixed(DepthSpacePoint *colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer = this.colorArrayWithDepthInfo)
                    for (int colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < colorMappedToDepthPointCount; ++colorIndex)
                        double colorMappedToDepthX = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].X;
                        double colorMappedToDepthY = colorMappedToDepthPointsPointer[colorIndex].Y;

                        if (!double.IsNegativeInfinity(colorMappedToDepthX) &&
                            // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                            int depthX = (int)(colorMappedToDepthX + 0.5f);
                            int depthY = (int)(colorMappedToDepthY + 0.5f);

                            // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                            if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < DepthMetaData.YDepthMaxKinect))
                                int depthIndex = (depthY * DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect) + depthX;

                                byte player = myBodyMetaData.Pixels[depthIndex];
                                if (player != 0xff)

                        int displayIndex = colorIndex * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                        myColorMetaData.Pixels[colorIndex + 1] = 0;
                        myColorMetaData.Pixels[colorIndex + 2] = 0;
                        myColorMetaData.Pixels[colorIndex + 3] = 0xff;

                    myColorMetaData.WriteableBitmapColor.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, myColorMetaData.WriteableBitmapColor.PixelWidth, myColorMetaData.WriteableBitmapColor.PixelHeight));


Beispiel #12
        void Update()
            if (reader != null)
                MultiSourceFrame frame = reader.AcquireLatestFrame();
                if (frame != null)
                    using (ColorFrame colorFrame = frame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                        if (colorFrame != null)
                            colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorData, ColorImageFormat.Rgba);
                    using (DepthFrame depthFrame = frame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                        if (depthFrame != null)
                            //Debug.Log ("bodyIndexFrame not null");
                    using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = frame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                        if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
                            //Debug.Log ("bodyIndexFrame not null");

                    frame = null;

            MatUtils.copyToMat(colorData, outputMat);
            MatUtils.copyToMat(colorData, rgbaMat);

            // update mask image from bodyIndexData.
            coordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(depthData, depthSpacePoints);

            for (int colorY = 0; colorY < colorFrameHeight; colorY++)
                for (int colorX = 0; colorX < colorFrameWidth; colorX++)
                    int colorIndex = colorY * colorFrameWidth + colorX;
                    int depthX     = (int)(depthSpacePoints[colorIndex].X);
                    int depthY     = (int)(depthSpacePoints[colorIndex].Y);
                    if ((0 <= depthX) && (depthX < depthFrameWidth) && (0 <= depthY) && (depthY < depthFrameHeight))
                        int depthIndex = depthY * depthFrameWidth + depthX;

                        if (bodyIndexData[depthIndex] == 255)
                            maskData[colorIndex] = 0;
                            maskData[colorIndex] = 255;
            MatUtils.copyToMat(maskData, maskMat);

            if (filterType == FilterTypePreset.NONE)
                rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

                Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "Filter Type: NONE " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
            else if (filterType == FilterTypePreset.SEPIA)
                Core.transform(rgbaMat, rgbaMat, sepiaKernel);
                rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

                Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "Filter Type: SEPIA " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
            else if (filterType == FilterTypePreset.PIXELIZE)
                Imgproc.resize(rgbaMat, pixelizeIntermediateMat, pixelizeSize0, 0.1, 0.1, Imgproc.INTER_NEAREST);
                Imgproc.resize(pixelizeIntermediateMat, rgbaMat, rgbaMat.size(), 0.0, 0.0, Imgproc.INTER_NEAREST);

                rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

                Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "Filter Type: PIXELIZE " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);
            else if (filterType == FilterTypePreset.COMIC)
                comicFilter.Process(rgbaMat, rgbaMat);
                rgbaMat.copyTo(outputMat, maskMat);

                Imgproc.putText(outputMat, "Filter Type: COMIC " + texture.width + "x" + texture.height, new Point(5, texture.height - 5), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4.0, new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 3);

            Utils.matToTexture2D(outputMat, texture);