Beispiel #1
        protected virtual Chunk[] iackDeal(InitAckChunk iack)

             * NOTE: TO DO - this is a protocol violation - this should be done with
             * multiple TCBS and set in cookie echo
             * NOT HERE

            _peerVerTag    = iack.getInitiateTag();
            _winCredit     = iack.getAdRecWinCredit();
            _farTSN        = iack.getInitialTSN() - 1;
            _maxOutStreams = Math.Min(iack.getNumInStreams(), MAXSTREAMS);
            _maxInStreams  = Math.Min(iack.getNumOutStreams(), MAXSTREAMS);

            byte[]          data = iack.getCookie();
            CookieEchoChunk ce   = new CookieEchoChunk();

            Chunk[] reply = new Chunk[1] {
            this._state = State.COOKIEECHOED;
Beispiel #2
         * <code>
         * 2)  Authenticate the State Cookie as one that it previously generated
         * by comparing the computed MAC against the one carried in the
         * State Cookie.  If this comparison fails, the SCTP packet,
         * including the COOKIE ECHO and any DATA chunks, should be silently
         * discarded,
         * 3)  Compare the port numbers and the Verification Tag contained
         * within the COOKIE ECHO chunk to the actual port numbers and the
         * Verification Tag within the SCTP common header of the received
         * packet.  If these values do not match, the packet MUST be
         * silently discarded.
         * 4)  Compare the creation timestamp in the State Cookie to the current
         * local time.  If the elapsed time is longer than the lifespan
         * carried in the State Cookie, then the packet, including the
         * COOKIE ECHO and any attached DATA chunks, SHOULD be discarded,
         * and the endpoint MUST transmit an ERROR chunk with a "Stale
         * Cookie" error cause to the peer endpoint.
         * 5)  If the State Cookie is valid, create an association to the sender
         * of the COOKIE ECHO chunk with the information in the TCB data
         * carried in the COOKIE ECHO and enter the ESTABLISHED state.
         * 6)  Send a COOKIE ACK chunk to the peer acknowledging receipt of the
         * COOKIE ECHO.  The COOKIE ACK MAY be bundled with an outbound DATA
         * chunk or SACK chunk; however, the COOKIE ACK MUST be the first
         * chunk in the SCTP packet.
         * 7)  Immediately acknowledge any DATA chunk bundled with the COOKIE
         * ECHO with a SACK (subsequent DATA chunk acknowledgement should
         * follow the rules defined in Section 6.2).  As mentioned in step
         * 6, if the SACK is bundled with the COOKIE ACK, the COOKIE ACK
         * MUST appear first in the SCTP packet.
         * </code>
        private Chunk[] cookieEchoDeal(CookieEchoChunk echo)
            Chunk[] reply = new Chunk[0];
            if (_state == State.CLOSED || _state == State.COOKIEWAIT || _state == State.COOKIEECHOED)
                // Authenticate the State Cookie
                CookieHolder cookie;
                if (null != (cookie = checkCookieEcho(echo.getCookieData())))
                    // Compare the creation timestamp in the State Cookie to the current local time.
                    uint howStale = howStaleIsMyCookie(cookie);
                    if (howStale == 0)
                        //enter the ESTABLISHED state
                        _state = State.ESTABLISHED;

                         * Send a COOKIE ACK chunk to the peer acknowledging receipt of the
                         * COOKIE ECHO.  The COOKIE ACK MAY be bundled with an outbound DATA
                         * chunk or SACK chunk; however, the COOKIE ACK MUST be the first
                         * chunk in the SCTP packet.
                        reply    = new Chunk[1];
                        reply[0] = new CookieAckChunk();
                        reply = new Chunk[1];

                        /* If the elapsed time is longer than the lifespan
                         * carried in the State Cookie, then the packet, including the
                         * COOKIE ECHO and any attached DATA chunks, SHOULD be discarded,
                         * and the endpoint MUST transmit an ERROR chunk with a "Stale
                         * Cookie" error cause to the peer endpoint.*/
                        StaleCookieError sce = new StaleCookieError();
                        sce.setMeasure(howStale * 1000);
                        ErrorChunk ec = new ErrorChunk(sce);
                        reply[0] = ec;
                    Logger.Error("Got a COOKIE_ECHO that doesn't match any we sent. ?!?");
                Logger.Debug("Got an COOKIE_ECHO when not closed - ignoring it");