Beispiel #1
        // Tests that the points of a manifold are all coplanar
        static unsafe void CheckManifoldFlat(ref ConvexConvexManifoldQueries.Manifold manifold, float3 normal, string failureMessage)
            float3 point0 = manifold[0].Position + normal * manifold[0].Distance;
            float3 point1 = manifold[1].Position + normal * manifold[1].Distance;

            for (int i = 2; i < manifold.NumContacts; i++)
                // Try to calculate a plane from points 0, 1, iNormal
                float3 point = manifold[i].Position + normal * manifold[i].Distance;
                float3 cross = math.cross(point - point0, point - point1);
                if (math.lengthsq(cross) > 1e-6f)
                    // Test that each point in the manifold is on the plane
                    float3 faceNormal = math.normalize(cross);
                    float  dot        =, faceNormal);
                    for (int j = 2; j < manifold.NumContacts; j++)
                        float3 testPoint = manifold[j].Position + normal * manifold[j].Distance;
                        Assert.AreEqual(dot,, testPoint), tolerance, failureMessage + " contact " + j);
Beispiel #2
        public unsafe void ManifoldQueryTest()
            const uint seed      = 0x98765432;
            Random     rnd       = new Random(seed);
            int        numWorlds = 1000;

            uint dbgWorld = 0;

            if (dbgWorld > 0)
                numWorlds = 1;

            for (int iWorld = 0; iWorld < numWorlds; iWorld++)
                // Save state to repro this query without doing everything that came before it
                if (dbgWorld > 0)
                    rnd.state = dbgWorld;
                uint worldState            = rnd.state;
                Physics.PhysicsWorld world = TestUtils.GenerateRandomWorld(ref rnd, rnd.NextInt(1, 20), 3.0f);

                // Manifold test
                // TODO would be nice if we could change the world collision tolerance
                for (int iBodyA = 0; iBodyA < world.NumBodies; iBodyA++)
                    for (int iBodyB = iBodyA + 1; iBodyB < world.NumBodies; iBodyB++)
                        Physics.RigidBody bodyA = world.Bodies[iBodyA];
                        Physics.RigidBody bodyB = world.Bodies[iBodyB];
                        if (bodyA.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Mesh && bodyB.Collider->Type == ColliderType.Mesh)
                            continue; // TODO - no mesh-mesh manifold support yet

                        // Build manifolds
                        BlockStream        contacts      = new BlockStream(1, 0, Allocator.Temp);
                        BlockStream.Writer contactWriter = contacts;
                        ManifoldQueries.BodyBody(ref world, new BodyIndexPair {
                            BodyAIndex = iBodyA, BodyBIndex = iBodyB
                        }, 1.0f, ref contactWriter);

                        // Read each manifold
                        BlockStream.Reader contactReader = contacts;
                        int manifoldIndex = 0;
                        while (contactReader.RemainingItemCount > 0)
                            string failureMessage = iWorld + " (" + worldState + ") " + iBodyA + " vs " + iBodyB + " #" + manifoldIndex;

                            // Read the manifold header
                            ContactHeader header = contactReader.Read <ContactHeader>();
                            ConvexConvexManifoldQueries.Manifold manifold = new ConvexConvexManifoldQueries.Manifold();
                            manifold.NumContacts = header.NumContacts;
                            manifold.Normal      = header.Normal;

                            // Get the leaf shapes
                            ChildCollider leafA, leafB;
                                Collider.GetLeafCollider(bodyA.Collider, bodyA.WorldFromBody, header.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyA, out leafA);
                                Collider.GetLeafCollider(bodyB.Collider, bodyB.WorldFromBody, header.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyB, out leafB);

                            // Read each contact point
                            int minIndex = 0;
                            for (int iContact = 0; iContact < header.NumContacts; iContact++)
                                // Read the contact and find the closest
                                ContactPoint contact = contactReader.Read <ContactPoint>();
                                manifold[iContact] = contact;
                                if (contact.Distance < manifold[minIndex].Distance)
                                    minIndex = iContact;

                                // Check that the contact point is on or inside the shape
                                CheckPointOnSurface(ref leafA, contact.Position + manifold.Normal * contact.Distance, failureMessage + " contact " + iContact + " leaf A");
                                CheckPointOnSurface(ref leafB, contact.Position, failureMessage + " contact " + iContact + " leaf B");

                            // Check the closest point
                                ContactPoint           closestPoint = manifold[minIndex];
                                RigidTransform         aFromWorld   = math.inverse(leafA.TransformFromChild);
                                DistanceQueries.Result result       = new DistanceQueries.Result
                                    PositionOnAinA = math.transform(aFromWorld, closestPoint.Position + manifold.Normal * closestPoint.Distance),
                                    NormalInA      = math.mul(aFromWorld.rot, manifold.Normal),
                                    Distance       = closestPoint.Distance

                                MTransform aFromB            = new MTransform(math.mul(aFromWorld, leafB.TransformFromChild));
                                float      referenceDistance = DistanceQueries.ConvexConvex(leafA.Collider, leafB.Collider, aFromB).Distance;
                                ValidateDistanceResult(result, ref ((ConvexCollider *)leafA.Collider)->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)leafB.Collider)->ConvexHull, aFromB, referenceDistance, failureMessage + " closest point");

                            // Check that the manifold is flat
                            CheckManifoldFlat(ref manifold, manifold.Normal, failureMessage + ": non-flat A");
                            CheckManifoldFlat(ref manifold,, failureMessage + ": non-flat B");


                world.Dispose(); // TODO leaking memory if the test fails