/// <summary>
        /// Users selects a level to filter the list with
        /// </summary>
        private void ResearcherListView_Sort_Box_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //Reset researhcer list selction

            //Get the original list of researchers
            controller.CurrentListCopy = controller.Reseachers;

            //If the user has selected to filter by a specific level (Not all researchers), filter by that level
            if (ParseEnum <Options>(e.AddedItems[0].ToString()) != Options.All)
                controller.CurrentListCopy = controller.FilterByLevel(ParseEnum <Model.EmploymentLevel>(e.AddedItems[0].ToString()));

            //If the user has already filtered by a name, filter the new list with that as well
            if (ResearcherListView_Filter_Box.Text != "" && ResearcherListView_Filter_Box.Text != " ")
                controller.CurrentListCopy = controller.FilterByName(ResearcherListView_Filter_Box.Text);

            //Display the filtered list
            controller.ViewableResearchers            = new ObservableCollection <Model.Researcher>(controller.CurrentListCopy);
            ResearcherListView_DisplayBox.ItemsSource = controller.ViewableResearchers;