Beispiel #1
        // ReSharper disable once CyclomaticComplexity
        private static void ApplyRuntimeInformation(
            Tool tool,
            string specificationFile,
            [CanBeNull] Func <Tool, string> sourceFileProvider,
            [CanBeNull] Func <Tool, string> namespaceProvider)
            foreach (var task in tool.Tasks)
                task.Tool = tool;
                task.SettingsClass.Tool = tool;
                task.SettingsClass.Task = task;

                bool NotExistent(Property property)
                    var nonExistent = task.SettingsClass.Properties.All(x => x.Name != property.Name);

                    ControlFlow.AssertWarn(nonExistent, $"Property '{property.Name}' for task '{task.GetTaskMethodName()}' already exists.");

                foreach (var commonPropertySet in task.CommonPropertySets)
                    ControlFlow.Assert(tool.CommonTaskPropertySets.TryGetValue(commonPropertySet, out var properties),
                                       $"commonPropertySets[{commonPropertySet}] != null");
                    properties.Where(NotExistent).ForEach(x => task.SettingsClass.Properties.Add(x.Clone()));

                if (!task.OmitCommonProperties)
                    tool.CommonTaskProperties.Where(NotExistent).ForEach(x => task.SettingsClass.Properties.Add(x.Clone()));

                foreach (var property in task.SettingsClass.Properties)
                    property.DataClass = task.SettingsClass;
                    foreach (var delegateProperty in property.Delegates)
                        delegateProperty.DataClass = task.SettingsClass;

            foreach (var dataClass in tool.DataClasses)
                dataClass.Tool = tool;
                foreach (var property in dataClass.Properties)
                    property.DataClass = dataClass;
                    foreach (var delegateProperty in property.Delegates)
                        delegateProperty.DataClass = dataClass;

            foreach (var enumeration in tool.Enumerations)
                enumeration.Tool = tool;
Beispiel #2
        public void ImportData(
            TeamCityImportType type,
            string path,
            TeamCityImportTool?tool = null,
            bool?verbose            = null,
            bool?parseOutOfDate     = null,
            TeamCityNoDataPublishedAction?action = null)
                type != TeamCityImportType.dotNetCoverage || tool != null,
                $"Importing data of type '{type}' requires to specify the tool.");
                !(tool == TeamCityImportTool.dotcover &&
                "Configuration parameter 'teamcity.dotCover.home' is set to the bundled version.",
                $"Adding the '{nameof(TeamCitySetDotCoverHomePathAttribute)}' will automatically set " +
                $"it to '{nameof(DotCoverTasks)}.{nameof(DotCoverTasks.DotCoverPath)}'."

                  x => x
                  .AddPair("type", type)
                  .AddPair("path", path)
                  .AddPairWhenValueNotNull("tool", tool)
                  .AddPairWhenValueNotNull("verbose", verbose)
                  .AddPairWhenValueNotNull("parseOutOfDate", parseOutOfDate)
                  .AddPairWhenValueNotNull("whenNoDataPublished", action));
Beispiel #3
 public void OnBuildInitialized(
     NukeBuild build,
     IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executableTargets,
     IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executionPlan)
                            $"Could not complete checking build configurations within {TimeoutInMilliseconds} milliseconds.");
        public void OnAfterLogo(
            NukeBuild build,
            IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executableTargets,
            IReadOnlyCollection <ExecutableTarget> executionPlan)
                                   $"Could not complete checking build configurations within {TimeoutInMilliseconds} milliseconds.");

            Task CheckConfiguration()
                var rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(NukeBuild.RootDirectory);

                new[] { rootDirectory }
                .Concat(rootDirectory.EnumerateDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(x => !x.Name.StartsWith(".")))
                .SelectMany(x => x.GetFiles("*.sln", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                .Select(x => x.FullName)
                .SelectMany(x => x.Projects)
                .Where(x => x.Directory.Equals(NukeBuild.BuildProjectDirectory))
                .Where(x => x.Configurations.Any(y => y.Key.Contains("Build")))
                .ForEach(x => Logger.Warn($"Solution {x.Solution} has an active build configuration for {x}."));

Beispiel #5
        public void Execute(NukeBuild build)
                                   $"Could not complete checking build configurations within {TimeoutInMilliseconds} milliseconds.");

            Task CheckConfiguration()
                Directory.GetFiles(NukeBuild.RootDirectory, "*.sln", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                .SelectMany(x => x.Projects)
                .Where(x => x.Directory.Equals(NukeBuild.BuildProjectDirectory))
                .Where(x => x.Configurations.Any(y => y.Key.Contains("Build")))
                .ForEach(x => Logger.Warn($"Solution {x.Solution} has an active build configuration for {x}."));

Beispiel #6
 static partial void PreProcess(GitLink2Settings toolSettings)
     ControlFlow.AssertWarn(toolSettings.ToolPath.Contains("gitlink\\2"), "toolSettings.ToolPath.Contains('gitlink\\2')");
 private static void PreProcess(ref GitLink3Settings toolSettings)
     ControlFlow.AssertWarn(toolSettings.ToolPath.Contains("gitlink\\3"), "toolSettings.ToolPath.Contains('gitlink\\3')");
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the Main Branch Commit stage
        /// </summary>
        public void CommitMainVersionChanges()
            string        gitArgs;
            List <Output> gitOutput;

            // This is not an update, it is a redo of a previous run that may have errored or its a clean run, but no changes have been committed.  So we skip this.
            if (WasVersionPreviouslyCommitted)

            try {
                // Checkout main and merge the current branch in
                if (!IsCurrentBranchMainBranch())
                    gitArgs = "checkout " + MainBranchName;
                    if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                        throw new ApplicationException("CommitMainVersionChanges:::  .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                    gitArgs = string.Format("merge {0} --no-ff --no-edit -m \"Merging Branch: {0}   |  {1}\"", CurrentBranch, GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch);
                    if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                        throw new ApplicationException("CommitMainVersionChanges:::  .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                gitArgs = "add .";
                if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                    throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::  .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                gitArgs = string.Format("commit -m \"{0} {1}", COMMIT_MARKER, GitTagDesc);
                if (!ExecuteGit(gitArgs, out gitOutput))
                    if (!gitOutput.Last().Text.Contains("nothing to commit"))
                        throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::   .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                gitArgs = string.Format("tag -a {0} -m \"{1}\"", GitTagName, GitTagDesc);
                if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                    throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::   .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                gitArgs = "push origin ";
                if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                    throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::   .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                gitArgs = "push --tags origin";
                if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                    throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::   .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);

                // Delete the Feature Branch
                if (CurrentBranch != MainBranchName)
                    // See if branch exists on origin.  If not we expect an error below.
                    gitArgs = "ls-remote --exit-code --heads origin " + CurrentBranch;
                    bool bErrorIsExpected = false;
                    if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                        bErrorIsExpected = true;

                    gitArgs = "branch -d " + CurrentBranch;
                    if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs) && !bErrorIsExpected)
                        ControlFlow.AssertWarn(1 == 0, "Unable to delete the local branch [" + CurrentBranch + "see Git Errors below.  Will continue to process since this is not a fatal error.  You may need to perform branch cleanup manually.");
                        // We will probably fail the next error too...
                        bErrorIsExpected = true;

                    gitArgs = "push origin --delete " + CurrentBranch;
                    if (!ExecuteGit_NoOutput(gitArgs))
                        if (!bErrorIsExpected)
                            throw new ApplicationException("CommitVersionChanges:::   .Git Command failed:  git " + gitArgs);
                    Logger.Success("The previous 2 commits will issue errors if the local branch was never pushed to origin.  They can be safely ignored.");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;