Beispiel #1
        void OpenToolWindow(ControlBase control, EventArgs args)
            Control.ToolWindow window = new Control.ToolWindow(this);
            window.Padding             = Padding.Five;
            window.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            window.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            window.StartPosition       = StartPosition.CenterParent;
            window.Vertical            = true;

            Control.Layout.GridLayout layout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(window);
            layout.ColumnCount = 2;

            Control.Button button = new Control.Button(layout);
            button.Size     = new Size(100, 40);
            button.UserData = window;
            button.Clicked += Close;

            button          = new Control.Button(layout);
            button.Size     = new Size(100, 40);
            button.UserData = window;
            button.Clicked += Close;

            button          = new Control.Button(layout);
            button.Size     = new Size(100, 40);
            button.UserData = window;
            button.Clicked += Close;

            button          = new Control.Button(layout);
            button.Size     = new Size(100, 40);
            button.UserData = window;
            button.Clicked += Close;
Beispiel #2
        private Control.Layout.GridLayout CreateGrid(ControlBase parent)
            Control.Layout.GridLayout grid = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(parent);

            grid.SetColumnWidths(0.2f, Control.Layout.GridLayout.AutoSize, 140.0f, 0.8f);
            grid.SetRowHeights(0.2f, Control.Layout.GridLayout.AutoSize, 140.0f, 0.8f);

            CreateControl(grid, "C: 20%, R: 20%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: Auto R: 20%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 140, R: 20%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 80%, R: 20%");

            CreateControl(grid, "C: 20%, R: Auto");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: Auto R: Auto");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 140, R: Auto");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 80%, R: Auto");

            CreateControl(grid, "C: 20%, R: 140");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: Auto R: 140");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 140, R: 140");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 80%, R: 140");

            CreateControl(grid, "C: 20%, R: 80%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: Auto R: 80%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 140, R: 80%");
            CreateControl(grid, "C: 80%, R: 80%");

Beispiel #3
        public XsdWriting(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            Control.Layout.GridLayout layout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(this);
            layout.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            layout.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;

            layout.SetRowHeights(30.0f, Control.Layout.GridLayout.Fill);

            Control.Button button1 = new Control.Button(layout);
            button1.Text                = "Write Xsd File ";
            button1.Clicked            += WriteXsd;
            button1.Width               = 100;
            button1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            xsdContent = new Control.MultilineTextBox(layout);
Beispiel #4
        public ScrollControl(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            Control.Layout.GridLayout layout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(this);
            layout.ColumnCount = 6;

            Control.Button pTestButton;

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Twice As Big";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Same Size";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(100, 100);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Wide";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 50);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Tall";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(50, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.EnableScroll(false, true);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Vertical";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size   = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.EnableScroll(true, false);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Horizontal";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);

            // Bottom Row

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Twice As Big";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Same Size";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(100, 100);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Wide";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 50);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Tall";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(50, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;
                ctrl.EnableScroll(false, true);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Vertical";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);

                Control.ScrollControl ctrl = new Control.ScrollControl(layout);
                ctrl.Margin       = Margin.Three;
                ctrl.Size         = new Size(100, 100);
                ctrl.AutoHideBars = true;
                ctrl.EnableScroll(true, false);

                pTestButton      = new Control.Button(ctrl);
                pTestButton.Text = "Horinzontal";
                pTestButton.Size = new Size(200, 200);
Beispiel #5
        public GroupBox(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            Control.Layout.GridLayout layout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(this);
            layout.ColumnCount = 2;

                Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb.Size = new Size(200, 100);
                gb.Text = "Group Box";

                Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                gb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                gb.Text = "With Label (autosized)";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(gb);
                label.Dock = Dock.Fill;
                label.Text = "I'm a label";

                Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                gb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                gb.Text = "With Label (autosized)";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(gb);
                label.Dock = Dock.Fill;
                label.Text = "I'm a label. I'm a really long label!";

                Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                gb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                gb.Text = "Two docked Labels (autosized)";
                Control.ControlBase gbl    = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(gb);
                Control.Label       label1 = new Control.Label(gbl);
                label1.Text = "I'm a label";
                label1.Dock = Dock.Top;
                Control.Label label2 = new Control.Label(gbl);
                label2.Text = "I'm a label. I'm a really long label!";
                label2.Dock = Dock.Top;

                Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                gb.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                gb.Text = "Empty (autosized)";

                Control.GroupBox gb1 = new Control.GroupBox(layout);
                gb1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                gb1.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                gb1.Padding             = Padding.Five;
                gb1.Text = "Yo dawg,";
                Control.ControlBase gb1l = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(gb1);

                Control.GroupBox gb2 = new Control.GroupBox(gb1l);
                gb2.Text    = "I herd";
                gb2.Dock    = Dock.Left;
                gb2.Margin  = Margin.Three;
                gb2.Padding = Padding.Five;

                Control.GroupBox gb3 = new Control.GroupBox(gb1l);
                gb3.Text = "You like";
                gb3.Dock = Dock.Fill;
                Control.ControlBase gb3l = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(gb3);

                Control.GroupBox gb4 = new Control.GroupBox(gb3l);
                gb4.Text = "Group Boxes,";
                gb4.Dock = Dock.Top;

                Control.GroupBox gb5 = new Control.GroupBox(gb3l);
                gb5.Text = "So I put Group";
                gb5.Dock = Dock.Fill;
                Control.ControlBase gb5l = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(gb5);

                Control.GroupBox gb6 = new Control.GroupBox(gb5l);
                gb6.Text = "Boxes in yo";
                gb6.Dock = Dock.Left;

                Control.GroupBox gb7 = new Control.GroupBox(gb5l);
                gb7.Text = "Boxes so you can";
                gb7.Dock = Dock.Top;
                Control.ControlBase gb7l = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(gb7);

                Control.GroupBox gb8 = new Control.GroupBox(gb7l);
                gb8.Text   = "Group Box while";
                gb8.Dock   = Dock.Top;
                gb8.Margin = Gwen.Margin.Five;

                Control.GroupBox gb9 = new Control.GroupBox(gb7l);
                gb9.Text    = "u Group Box";
                gb9.Dock    = Dock.Bottom;
                gb9.Padding = Gwen.Padding.Five;
Beispiel #6
        public CommonDialogs(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            Control.Layout.GridLayout grid = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(this);
            grid.Dock = Dock.Fill;
            grid.SetColumnWidths(Control.Layout.GridLayout.AutoSize, Control.Layout.GridLayout.Fill);

            Control.Button button;

                Control.Label openFile = null;

                button          = new Control.Button(grid);
                button.Margin   = Margin.Five;
                button.Text     = "OpenFileDialog";
                button.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
                    openFile.Text = "";
                    OpenFileDialog dialog = Component.Create <OpenFileDialog>(this);
                    dialog.InitialFolder = "C:\\";
                    dialog.Filters       = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
                    dialog.Callback      = (path) => openFile.Text = path != null ? path : "Cancelled";

                openFile             = new Control.Label(grid);
                openFile.TextPadding = new Padding(3, 0, 0, 0);
                openFile.Alignment   = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label saveFile = null;

                button          = new Control.Button(grid);
                button.Margin   = Margin.Five;
                button.Text     = "SaveFileDialog";
                button.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
                    saveFile.Text = "";
                    SaveFileDialog dialog = Component.Create <SaveFileDialog>(this);
                    dialog.Callback = (path) => saveFile.Text = path != null ? path : "Cancelled";

                saveFile             = new Control.Label(grid);
                saveFile.TextPadding = new Padding(3, 0, 0, 0);
                saveFile.Alignment   = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label createFile = null;

                button          = new Control.Button(grid);
                button.Margin   = Margin.Five;
                button.Text     = "SaveFileDialog (create)";
                button.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
                    createFile.Text = "";
                    SaveFileDialog dialog = Component.Create <SaveFileDialog>(this);
                    dialog.Title        = "Create File";
                    dialog.OkButtonText = "Create";
                    dialog.Callback     = (path) => createFile.Text = path != null ? path : "Cancelled";

                createFile             = new Control.Label(grid);
                createFile.TextPadding = new Padding(3, 0, 0, 0);
                createFile.Alignment   = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label selectFolder = null;

                button          = new Control.Button(grid);
                button.Margin   = Margin.Five;
                button.Text     = "FolderBrowserDialog";
                button.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
                    selectFolder.Text = "";
                    FolderBrowserDialog dialog = Component.Create <FolderBrowserDialog>(this);
                    dialog.InitialFolder = "C:\\";
                    dialog.Callback      = (path) => selectFolder.Text = path != null ? path : "Cancelled";

                selectFolder             = new Control.Label(grid);
                selectFolder.TextPadding = new Padding(3, 0, 0, 0);
                selectFolder.Alignment   = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;
Beispiel #7
        public Label(ControlBase parent) : base(parent)
            VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(this);
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Standard label (not autosized)";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Chinese: \u4E45\u6709\u5F52\u5929\u613F \u7EC8\u8FC7\u9B3C\u95E8\u5173";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Japanese: \u751F\u3080\u304E\u3000\u751F\u3054\u3081\u3000\u751F\u305F\u307E\u3054";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Korean: \uADF9\uC9C0\uD0D0\uD5D8\u3000\uD611\uD68C\uACB0\uC131\u3000\uCCB4\uACC4\uC801\u3000\uC5F0\uAD6C";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Hindi: \u092F\u0947 \u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926 \u0939\u093F\u0928\u094D\u0926\u0940 \u092E\u0947\u0902 \u0939\u0948\u0964";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Arabic: \u0627\u0644\u0622\u0646 \u0644\u062D\u0636\u0648\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0624\u062A\u0645\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u062F\u0648\u0644\u064A";
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text      = "Wow, Coloured Text (and tooltip)";
                label.TextColor = Color.Blue;
                label.SetToolTipText("I'm a tooltip");
                font3 = new Font(Skin.Renderer, "Motorwerk", 20);
                ((Control.Label)label.ToolTip).Font = font3;
                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text      = "Coloured Text With Alpha";
                label.TextColor = new Color(100, 0, 0, 255);
                // Note that when using a custom font, this font object has to stick around
                // for the lifetime of the label. Rethink, or is that ideal?
                font1          = new Font(Skin.Renderer);
                font1.FaceName = "Comic Sans MS";
                font1.Size     = 25;

                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Text = "Custom Font (Comic Sans 25)";
                label.Font = font1;
                font2 = new Font(Skin.Renderer, "French Script MT", 35);

                Control.Label label = new Control.Label(layout);
                label.Font = font2;
                label.Text = "Custom Font (French Script MT 35)";

            // alignment test
                Control.Label txt = new Control.Label(layout);
                txt.Text = "Alignment test";

                Control.Layout.GridLayout outer = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(layout);
                outer.ColumnCount = 3;

                Control.Label l11 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l11.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l11.Text      = "TL";
                l11.Alignment = Alignment.Top | Alignment.Left;

                Control.Label l12 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l12.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l12.Text      = "T";
                l12.Alignment = Alignment.Top | Alignment.CenterH;

                Control.Label l13 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l13.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l13.Text      = "TR";
                l13.Alignment = Alignment.Top | Alignment.Right;

                Control.Label l21 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l21.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l21.Text      = "L";
                l21.Alignment = Alignment.Left | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label l22 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l22.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l22.Text      = "C";
                l22.Alignment = Alignment.CenterH | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label l23 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l23.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l23.Text      = "R";
                l23.Alignment = Alignment.Right | Alignment.CenterV;

                Control.Label l31 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l31.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l31.Text      = "BL";
                l31.Alignment = Alignment.Bottom | Alignment.Left;

                Control.Label l32 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l32.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l32.Text      = "B";
                l32.Alignment = Alignment.Bottom | Alignment.CenterH;

                Control.Label l33 = new Control.Label(outer);
                l33.Size      = new Size(50, 50);
                l33.Text      = "BR";
                l33.Alignment = Alignment.Bottom | Alignment.Right;

                outer.DrawDebugOutlines = true;
Beispiel #8
        ControlBase CreateControls(Control.ControlBase subject, Dock docking, string name, ControlBase container)
            Control.GroupBox gb = new Control.GroupBox(container);
            gb.Text = name;
                HorizontalLayout hlayout = new HorizontalLayout(gb);
                    Control.GroupBox dgb = new Control.GroupBox(hlayout);
                    dgb.Text = "Dock";
                        Control.RadioButtonGroup dock = new RadioButtonGroup(dgb);
                        dock.UserData = subject;
                        dock.AddOption("Left", null, Dock.Left);
                        dock.AddOption("Top", null, Dock.Top);
                        dock.AddOption("Right", null, Dock.Right);
                        dock.AddOption("Bottom", null, Dock.Bottom);
                        dock.AddOption("Fill", null, Dock.Fill);
                        dock.SelectionChanged += DockChanged;

                    VerticalLayout vlayout = new VerticalLayout(hlayout);
                        HorizontalLayout hlayout2 = new HorizontalLayout(vlayout);
                            Control.GroupBox hgb = new Control.GroupBox(hlayout2);
                            hgb.Text = "H. Align";
                                Control.RadioButtonGroup halign = new RadioButtonGroup(hgb);
                                halign.UserData = subject;
                                halign.AddOption("Left", null, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
                                halign.AddOption("Center", null, HorizontalAlignment.Center);
                                halign.AddOption("Right", null, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
                                halign.AddOption("Stretch", null, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch);
                                halign.SelectionChanged += HAlignChanged;

                            Control.GroupBox vgb = new Control.GroupBox(hlayout2);
                            vgb.Text = "V. Align";
                                Control.RadioButtonGroup valign = new RadioButtonGroup(vgb);
                                valign.UserData = subject;
                                valign.AddOption("Top", null, VerticalAlignment.Top);
                                valign.AddOption("Center", null, VerticalAlignment.Center);
                                valign.AddOption("Bottom", null, VerticalAlignment.Bottom);
                                valign.AddOption("Stretch", null, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);
                                valign.SelectionChanged += VAlignChanged;

                        Control.Layout.GridLayout glayout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(vlayout);
                        glayout.SetColumnWidths(Control.Layout.GridLayout.AutoSize, Control.Layout.GridLayout.Fill);
                            Control.Label l_width = new Control.Label(glayout);
                            l_width.Text = "Width:";

                            Control.HorizontalSlider width = new HorizontalSlider(glayout);
                            width.Name          = "Width";
                            width.UserData      = subject;
                            width.Min           = 50;
                            width.Max           = 350;
                            width.Value         = 100;
                            width.ValueChanged += WidthChanged;

                            Control.Label l_height = new Control.Label(glayout);
                            l_height.Text = "Height:";

                            Control.HorizontalSlider height = new Control.HorizontalSlider(glayout);
                            height.Name          = "Height";
                            height.UserData      = subject;
                            height.Min           = 50;
                            height.Max           = 350;
                            height.Value         = 100;
                            height.ValueChanged += HeightChanged;

                            Control.Label l_margin = new Control.Label(glayout);
                            l_margin.Text = "Margin:";

                            Control.HorizontalSlider margin = new HorizontalSlider(glayout);
                            margin.Name          = "Margin";
                            margin.UserData      = subject;
                            margin.Min           = 0;
                            margin.Max           = 50;
                            margin.Value         = 0;
                            margin.ValueChanged += MarginChanged;

Beispiel #9
        public Docking(ControlBase parent)
            : base(parent)
            font       = Skin.DefaultFont.Copy();
            font.Size *= 2;

            Control.Label inner1, inner2, inner3, inner4, inner5;

            HorizontalLayout hlayout = new HorizontalLayout(this);
                VerticalLayout vlayout = new VerticalLayout(hlayout);
                    outer      = new Control.Layout.DockLayout(vlayout);
                    outer.Size = new Size(400, 400);
                        inner1           = new Control.Label(outer);
                        inner1.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
                        inner1.Text      = "1";
                        inner1.Font      = font;
                        inner1.Size      = new Size(100, Util.Ignore);
                        inner1.Dock      = Dock.Left;

                        inner2           = new Control.Label(outer);
                        inner2.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
                        inner2.Text      = "2";
                        inner2.Font      = font;
                        inner2.Size      = new Size(Util.Ignore, 100);
                        inner2.Dock      = Dock.Top;

                        inner3           = new Control.Label(outer);
                        inner3.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
                        inner3.Text      = "3";
                        inner3.Font      = font;
                        inner3.Size      = new Size(100, Util.Ignore);
                        inner3.Dock      = Dock.Right;

                        inner4           = new Control.Label(outer);
                        inner4.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
                        inner4.Text      = "4";
                        inner4.Font      = font;
                        inner4.Size      = new Size(Util.Ignore, 100);
                        inner4.Dock      = Dock.Bottom;

                        inner5           = new Control.Label(outer);
                        inner5.Alignment = Alignment.Center;
                        inner5.Text      = "5";
                        inner5.Font      = font;
                        inner5.Size      = new Size(Util.Ignore, Util.Ignore);
                        inner5.Dock      = Dock.Fill;

                    outer.DrawDebugOutlines = true;

                    HorizontalLayout hlayout2 = new HorizontalLayout(vlayout);
                        Control.Label l_padding = new Control.Label(hlayout2);
                        l_padding.Text = "Padding:";

                        Control.HorizontalSlider padding = new Control.HorizontalSlider(hlayout2);
                        padding.Min           = 0;
                        padding.Max           = 200;
                        padding.Value         = 10;
                        padding.Width         = 100;
                        padding.ValueChanged += PaddingChanged;

                Control.Layout.GridLayout controlsLayout = new Control.Layout.GridLayout(hlayout);
                controlsLayout.ColumnCount = 2;
                    inner1.UserData = CreateControls(inner1, Dock.Left, "Control 1", controlsLayout);
                    inner2.UserData = CreateControls(inner2, Dock.Top, "Control 2", controlsLayout);
                    inner3.UserData = CreateControls(inner3, Dock.Right, "Control 3", controlsLayout);
                    inner4.UserData = CreateControls(inner4, Dock.Bottom, "Control 4", controlsLayout);
                    inner5.UserData = CreateControls(inner5, Dock.Fill, "Control 5", controlsLayout);
            //DrawDebugOutlines = true;
Beispiel #10
 public GridLayout(ControlBase parent)
     : base(parent)
     Control.Layout.GridLayout grid = CreateGrid(this);
     grid.Dock = Dock.Fill;