public ActionResult History(int contributorId)
            var cManager     = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var contributors = cManager.GetContributionsByContributorID(contributorId);
            var deposits     = cManager.GetDepositByContributorId(contributorId);

            IEnumerable <History> historys = contributors.Select(c => new History
                Action = $"Contribution to {c.SimchaName}",
                Date   = c.SimchaDate,
                Amount = c.Amount
            }).Concat(deposits.Select(d => new History
                Action = "Deposit",
                Date   = d.Date,
                Amount = d.DepositAmount

            var vm = new ShowHistoryViewModel
                Historys    = historys,
                Contributor = cManager.GetContributorById(contributorId)

        public ActionResult UpdateContributor(Contributor contributor)
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);

        public ActionResult AddDeposit(Deposit deposit)
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);

        // GET: Contributor
        public ActionResult Index()
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var vm       = new ContributorIndexViewModel
                Contributors = cManager.GetContributors()

            vm.TotalBalance = vm.Contributors.Sum(c => c.Balance);
        public ActionResult EmailOrganizer(int simchaId)
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var sManager = new SimchaManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var vm       = new EmailOrganizerViewModel()
                Contributors = cManager.GetContributorsBySimchaId(simchaId),
                Simcha       = sManager.GetSimchaById(simchaId)

        public ActionResult Contributions(int simchaId)
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var sManager = new SimchaManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var vm       = new ContributionViewModel
                Simcha       = sManager.GetSimchaById(simchaId),
                Contributors = cManager.GetContributorContributions(simchaId)

        // GET: Simcha
        public ActionResult Index()
            var cManager = new ContributorManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var sManager = new SimchaManager(Settings.Default.Constr);
            var vm       = new SimchaIndexViewModel
                Simchos          = sManager.GetSimchos(),
                ContributorCount = cManager.GetContributorCount()

Beispiel #8
        void OnInitialize(EventArgs e)
            #region Config

            string path = Path.Combine(TShock.SavePath, "CTRSystem", "CTRS-Config.json");
            Config    = Configuration.ConfigFile.Read(path);
            Formatter = new TextFormatter(this, Config);


            #region Commands

            Commands = new CommandManager(this);

            Action <Command> Add = c =>
                TShockAPI.Commands.ChatCommands.RemoveAll(c2 => c2.Names.Exists(s => c.Names.Contains(s)));

            Add(new Command(Permissions.Admin, Commands.CAdmin, "cadmin")
                HelpText = "Perform administrative actions across the Contributions Track & Reward System."

            Add(new Command(Permissions.Commands, Commands.Contributions,
                            new List <string>(Config.AdditionalCommandAliases)
                HelpText = "Manages contributor settings. You must have contributed at least once before using this command."

            Add(new Command(Permissions.Auth, Commands.Authenticate, "auth", "authenticate")
                DoLog    = false,
                HelpText = "Connects your Xenforo account to your TShock account. Enter your forum credentials OR generate an auth code first by visiting your user control panel."


            _tierUpdateTimer          = new Timer(Config.TierRefreshMinutes * 60 * 1000);
            _tierUpdateTimer.Elapsed += UpdateTiers;

            Contributors     = new ContributorManager(this);
            CredentialHelper = new LoginManager(this);
            Rests            = new RestManager(this);
            Tiers            = new TierManager(this);
            XenforoUsers     = new XenforoManager(this);