Beispiel #1
        public void CreateFerryTest()
            AdministrationBE abe = new AdministrationBE();

            Contract.dto.Ferry item = UnitTest.TestHelpers.randomFerry();
            item.FerryId = 0;
            item         = abe.CreateFerry(item);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, item.FerryId);
Beispiel #2
        public void DeleteFerryTest()
            AdministrationBE abe = new AdministrationBE();

            Contract.dto.Ferry item = UnitTest.TestHelpers.randomFerry();
            item.FerryId = 0;
            item         = abe.CreateFerry(item);
Beispiel #3
        public void GetFerryTest()
            AdministrationBE abe = new AdministrationBE();

            Contract.dto.Ferry newItem = UnitTest.TestHelpers.randomFerry();
            newItem = abe.CreateFerry(newItem);
            Contract.dto.Ferry item = abe.GetFerry(newItem.FerryId);
            Assert.AreEqual(newItem.FerryId, item.FerryId);
Beispiel #4
        public void UpdateFerryTest()
            AdministrationBE abe = new AdministrationBE();

            Contract.dto.Ferry item = UnitTest.TestHelpers.randomFerry();
            item.FerryId   = 0;
            item           = abe.CreateFerry(item);
            item.FerryName = "ANDERS AND";
            item           = abe.UpdateFerry(item);

            Assert.AreEqual("ANDERS AND", item.FerryName);
        public void AdminstrationContractCreateFerry()
            Contract.contract.AdminstrationContract ais = getAdministrationContract();
            Contract.dto.Ferry newFerry = new Contract.dto.Ferry()
                DockId = 1, //Question:  What is this? A secret class?
                FerryId = 1,
                Municipality = "Andeby",
                Name = "Hugo",
                PassengerCapacity = 7,
                Size = "VERY BIG"
            //Question:  Backend: Since we have no exceptions in eto to throw, we just return null if something went wrong?
            Contract.dto.Ferry returnValue = ais.CreateFerry(newFerry);

            Assert.AreEqual<Contract.dto.Ferry>(newFerry, returnValue);