Beispiel #1
        private string ReadProperty(Project doc, string name, bool safe, Contract.ConfigHelper configHelper)
            var node = (from n in doc.AllEvaluatedProperties
                        where string.Compare(n.Name, name, true) == 0
                        select n).LastOrDefault();

            if (node == null)
                if (safe)

                    "Unable to determine "
                    + name
                    + " in the project file with conditions " + EvaluationConditionsAsString());

            var value = node.EvaluatedValue;

            value = configHelper.ConvertPath(value);

        private void ReadH5Specific(Project project)
            var configHelper = new Contract.ConfigHelper();

            SkipEmbeddingResources = ReadProperty(project, ProjectPropertyNames.H5_Specific.SkipEmbeddingResources, true, configHelper) is string s?bool.Parse(s) : false;

            SkipResourcesExtraction = ReadProperty(project, ProjectPropertyNames.H5_Specific.SkipResourcesExtraction, true, configHelper) is string s2?bool.Parse(s2) : false;

            SkipHtmlGeneration = ReadProperty(project, ProjectPropertyNames.H5_Specific.SkipHtmlGeneration, true, configHelper) is string s3?bool.Parse(s3) : false;
Beispiel #3
        private string GetRelativePath(string filespec, string folder)
            Uri pathUri = new Uri(filespec);

            // Folders must end in a slash
            if (!folder.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))
                folder += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            Uri folderUri = new Uri(folder);

            var path = folderUri.MakeRelativeUri(pathUri).ToString();

            path = new Contract.ConfigHelper().ConvertPath(path, '/');

        protected virtual IList <string> GetSourceFiles(Project project)
            Logger.ZLogTrace("Getting source files by xml...");
            var configHelper = new Contract.ConfigHelper();

            IList <string> sourceFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (var projectItem in project.AllEvaluatedItems.Where(i => i.ItemType == "Compile"))

            if (!sourceFiles.Any())
                throw new TranslatorException("Unable to get source file list from project file '" + Location + "'. In order to use h5, you have to have at least one source code file " + "with the 'compile' property set (usually .cs files have it by default in C# projects).");

            Logger.ZLogTrace("Getting source files by xml done");

        protected virtual string GetOutputPaths(Project project)
            var configHelper = new Contract.ConfigHelper();

            var outputPath = ProjectProperties.OutputPath;

            if (outputPath == null && _shouldReadProjectFile)
                // Read OutputPath if not defined already
                // Throw exception if not found
                outputPath = ReadProperty(project, ProjectPropertyNames.OUTPUT_PATH_PROP, false, configHelper);

            outputPath = outputPath ?? "";

            ProjectProperties.OutputPath = outputPath;

            var outDir = ProjectProperties.OutDir;

            if (outDir is null && _shouldReadProjectFile)
                // Read OutDir if not defined already
                outDir = ReadProperty(project, ProjectPropertyNames.OUT_DIR_PROP, true, configHelper);

            // If OutDir value is not found then use OutputPath value
            ProjectProperties.OutDir = outDir ?? outputPath;

            var fullPath = ProjectProperties.OutDir;

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fullPath))
                fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Location), fullPath));

            fullPath = configHelper.ConvertPath(fullPath);
