Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a trivial result
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether a trivial result could be computed</returns>
        private bool ComputeTrivialResult(out ContourPolygon result)
            // When one of the polygons is empty, the result is trivial
            if (Subject.VertexCount == 0 || Clipping.VertexCount == 0)
                switch (Operation)
                case OperationType.Difference:
                    result = Subject;

                case OperationType.Union:
                case OperationType.Xor:
                    result = Subject.VertexCount > 0 ? Subject : Clipping;

                case OperationType.Intersection:
                    result = new ContourPolygon();

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Operation");


            // Optimization 1: When the polygons do not overlap, the result is trivial
            if (!SubjectBoundingBox.Overlaps(ClippingBoundingBox))
                // The bounding boxes do not overlap
                switch (Operation)
                case OperationType.Difference:
                    result = Subject;

                case OperationType.Union:
                case OperationType.Xor:
                    result = Subject;

                case OperationType.Intersection:
                    result = new ContourPolygon();

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Operation");


            result = null;
Beispiel #2
        private ContourPolygon GetFilledRandomContourPolygon(string OmitPropName)
            ContourPolygon contourPolygon = new ContourPolygon();

            if (OmitPropName != "ContourValue")
                contourPolygon.ContourValue = GetRandomDouble(0.0D, 10.0D);
            if (OmitPropName != "Layer")
                contourPolygon.Layer = GetRandomInt(1, 100);
            if (OmitPropName != "Depth_m")
                contourPolygon.Depth_m = GetRandomDouble(1.0D, 10000.0D);
            //CSSPError: property [ContourNodeList] and type [ContourPolygon] is  not implemented

        private IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext, ActionDBTypeEnum actionDBType)
            string         retStr         = "";
            Enums          enums          = new Enums(LanguageRequest);
            ContourPolygon contourPolygon = validationContext.ObjectInstance as ContourPolygon;

            contourPolygon.HasErrors = false;

            if (contourPolygon.ContourValue < 0)
                contourPolygon.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(CSSPServicesRes._MinValueIs_, "ContourValue", "0"), new[] { "ContourValue" }));

            if (contourPolygon.Layer < 1 || contourPolygon.Layer > 100)
                contourPolygon.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(CSSPServicesRes._ValueShouldBeBetween_And_, "Layer", "1", "100"), new[] { "Layer" }));

            if (contourPolygon.Depth_m < 1 || contourPolygon.Depth_m > 10000)
                contourPolygon.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult(string.Format(CSSPServicesRes._ValueShouldBeBetween_And_, "Depth_m", "1", "10000"), new[] { "Depth_m" }));

            //CSSPError: Type not implemented [ContourNodeList] of type [List`1]

            //CSSPError: Type not implemented [ContourNodeList] of type [Node]
            retStr = "";      // added to stop compiling CSSPError
            if (retStr != "") // will never be true
                contourPolygon.HasErrors = true;
                yield return(new ValidationResult("AAA", new[] { "AAA" }));
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object for executing a single boolean operation using the Martinez algorithm. Usually, the
 /// next call will be a call to <see cref="Run"/>. The created object can only be used for executing the algorithm
 /// once.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subject">The subject polygon. It must adhere to the orientation as specified in the documentation of ContourPolygon.</param>
 /// <param name="clipping">The clipping polygon. It must adhere to the orientation as specified in the documentation of ContourPolygon.</param>
 /// <param name="operation"></param>
 public Martinez(ContourPolygon subject, ContourPolygon clipping, OperationType operation = OperationType.Union)
     Subject   = subject;
     Clipping  = clipping;
     Operation = operation;
Beispiel #5
        private ContourPolygon ConnectEdges()
            var result = new ContourPolygon();

            var resultEvents = ResultEvents
                               .Where(it => (it.IsStart && it.InResult) || (!it.IsStart && it.OtherEvent.InResult)).ToList();

            // Due to overlapping edges the resultEvents list can be not wholly sorted
            var sorted = false;

            while (!sorted)
                sorted = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < resultEvents.Count; i++)
                    if (i + 1 < resultEvents.Count && SweepEvent.CompareTo(resultEvents[i], resultEvents[i + 1]) == 1)
                        var tmp = resultEvents[i];
                        resultEvents[i]     = resultEvents[i + 1];
                        resultEvents[i + 1] = tmp;
                        sorted = false;

            // We cannot do a foreach because we need to set PositionInResult
            for (int i = 0; i < resultEvents.Count; i++)
                var resultEvent = resultEvents[i];
                resultEvent.PositionInResult = i;

            foreach (var resultEvent in resultEvents)
                if (!resultEvent.IsStart)
                    var tmp = resultEvent.PositionInResult;
                    resultEvent.PositionInResult            = resultEvent.OtherEvent.PositionInResult;
                    resultEvent.OtherEvent.PositionInResult = tmp;

            var processed = new BitArray(resultEvents.Count);
            var depth     = new List <int>();
            var holeOf    = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < resultEvents.Count; i++)
                if (processed[i])

                var contour = new Contour();
                var contourId = result.NumberOfContours - 1;
                if (resultEvents[i].PreviousInResult != null)
                    var lowerContourId = resultEvents[i].PreviousInResult.ContourId;
                    if (!resultEvents[i].PreviousInResult.ResultInOut)
                        holeOf[contourId] = lowerContourId;
                        depth[contourId]  = depth[lowerContourId] + 1;
                        contour.External  = false;
                    else if (!result[lowerContourId].External)
                        holeOf[contourId] = holeOf[lowerContourId];
                        depth[contourId]  = depth[lowerContourId];
                        contour.External  = false;

                var pos     = i;
                var initial = resultEvents[i].Point;
                while (pos >= i)
                    processed[pos] = true;
                    if (resultEvents[pos].IsStart)
                        resultEvents[pos].ResultInOut = false;
                        resultEvents[pos].ContourId   = contourId;
                        resultEvents[pos].OtherEvent.ResultInOut = true;
                        resultEvents[pos].OtherEvent.ContourId   = contourId;

                    pos            = resultEvents[pos].PositionInResult;
                    processed[pos] = true;
                    pos = NextPos(pos, resultEvents, processed, i);

                pos = pos == -1 ? i : pos;

                processed[pos] = processed[resultEvents[pos].PositionInResult] = true;
                resultEvents[pos].OtherEvent.ResultInOut = true;
                resultEvents[pos].OtherEvent.ContourId   = contourId;
                if ((depth[contourId] & 1) != 0)

Beispiel #6
        public bool GetStudyAreaContourPolygonList(List <ContourPolygon> contourPolygonList)
            //contourPolygonList = new List<ContourPolygon>();

            using (DFSU dfsu = new DFSU(fi))
                List <List <Node> > StudyAreaList = new List <List <Node> >();

                DfsuFile   dfsuFile;
                List <int> PolygonIndexes = new List <int>();

                    dfsuFile = DfsuFile.Open(fi.FullName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorMessage = string.Format(CSSPDHIRes.CouldNotOpen_Error_, fi.FullName, ex.Message + (ex.InnerException != null ? "Inner: " + ex.InnerException.Message : ""));
                    OnCSSPDHIChanged(new CSSPDHIEventArgs(new CSSPDHIMessage("Error", -1, false, ErrorMessage)));
                    contourPolygonList.Add(new ContourPolygon()
                        Error = ErrorMessage

                int TotalNumberWithCodeBigger0 = dfsuFile.Code.Where(c => c > 0).Count();

                List <Element> ElementList = new List <Element>();
                List <Node>    NodeList    = new List <Node>();

                // ----------------------------------------
                // filling the ElementList and The NodeList
                // ----------------------------------------

                FillElementListAndNodeList(ElementList, NodeList);

                List <Node> AllNodeList = new List <Node>();
                //List<ContourPolygon> ContourPolygonList = new List<ContourPolygon>();

                List <Node> AboveNodeList = (from n in NodeList
                                             where n.Code != 0
                                             select n).ToList <Node>();

                foreach (Node sn in AboveNodeList)
                    List <Node> EndNodeList = (from n in sn.ConnectNodeList
                                               where n.Code != 0
                                               select n).ToList <Node>();

                    foreach (Node en in EndNodeList)

                    if (sn.Code != 0)

                List <Element> UniqueElementList = new List <Element>();

                List <Element> TempUniqueElementList = new List <Element>();

                // filling UniqueElementList
                TempUniqueElementList = (from el in ElementList
                                         where (el.Type == 21 || el.Type == 32)
                                         select el).Distinct().ToList <Element>();

                foreach (Element el in TempUniqueElementList)
                    if ((el.NodeList[0].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[1].Code != 0) ||
                        (el.NodeList[0].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[2].Code != 0) ||
                        (el.NodeList[1].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[2].Code != 0))

                TempUniqueElementList = (from el in ElementList
                                         where (el.Type == 25 || el.Type == 33)
                                         select el).Distinct().ToList <Element>();

                foreach (Element el in TempUniqueElementList)
                    if ((el.NodeList[0].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[1].Code != 0) ||
                        (el.NodeList[1].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[2].Code != 0) ||
                        (el.NodeList[2].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[3].Code != 0) ||
                        (el.NodeList[3].Code != 0 && el.NodeList[0].Code != 0))

                List <Node> UniqueNodeList = (from n in AllNodeList orderby n.ID select n).Distinct().ToList <Node>();

                Dictionary <String, Vector> ForwardVector  = new Dictionary <String, Vector>();
                Dictionary <String, Vector> BackwardVector = new Dictionary <String, Vector>();

                //_TaskRunnerBaseService.SendPercentToDB(_TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.appTaskModel.AppTaskID, 30);

                foreach (Element el in UniqueElementList)
                    Node Node0 = new Node();
                    Node Node1 = new Node();
                    Node Node2 = new Node();
                    Node Node3 = new Node();

                    if (el.Type == 21 || el.Type == 32)
                        Node0 = el.NodeList[0];
                        Node1 = el.NodeList[1];
                        Node2 = el.NodeList[2];

                        int ElemCount01 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node0.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node1.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        int ElemCount02 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node0.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node2.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        int ElemCount12 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node1.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node2.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        if (Node0.Code != 0 && Node1.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount01 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node0.ID.ToString() + "," + Node1.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node0, EndNode = Node1
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node1.ID.ToString() + "," + Node0.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node1, EndNode = Node0
                        if (Node0.Code != 0 && Node2.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount02 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node0.ID.ToString() + "," + Node2.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node0, EndNode = Node2
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node2.ID.ToString() + "," + Node0.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node2, EndNode = Node0
                        if (Node1.Code != 0 && Node2.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount12 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node1.ID.ToString() + "," + Node2.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node1, EndNode = Node2
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node2.ID.ToString() + "," + Node1.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node2, EndNode = Node1
                    else if (el.Type == 25 || el.Type == 33)
                        Node0 = el.NodeList[0];
                        Node1 = el.NodeList[1];
                        Node2 = el.NodeList[2];
                        Node3 = el.NodeList[3];

                        int ElemCount01 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node0.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node1.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        int ElemCount03 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node0.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node3.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        int ElemCount12 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node1.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node2.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        int ElemCount23 = (from el1 in UniqueElementList
                                           from el2 in Node2.ElementList
                                           from el3 in Node3.ElementList
                                           where el1 == el2 && el1 == el3
                                           select el1).Count();

                        if (Node0.Code != 0 && Node1.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount01 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node0.ID.ToString() + "," + Node1.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node0, EndNode = Node1
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node1.ID.ToString() + "," + Node0.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node1, EndNode = Node0
                        if (Node0.Code != 0 && Node3.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount03 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node0.ID.ToString() + "," + Node3.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node0, EndNode = Node3
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node3.ID.ToString() + "," + Node0.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node3, EndNode = Node0
                        if (Node1.Code != 0 && Node2.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount12 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node1.ID.ToString() + "," + Node2.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node1, EndNode = Node2
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node2.ID.ToString() + "," + Node1.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node2, EndNode = Node1
                        if (Node2.Code != 0 && Node3.Code != 0)
                            if (ElemCount23 == 1)
                                ForwardVector.Add(Node2.ID.ToString() + "," + Node3.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node2, EndNode = Node3
                                BackwardVector.Add(Node3.ID.ToString() + "," + Node2.ID.ToString(), new Vector()
                                    StartNode = Node3, EndNode = Node2
                        ErrorMessage = string.Format(CSSPDHIRes.ElementTypeIsOtherThan_Its_, "21, 25, 32, 33", el.Type.ToString());
                        OnCSSPDHIChanged(new CSSPDHIEventArgs(new CSSPDHIMessage("Error", -1, false, ErrorMessage)));
                        contourPolygonList.Add(new ContourPolygon()
                            Error = ErrorMessage

                //_TaskRunnerBaseService.SendPercentToDB(_TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.appTaskModel.AppTaskID, 40);

                bool MoreStudyAreaLine = true;
                int  PolygonCount      = 0;
                //MapInfoService mapInfoService = new MapInfoService(_TaskRunnerBaseService._BWObj.appTaskModel.Language, _TaskRunnerBaseService._User);
                while (MoreStudyAreaLine)
                    PolygonCount += 1;

                    List <Node> FinalContourNodeList = new List <Node>();
                    Vector      LastVector           = new Vector();
                    LastVector = ForwardVector.First().Value;
                    ForwardVector.Remove(LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString());
                    BackwardVector.Remove(LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString());
                    bool PolygonCompleted = false;
                    while (!PolygonCompleted)
                        List <string> KeyStrList = (from k in ForwardVector.Keys
                                                    where k.StartsWith(LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString() + ",") &&
                                                    !k.EndsWith("," + LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString())
                                                    select k).ToList <string>();

                        if (KeyStrList.Count != 1)
                            KeyStrList = (from k in BackwardVector.Keys
                                          where k.StartsWith(LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString() + ",") &&
                                          !k.EndsWith("," + LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString())
                                          select k).ToList <string>();

                            if (KeyStrList.Count != 1)
                                PolygonCompleted = true;
                                LastVector = BackwardVector[KeyStrList[0]];
                                BackwardVector.Remove(LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString());
                                ForwardVector.Remove(LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString());
                            LastVector = ForwardVector[KeyStrList[0]];
                            ForwardVector.Remove(LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString());
                            BackwardVector.Remove(LastVector.EndNode.ID.ToString() + "," + LastVector.StartNode.ID.ToString());
                        if (FinalContourNodeList[FinalContourNodeList.Count - 1] == FinalContourNodeList[0])
                            PolygonCompleted = true;

                    double Area = CalculateAreaOfPolygon(FinalContourNodeList);
                    if (Area < 0)
                        Area = CalculateAreaOfPolygon(FinalContourNodeList);


                    ContourPolygon contourLine = new ContourPolygon()
                    contourLine.ContourNodeList = FinalContourNodeList;
                    contourLine.ContourValue    = 0;

                    if (ForwardVector.Count == 0)
                        MoreStudyAreaLine = false;

 public ContourPolygonTest()
     contourPolygon = new ContourPolygon();