Beispiel #1
        public static void IntersectionTest()
            var model = new Model();

            if (model.GetConnectionStatus())
                var startPoint    = PickAPoint("выбери точку");
                var startPointTwo = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 1000, startPoint.Z);
                List <RandomlyPlate> plateList = new List <RandomlyPlate>();
                plateList.Add(new RandomlyPlate(startPoint, rnd));
                plateList.Add(new RandomlyPlate(startPointTwo, rnd));
                if (Helper.GetIntersectionPlate(plateList[0].ContourPoints, plateList[1].ContourPoints))
                    plateList[0].Number = 1;
                    plateList[1].Number = 2;

                foreach (var item in plateList)
                    var plate = new ContourPlate();
                    foreach (var point in item.ContourPoints)
                        plate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point, null));
                    plate.Name = "Пластина";
                    plate.Profile.ProfileString   = "—6";
                    plate.Material.MaterialString = "С255";
                    plate.Class = $"{item.Number + 1}";
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var model = new Model();

            if (model.GetConnectionStatus())
                Console.WriteLine("Give diameter");
                int diameter       = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                int numberOfPoints = 90;
                var slab           = new ContourPlate();
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++)
                    slab.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(
                                             new Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d.Point(
                                                 Math.Sin(360 / numberOfPoints * i * Math.PI / 180) * diameter / 2,
                                                 Math.Cos(360 / numberOfPoints * i * Math.PI / 180) * diameter / 2,

                slab.Class = "5";
                slab.Profile.ProfileString = "500";


                //Beam beam = new Beam();
                //beam.StartPoint = new Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d.Point(0, 0, 0);
                //beam.EndPoint = new Tekla.Structures.Geometry3d.Point(0, 1500, 0);
                //beam.Profile.ProfileString = "600*500";
                //beam.Class = "4";

Beispiel #3
    public ContourPlate CreateCut(
        Point point1,
        Point point2,
        Point point3,
        Point point4,
        Part Part_To_Be_Cut)
        ContourPlate contourPlate = new ContourPlate();

        contourPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL500";
        contourPlate.Material.MaterialString = "ANTIMATERIAL";
        contourPlate.Finish         = "";
        contourPlate.Class          = "BlOpCl";
        contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
        contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point1, (Chamfer)null));
        contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point2, (Chamfer)null));
        contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point3, (Chamfer)null));
        contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point4, (Chamfer)null));
        BooleanPart booleanPart = new BooleanPart();

        booleanPart.Father        = (ModelObject)Part_To_Be_Cut;
        booleanPart.OperativePart = (Part)contourPlate;
        private Part DrawUpFloor(Point input, Vector alongStairVect, double width, double length, double overlap, string floorProfile, string floorMaterial)
            Vector zaxis     = new Vector(0, 0, -1);
            Vector shortEdge = Vector.Cross(zaxis, alongStairVect);

            alongStairVect = alongStairVect * length * (-1);
            Vector shortEdgeLeft     = shortEdge * ((width + 2 * overlap) / 2);
            Vector shortEdgeRight    = shortEdgeLeft * (-1);
            Point  leftNearCornerPt  = new Point(input.X + shortEdgeLeft.X, input.Y + shortEdgeLeft.Y, input.Z + shortEdgeLeft.Z);
            Point  rightNearCornerPt = new Point(input.X + shortEdgeRight.X, input.Y + shortEdgeRight.Y, input.Z + shortEdgeRight.Z);
            Point  leftFarCornerPt   = new Point(leftNearCornerPt.X + alongStairVect.X, leftNearCornerPt.Y + alongStairVect.Y, leftNearCornerPt.Z + alongStairVect.Z);
            Point  rightFarCornerPt  = new Point(rightNearCornerPt.X + alongStairVect.X, rightNearCornerPt.Y + alongStairVect.Y, rightNearCornerPt.Z + alongStairVect.Z);

            ContourPoint leftCpStartPt  = new ContourPoint(leftNearCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint leftCpEndPt    = new ContourPoint(leftFarCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint rightCpStartPt = new ContourPoint(rightNearCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint rightCpEndPt   = new ContourPoint(rightFarCornerPt, null);

            ContourPlate floorBeam = new ContourPlate();

            floorBeam.Profile.ProfileString   = floorProfile;
            floorBeam.Material.MaterialString = floorMaterial;
            floorBeam.Position.Depth          = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;


Beispiel #5
        private void MallinnaLaatta()
            ModelObjectSelector   mSelector = malli.GetModelObjectSelector();
            ModelObjectEnumerator enumer    = mSelector.GetAllObjects();

            for (int i = 0; i < enumer.GetSize(); i++)
                ModelObject obj = enumer.Current;
                if (obj is ContourPlate)
                    if (((ContourPlate)obj).Name == "LASKETTU_LAATTA")
                        ContourPlate laattaTemp = (ContourPlate)obj;
                        laattaTemp.Contour.ContourPoints[0] = new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 0, 3000), null);
                        laattaTemp.Contour.ContourPoints[1] = new ContourPoint(new Point(0, laatanKorkeus, 3000), null);
                        laattaTemp.Contour.ContourPoints[2] = new ContourPoint(new Point(laatanLeveys, laatanKorkeus, 3000), null);
                        laattaTemp.Contour.ContourPoints[3] = new ContourPoint(new Point(laatanLeveys, 0, 3000), null);
            ContourPlate laatta = new ContourPlate();

            laatta.Name = "LASKETTU_LAATTA";
            ContourPoint vasenAlanurkka = new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 0, 3000), null);
            ContourPoint vasenYlanurkka = new ContourPoint(new Point(0, laatanKorkeus, 3000), null);
            ContourPoint oikeaYlanurkka = new ContourPoint(new Point(laatanLeveys, laatanKorkeus, 3000), null);
            ContourPoint oikeaAlanurkka = new ContourPoint(new Point(laatanLeveys, 0, 3000), null);


            laatta.Profile.ProfileString = Asetukset.LaatanPaksuus.ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Asetukset.BetoninLujuus.ToString()))
                laatta.Material.MaterialString = betonimateriaalit[Asetukset.BetoninLujuus];
                laatta.Material.MaterialString = "Concrete_Undefined";
            laatta.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;

Beispiel #6
        public static void CreatingCuttingFCNR()
            var model = new Model();

            if (model.GetConnectionStatus())
                var startPoint = PickAPoint();

                var startPointPart = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.Z + 6);

                #region Create_Main_Plate
                const int widthMainPlate = 2000;
                var       mainPlate      = Plate.MainPlate(startPoint, 6000, widthMainPlate);


                #region Создание случайных пластин
                List <RandomlyPlate> plateList = new List <RandomlyPlate>();
                for (int i = 0; i < rnd.Next(99, 100); i++)
                    plateList.Add(new RandomlyPlate(startPointPart, rnd));

                var orderByPlateList = plateList.OrderByDescending(RandomlyPlate => RandomlyPlate.Width);

                var n = 1;
                foreach (var item in orderByPlateList)
                    item.Number = n;

                var sortOrderByPlateList = Helper.SortingFCNR(orderByPlateList, widthMainPlate);

                foreach (var item in sortOrderByPlateList)
                    var plate = new ContourPlate();
                    foreach (var point in item.ContourPoints)
                        plate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point, null));
                    plate.Name = "Пластина";
                    plate.Profile.ProfileString   = "—6";
                    plate.Material.MaterialString = "С255";
                    plate.Class = $"{item.Number+1}";
        public void UT_CutBeamByPart()
            // test 0: обрезаем балку ThisBeam балкой MainBeam
            //.. создаем балку [0, 1000 - 2000,1000] I20 и обрезает ее
            //.. балкой MainBeam [500,0 - 500, 1500] I50
            Point p1 = new Point(0, 3000);
            Point p2 = new Point(2000, 3000);

            ThisBeam = _TS.CreateBeam("ThisBeam", "I20B1_20_93", p1, p2
                                      , PositionDepth: (int)Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE);

            Point cp1 = new Point(1000, 0);
            Point cp2 = new Point(1000, 4000);

            MainBeam = _TS.CreateBeam("MainBeam", "I50B1_20_93", cp1, cp2
                                      , PositionDepth: (int)Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE
                                      , Class: BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName);

            ThisBeam = _TS.CutBeamByPart(ThisBeam, MainBeam, false);

            // стираем ThisBeam и MainBeam
            //          ThisBeam.Delete();
            //           MainBeam.Delete();
            //           Model.CommitChanges();

            // test 1: обрезаем балку ThisBeam пластиной Plate
            p1       = new Point(3000, 2000, 1000);
            p2       = new Point(5000, 1000, 0);
            ThisBeam = _TS.CreateBeam("ThisBeam", "I20B1_20_93", p1, p2);
            ContourPoint c1    = new ContourPoint(new Point(4000, 1000, 0), null);
            ContourPoint c2    = new ContourPoint(new Point(4000, 3000, 0), null);
            ContourPoint c3    = new ContourPoint(new Point(4000, 3000, 2000), null);
            ContourPoint c4    = new ContourPoint(new Point(4000, 1000, 2000), null);
            var          Plate = new ContourPlate();

            Plate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL200";
            Plate.Material.MaterialString = "C245";
            Plate.Class = "2";
            Plate.Name  = "PLATE";

            ThisBeam = _TS.CutBeamByPart(ThisBeam, Plate, false);

            //         ThisBeam.Delete();
        public static ContourPlate InsertPlate(Point A, Point B, Point C,
                                               string profileString, string materialString, Chamfer chamfer = null)
            var cp = new ContourPlate();

            cp.AddContourPoint(A, chamfer);
            cp.AddContourPoint(B, chamfer);
            cp.AddContourPoint(C, chamfer);
            cp.Profile.ProfileString   = profileString;
            cp.Material.MaterialString = materialString;
        public static ContourPlate InsertPlate(ArrayList points,
                                               string profileString, string materialString, Chamfer chamfer = null)
            var cp = new ContourPlate();

            foreach (Point point in points)
                cp.AddContourPoint(point, chamfer);
            cp.Profile.ProfileString   = profileString;
            cp.Material.MaterialString = materialString;
Beispiel #10
        static ContourPlate AddPlate(List <Point> points)
            var contourPlate = new ContourPlate();

            foreach (var point in points)
                var contourPoint = new ContourPoint(point, null);
            contourPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL100";
            contourPlate.Material.MaterialString = "A36";
Beispiel #11
        static ContourPlate AddCutPlate(List <Point> points)
            var cutPlate = new ContourPlate();

            foreach (var point in points)
                var cutPoint = new ContourPoint(point, null);
            cutPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL100";
            cutPlate.Material.MaterialString = "A36";
            cutPlate.Class = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
Beispiel #12
        private void CreatPlate(TSG.Point a, TSG.Point b, TSG.Point c, TSG.Point d, int thick)
            ContourPlate curPlate = new ContourPlate();

            Profile pf = new Profile();

            pf.ProfileString = string.Format("PL{0}", thick);
            var contor = new Contour();

            contor.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(a, null));
            contor.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(b, null));
            contor.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(c, null));
            contor.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(d, null));

            curPlate.Contour = contor;
            curPlate.Profile = pf;
        private Part DrawDownFloor(Point input, Vector alongStairVect, double width, double overlap, string floorProfile, string floorMaterial)
            double ang            = stair.Ang;
            double height         = stair.StartPoint.Z - stair.EndPoint.Z;
            Vector zaxis          = new Vector(0, 0, -1);
            Vector shortEdge      = Vector.Cross(zaxis, alongStairVect);
            Vector shortEdgeLeft  = shortEdge * ((width + 2 * overlap) / 2);
            Vector shortEdgeRight = shortEdgeLeft * (-1);

            double stairLength     = height / Math.Tan(ang * Math.PI / 180);
            Vector longStairVect   = alongStairVect * stairLength;
            Vector heightStairVect = zaxis * height;

            Point hEndPoint  = new Point(input.X + heightStairVect.X, input.Y + heightStairVect.Y, input.Z + heightStairVect.Z);
            Point stairEndPt = new Point(hEndPoint.X + longStairVect.X, hEndPoint.Y + longStairVect.Y, hEndPoint.Z + longStairVect.Z);

            Vector longEdge = new Vector(stair.EndPoint.X - stairEndPt.X, stair.EndPoint.Y - stairEndPt.Y, stair.EndPoint.Z - stairEndPt.Z);

            Point leftNearCornerPt  = new Point(stairEndPt.X + shortEdgeLeft.X, stairEndPt.Y + shortEdgeLeft.Y, stairEndPt.Z + shortEdgeLeft.Z);
            Point rightNearCornerPt = new Point(stairEndPt.X + shortEdgeRight.X, stairEndPt.Y + shortEdgeRight.Y, stairEndPt.Z + shortEdgeRight.Z);
            Point leftFarCornerPt   = new Point(leftNearCornerPt.X + longEdge.X, leftNearCornerPt.Y + longEdge.Y, leftNearCornerPt.Z + longEdge.Z);
            Point rightFarCornerPt  = new Point(rightNearCornerPt.X + longEdge.X, rightNearCornerPt.Y + longEdge.Y, rightNearCornerPt.Z + longEdge.Z);

            ContourPoint leftCpStartPt  = new ContourPoint(leftNearCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint leftCpEndPt    = new ContourPoint(leftFarCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint rightCpStartPt = new ContourPoint(rightNearCornerPt, null);
            ContourPoint rightCpEndPt   = new ContourPoint(rightFarCornerPt, null);

            ContourPlate floorBeam = new ContourPlate();

            floorBeam.Profile.ProfileString   = floorProfile;
            floorBeam.Material.MaterialString = floorMaterial;
            floorBeam.Position.Depth          = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;


Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the cut for the wallshoe components
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variables">List of doubles with dimensions of the component</param>
        /// <param name="p1">The point which gives the x position of the component on fatherpart</param>
        /// <param name="minY">Fatherparts solids miminum Y position</param>
        /// <param name="maxY">Fatherparts solids miminum Y position</param>
        /// <param name="changeDirection">Boolean to give the direction</param>
        /// <param name="fatherpart">Part to insert the cut to</param>
        private bool AddWallShoeCut(double[] variables, Point p1, double minY, double maxY, bool changeDirection, Part fatherpart)
            try {
                ContourPlate cutpart = new ContourPlate();
                BooleanPart  bPart   = new BooleanPart();
                cutpart.Name                    = "Leikkaus";
                cutpart.Position.Depth          = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
                cutpart.Position.Plane          = Position.PlaneEnum.MIDDLE;
                cutpart.Class                   = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
                cutpart.Material.MaterialString = "Reikä";
                cutpart.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL135";
                cutpart.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL" + variables[4];
                if (!changeDirection)
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - variables[0], p1.Z + variables[1]), null));
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - variables[0], p1.Z + variables[1] + variables[2]), null));
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + variables[1] + variables[2] + (Math.Tan(variables[3] * Math.PI / 180) * ((maxY - minY) / 2 + variables[0]))), null));
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y + variables[0], p1.Z + variables[1]), null));
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y + variables[0], p1.Z + variables[1] + variables[2]), null));
                    cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + variables[1] + variables[2] + (Math.Tan(variables[3] * Math.PI / 180) * ((minY - maxY) / 2 + variables[0]))), null));
                cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + variables[1]), null));
                bPart.Father = fatherpart;
                if (!bPart.Insert())
                    WriteLog("Leikkauksen (1) tekeminen epäonnistui!");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                WriteLog(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);

Beispiel #15
        private void CreateSamplePlates()
            var contour1 = new Contour();

            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 0, 0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 0, 0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 3000.0, 0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 3000.0, 0), null));

            samplePlate1 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL20" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 }

            samplePlate1.Contour = contour1;

            var contour2 = new Contour();

            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 6000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 6000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 6000.0, 4500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(0, 6000.0, 4500.0), null));

            samplePlate2 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL20" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 }

            samplePlate2.Contour = contour2;

        public static ContourPlate InsertCutPlate(ContourPlate cuttedPlate, ArrayList points,
                                                  string profileString, string materialString, Chamfer chamfer = null)
            var cp = new ContourPlate();

            foreach (Point point in points)
                cp.AddContourPoint(point, chamfer);
            cp.Profile.ProfileString   = profileString;
            cp.Material.MaterialString = materialString;
            cp.Class = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
            var bp = new BooleanPart {
                Type = BooleanPart.BooleanTypeEnum.BOOLEAN_CUT, Father = cuttedPlate

        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Reset workplane to global
            currentModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane());

            ArrayList PickedPoints = null;

            TSMUI.Picker myPicker = new TSMUI.Picker();

                PickedPoints = myPicker.PickPoints(Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.Picker.PickPointEnum.PICK_POLYGON);
                PickedPoints = null;

            if (PickedPoints != null)
                ContourPlate myPlate = new ContourPlate();
                myPlate.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = "P";
                myPlate.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = 1;
                myPlate.PartNumber.Prefix          = "p";
                myPlate.PartNumber.StartNumber     = 1;
                myPlate.Name = "Plate";
                myPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL25.4";
                myPlate.Material.MaterialString = "A36";
                myPlate.Finish         = "GP";
                myPlate.Class          = "9";
                myPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;

                foreach (T3D.Point ThisPoint in PickedPoints)
                    myPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(ThisPoint, new Chamfer(12.7, 12.7, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE)));

                if (!myPlate.Insert())
                    Tekla.Structures.Model.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt("No plate was created.");
                    // Change the workplane to match coordinate system of plate
                    currentModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane(myPlate.GetCoordinateSystem()));

                    // Show the plate in the model and show the workplane change

                    // This gets the plates coordinates and information in the current workplane.

                    // Draw the coordinate of the plate in the model in hte local coordinate system.
                    TSMUI.GraphicsDrawer myDrawer = new TSMUI.GraphicsDrawer();

                    foreach (ContourPoint ContourPoint in myPlate.Contour.ContourPoints)
                        T3D.Point CornerPoint = new T3D.Point(ContourPoint.X, ContourPoint.Y, ContourPoint.Z);

                        const double IMPERIALUNIT = 25.4;
                        double       XValue       = Math.Round(CornerPoint.X / IMPERIALUNIT, 4);
                        double       YValue       = Math.Round(CornerPoint.Y / IMPERIALUNIT, 4);
                        double       ZValue       = Math.Round(CornerPoint.Z / IMPERIALUNIT, 4);

                        myDrawer.DrawText(CornerPoint, "(" + XValue + "," + YValue + "," + ZValue + ")", new TSMUI.Color(1, 0, 0));
                        myDrawer.DrawLineSegment(new T3D.LineSegment(new T3D.Point(0, 0, 0), new T3D.Point(0, 0, 500)), new TSMUI.Color(1, 0, 0));
Beispiel #18
        public override bool Run(List <InputDefinition> Input)

                WorkPlaneHandler wph = Model.GetWorkPlaneHandler();

                TransformationPlane tp     = wph.GetCurrentTransformationPlane();
                TransformationPlane tppart = null;

                BoltGroup bg = Model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[0].GetInput()) as BoltGroup;
                List <Part> parts = new List <Part>();
                foreach (Part p in bg.OtherPartsToBolt)

                #region Clear
                List <Part> _part = new List <Part>();

                foreach (Part p in parts)
                    bool flag = false;
                    foreach (Part pp in _part)
                        if (pp.Identifier.ID == p.Identifier.ID)
                            flag = true;
                    if (!flag)

                parts = _part;

                foreach (Part p in parts)
                    if (p is Beam)
                        Beam b = p as Beam;

                        double k = 0.0; b.GetReportProperty("PROFILE.FLANGE_SLOPE_RATIO", ref k);
                        if (k == 0)

                        tppart = new TransformationPlane(p.GetCoordinateSystem());
                        foreach (Point pb in bg.BoltPositions)
                            Point _pb = new Point(pb);

                            #region Уклон полок - точки через солид

                            GeometricPlane gp = new GeometricPlane(
                                new Vector(0, 1, 0),
                                new Vector(0, 0, 1));
                            List <List <Point> > lp = IntersectSolid(p.GetSolid(), gp);

                            List <LineSegment> ls = new List <LineSegment>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < lp[0].Count - 1; i++)
                                Point  p1 = lp[0][i];
                                Point  p2 = lp[0][i + 1];
                                Vector v  = new Vector(p2.X - p1.X, p2.Y - p1.Y, p2.Z - p1.Z);
                                if (v.Y != 0 && v.Z != 0)
                                    ControlLine cl = new ControlLine();
                                    cl.Line.Point1 = p1;
                                    cl.Line.Point2 = p2;
                                    // cl.Insert();
                                    ls.Add(new LineSegment(p1, p2));

                            Point  _p1 = lp[0][0];
                            Point  _p2 = lp[0][lp[0].Count - 1];
                            Vector _v  = new Vector(_p2.X - _p1.X, _p2.Y - _p1.Y, _p2.Z - _p1.Z);
                            if (_v.Y != 0 && _v.Z != 0)
                                ls.Add(new LineSegment(_p1, _p2));
                                ControlLine cl = new ControlLine();
                                cl.Line.Point1 = _p1;
                                cl.Line.Point2 = _p2;
                                // cl.Insert();


                            #region Точки для построения пластины

                            double diam = bg.BoltSize;

                            double tol = GOST_10906_78[diam][0];
                            double _b  = GOST_10906_78[diam][1];
                            double t1  = GOST_10906_78[diam][2];
                            double t2  = GOST_10906_78[diam][3];

                            int kf = (_pb.Z <= ((Point)b.GetReferenceLine(false)[0]).Z ? -1 : 1);

                            _pb.Z += kf * _b * 0.5;

                            double      h   = double.MaxValue;
                            LineSegment lsb = ls[0];

                            foreach (LineSegment lsi in ls)
                                double t = Distance.PointToLineSegment(_pb, lsi);
                                if (h >= t)
                                    h   = t;
                                    lsb = lsi;
                            //ControlLine cli = new ControlLine();
                            //cli.Line.Point1 = lsb.Point1;
                            //cli.Line.Point2 = lsb.Point2;
                            Point pb1 = new Point(_pb.X, _pb.Y + 1000, _pb.Z);

                            Point pbi = Intersection.LineToLine(
                                new Line(lsb),
                                new Line(_pb, pb1)).Point1;
                            //cli.Line.Point1 = _pb;
                            //cli.Line.Point2 = pbi;


                            ContourPlate cp = new ContourPlate();

                            Contour cr = new Contour();
                            cr.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X - _b * 0.5, pbi.Y, pbi.Z), null));

                            cr.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X + _b * 0.5, pbi.Y, pbi.Z), null));
                            cr.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X + _b * 0.5, pbi.Y, pbi.Z - kf * _b), null));
                            cr.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X - _b * 0.5, pbi.Y, pbi.Z - kf * _b), null));

                            cp.Contour = cr;

                            cp.Profile.ProfileString      = "PL" + t1.ToString();
                            cp.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = prefix_asm;
                            cp.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = start_part;
                            cp.PartNumber.Prefix          = prefix_part;
                            cp.PartNumber.StartNumber     = start_part;

                            cp.Name = name;
                            cp.Material.MaterialString = material;
                            cp.Finish = finish;

                            if (kf == -1 && pbi.Y > 0)
                                cp.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                            else if (kf == -1 && pbi.Y < 0)
                                cp.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                            else if (kf == 1 && pbi.Y > 0)
                                cp.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                            else if (kf == 1 && pbi.Y < 0)
                                cp.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;


                            if (weight != 0.0 && us_prop_weight != "")
                                cp.SetUserProperty(us_prop_weight, weight);

                            BooleanPart  bp  = new BooleanPart();
                            ContourPlate cp2 = new ContourPlate();
                            Contour      cr2 = new Contour();

                            cr2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X, pbi.Y, pbi.Z), null));
                            cr2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X, pbi.Y, pbi.Z - kf * _b), null));
                            cr2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(pbi.X, pbi.Y + (pbi.Y > 0 ? -1 * (t1 - t2) : (t1 - t2)), pbi.Z - kf * _b), null));

                            cp2.Contour = cr2;
                            cp2.Profile.ProfileString = "PL" + (_b + 10).ToString();
                            cp2.Class = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;


                            bp.Father        = cp;
                            bp.OperativePart = cp2;

                            BoltArray ba = new BoltArray();
                            ba.FirstPosition  = pb;
                            ba.SecondPosition = new Point(pb.X + 100, pb.Y, pb.Z);

                            ba.BoltStandard      = bg.BoltStandard;
                            ba.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.TOP;
                            ba.BoltType          = bg.BoltType;
                            ba.BoltSize          = bg.BoltSize;
                            ba.Tolerance         = tol;
                            ba.Bolt = false;
                            ba.PartToBeBolted = cp;
                            ba.PartToBoltTo   = cp;
            catch (Exception Exc)

Beispiel #19
        public override bool Run(List <InputDefinition> Input)
                // 오버라이드 된 DefineInput에서 List를 가져옴
                // purlin = 중도리 지붕을 지탱하는 골조
                // flange = 플랜지 파이프를 연결하기 위한 배관?
                Beam Purlin1 = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[0].GetInput());
                Beam Purlin2 = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[1].GetInput());
                Beam OFlange = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[2].GetInput());
                Beam Web     = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[3].GetInput());
                Beam IFlange = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[4].GetInput());

                // 초기값 체크

                double WebThick     = 0.0;
                double IFlangeWidth = 0.0;
                double IFlangeThick = 0.0;
                double OFlangeThick = 0.0;
                Web.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref WebThick);
                OFlange.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref OFlangeThick);
                IFlange.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref IFlangeThick);
                IFlange.GetReportProperty("HEIGHT", ref IFlangeWidth);

                if (IsDefaultValue(_PlateWidth) || _PlateWidth == 0)
                    _PlateWidth = (IFlangeWidth - WebThick) * 0.5;
                if (IsDefaultValue(_PlateLength) || _PlateLength == 0)
                    _PlateLength = (IFlangeWidth - WebThick) * 0.5;

                CoordinateSystem WebSys = Web.GetCoordinateSystem();

                // 평면(Web)과 선(purlin1의 시작과 끝점)이 만나는 교차점
                T3D.Point TopCenter = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(Purlin1.StartPoint, Purlin1.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(WebSys.Origin, WebSys.AxisX, WebSys.AxisY));

                // 실제 좌표점(x,y,z)
                CoordinateSystem WorkSystem = new CoordinateSystem(TopCenter, WebSys.AxisX.Cross(WebSys.AxisY), WebSys.AxisY);

                // CoordinateSystem의 실좌표를 Plane 변경
                _model.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane(WorkSystem));


                CoordinateSystem PurSys        = Purlin1.GetCoordinateSystem();
                T3D.Point        TopClipCenter = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(OFlange.StartPoint, OFlange.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(PurSys.Origin, PurSys.AxisX, PurSys.AxisY));
                T3D.Point        BottCenter    = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(IFlange.StartPoint, IFlange.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(PurSys.Origin, PurSys.AxisX, PurSys.AxisY));

                T3D.Point LeftAngleFirstPoint   = new T3D.Point(-_UpperHorizontalDistance, _UpperVerticalDistance, 0);
                T3D.Point LeftAngleSecondPoint  = new T3D.Point(-_LowerHorizontalDistance, BottCenter.Y - IFlangeThick + _LowerVerticalDistance, 0);
                T3D.Point RightAngleFirstPoint  = new T3D.Point(_UpperHorizontalDistance, _UpperVerticalDistance, 0);
                T3D.Point RightAngleSecondPoint = new T3D.Point(_LowerHorizontalDistance, BottCenter.Y - IFlangeThick + _LowerVerticalDistance, 0);

                Beam         LeftAngle  = new Beam();
                Beam         RightAngle = new Beam();
                Beam         TopClip    = new Beam();
                ContourPlate LeftPlate  = new ContourPlate();
                ContourPlate RightPlate = new ContourPlate();

                TopClip.StartPoint = new T3D.Point(-_TopClipLength * 0.5, TopClipCenter.Y + OFlangeThick, 0);
                TopClip.EndPoint   = new T3D.Point(_TopClipLength * 0.5, TopClipCenter.Y + OFlangeThick, 0);

                if (PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(1, 0, 0) && PurSys.AxisY.GetNormal() == new Vector(0, 1, 0))
                    LeftAngle.StartPoint         = LeftAngleSecondPoint;
                    LeftAngle.EndPoint           = LeftAngleFirstPoint;
                    RightAngle.StartPoint        = RightAngleFirstPoint;
                    RightAngle.EndPoint          = RightAngleSecondPoint;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Plane     = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Rotation  = Position.RotationEnum.BELOW;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Depth     = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                    RightAngle.Position.Plane    = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT;
                    RightAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BELOW;
                    RightAngle.Position.Depth    = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                    TopClip.Position.Plane       = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT;
                    TopClip.Position.Rotation    = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                    TopClip.Position.Depth       = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                    LeftPlate.Position.Depth     = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    RightPlate.Position.Depth    = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    LeftAngle.StartPoint         = LeftAngleFirstPoint;
                    LeftAngle.EndPoint           = LeftAngleSecondPoint;
                    RightAngle.StartPoint        = RightAngleFirstPoint;
                    RightAngle.EndPoint          = RightAngleSecondPoint;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Plane     = Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Rotation  = Position.RotationEnum.TOP;
                    LeftAngle.Position.Depth     = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    RightAngle.Position.Plane    = Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT;
                    RightAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                    RightAngle.Position.Depth    = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    TopClip.Position.Plane       = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT;
                    TopClip.Position.Rotation    = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                    TopClip.Position.Depth       = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    LeftPlate.Position.Depth     = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                    RightPlate.Position.Depth    = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;

                LeftAngle.Profile.ProfileString   = _FlangeProfile;
                LeftAngle.Material.MaterialString = _FlangeMaterial;
                LeftAngle.Class = _FlangeClass;
                LeftAngle.Name  = _FlangeName;

                RightAngle.Profile.ProfileString   = _FlangeProfile;
                RightAngle.Material.MaterialString = _FlangeMaterial;
                RightAngle.Class = _FlangeClass;
                RightAngle.Name  = _FlangeName;

                double BraceWidth     = 0.0;
                double BraceThickness = 0.0;
                RightAngle.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref BraceWidth);
                RightAngle.GetReportProperty("PROFILE.FLANGE_THICKNESS_1", ref BraceThickness);

                double BoltGauge = (BraceWidth + BraceThickness) * 0.5;
                LeftAngle.Position.PlaneOffset = -BoltGauge;
                LeftAngle.StartPointOffset.Dx  = _UpperBoltHorizontalDistance;
                LeftAngle.EndPointOffset.Dx    = _LowerBoltHorizontalDistance;
                RightAngle.Position.PlaneOffset = -BoltGauge;
                RightAngle.StartPointOffset.Dx  = -_LowerBoltHorizontalDistance;
                RightAngle.EndPointOffset.Dx    = _UpperBoltHorizontalDistance;

                TopClip.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL" + _TopClipThickness + "*" + _TopClipWidth;
                TopClip.Material.MaterialString = _TopClipMaterial;
                TopClip.Name = _TopClipName;

                Point        LeftPlatePoint1        = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y, 0);
                Point        LeftPlatePoint2        = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y + _PlateLength, 0);
                Point        LeftPlatePoint3        = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5 - _PlateWidth, BottCenter.Y + _PlateLength, 0);
                Point        LeftPlatePoint4        = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5 - _PlateWidth, BottCenter.Y, 0);
                ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint1 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint1, new Chamfer(30, 30, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE));
                ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint2 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint2, new Chamfer());
                ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint3 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint3, new Chamfer());
                ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint4 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint4, new Chamfer());
                LeftPlate.Material.MaterialString = _PlateMaterial;
                LeftPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL" + _PlateThickness.ToString();
                LeftPlate.Name = _PlateName;

                Point        RightPlatePoint1        = new Point(BottCenter.X + WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y, 0);
                Point        RightPlatePoint2        = new Point(RightPlatePoint1.X + _PlateWidth, RightPlatePoint1.Y, 0);
                Point        RightPlatePoint3        = new Point(RightPlatePoint2.X, RightPlatePoint2.Y + _PlateLength, 0);
                Point        RightPlatePoint4        = new Point(RightPlatePoint3.X - _PlateWidth, RightPlatePoint3.Y, 0);
                ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint1 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint1, new Chamfer(30, 30, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE));
                ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint2 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint2, new Chamfer());
                ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint3 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint3, new Chamfer());
                ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint4 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint4, new Chamfer());
                RightPlate.Material.MaterialString = _PlateMaterial;
                RightPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL" + _PlateThickness.ToString();
                RightPlate.Name = _PlateName;

                Beam LeftPurlin  = Purlin1;
                Beam RightPurlin = Purlin2;
                if ((Purlin1.StartPoint.X - Purlin2.StartPoint.X) > 1 || (Purlin1.StartPoint.Y - Purlin2.StartPoint.Y) > 1)
                    RightPurlin = Purlin1;
                    LeftPurlin  = Purlin2;

                Weld LeftPlateToIFlange = new Weld();
                LeftPlateToIFlange.MainObject      = IFlange;
                LeftPlateToIFlange.SecondaryObject = LeftPlate;
                LeftPlateToIFlange.ShopWeld        = true;
                Weld LeftPlateToWeb = new Weld();
                LeftPlateToWeb.MainObject      = Web;
                LeftPlateToWeb.SecondaryObject = LeftPlate;
                LeftPlateToWeb.ShopWeld        = true;
                Weld RightPlateToIFlange = new Weld();
                RightPlateToIFlange.MainObject      = IFlange;
                RightPlateToIFlange.SecondaryObject = RightPlate;
                RightPlateToIFlange.ShopWeld        = true;
                Weld RightPlateToWeb = new Weld();
                RightPlateToWeb.MainObject      = Web;
                RightPlateToWeb.SecondaryObject = RightPlate;
                RightPlateToWeb.ShopWeld        = true;

                PolygonWeld ClipToFlange = new PolygonWeld();
                ClipToFlange.TypeAbove       = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET;
                ClipToFlange.TypeBelow       = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET;
                ClipToFlange.SizeAbove       = _ClipWeldSize;
                ClipToFlange.SizeBelow       = _ClipWeldSize;
                ClipToFlange.MainObject      = OFlange;
                ClipToFlange.SecondaryObject = TopClip;
                ClipToFlange.ShopWeld        = true;

                // Bolting Brace with Plate or Purlin
                BoltArray UpperLeftBolt = new BoltArray();
                UpperLeftBolt.PartToBoltTo   = LeftPurlin;
                UpperLeftBolt.PartToBeBolted = LeftAngle;
                UpperLeftBolt.FirstPosition  = LeftAngle.StartPoint;
                UpperLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.EndPoint;
                UpperLeftBolt.BoltSize          = _BraceBoltSize;
                UpperLeftBolt.Tolerance         = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                UpperLeftBolt.BoltStandard      = _BraceBoltStandard;
                UpperLeftBolt.BoltType          = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                UpperLeftBolt.CutLength         = 76.2;
                UpperLeftBolt.Bolt              = true;
                UpperLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                BoltArray LowerLeftBolt = new BoltArray();
                LowerLeftBolt.PartToBoltTo   = LeftPlate;
                LowerLeftBolt.PartToBeBolted = LeftAngle;
                LowerLeftBolt.FirstPosition  = LeftAngle.EndPoint;
                LowerLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.StartPoint;
                LowerLeftBolt.BoltSize          = _BraceBoltSize;
                LowerLeftBolt.BoltStandard      = _BraceBoltStandard;
                LowerLeftBolt.Tolerance         = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                LowerLeftBolt.BoltType          = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                LowerLeftBolt.CutLength         = 76.2;
                LowerLeftBolt.Bolt              = true;
                LowerLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                BoltArray UpperRightBolt = new BoltArray();
                UpperRightBolt.PartToBoltTo   = RightPurlin;
                UpperRightBolt.PartToBeBolted = RightAngle;
                UpperRightBolt.FirstPosition  = RightAngle.EndPoint;
                UpperRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.StartPoint;
                UpperRightBolt.BoltSize          = _BraceBoltSize;
                UpperRightBolt.Tolerance         = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                UpperRightBolt.BoltStandard      = _BraceBoltStandard;
                UpperRightBolt.BoltType          = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                UpperRightBolt.CutLength         = 76.2;
                UpperRightBolt.Bolt              = true;
                UpperRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;
                BoltArray LowerRightBolt = new BoltArray();
                LowerRightBolt.PartToBoltTo   = RightPlate;
                LowerRightBolt.PartToBeBolted = RightAngle;
                LowerRightBolt.FirstPosition  = RightAngle.StartPoint;
                LowerRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.EndPoint;
                LowerRightBolt.BoltSize          = _BraceBoltSize;
                LowerRightBolt.Tolerance         = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                LowerRightBolt.BoltStandard      = _BraceBoltStandard;
                LowerRightBolt.BoltType          = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                LowerRightBolt.CutLength         = 76.2;
                LowerRightBolt.Bolt              = true;
                LowerRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;

                // Bolting ClipPlate with purlin
                BoltArray ClipBolts1 = new BoltArray();
                ClipBolts1.PartToBoltTo        = LeftPurlin;
                ClipBolts1.PartToBeBolted      = TopClip;
                ClipBolts1.FirstPosition       = TopClip.StartPoint;
                ClipBolts1.SecondPosition      = TopClip.EndPoint;
                ClipBolts1.StartPointOffset.Dx = 31.75;
                ClipBolts1.StartPointOffset.Dy = 76.2;
                ClipBolts1.EndPointOffset.Dy   = 76.2;
                ClipBolts1.BoltSize            = _ClipBoltSize;
                ClipBolts1.Tolerance           = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                ClipBolts1.BoltStandard        = _CliptBoltStandard;
                ClipBolts1.BoltType            = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                ClipBolts1.CutLength           = 76.2;
                ClipBolts1.Bolt = true;
                ClipBolts1.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;

                BoltArray ClipBolts2 = new BoltArray();
                ClipBolts2.PartToBoltTo        = RightPurlin;
                ClipBolts2.PartToBeBolted      = TopClip;
                ClipBolts2.FirstPosition       = TopClip.StartPoint;
                ClipBolts2.SecondPosition      = TopClip.EndPoint;
                ClipBolts2.StartPointOffset.Dx = _TopClipLength - 31.75;
                ClipBolts2.StartPointOffset.Dy = 76.2;
                ClipBolts2.EndPointOffset.Dy   = 76.2;
                ClipBolts2.BoltSize            = _ClipBoltSize;
                ClipBolts2.Tolerance           = 0.0625 * 25.4;
                ClipBolts2.BoltStandard        = _CliptBoltStandard;
                ClipBolts2.BoltType            = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE;
                ClipBolts2.CutLength           = 76.2;
                ClipBolts2.Bolt = true;
                ClipBolts2.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT;

                if (PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(1, 0, 0) && PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(0, 1, 0))
                    UpperLeftBolt.FirstPosition      = LeftAngle.EndPoint;
                    UpperLeftBolt.SecondPosition     = LeftAngle.StartPoint;
                    UpperLeftBolt.Position.Rotation  = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
                    LowerLeftBolt.FirstPosition      = LeftAngle.StartPoint;
                    LowerLeftBolt.SecondPosition     = LeftAngle.EndPoint;
                    LowerLeftBolt.Position.Rotation  = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
                    UpperRightBolt.FirstPosition     = RightAngle.StartPoint;
                    UpperRightBolt.SecondPosition    = RightAngle.EndPoint;
                    UpperRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
                    LowerRightBolt.FirstPosition     = RightAngle.StartPoint;
                    LowerRightBolt.SecondPosition    = RightAngle.EndPoint;
                    LowerRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
                    ClipBolts1.Position.Rotation     = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
                    ClipBolts2.Position.Rotation     = Position.RotationEnum.BACK;
            catch (Exception e)

Beispiel #20
        private void btnPolygonCut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Current Workplane. Remember how the user had model before you made changes
            TransformationPlane currentPlane = currentModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().GetCurrentTransformationPlane();

            TSMUI.Picker myPicker   = new TSMUI.Picker();
            Part         pickedPart = null;

                pickedPart = myPicker.PickObject(Tekla.Structures.Model.UI.Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART) as Part;
                pickedPart = null;

            if (pickedPart != null)
                // Change the workplane to the coordinate system of the part
                currentModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane(pickedPart.GetCoordinateSystem()));

                // Apply polygon cut
                ContourPlate contourPlateObject = new ContourPlate();
                contourPlateObject.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = "XX";
                contourPlateObject.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = 1;
                contourPlateObject.PartNumber.Prefix          = "xx";
                contourPlateObject.PartNumber.StartNumber     = 1;
                contourPlateObject.Name = "CUT";
                contourPlateObject.Profile.ProfileString   = "200";
                contourPlateObject.Material.MaterialString = "ANTIMATERIAL";
                contourPlateObject.Finish = "";
                // THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART!!!
                contourPlateObject.Class          = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
                contourPlateObject.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
                // When doing a polygon cut make sure you don't do it right along edge
                // or sometimes you might et a solid error and your part will disappear.
                contourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(-10, -10, 0), null));
                contourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(100, -10, 0), null));
                contourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(100, 100, 0), null));
                contourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(-10, 100, 0), null));

                if (!contourPlateObject.Insert())
                    Tekla.Structures.Model.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt("Plate was ot created");
                    // Set workplane to what user had before
                    // We don't need the physical part in the model anymore.

                    // Set workplane to what user had before

                    // Show the fitting in the model, the user will never see the workplane change.
Beispiel #21
        private void InsertComponents(ModelObject mObj, List <TSM.Component> components)
            TransformationPlane originalTransformationplane = null;

            try {
                lock (wHandler) {
                    originalTransformationplane = wHandler.GetCurrentTransformationPlane();
                ComponentInput compInput  = new ComponentInput();
                Part           fatherpart = mObj as Part;
                Assembly       assembly   = fatherpart.GetAssembly();

                // Get the transformationplane from objects coordinate systems vectors and because objects coordinate system is not the same XY plane as of models,
                // so cross product needs to be made for the Y-axis
                TransformationPlane fatherpartsTransformationPlane = new TransformationPlane(fatherpart.GetCoordinateSystem().Origin, fatherpart.GetCoordinateSystem().AxisX, Vector.Cross(fatherpart.GetCoordinateSystem().AxisY, fatherpart.GetCoordinateSystem().AxisX));
                lock (wHandler) {
                double         minX  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MinimumPoint.X;
                double         minY  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MinimumPoint.Y;
                double         minZ  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MinimumPoint.Z;
                double         maxX  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MaximumPoint.X;
                double         maxY  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MaximumPoint.Y;
                double         maxZ  = fatherpart.GetSolid().MaximumPoint.Z;
                Solid          s     = fatherpart.GetSolid();
                FaceEnumerator fEnum = s.GetFaceEnumerator();
                StringBuilder  sb    = new StringBuilder();
                while (fEnum.MoveNext())
                Point        p1            = null;
                Point        p2            = null;
                List <Point> cutPartPoints = new List <Point>()
                    new Point(),
                    new Point(),
                    new Point(),
                    new Point()
                ContourPlate cutpart = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                    cutpart                         = new ContourPlate();
                    cutpart.Name                    = "Leikkaus";
                    cutpart.Position.Depth          = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
                    cutpart.Position.Plane          = Position.PlaneEnum.MIDDLE;
                    cutpart.Class                   = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
                    cutpart.Material.MaterialString = "Reikä";
                    cutpart.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL135";
                    BooleanPart bPart = new BooleanPart();
                    compInput = new ComponentInput();
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        p1 = new Point(minX + 300, 0, minZ);
                        p2 = new Point(minX + 300, maxY, minZ);
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - 52, p1.Z + 40), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - 52, p1.Z + 161.68), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + 161.68 + (Math.Tan(9.88 * Math.PI / 180) * ((maxY - minY) / 2 + 52))), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + 40), null));
                        bPart.Father = fatherpart;
                        if (!bPart.Insert())
                            SetInfoText("Leikkauksen (1) tekeminen epäonnistui!");

                    case 1:
                        p1 = new Point(maxX - 300, 0, minZ);
                        p2 = new Point(maxX - 300, maxY, minZ);
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - 52, p1.Z + 40), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, p1.Y - 52, p1.Z + 161.68), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + 161.68 + (Math.Tan(9.88 * Math.PI / 180) * ((maxY - minY) / 2 + 52))), null));
                        cutpart.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(p1.X, maxY, p1.Z + 40), null));
                        bPart.Father = fatherpart;
                        if (!bPart.Insert())
                            SetInfoText("Leikkauksen (2) tekeminen epäonnistui!");

                    case 2:
                        p1 = new Point(minX + 300, 0, maxZ + 135);
                        p2 = new Point(minX + 300, maxY, maxZ + 135);

                    case 3:
                        p1 = new Point(maxX - 300, 0, maxZ + 135);
                        p2 = new Point(maxX - 300, maxY, maxZ + 135);
                    if (!components[i].Insert())
                        SetInfoText("Komponentin laittaminen epäonnistui!");
                foreach (TSM.Component c in components)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                ExceptionOccured(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                SetInfoText("Komponentin asettamisessa tapahtui virhe!");
            } finally {
                lock (wHandler) {
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // *기본 가정
            //  1) 슬라브를 배치할 두 빔은 평행
            //  2) 슬라브는 비스듬하게 배치되지 않음.(두빔에 항상 수직방향으로 배치됨)
            //  3) 슬라브는 z평면과 수평하게 배치됨
            TSM.Model currentModel = new TSM.Model();

                // 1. 슬라브 객체 생성
                ContourPlate contourPlate = new ContourPlate();

                // 2. 슬라브 생성할 두 부재 선택
                Picker          picker    = new Picker();
                TSM.ModelObject mainpart  = picker.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART, "슬라브를 삽입할 첫번째 부재를 선택하세요.");
                TSM.Beam        startBeam = mainpart as TSM.Beam;
                mainpart = picker.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART, "슬라브를 삽입할 두번째 부재를 선택하세요.");
                TSM.Beam endBeam = mainpart as TSM.Beam;

                // 3. 기본 방향벡터 생성
                //  1) StartBeam의 길이방향 단위벡터
                TSG.Vector startBeamLDirectionVector = new TSG.Vector(startBeam.EndPoint - startBeam.StartPoint).GetNormal();

                //  2) StartBeam의 높이방향 단위벡터-
                TSG.Vector startBeamHDirecitionVector = new TSG.Vector(0, 0, 1); //추후 기울어진 빔에도 적용가능하도록 변경

                //  EdgeEnumerator를 통해 StartBeam의 높이방향 단위벡터 구하기
                Solid solid = startBeam.GetSolid();
                if (solid != null)
                    EdgeEnumerator edgeEnumerator = solid.GetEdgeEnumerator();
                    int            edgeCount      = 0;
                    while (edgeEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        var edge = edgeEnumerator.Current as Edge;
                        if (edge != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Start : " + edge.StartPoint.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("End : " + edge.EndPoint.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Type :" + edge.Type.ToString());

                            if (edgeCount == 8)
                                startBeamHDirecitionVector = new TSG.Vector((edge.EndPoint.X - edge.StartPoint.X) / 2, (edge.EndPoint.Y - edge.StartPoint.Y) / 2, (edge.EndPoint.Z - edge.StartPoint.Z) / 2).GetNormal();

                //  3) StartBeam -> EndBeam 방향 단위벡터 (중점에서 중점 잇는 벡터)
                TSG.Point sbSP = startBeam.StartPoint;
                TSG.Point sbEP = startBeam.EndPoint;
                TSG.Point ebSP = endBeam.StartPoint;
                TSG.Point ebEP = endBeam.EndPoint;
                TSG.Point starBeamCenterPoint = new TSG.Point((sbSP.X + sbEP.X) / 2, (sbSP.Y + sbEP.Y) / 2, (sbSP.Z + sbEP.Z) / 2);
                TSG.Point endBeamCenterPoint  = new TSG.Point((ebSP.X + ebEP.X) / 2, (ebSP.Y + ebEP.Y) / 2, (ebSP.Z + ebEP.Z) / 2);

                TSG.Vector startBeamToEndBeamVector          = new TSG.Vector((ebSP.X + ebEP.X) / 2 - (sbSP.X + sbEP.X) / 2, (ebSP.Y + ebEP.Y) / 2 - (sbSP.Y + sbEP.Y) / 2, (ebSP.Z + ebEP.Z) / 2 - (sbSP.Z + sbEP.Z) / 2);
                TSG.Vector startBeamToEndBeamDirectionVector = new TSG.Vector((ebSP.X + ebEP.X) / 2 - (sbSP.X + sbEP.X) / 2, (ebSP.Y + ebEP.Y) / 2 - (sbSP.Y + sbEP.Y) / 2, (ebSP.Z + ebEP.Z) / 2 - (sbSP.Z + sbEP.Z) / 2).GetNormal();

                // 3. 슬라브 치수 및 기타속성 입력 ( 현재는 상수 )
                double slabWidthLeft   = 300;
                double slabWidthCenter = 300;
                double slabWidthRight  = 300;
                double slabThickness   = 100;
                double ribThickness    = 200;
                double ribDistUpper    = 50;
                double ribDistLower    = 30;
                double ribInterval     = ribDistUpper - ribDistLower;

                double startOffset = 100;
                contourPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = (startBeamToEndBeamVector.GetLength() - startOffset * 2).ToString();
                contourPlate.Material.MaterialString = "C24";

                // 4. 슬라브 시작점 설정
                //  1) 길이방향(일단은 startPoint점에서 시작하는걸로)
                String    direction      = "정방향"; //사용자가 직접 선택. 정방향 or 역방향
                TSG.Point slabStartPoint = new TSG.Point();

                if (direction == "정방향")
                    slabStartPoint = startBeam.StartPoint;
                else if (direction == "역방향")
                    slabStartPoint            = startBeam.EndPoint;
                    startBeamLDirectionVector = startBeamLDirectionVector * -1;

                //  2) 높이방향
                double heightConstant = 0.0;
                //depth type에 따른 슬라브 생성높이 변경
                if (startBeam.Position.Depth == Position.DepthEnum.FRONT)
                    heightConstant = 1.0;
                else if (startBeam.Position.Depth == Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE)
                    heightConstant = 0.5;
                slabStartPoint += startBeamHDirecitionVector * ((Methods.GetGirderHeight(startBeam) * heightConstant + slabThickness + ribThickness));

                //  3) endBeam방향
                slabStartPoint += startBeamToEndBeamDirectionVector * (startOffset);

                // 5. 슬라브 포인트 입력
                List <TSG.Point> pointList = new List <TSG.Point>();

                pointList.Add(pointList[0] + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * slabThickness * -1));
                pointList.Add(pointList[1] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * slabWidthLeft));
                pointList.Add(pointList[2] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribInterval) + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * ribThickness * -1));
                pointList.Add(pointList[3] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribDistLower));
                pointList.Add(pointList[4] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribInterval) + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * ribThickness));
                pointList.Add(pointList[5] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * slabWidthCenter));
                pointList.Add(pointList[6] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribInterval) + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * ribThickness * -1));
                pointList.Add(pointList[7] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribDistLower));
                pointList.Add(pointList[8] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * ribInterval) + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * ribThickness));
                pointList.Add(pointList[9] + (startBeamLDirectionVector * slabWidthRight));
                pointList.Add(pointList[10] + (startBeamHDirecitionVector * slabThickness));

                for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++)
                    contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(pointList[i], null));

                // 4. 슬라브 깊이타입 결정
                //  1) StartBeam 중앙에서 L,H Direction의 법선 벡터방향 으로 Line을 뻗어 EndBeam과 겹치는 부분이 있는지 확인
                //  2) 겹치면 깊이타입 Front , 겹치지 않으면 Back

                //  StartBeam 중앙에서 L,H Direction의 법선 벡터(외적 결과값)
                TSG.Vector crossResult = TSG.Vector.Cross(startBeamHDirecitionVector, startBeamLDirectionVector);

                //  외적벡터의 연장선
                TSG.Point       extendedPoint     = new TSG.Point(starBeamCenterPoint.X, starBeamCenterPoint.Y, starBeamCenterPoint.Z) + new TSG.Point(crossResult.X * 10000, crossResult.Y * 10000, crossResult.Z * 10000);
                TSG.LineSegment centerLineSegment = new TSG.LineSegment(starBeamCenterPoint, extendedPoint);

                //endBeam의 Plane 작성
                TSG.Vector         planeNormalVector = crossResult; //조건 중 startBeam과 endBeam이 평행하므로 평면을 구성하는 법선벡터 또한 같다.
                TSG.GeometricPlane endBeamPlane      = new TSG.GeometricPlane(endBeamCenterPoint, planeNormalVector);

                //두 line이 겹치는지 확인하는 Point (겹치면 값이 있고 안겹치면 값이 없음)
                TSG.Point isIntersect = TSG.Intersection.LineSegmentToPlane(centerLineSegment, endBeamPlane);
                if (isIntersect != null) // endBeam이 오른쪽에 있을 때
                    if (direction == "정방향")
                        contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                    else if (direction == "역방향")
                        contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                else if (isIntersect == null) // endBeam이 오른쪽에 없을 때
                    if (direction == "정방향")
                        contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                    else if (direction == "역방향")
                        contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND;
                bool result = false;
                result = contourPlate.Insert();
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void CK09_PolygonCut()
            // Current Workplane. Reminder how the user had the model before you did stuff.
            TransformationPlane CurrentPlane = Model.GetWorkPlaneHandler().GetCurrentTransformationPlane();

            Picker Picker     = new Picker();
            Beam   PickedPart = null;

                PickedPart = (Beam)Picker.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART);
            catch { PickedPart = null; }
            if (PickedPart != null)
                // Change the workplane to the coordinate system of the Beam
                var psk = new TransformationPlane(PickedPart.GetCoordinateSystem());

                ContourPlate ContourPlateObject = new ContourPlate();
                ContourPlateObject.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = "XX";
                ContourPlateObject.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = 1;
                ContourPlateObject.Name = "CUT";
                ContourPlateObject.PartNumber.Prefix       = "xx";
                ContourPlateObject.Profile.ProfileString   = "200";
                ContourPlateObject.Material.MaterialString = "ANTIMATERIAL";
                ContourPlateObject.Finish = "";
                // This is the Important Part!
                ContourPlateObject.Class          = BooleanPart.BooleanOperativeClassName;
                ContourPlateObject.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE;
                // when doing a polygon cut make sure you don't do roght alone edge
                //..or sometimes you maight get a solid error and your part will disappeared
                ContourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(-10, -10, 0), null));
                ContourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(100, -10, 0), null));
                ContourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(100, 100, 0), null));
                ContourPlateObject.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new T3D.Point(-10, 100, 0), null));
                if (!ContourPlateObject.Insert())
                    Tekla.Structures.Model.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt("Plate wasn't created.");
                    // SetWorkPlane back to what user had before
                    BooleanPart PolygonCut = new BooleanPart();
                    PolygonCut.Father        = PickedPart;
                    PolygonCut.OperativePart = ContourPlateObject;
                    PolygonCut.Type          = BooleanPart.BooleanTypeEnum.BOOLEAN_CUT;
                    if (!PolygonCut.Insert())
                        // SetWorkPlane back to what user had before
                        // We don't need the phisical part in the model anymore.

                        // SetWorkPlane back to what user had before

                        // Show the fitting in the model but the user
                        //..will never see the workplane change
Beispiel #24
        private void CreatePlatesForBox()
            var bottomContour = new Contour();

            bottomContour.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 6000.0, 0), null));
            bottomContour.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 12000.0, 0), null));
            bottomContour.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 12000.0, 0), null));
            bottomContour.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 6000.0, 0), null));

            bottomPlate = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S2345JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL100" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 },
                Contour  = bottomContour

            var contour1 = new Contour();

            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 6000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 12000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 12000.0, 4500.0), null));
            contour1.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(3000.0, 6000.0, 4500.0), null));

            sidePlate1 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL100" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 },
                Contour  = contour1

            var contour2 = new Contour();

            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 15000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 15000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 15000.0, 4500.0), null));
            contour2.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 15000.0, 4500.0), null));

            this.sidePlate2 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL100" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 },
                Contour  = contour2

            var contour3 = new Contour();

            contour3.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(15000.0, 6000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour3.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(15000.0, 12000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour3.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(15000.0, 12000.0, 4500.0), null));
            contour3.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(15000.0, 6000.0, 4500.0), null));

            sidePlate3 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL100" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 },
                Contour  = contour3

            var contour4 = new Contour();

            contour4.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 3000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour4.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 3000.0, 1500.0), null));
            contour4.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(12000.0, 3000.0, 4500.0), null));
            contour4.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(new Point(6000.0, 3000.0, 4500.0), null));

            sidePlate4 = new ContourPlate
                Name     = "Plate",
                Material = { MaterialString = "S235JR" },
                Profile  = { ProfileString = "PL100" },
                Position = { Depth = Position.DepthEnum.MIDDLE, DepthOffset = 0 },
                Contour  = contour4

Beispiel #25
        public void CK08_CreatePlate()
            ArrayList PickedPoints = null;
            Picker    Picker       = new Picker();

                PickedPoints = Picker.PickPoints(Picker.PickPointEnum.PICK_POLYGON);
            catch { PickedPoints = null; }
            if (PickedPoints != null)
                ContourPlate Plate = new ContourPlate();
                Plate.AssemblyNumber.Prefix      = "P";
                Plate.AssemblyNumber.StartNumber = 1;
                Plate.PartNumber.Prefix          = "p";
                Plate.PartNumber.StartNumber     = 1;
                Plate.Name = "PLATE";
                Plate.Profile.ProfileString   = "PL25";
                Plate.Material.MaterialString = "C245";
                Plate.Finish         = "";
                Plate.Class          = "1";
                Plate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;
                foreach (T3D.Point ThisPoint in PickedPoints)
                    var chamfer     = new Chamfer(12.7, 12.7, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE);
                    var conturPoint = new ContourPoint(ThisPoint, chamfer);
                if (!Plate.Insert())
                    Tekla.Structures.Model.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt("Plate wasn't created.");
                    // Change the workplane to the coordinate system of the plate.
                    var transformationPlane = new TransformationPlane(Plate.GetCoordinateSystem());

                    // Show the plate in the model and the workplane change.

                    // This gets the plate's coordinates and information in the current workplane.
                    // Draw the coordinate of the plate in the model in the local coordinate system.
                    GraphicsDrawer Drawer = new GraphicsDrawer();
                    foreach (ContourPoint ContourPoint in Plate.Contour.ContourPoints)
                        double    x = ContourPoint.X, y = ContourPoint.Y, z = ContourPoint.Z;
                        T3D.Point CornerPoint = new T3D.Point(x, y, z);
                        //double ImperialValue = 25.4;
                        //double XValue = Math.Round(CornerPoint.X / ImperialValue, 4);
                        //double YValue = Math.Round(CornerPoint.Y / ImperialValue, 4);
                        //double ZValue = Math.Round(CornerPoint.Z / ImperialValue, 4);
                        //Drawer.DrawText(CornerPoint, "(" + XValue + "," + YValue + "," + ZValue + ")", new Color(1,0,0));
                        Drawer.DrawLineSegment(new LineSegment(new T3D.Point(0, 0, 0), new T3D.Point(0, 0, 500)), new Color(1, 0, 0));
                    mw.Msg("На экране Tekla построена пластина по заданным точкам"
                           + " и показаны координаты этих точек и репер ПСК.  [OK]");
                    MessageBox.Show("Построена пластина.");
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //1. 기본 가정
            // 1) 슬라브를 배치할 두 빔은 평행
            // 2) 슬라브는 비스듬하게 배치되지 않음.(두빔에 항상 수직방향으로 배치됨)
            // 3) 슬라브는 z평면과 수평하게 배치됨

            ContourPlate contourPlate = new ContourPlate();

            contourPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT;

            //2. 현재 모델의 좌표계(글로벌좌표계) 및 Z 벡터 저장
            TSM.Model           currentModel     = new TSM.Model();
            WorkPlaneHandler    workPlaneHandler = currentModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler();
            TransformationPlane originPlane      = workPlaneHandler.GetCurrentTransformationPlane();

            //3. 슬라브 생성할 두 부재 선택
            Picker picker = new Picker();

            TSM.ModelObject mainpart  = picker.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART, "슬라브를 삽입할 첫번째 부재를 선택하세요.");
            TSM.Beam        startBeam = mainpart as TSM.Beam;
            mainpart = picker.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART, "슬라브를 삽입할 두번째 부재를 선택하세요.");
            TSM.Beam endBeam = mainpart as TSM.Beam;

            //4. 새 좌표계 생성(startBeam과 EndBeam과의 관계 내포)
            TSG.Vector          coordinateVector2    = new TSG.Vector(startBeam.EndPoint - startBeam.StartPoint);
            TSG.Vector          coordinateVector1    = new TSG.Vector(endBeam.EndPoint - startBeam.StartPoint);
            TransformationPlane slabCoordinateSystem = new TransformationPlane(startBeam.StartPoint, coordinateVector2, coordinateVector1);


            //5. 슬라브 Point시작점 위치 잡기
            //1) 슬라브 벡터 설정
            TSG.Vector slabVector = new TSG.Vector(0, 1, 0);

            //3) offset길이만큼 beam1 e.p 방향으로 이동(추후 작성)
            //4) 걸침 높이만큼 z축 방향으로 이동(여기서는 slab Height로 가야함)(추후 작성)

            //6. 슬라브 치수요소 입력 ( 현재는 상수 )
            double slabWidthLeft   = 300;
            double slabWidthCenter = 300;
            double slabWidthRight  = 300;
            double slabHeight      = 300;
            double ribDistUpper    = 50;
            double ribDistLower    = 30;
            double slabThickness   = 100;

            //7. 슬라브 시작점 설정
            TSG.Point slabStartPoint = new TSG.Point(0, 0, (Methods.GetGirderHeight(startBeam) * 0.5 + slabHeight) * -1);

            //Y방향 설정
            double startOffset = 100;

            slabStartPoint += slabVector * Methods.GetGirderWidth(startBeam) * 0.5;
            slabStartPoint += slabVector * startOffset * -1;

            //8. 슬라브 포인트 입력 (수정)
            TSG.Point point1  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z);
            TSG.Point point2  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point3  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft - ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point4  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft - ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight));
            TSG.Point point5  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight));
            TSG.Point point6  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point7  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter - ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point8  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter - ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight));
            TSG.Point point9  = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight));
            TSG.Point point10 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point11 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + slabWidthRight, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness));
            TSG.Point point12 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + slabWidthRight, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z);

            //TSG.Point point1 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z);
            //TSG.Point point2 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point3 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft - ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point4 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft - ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point5 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point6 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point7 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter - ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point8 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter - ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point9 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + ribDistLower / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabHeight) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point10 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + ribDistUpper / 2, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point11 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + slabWidthRight, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z + (slabThickness) * -1);
            //TSG.Point point12 = new TSG.Point(slabStartPoint.X + slabWidthLeft + slabWidthCenter + slabWidthRight, slabStartPoint.Y, slabStartPoint.Z);

            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point1, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point2, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point3, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point4, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point5, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point6, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point7, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point8, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point9, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point10, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point11, null));
            contourPlate.AddContourPoint(new ContourPoint(point12, null));

            contourPlate.Profile.ProfileString   = "2000";
            contourPlate.Material.MaterialString = "C24";

            bool result = false;

            result = contourPlate.Insert();

            //모델의 좌표계를 재로드