public override bool Match(object check, Context context, IContinuation succ, IFailure fail)
            if (check is IParsedPhrase)
                IParsedPhrase phrase = (IParsedPhrase)check;
                if (phrase.Part == "=P")
                    // Match against each element
                    foreach (IParsedPhrase constituent in phrase.Branches)
                        Context child = new Context(context, context.Contents);
                        child.Map["$check"] = constituent;
                        ContinueToCallAgent.Instantiate(new ClauseVariable(salience, tagger, parser), child, succ, fail);
                else if (phrase.Part == "FRAG" || phrase.Part == "S" || phrase.Part == "SBARQ")
                    GroupPhrase   groupPhrase = new GroupPhrase(phrase);
                    IParsedPhrase last        = groupPhrase.GetBranch(groupPhrase.Count - 1);
                    if (last.Part == "." || last.Part == "?" || last.Part == "!" || last.Part == ";")
                        phrase = new GroupPhrase("?", groupPhrase.GetRange(0));

                    // Set up propogate-on-clear
                    ContinueToCallAgent cont = CallAgentWrapper.MakeContinuation(PropogateOnClear, succ, 100.0, 4, 10, "%clause", phrase);

                    // Do a match using my contents
                    Matcher.MatchAgainst(salience, context, phrase, new List <IParsedPhrase>(), cont, fail);

        public override bool Match(object check, Context context, IContinuation succ, IFailure fail)
            if (check is IParsedPhrase && ((IParsedPhrase)check).IsLeaf)

            // Match against each element
            foreach (IParsedPhrase constituent in ((IParsedPhrase)check).Branches)
                // Set up propogate-on-clear
                ContinueToCallAgent cont = CallAgentWrapper.MakeContinuation(PropogateOnClear, succ, 100.0, 4, 10, "%phrase", check);

                if (variable == null || variable.IsMatch(constituent))
                    Matcher.MatchAgainst(salience, context, constituent, new List <IParsedPhrase>(), cont, fail);
                if (!(constituent.IsLeaf))
                    Context child = new Context(context, context.Contents);
                    child.Map["$check"] = constituent;
                    ContinueToCallAgent.Instantiate(new PhraseVariable(salience, variable, tagger, parser), child, cont, fail);

        public override bool Produce(Context context, IContinuation succ, IFailure fail)
            // Evaluate all children
            ContinueToCallAgent cont = CallAgentWrapper.MakeContinuation(ConstructSentence, succ, 100.0, 10, 10);

            ContinuationAppender appender = new ContinuationAppender(context, cont);

            Evaluator eval = new Evaluator(salience, ArgumentMode.ManyArguments, appender.AsIndex(0), appender.AsIndex(1), true);

            eval.Continue(context, fail);

        public override bool Match(object check, Context context, IContinuation succ, IFailure fail)
            if (check is IParsedPhrase && ((IParsedPhrase)check).Part == "PRN")
                // Set up propogate-on-clear
                ContinueToCallAgent cont = CallAgentWrapper.MakeContinuation(PropogateOnClear, succ, 100.0, 4, 10, "%paren", check);

                // Do a match using my contents
                Matcher.MatchAgainst(salience, context, (IParsedPhrase)check, new List <IParsedPhrase>(), cont, fail);
                fail.Fail("check is not parenthetical", succ);
        public override bool Evaluate()
            List <IContent> contents = context.Contents;

            if (contents.Count == 0)
                Unilog.Notice(this, "Ran out of template before input");
                fail.Fail("Ran out of tokens before matched all input", succ);

            // Does our first element match the whole thing?
            IContent first = contents[0];

            //Console.WriteLine("Match " + first.Name + " against " + input.Text + " + " + unmatched.Count);

            // always consider dropping interjections
            IFailure myfail = fail;

            if (input.Part == "UH")
                IFailure skipfail;
                if (unmatched.Count == 0)
                    // then fail becomes success!
                    skipfail = new ContinueCodelet(salience, context, succ, fail);
                    Matcher matchskip = new Matcher(salience, unmatched[0], unmatched.GetRange(1, unmatched.Count - 1), succ);
                    skipfail = new ContinueCodelet(salience, context, matchskip, fail);

                myfail = skipfail;

            if (first.Name == "*")
                // Failure state has the first POS eaten by the star
                StarEater eater = new StarEater(coderack, salience, this, StarUtilities.NextStarName(context, "*"), true);

                if (context.Contents.Count == 1)
                    // We ran out elements, but we still have some unmatched
                    coderack.AddCodelet(eater, "Evaluate *");
                    MatchAgainst(salience, context.ChildRange(1), input, unmatched, succ, eater);
            else if (first.Name == "_")
                StarEater eater = new StarEater(coderack, salience, this, StarUtilities.NextStarName(context, "_"), true);

                coderack.AddCodelet(eater, "Evaluate _");
            else if (first.Name == "%opt")
                // Try with, and if that fails, do without
                int end = context.Contents.IndexOf(Special.EndDelimSpecial);
                if (end == -1)
                    // It's all optional-- but on fail return to match to ensure blank
                    Context   without     = new Context(context, new List <IContent>());
                    Evaluator evalfail    = MakeMatcherContinue(salience, without, input, unmatched, succ);
                    IFailure  withoutfail = new ContinueCodelet(salience, without, evalfail, myfail);

                    Context with = new Context(context, context.Contents.GetRange(1, context.Contents.Count - 1));
                    Matcher.MatchAgainst(salience, with, input, unmatched, succ, withoutfail);
                    Context   without     = new Context(context, context.Contents.GetRange(end + 1, context.Contents.Count - (end + 1)));
                    Evaluator evalfail    = MakeMatcherContinue(salience, without, input, unmatched, succ);
                    IFailure  withoutfail = new ContinueCodelet(salience, without, evalfail, myfail);

                    Context with = new Context(context, context.Contents.GetRange(1, end - 1));
                    Matcher.MatchAgainst(salience, with, input, unmatched, succ, withoutfail);
            else if (first is Variable)
                if (((Variable)first).Match(context, input))
                else if (input.IsLeaf)
                    // we didn't match-- fail!
                    Unilog.Notice(this, first.Name + " does not match " + input.Text);
                    fail.Fail("Initial variable didn't match", succ);
                    GroupPhrase groupPhrase = new GroupPhrase(input);
                    unmatched.InsertRange(0, groupPhrase.GetRange(1));
                    // Call again with the same evaluated first argument
                    Matcher matchrest = new Matcher(salience, groupPhrase.GetBranch(0), unmatched, succ);
                    matchrest.Continue(context, myfail);
            else if (first is Value && ((Value)first).Data is MatchProduceAgent)
                IContinuation mysucc = succ;
                // Check if we have values to match later
                if (unmatched.Count != 0)
                    mysucc = MakeNextUnmatchedContinue(mysucc);
                ContextAppender appender = new ContextAppender(salience, context, -1, mysucc);

                MatchProduceAgent agent = (MatchProduceAgent)((Value)first).Data;
                context.Map["$check"] = input;
                ContinueToCallAgent codelet = new ContinueToCallAgent(agent, appender);

                IFailure deepenfail = myfail;
                if (!input.IsLeaf)
                    // Continue to deeper
                    GroupPhrase groupPhrase = new GroupPhrase(input);
                    unmatched.InsertRange(0, groupPhrase.GetRange(1));
                    // Call again with the same evaluated first argument
                    Matcher matchrest = new Matcher(salience, groupPhrase.GetBranch(0), unmatched, succ);
                    deepenfail = new FailToContinue(context, matchrest, myfail);

                codelet.Continue(context, deepenfail);

            if (first is Word && input.IsLeaf)
                WordComparer comparer = (WordComparer)context.LookupSimple("$Compare");
                if (comparer.Match(input.Text, first.Name))
                    // failure!
                    fail.Fail(string.Format("Pattern [{0}] does not match [{1}]", first.Name, input.Text), succ);
            else if (first is Word)
                GroupPhrase groupPhrase = new GroupPhrase(input);
                unmatched.InsertRange(0, groupPhrase.GetRange(1));
                Matcher matchcont = new Matcher(salience, groupPhrase.GetBranch(0), unmatched, succ);
                matchcont.Continue(context, myfail);

            // We can't handle this!  fail
            fail.Fail("Unknown first element", succ);
