Beispiel #1
        private static void AddToBundles(BundleCollection bundles, ContentStatus contentStatus)
            // Get Domain Path
            var currentDirectory = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "\\Content";

            // Get content folder. Depends on content status
            var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(currentDirectory).Where(x => x.Contains(contentStatus.ToString()));

            foreach (var folder in directories)
                var subFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(folder);

                // Get content sub folders
                foreach (var subFolder in subFolders)
                    string subFolderName = subFolder.Split('\\').Last();

                    // Create bundle
                    Bundle bundle = null;
                    if (contentStatus.ToString() == "css")
                        bundle = new Bundle("~/Content/" + contentStatus.ToString() + "/" + subFolderName + "");
                    else if (contentStatus.ToString() == "js")
                        bundle = new Bundle("~/bundles/" + contentStatus.ToString() + "/" + subFolderName + "");

                    // Get sub folder files and include to bundle
                    foreach (var files in Directory.GetFiles(subFolder))
                        string fileName = files.Split('\\').Last();
                        bundle.Include("~/Content/" + contentStatus.ToString() + "/" + subFolderName + "/" + fileName + "");

                    // Add to bundles
Beispiel #2
        public static IHtmlContent ToHtml(this ContentStatus status)
            switch (status)
            case ContentStatus.Published:
                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-success'>{status.ToString()}</span>"));

            case ContentStatus.Draft:
                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-warning'>{status.ToString()}</span>"));

            case ContentStatus.Archived:
                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-info'>{status.ToString()}</span>"));

            case ContentStatus.Private:
                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-dark'><i class='fa fa-lock mr-2'></i>{status.ToString()}</span>"));

            case ContentStatus.Deleted:
                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-danger'>{status.ToString()}</span>"));

                return(new HtmlString($"<span class='badge rounded-pill bg-light'>{status.ToString()}</span>"));
Beispiel #3
 public static string ToGhostString(ContentStatus status)
     return status.ToString().ToLower();
Beispiel #4
 public static string ToGhostString(ContentStatus status)