Beispiel #1
		public void TestDecryptNullRequestAttachments()
			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				manager.DecryptRequestAttachments(null, null);
Beispiel #2
		public void TestReEncryptNullResponseAttachments()
			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				bool val;
				manager.ReencryptResponseAttachments(null, out val);
Beispiel #3
		public void ExecuteEncryptionTestScript(string scriptName, bool shouldSucceed)

				string scriptPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, shouldSucceed ? "succeed" : "fail", scriptName);

				var passwordInfo = ParsePasswordInfo(scriptPath);
				using (RequestCreator rc = new RequestCreator())
					// Create a request based on the script file
					using (Request request = rc.CreateRequest(scriptPath))
						// Check attachments read into request correctly
						Assert.IsTrue(CheckAttachments(scriptPath, request), "CheckAttachments failed after initial request creation, script:" + scriptPath);
						IContentEncryptionUi ui = new MockContentEncryptionUi(passwordInfo, DecryptResult.Ok, DecryptionErrorAction.Cancel);

						using (var app = new WsApplication(new MSOutlook.Application(), false))
							using (Workshare.PolicyMarshaller.MailAttachmentTransform mat = new MailAttachmentTransform(Interop.Options.OptionApi.GetInt("LevelOfProcessingEmbeddedMessages"), app))
							using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager(mat.ExpandMSG, mat.PackMSG))
								// Check decryption
								Assert.AreEqual(shouldSucceed, manager.DecryptRequestAttachments(request, ui), "DecryptRequestAttachments response incorrect, script:" + scriptPath);

								if (shouldSucceed)// No point proceeding if we were expecting failure
									EnforceResponse spoofResponse = new EnforceResponse();
									spoofResponse.ModifiedRequest = request;

									// Now ensure we can re-encrypt it
									bool cancelSend = true;
									Assert.IsTrue(manager.ReencryptResponseAttachments(spoofResponse, out cancelSend), "ReencryptResponseAttachments failed, script:" + scriptPath);
									Assert.IsFalse(cancelSend, "cancelSend true, should be false, script:" + scriptPath);
									Assert.IsTrue(CheckAttachments(scriptPath, request), "CheckAttachments failed after re-encryption, script:" + scriptPath);

									// Ensure the encryption went OK
									CheckFilesEncrypted(passwordInfo, manager, spoofResponse);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Assert.Fail(string.Format("Caught exception while executing: {0}. Exception: {1}", Path.GetFileName(scriptName), ex.Message));
				// Occasionally seeing a COM error when re-running tests, suspect its down to the Request writer not having cleaned up fully.

Beispiel #4
		public void TestAssociateZipActionArchiveWithContent(string docFileName, string zipFileName, string password)
			// Use function currying to keep the password.
			Func<FileType, string, string, string, ContentItem> CreateContentItem =
				(ft, fp, ci, pi) => CreateZipActionContentItem(password, ft, fp, ci, pi);

			// A message with null parent ID, because it's the top-most element.
			const string emailBodyId = "1";
			const string emailBodyName = "message subject/body";
			ContentItem emailContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.Email, emailBodyName, emailBodyId, null);
			var emailAttachment = new Attachment(emailBodyName, emailBodyName, FileType.Email.ToString(), emailBodyId, emailBodyId, true);

			// A zip with parent being email
			const string zipId = "2";
			string zipPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, zipFileName);
			ContentItem zipContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.ZIP, zipPath, zipId, emailBodyId);
			var zipAttachment = new Attachment(zipPath, zipPath, FileType.ZIP.ToString(), zipId, zipId, true);
			zipAttachment.File = new FcsFile(zipPath, Path.GetFileName(zipPath), zipId);

			// A doc with parent being zip.
			const string docId = "3";
			string docPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, docFileName);
			ContentItem docContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.WordDocument, docPath, docId, zipId);
			var docAttachment = new Attachment(docPath, docPath, FileType.WordDocument.ToString(), docId, docId, true);
			docAttachment.File = new FcsFile(docPath, Path.GetFileName(docPath), docId);

			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					manager.AddZipActionEncryptor(zipId, zipPath, password);

				var contents = new ContentItem[] { emailContentItem, zipContentItem, docContentItem };
				var response = new Response { Contents = contents };

				var attachments = new Attachment[] { emailAttachment, zipAttachment, docAttachment };
				var request = new Request { Attachments = attachments };
				var enforce = new EnforceResponse { ModifiedRequest = request };

				// The zip and it's document are not yet associated.
				Assert.AreEqual(0, zipAttachment.File.Files.Count, "The zip IFile should not contain any files before association.");
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					Assert.AreEqual(null, zipAttachment.File.Password, "The zip IFile should not yet contain the password.");

				bool cancelSend;
				manager.AssociateZipActionArchiveWithContent(enforce, response, out cancelSend);

				// The zip and it's document should now be associated.
				Assert.AreEqual(1, zipAttachment.File.Files.Count, "The zip IFile should contain 1 file after association.");
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
					Assert.AreEqual(password, zipAttachment.File.Password, "The zip IFile should now contain the correct password.");
Beispiel #5
		public void TestAddZipActionEncryptor_DocumentAlreadyZipped(string docFileName, string zipFileName, string password)
			// Use function currying to keep the password.
			Func<FileType, string, string, string, ContentItem> CreateContentItem =
				(ft, fp, ci, pi) => CreateZipActionContentItem(password, ft, fp, ci, pi);

			// A message with null parent ID, because it's the top-most element.
			const string emailBodyId = "1";
			const string emailBodyName = "message subject/body";
			ContentItem emailContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.Email, emailBodyName, emailBodyId, null);

			// A zip with parent being email
			const string zipId = "2";
			string zipPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, zipFileName);
			ContentItem zipContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.ZIP, zipPath, zipId, emailBodyId);
			var zipAttachment = new Attachment(zipPath, zipPath, FileType.ZIP.ToString(), zipId, zipId, true);

			// A doc with parent being zip.
			const string docId = "3";
			string docPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, docFileName);
			ContentItem docContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.WordDocument, docPath, docId, zipId);

			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				var response = new Response { Contents = new[] { emailContentItem, zipContentItem, docContentItem } };

				IContentEncryption contentEncryption = manager.GetAssociatedEncryptionObject(zipAttachment);
				Assert.IsNotNull(contentEncryption, "Expected the encryption map to contain the zip encryption entry.");
				Assert.AreEqual(zipPath, contentEncryption.Name, "The zip encryption name was wrong.");
				Assert.AreEqual(password, contentEncryption.OpenPassword, "The zip encryption \"open password\" was wrong.");
Beispiel #6
		public void TestAddZipActionEncryptor_DocumentWillBeZipped(string docFileName, string password)
			// Use function currying to keep the password.
			Func<FileType, string, string, string, ContentItem> CreateContentItem =
				(ft, fp, ci, pi) => CreateZipActionContentItem(password, ft, fp, ci, pi);

			// A message with null parent ID, because it's the top-most element.
			const string emailBodyId = "1";
			const string emailBodyName = "message subject/body";
			ContentItem emailContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.Email, emailBodyName, emailBodyId, null);

			// A doc with parent being the email.
			const string docId = "2";
			string docPath = Path.Combine(TestFileDirectory, docFileName);
			ContentItem docContentItem = CreateContentItem(FileType.WordDocument, docPath, docId, emailBodyId);

			// Expected info that the newly created zip should have.
			const string zipId = docId;
			string zipPath = Path.ChangeExtension(docPath, ".zip");
			var zipAttachment = new Attachment(zipPath, zipPath, FileType.ZIP.ToString(), zipId, zipId, true);

			using (ContentEncryptionManager manager = new ContentEncryptionManager())
				var response = new Response { Contents = new[] { emailContentItem, docContentItem } };

				ContentItem foundDocItem = response.Contents.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name == docPath);
				ContentItem foundZipItem = response.Contents.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Name == zipPath);

				// Test that the doc content item still exists and a new zip content item has been added.
				Assert.IsNotNull(foundDocItem, "Unable to find the document content item.");
				Assert.IsNotNull(foundZipItem, "Unable to find the zip content item.");

				// Make that
				Assert.AreNotEqual(docId, foundDocItem.Id, "The document content ID should have been changed.");
				Assert.AreEqual(zipId, foundDocItem.ParentId, "The document content item's parent ID should now be the document's original ID.");
				Assert.AreEqual(zipId, foundZipItem.Id, "The zip content ID should now be the document's original content ID.");
				Assert.AreEqual(emailBodyId, foundZipItem.ParentId, "The zip content item's parent ID should be the message ID.");

				IContentEncryption contentEncryption = manager.GetAssociatedEncryptionObject(zipAttachment);
				Assert.IsNotNull(contentEncryption, "Expected the encryption map to contain the zip encryption entry.");
				Assert.AreEqual(zipPath, contentEncryption.Name, "The zip encryption name was wrong.");
				Assert.AreEqual(password, contentEncryption.OpenPassword, "The zip encryption \"open password\" was wrong.");
Beispiel #7
		private static void CheckFilesEncrypted(Dictionary<string, MockContentEncryptionUi.PasswordInfo> passwordInfo, ContentEncryptionManager manager,
												EnforceResponse spoofResponse)
			// Ensure all attachments are still encrypted/decrypted as defined in the encryptedDict
			foreach (var attachment in spoofResponse.ModifiedRequest.Attachments)
				string relativePath = MockContentEncryptionUi.RemoveTempDirs(attachment.FileName);

				if (passwordInfo.ContainsKey(relativePath))// Its has an entry in the pwd dictionary so should be passworded