/// <summary>
        /// Writes the class diagram.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="class">The class.</param>
        /// <param name="useIncludes">if set to <c>true</c> [use includes].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string WriteClassDiagram(Models.Class @class, bool useIncludes = false)
            string markup = Templates.Descriptor;

            if (@class.Module)
                markup = markup.Replace(ProtoTypeElement, "").Replace(StereoTypeElement, string.Format(StereoType, "M", "application", "module "));

            else if (@class.Static && @class.Abstract)
                markup = markup.Replace(ProtoTypeElement, "").Replace(StereoTypeElement, string.Format(StereoType, "S", "orchid", "static "));

            else if (@class.Abstract)
                markup = markup.Replace(ProtoTypeElement, "abstract ").Replace(StereoTypeElement, "");

                markup = markup.Replace(ProtoTypeElement, "").Replace(StereoTypeElement, "");

            markup = markup.Replace(TypeElement, "class ").Replace(NameElement, @class.Name);

            markup = markup.Replace(BodyElement, WriteBody(@class));

            if (@class.Implements != null)
                markup += Lollipop(@class.Name, @class.Implements.Name);
            if (@class.Inherits != null)
                markup += Extend(@class.Name, @class.Inherits.Name);

            var aggregates = Aggregations.Distinct().ToList();

            var composites = Compositions.Distinct().ToList();

            var consumption = Consumers.Distinct().ToList();

            var provision = Providers.Distinct().ToList();


            aggregates.ForEach((n) =>
                if (useIncludes)
                    markup = ((IncludeDiagram(n).Length > 0) ? IncludeDiagram(n) : "") + markup;
                markup += Aggregate(@class.Name, n);
                Relationships.Add(new Models.Relationship
                    PrincipalObject = @class,
                    AncillaryObject = new Models.Generic {
                        Name = n
                    Type = Models.RelationshipType.Aggregation

            composites.ForEach((n) =>
                if (useIncludes)
                    markup = ((IncludeDiagram(n).Length > 0) ? IncludeDiagram(n) : "") + markup;
                markup += Composite(@class.Name, n);
                Relationships.Add(new Models.Relationship
                    PrincipalObject = @class,
                    AncillaryObject = new Models.Generic {
                        Name = n
                    Type = Models.RelationshipType.Composition

            consumption.ForEach((n) =>
                if (useIncludes)
                    markup = ((IncludeDiagram(n).Length > 0) ? IncludeDiagram(n) : "") + markup;
                markup += Consumes(@class.Name, n);
                Relationships.Add(new Models.Relationship
                    PrincipalObject = @class,
                    AncillaryObject = new Models.Generic {
                        Name = n
                    Type = Models.RelationshipType.Dependency

            Providers.ForEach((n) =>
                if (useIncludes)
                    markup = ((IncludeDiagram(n).Length > 0) ? IncludeDiagram(n) : "") + markup;
                markup += Provides(@class.Name, n);
                Relationships.Add(new Models.Relationship
                    PrincipalObject = @class,
                    AncillaryObject = new Models.Generic {
                        Name = n
                    Type = Models.RelationshipType.Association
