Beispiel #1
        public ConsultationList GetAllConsultations()
            var cons = unitOfWork.Consultation.GetAll();
            var res  = new ConsultationList();

            res.Consultations = new Dictionary <int, List <ConsultationDto> >();
            var groups = cons.GroupBy(x => x.Student.Id);

            foreach (var studentSet in groups)
                var studentProccecedClaims = new List <ConsultationDto>();
                foreach (var consultation in studentSet)
                    studentProccecedClaims.Add(new ConsultationDto
                        Id                 = consultation.Id,
                        IsApproved         = consultation.IsApproved,
                        Topic              = consultation.Topic,
                        Date               = consultation.Date,
                        Duration           = consultation.Duration,
                        IsMissed           = consultation.IsMissed,
                        IsVisitedByStudent = consultation.IsVisitedByStudent,
                        Lector             = consultation.Lector
                res.Consultations.Add(studentSet.Key, studentProccecedClaims);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestInitialize()
            // Create Doctors
            doctorList = new DoctorList
                Doctors = new List <Doctor>
                    new Doctor {
                        Name = "John", Roles = new List <string> {
                    new Doctor {
                        Name = "Anna", Roles = new List <string> {
                    new Doctor {
                        Name = "Laura", Roles = new List <string> {
                            "GeneralPractitioner", "Oncologist"

            // Create Treatment Machines
            treatmentMachineList = new TreatmentMachineList
                TreatmentMachines = new List <TreatmentMachine>
                    new TreatmentMachine {
                        Capability = "Advanced", Name = "MachineA"
                    new TreatmentMachine {
                        Capability = "Advanced", Name = "MachineB"
                    new TreatmentMachine {
                        Capability = "Simple", Name = "MachineC"

            // Create Treatment Rooms
            treatmentRoomList = new TreatmentRoomList
                TreatmentRooms = new List <TreatmentRoom>
                    new TreatmentRoom {
                        Name = "RoomOne"
                    new TreatmentRoom {
                        Name = "RoomTwo"
                    new TreatmentRoom {
                        Name = "RoomThree", TreatmentMachine = "MachineA"
                    new TreatmentRoom {
                        Name = "RoomFour", TreatmentMachine = "MachineB"
                    new TreatmentRoom {
                        Name = "RoomFive", TreatmentMachine = "MachineC"

            // Create Patients
            // TODO:  Construct RegistrationDate based on offsets from current date to drive test scenario
            var today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            patientList = new PatientList
                Patients = new List <Patient>
                    new Patient
                        Name             = "Patient_1",
                        RegistrationDate = today,
                        Condition        = new Condition {
                            Diagnosis = "Flu", Topography = ""
                    new Patient
                        Name             = "Patient_2",
                        RegistrationDate = today,
                        Condition        = new Condition {
                            Diagnosis = "Cancer", Topography = "Breast"

            // Create Consultations
            consultationList = new ConsultationList
                Consultations = new List <Consultation>
                    new Consultation
                        Patient           = "Patient_1",
                        PatientCondition  = "Flu",
                        PatientTopography = "",
                        Doctor            = "Anna",
                        DoctorRole        = "Oncologist",
                        TreatmentRoom     = "RoomOne",
                        MachineName       = "",
                        MachineCapability = "",
                        ConsultationDate  = today
                    new Consultation
                        Patient           = "Patient_2",
                        PatientCondition  = "Cancer",
                        PatientTopography = "Breast",
                        Doctor            = "John",
                        DoctorRole        = "Oncologist",
                        TreatmentRoom     = "RoomFive",
                        MachineName       = "MachineC",
                        MachineCapability = "Simple",
                        ConsultationDate  = today
        /// <summary>
        /// RegsiterPatient acts as the API for registering a patient.
        /// The request is first validated.  If not valid an Error will be returned.
        /// If valid, a the Patient object will return in JSON.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <returns>String.  Results of the request.
        /// On Success it returns a Patient object in JSON.
        /// On Error, an Error string is returned</returns>
        public string RegisterPatient(string request)
            // Note:  All of the APIs require exception handling.  The types of exceptions need to be identified and
            // the response returned to the caller needs to be clearly defined.
            var name       = "";
            var condition  = "";
            var topography = "";
            var error      = ValidateRequest(request, out name, out condition, out topography);

            if (error != string.Empty)

            // If we got here, the arguments are valid.
            // Now it is time to Register the patient and add a Consult

            // Patient Registration (TODO:  Move to new method)
            // Normally there'd be a Medical Record Number or some other criteria to prevent from registering patients more than once.
            // For this exercise, no checking will be done for duplicate patients.
            var registrationDate     = DateTime.Now;
            var patientRegistrations = QuergyPatientRegistrationAsObjects();
            var patient = new Patient {
                Name = name, Condition = new Condition {
                    Diagnosis = condition, Topography = topography
                }, RegistrationDate = registrationDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")

            patientRegistrations.Patients.Add(patient);             // This is where persistence would be performed.

            // Gather resource information to be used for identifying the next available consultation slot

            // Load the Doctors and create separate lists for General Practitioners and Oncologists
            //var ida = new DataAccess();
            var doctors = ida.LoadDoctors();
            var generalPractitioners = from d in doctors.Doctors
                                       where (d.Roles.Contains("GeneralPractitioner"))
                                       select d;
            var oncologists = from d in doctors.Doctors
                              where (d.Roles.Contains("Oncologist"))
                              select d;

            // Load the Treatment Machines and create separate lists for Advanced and Simple
            var treatmentMachines = ida.LoadTreatmentMachines();
            var tma = new List <string>();
            var tms = new List <string>();

            foreach (var t in treatmentMachines.TreatmentMachines)
                if (t.Capability.ToUpper() == "ADVANCED")
                else if (t.Capability.ToUpper() == "SIMPLE")

            // Load the Treatment Rooms and create separate lists for rooms based on machine capability
            var treatmentRooms    = ida.LoadTreatmentRooms();
            var trNoMachine       = new List <string>();
            var trMachineAdvanced = new List <string>();
            var trMachineSimple   = new List <string>();

            foreach (var t in treatmentRooms.TreatmentRooms)
                if (tma.Contains(t.TreatmentMachine))
                else if (tms.Contains(t.TreatmentMachine))

            // Create a dictionary of Treatment Rooms
            var treatmentRoomDictionary = treatmentRooms.TreatmentRooms.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.TreatmentMachine);

            ConsultationList scheduledConsultations          = null;
            IOrderedEnumerable <Consultation> sortedConsults = null;

            // Get the current set of scheduled consultations
                scheduledConsultations = ida.LoadConsultations();
                sortedConsults         = scheduledConsultations.Consultations.OrderBy(c => c.ConsultationDate);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // TODO:  Determine what type of error handling is required.
                // There is a difference betwen no Consultations and an Error attempting to retrieve consultations.
                // For this exercise I assume that there are consultations and the only reason we got here is because there was a problem accessing the data.
                // An appropriate error should be returned here.  The error could say something like "API data access issues encountered.  Please try again later".
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleIntendedRethrow
                throw (exception);

            // Use Case 1:  Patient.Condition.Diagnosis = Flu
            // Find the next slot where:
            //		Doctor.Role = GeneralPractitioner
            //		TreatmentRoom (No filtering required)
            // To accomplish this we will step through the ordered collection looking for an open slot.
            // Starting at Registration Date + 1 look for the first open slot for any GP / Treatment Room
            if (condition == "FLU")
                // The patient consult must not be on the Registration Date
                var consultDate = registrationDate.Date.AddDays(1);

                var consultAdded = false;
                while (!consultAdded)
                    var openRoomName = string.Empty;

                    // Get the active consults for the proposed consult date
                    var date           = consultDate;
                    var activeConsults =
                        sortedConsults.OrderBy(c => c.ConsultationDate).Where(c => c.ConsultationDateAsDateTime() == date);

                    // If no consults
                    var consultations = activeConsults as Consultation[] ?? activeConsults.ToArray();
                    if (!consultations.Any())
                        // Add new Consult
                        var consult = new Consultation
                            Patient           = patient.Name,
                            PatientCondition  = "Flu",
                            Doctor            = generalPractitioners.ElementAt(0).Name,
                            DoctorRole        = "GeneralPractitioner",
                            TreatmentRoom     = trNoMachine[0],
                            MachineName       = treatmentRoomDictionary[trNoMachine[0]],
                            MachineCapability = "TODO",
                            ConsultationDate  = consultDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"),

                        // Add the Consult
                        consultAdded = true;

                    // Get the Treatment Room Names for the active consults
                    var consultRooms = consultations.Select(pdc => pdc.TreatmentRoom).ToList();

                    // Compare the total list of treatment rooms to the active consult rooms to see if there are any empty rooms
                    foreach (var t in treatmentRooms.TreatmentRooms)
                        // If there is an empty room
                        if (!consultRooms.Contains(t.Name))
                            // Save the room name
                            openRoomName = t.Name;

                    if (openRoomName != string.Empty)
                        // Get the list of General Practitioner Names for the active consults
                        var consultDoctors = consultations.Where(pdc => pdc.DoctorRole == "GeneralPractitioner").Select(pdc => pdc.Doctor).ToList();

                        // Search for an unscheduled GP
                        foreach (var t in generalPractitioners)
                            // If there is an unscheduled GP
                            if (!consultDoctors.Contains(t.Name))
                                // Add new Consult
                                var consult = new Consultation
                                    Patient           = patient.Name,
                                    PatientCondition  = "Flu",
                                    Doctor            = t.Name,
                                    DoctorRole        = "GeneralPractitioner",
                                    TreatmentRoom     = openRoomName,
                                    MachineName       = treatmentRoomDictionary[openRoomName],
                                    MachineCapability = "TODO",
                                    ConsultationDate  = consultDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"),

                                // Add the Consult
                                consultAdded = true;

                    // No open slot found.  Increment Consult Date and try again.
                    consultDate = consultDate.AddDays(1);

            else if (condition == "CANCER")
                // Use Case 2:
                //		Patient.Condition.Diagnosis = Cancer
                //		Patient.Condition.Topography = Breast or Head&Neck
                //		Doctor.Role = Oncologist
                //		TreatmentRoom.Treatment.Machine => TreatmentMachine.Capability = Simple or Advanced (for Breast) or
                //		TreatmentRoom.Treatment.Machine => TreatmentMachine.Capability = Advanced (for Head&Neck)
                // To accomplish this we will step through the ordered collection looking for an open slot.
                // Starting at Registration Date + 1 look for the first open slot for any Oncologist / Treatment Room (with Machine
                // Capability = Advanced or Simple).
                // TODO:  Look at combining code with Flu.

                // The patient consult must not be on the Registration Date
                var consultDate = registrationDate.Date.AddDays(1);

                var consultAdded = false;
                while (!consultAdded)
                    var openRoomName = string.Empty;

                    // Get the active consults for the proposed consult date
                    var activeConsults =
                        sortedConsults.OrderBy(c => c.ConsultationDate).Where(c => c.ConsultationDateAsDateTime() == consultDate);

                    // If no consults
                    if (!activeConsults.Any())
                        // Add new Consult
                        var consult = new Consultation
                            Patient           = patient.Name,
                            PatientCondition  = "Cancer",
                            PatientTopography = topography,
                            Doctor            = oncologists.ElementAt(0).Name,
                            DoctorRole        = "Oncologist",
                            TreatmentRoom     = trNoMachine[0],
                            MachineName       = treatmentRoomDictionary[trNoMachine[0]],
                            MachineCapability = "TODO",
                            ConsultationDate  = consultDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"),

                        consultAdded = true;

                    // Get the Treatment Room Names for the active consults
                    var consultRooms = activeConsults.Select(pdc => pdc.TreatmentRoom).ToList();

                    // For topography = Breast search for open consult rooms where Machine Capability = Simple
                    if (topography == "BREAST")
                        // Compare the total list of rooms to the active consult rooms to see if there are any empty rooms
                        foreach (var t in trMachineSimple)
                            // If there is an empty room
                            if (!consultRooms.Contains(t))
                                // Save the room name
                                openRoomName = t;

                    // If no open treatment rooms (Machine Capability = Simple)
                    if (openRoomName == string.Empty)
                        // Compare the total list of treatment rooms (Machine = Advanced) to the active consult rooms to see if there are any empty rooms
                        foreach (var t in trMachineAdvanced)
                            // If there is an empty room
                            if (!consultRooms.Contains(t))
                                // Save the room name
                                openRoomName = t;

                    if (openRoomName != string.Empty)
                        // Get the list of Oncologist Names for the active consults
                        var consultDoctors = activeConsults.Where(pdc => pdc.DoctorRole == "Oncologist").Select(pdc => pdc.Doctor).ToList();

                        // Search for an unscheduled Oncologist
                        foreach (var t in oncologists)
                            // If there is an empty room
                            if (!consultDoctors.Contains(t.Name))
                                // Add new Consult
                                var consult = new Consultation
                                    Patient           = patient.Name,
                                    PatientCondition  = "Cancer",
                                    PatientTopography = topography,
                                    Doctor            = t.Name,
                                    DoctorRole        = "Oncologist",
                                    TreatmentRoom     = openRoomName,
                                    MachineName       = treatmentRoomDictionary[openRoomName],
                                    MachineCapability = "TODO",
                                    ConsultationDate  = consultDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"),

                                consultAdded = true;

                    // No open slot found.  Increment Consult Date and try again.
                    consultDate = consultDate.AddDays(1);

            var consults = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(scheduledConsultations);
