Beispiel #1
 public __EventEntry(GameEvent type, EventData eventData, List <EventListener> listenerList)
     this.type         = type;
     this.eventData    = eventData;
     this.listenerList = listenerList;
     time  = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
     frame = Time.frameCount;
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// This will register/subscribe the given callback function to the specified GameEvent.
    /// The callback will be called/invoked whenever something calls SendEvent() for that event.
    /// If you don't specify methods directly, you need to explicitly specify target object for later unregistering.
    /// Note that there is no priority queue, so listeners will be invoked in a first come, first serve manner.
    /// Note also that destroying or disabling GameObjects does not remove their listeners.
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterListener(GameEvent type, Action <EventData> listener, object target = null)
        if (type == GameEvent.None)

        //Debug.Log("Registering a Listener");
        // Check (editor-time) that the listener is not an anonumous delegate -- we wouldn't know who it belongs to unless told
        if (listener.Target.GetType().Name.Contains("AnonStorey")) // This is probably true only for Mono
            //Debug.Log ("Anonymous target" + listener.Target.GetType().Name);
            if (target == null)
                Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] RegisterListener() was called on an anonymous (compiler-generated) method; we need to know the responsible class instance to properly remove the listener. Set the target parameter to your class in the method.");

        // Check for duplicates, same event type for same method in same class insatnce
        if (_listeners.ContainsKey(type))
            foreach (EventListener checkListener in _listeners[type])
                if ( == listener.Target && checkListener.callback == listener)
                    Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] We were asked to register the same listener for event " + type + " to " + listener + " in " + target + " " +
                                   "; the event will be invoked more than once");

        //Debug.Log ("Registering for event " + type);
        List <EventListener> eventListener;
        if (_listeners.TryGetValue(type, out eventListener))
                new EventListener(listener, listener.Target.GetType().Name, target)
            _listeners[type] = new List <EventListener>()
                new EventListener(listener, listener.Target.GetType().Name, target)
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// This will remove the given callback function from the invocation list for the specified GameEvent.
    /// Use this when you no longer need this event or are destroying the class instance linked with the delegate.
    /// </summary>
    public void RemoveListener(GameEvent type, Action <EventData> listener)
        if (type == GameEvent.None)

        if (_listeners.ContainsKey(type))
            for (int i = 0; i < _listeners[type].Count; i++)
                if (_listeners[type][i].callback.Target == listener.Target)
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    /// This will remove the given callback function from the invocation list for the specified GameEvent.
    /// Use this when you no longer need this event or are destroying the class instance linked with the delegate.
    /// </summary>
    public void RemoveListener(GameEvent type, Action <EventData> listener)
        //#if UNITY_EDITOR
        //if (__Testing) return; // Don't care about listeners when testing
        // TODO: Why is this commented out?

        if (type == GameEvent.None)

        if (_listeners.ContainsKey(type))
            for (int i = 0; i < _listeners[type].Count; i++)
                if (_listeners[type][i].callback.Target == listener.Target)
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// This will invoke all previously registered listeners of the specified GameEvent and pass them the given EventData container.
    /// Make sure to fill event data with what is expected of the event.
    /// </summary>
    public void SendEvent(GameEvent type, EventData eventData = null)
        if (type == GameEvent.None)
            Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] Something called SendEvent(" + type + ") with " + type + " GameEvent type, we can't send " + GameEvent.None + " events");
        // Use default pre-created empty data container if the sender doesn't need one -- slight optimization
        if (eventData == null)
            eventData = _defaultData;

        eventData.__delivered = true;
        List <EventListener> listenerList;
        if (_listeners.TryGetValue(type, out listenerList))
            List <EventListener> eventListeners = new List <EventListener>(listenerList); //-- CREATES GARBAGE

            //Profiler.BeginSample("EventManager.SendEvent(" + type + ") to " + eventListeners.Count + " listeners");

            for (int i = 0; i < eventListeners.Count; i++)
                // Check that the target instance is not null as per Unity's nulling - it is Destroyed, reports == null, but not garbage collected
                MonoBehaviour behaviour = eventListeners[i].callback.Target as MonoBehaviour;
                if (behaviour == null && behaviour as object != null) // Despite what compiler thinks, Unity fake-nulls its Object`s, so this is a valid condition
                    Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] A listener for event " + type + " has a null MonoBehaviour (" + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + ") instance" +
                                   " (but which is still in memory); did you destroy the script without unregistering its event listeners?");
                //Debug.Log("Sending event " + type + " with data " + eventData + " to " + d.GetInvocationList().Count() + " listeners");
                eventData.eventType = type; // TODO: Spaghetti

#if UNITY_EDITOR || DEBUG                   // Exceptions not allowed in release
                try {
            catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] An event " + type + " listener for " + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + " -- " + eventListeners[i].target + " threw an exception during its callback Invoke()"); Debug.LogException(exception is TargetInvocationException ? exception.InnerException : exception); }

            __sentEventEntries.Add(new __EventEntry(type, eventData, listenerList));
            if (__sentEventEntries.Count > 500)
        //    Debug.Log("Event " + type + " with data " + eventData + " had no listeners");
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// This will invoke all previously registered listeners of the specified GameEvent and pass them the given EventData container.
    /// Make sure to fill event data with what is expected of the event (see GameEvent enum documentation).
    /// </summary>
    public void SendEvent(GameEvent type, EventData eventData = null)
        //#if UNITY_EDITOR
        //    if (__Testing) return; // Don't care about sending events when testing

        if (type == GameEvent.None)
            Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] Something called SendEvent(" + type + ") with " + type + " GameEvent type, we can't send " + GameEvent.None + " events");

        // Use default pre-created empty data container if the sender doesn't need one -- slight optimization
        if (eventData == null)
            eventData = _defaultData;

        eventData.__delivered = true;

        List <EventListener> listenerList;
        if (_listeners.TryGetValue(type, out listenerList))
            List <EventListener> eventListeners = new List <EventListener>(listenerList); //-- CREATES GARBAGE
            // We can't iterate the original list or we will mess up with wrong indices (and fail to call listeners) if someone unregisters
            // We can't have the copy list as a global one (created once), because nested events sent while events are sent will recreate it and mess everything up
            // We would need to keep a stack of lists and add/remove as we go through events --Rudy

            //Profiler.BeginSample("EventManager.SendEvent(" + type + ") to " + eventListeners.Count + " listeners");

            for (int i = 0; i < eventListeners.Count; i++)
                // Check that the target instance is not null as per Unity's nulling - it is Destroy`ed, reports == null, but not garbage collected

                MonoBehaviour behaviour = eventListeners[i].callback.Target as MonoBehaviour;
                if (behaviour == null && behaviour as object != null) // Despite what compiler thinks, Unity fake-nulls its Object`s, so this is a valid condition
                    Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] A listener for event " + type + " has a null MonoBehaviour (" + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + ") instance" +
                                   " (but which is still in memory); did you destroy the script without unregistering its event listeners?");

                // Special case for panel manager panels -- check that they aren't listening to events when not open

                //if (behaviour is BasePanel) {
                //    if (((BasePanel)behaviour).IsClosed) {
                //        Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] A BasePanel listener for event " + type + " is closed (" + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + ") " +
                //                    "; did you not unregistered the events?");
                //    }

                //if (type == GameEvent.EnemyDead || type == GameEvent.ConversationEnded) // Often slow, so wanting a breakdown
                //    Profiler.BeginSample("Sending " + type + " event to " + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + " -- " + eventListeners[i].target);

                //Debug.Log("Sending event " + type + " with data " + eventData + " to " + d.GetInvocationList().Count() + " listeners");
                eventData.eventType = type; // TODO: Spaghetti

#if UNITY_EDITOR || DEBUG                   // Exceptions not allowed in release
                try {
            catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] An event " + type + " listener for " + eventListeners[i].listenerClassName + " -- " + eventListeners[i].target + " threw an exception during its callback Invoke()"); Debug.LogException(exception is TargetInvocationException ? exception.InnerException : exception); }

                //if (type == GameEvent.EnemyDead || type == GameEvent.ConversationEnded)
                //    Profiler.EndSample();


            __sentEventEntries.Add(new __EventEntry(type, eventData, listenerList));
            if (__sentEventEntries.Count > 500)
        //    Debug.Log("Event " + type + " with data " + eventData + " had no listeners");
Beispiel #7
    /// <summary>
    /// This will register/subscribe the given callback function to the specified GameEvent.
    /// The callback will be called/invoked whenever something calls SendEvent() for that event.
    /// If you don't specify methods directly, you need to explicitly specify target object for later unregistering.
    /// Note that there is no priority queue, so listeners will be invoked in a first come, first serve manner.
    /// Note also that destroying or disabling GameObjects does not remove their listeners.
    /// </summary>
    public void RegisterListener(GameEvent type, Action <EventData> listener, object target = null)
        //#if UNITY_EDITOR
        //if (__Testing) return; // Don't care about listeners when testing
        // TODO: Why is this commented out?

        if (type == GameEvent.None)

        //Debug.Log("Registering a Listener");
        // Check (editor-time) that the listener is not an anonumous delegate -- we wouldn't know who it belongs to unless told

        if (listener.Target.GetType().Name.Contains("AnonStorey")) // This is probably true only for Mono
            //Debug.Log ("Anonymous target" + listener.Target.GetType().Name);
            if (target == null)
                Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] RegisterListener() was called on an anonymous (compiler-generated) method; we need to know the responsible class instance to properly remove the listener. Set the target parameter to your class in the method.");

        // Check for duplicates, same event type for same method in same class insatnce

        if (_listeners.ContainsKey(type))
            foreach (EventListener checkListener in _listeners[type])
                if ( == listener.Target && checkListener.callback == listener)
                    Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] We were asked to register the same listener for event " + type + " to " + listener + " in " + target + " " +
                                   "; the event will be invoked more than once");

        // Check that a panel does registering when actually being used and not just in Init

        //MonoBehaviour behaviour = listener.Target as MonoBehaviour;

        //if (behaviour is BasePanel) {
        //    if (((BasePanel)behaviour).IsClosed) {
        //        Debug.LogError("[EVENT MANAGER] A BasePanel registered a listener for event " + type + " while it is closed (" + listener.Target.GetType().Name + ") " +
        //                       "; Panels should not receive events when they are not active. Register to events during Opening() or Opened() callback and unregister during Closing() or Closed().");
        //    }

        //Debug.Log ("Registering for event " + type);
        List <EventListener> eventListener;
        if (_listeners.TryGetValue(type, out eventListener))
                new EventListener(listener, listener.Target.GetType().Name, target)
            _listeners[type] = new List <EventListener>()
                new EventListener(listener, listener.Target.GetType().Name, target)