private void Add_Config_Setting(string key, string value, string help_message)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Constant_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Constant_Setting_Info(key, value, help_message);

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting
        private void Add_Config_Setting(string Key, string Category, string Value, string HelpMessage)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Constant_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Constant_Setting_Info(Key, Value, HelpMessage);

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;
            settingToId[newSettingInfo] = settingCounter;

            // Does this category already exist?
            if (!categorizedSettings.ContainsKey(Category))
                List<Setting_Info> settingsList = new List<Setting_Info>();
                categorizedSettings[Category] = settingsList;

            // Add this to the categorized settings

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting

            // Add this key as a standard key, so they are left out of the custom settings portion
        private void Add_Config_Setting(string key, string value, string help_message)
            // Create the settings option struct
            Constant_Setting_Info newSettingInfo = new Constant_Setting_Info(key, value, help_message);

            // First, save this in the setting dictionary
            idToSetting[settingCounter] = newSettingInfo;

            // Increment in preparation for any next setting