/// <summary>Instantiates the menu items using the dependency injection framework.</summary>
        /// <param name="menu">Menu items to create.</param>
        public List <ConsoleMenuItemWrapper> CreateMenuItems(List <ConsoleMenuItemWrapper> menu)
            foreach (var menuItem in menu)
                if (menuItem.Item != null)

                // Is the user's object registered in DI (e.g., an interface?)
                // If it's not, try to create it and use DI to populate its constructor.
                var userObject = _serviceProvider.GetService(menuItem.TheType);

                if (userObject == null && menuItem.TheType.IsInterface)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"You have decorated an interface, '{menuItem.TheType.FullName}', with the " +
                                                $"{nameof(ConsoleMenuItemAttribute)} attribute, but you didn't register a concrete class for it in the DI container!");

                if (userObject == null)
                    userObject = _serviceProvider.CreateInstance(menuItem.TheType);

                if (userObject == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find the type named '{menuItem.TheType.FullName}' in the DI container and was unable to create it!");

                menuItem.Item = userObject as IConsoleMenuItem;

                if (menuItem.Item == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The {menuItem.TheType.FullName} does NOT implement the IConsoleMenuItem interface!");

                // Assign the optional data to the now instantiated object.
                menuItem.Item.AttributeData = menuItem.Attribute.Data;

            var sortedResult = FixNumberAndSortOrder(menu);

            var exitItem = new ConsoleMenuItemWrapper
                Attribute  = new ConsoleMenuItemAttribute(string.Empty),
                Item       = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IExitConsoleMenuItem)) as IExitConsoleMenuItem,
                ItemNumber = 0,
                TheType    = typeof(IExitConsoleMenuItem)


        /// <summary>Finds all the classes and interfaces that are decorated with the <see cref="ConsoleMenuItemAttribute"/> attribute.
        /// If it's a class, it makes sure they also implements the <see cref="IConsoleMenuItem"/> interface.  If it's an interface,
        /// it makes sure that it inherits from the <see cref="IConsoleMenuItem"/> interface.</summary>
        public void AddMenuItems(Assembly assembly)
            var typesWithHelpAttribute = assembly.HelpFindEverythingDecoratedWithThisAttribute(typeof(ConsoleMenuItemAttribute));

            foreach (Type oneType in typesWithHelpAttribute)
                // Make sure it implements the interface too!
                bool implementsTheWorkerInterface = oneType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IConsoleMenuItem));
                if (implementsTheWorkerInterface == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"The {oneType.Name} type is decorated with the ConsoleMenuItemAttribute, but does not implement the IConsoleMenuItem interface! ");

                foreach (Attribute attribute in oneType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConsoleMenuItemAttribute)))
                    var itemAttribute = attribute as ConsoleMenuItemAttribute;
                    if (itemAttribute == null)
                        continue;                        // TODO: throw exception!
                    var newItem = new ConsoleMenuItemWrapper
                        Attribute  = itemAttribute,
                        TheType    = oneType,
                        ItemNumber = itemAttribute.ItemNumber

                    string someMenuName = NormalizeMenuName(itemAttribute.MenuName);
                    if (_menus.ContainsKey(someMenuName))
                        _menus.Add(someMenuName, new List <ConsoleMenuItemWrapper> {