Beispiel #1
        public static async Task Main()

            // For a real world application, we would want this file path configurable.
            // For now, this file is added to the project and copied to the output
            // directory for simplicity.

            var seasonResultService = new SeasonResultService(_seasonGoalsResultFileParser, _loggingService);

            var programRunner = new ConsoleDifferentiableDisplayer <int>(seasonResultService);

            await programRunner.DisplayMinDifferential <ISeasonGoalsResult>(
                (result) => $"Team with smallest point differential: { result.Team }",
                "Unable to determine team with smallest point differential. See logs.",
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task Main()

            // For a real world application, we would want this file path configurable.
            // For now, this file is added to the project and copied to the output
            // directory for simplicity._dailyWeatherFileParser

            var dailyWeatherService = new DailyWeatherService(_dailyWeatherFileParser, _loggingService);

            var programRunner = new ConsoleDifferentiableDisplayer <int>(dailyWeatherService);

            await programRunner.DisplayMinDifferential <IDailyTemperature>(
                (result) => $"Day number with minimum temperature spread: { result.DayOfMonth }",
                "Unable to determine day number with minimum temperature spread. See logs.",