Beispiel #1
 *  Old version prior to versioning simplification:
 *      public IEnumerable<SocketsPart> RightItemsFromConnectors(IEnumerable<ConnectorPart> connectors, params string[] types)
 *      {
 *          var ids = connectors.Select(c => new { VersionId = c.RightContentVersionId, Id = c.RightContentVersionId.HasValue ? null : (int?)c.RightContentItemId }).ToList();
 *          var rightIds = ids.Where(c=>c.Id.HasValue).Select(c=>c.Id.Value);
 *          var rightVersionIds = ids.Where(c => c.VersionId.HasValue).Select(c => c.VersionId.Value);
 *          // TODO: Stuck between a rock and a hard place with QueryHints. WithQueryHintsFor actually generates a new content item in memory to figure out the parts to be expanded.
 *          // We possibly can't assume this will be optimal in all scenarios. On the other hand, we need to do something fairly complex to get the generic types from all the drivers.
 *          var qh = QueryHints.Empty; // QueryHintsForTypes(types);
 *          var content = Services.ContentManager.GetManyByVersionId<SocketsPart>(rightVersionIds, qh)
 *              .Concat(Services.ContentManager.GetMany<SocketsPart>(rightIds, VersionOptions.Latest, qh));
 *          return content;
 *      }
 *      public IEnumerable<SocketsPart> LeftItemsFromConnectors(IEnumerable<ConnectorPart> connectors, params string[] types)
 *      {
 *          var ids = connectors.Select(c => new { VersionId = c.LeftContentVersionId, Id = c.LeftContentVersionId.HasValue ? null : (int?)c.LeftContentItemId }).ToList();
 *          var leftIds = ids.Where(c => c.Id.HasValue).Select(c => c.Id.Value);
 *          var leftVersionIds = ids.Where(c => c.VersionId.HasValue).Select(c => c.VersionId.Value);
 *          // TODO: Stuck between a rock and a hard place with QueryHints. WithQueryHintsFor actually generates a new content item in memory to figure out the parts to be expanded.
 *          // We possibly can't assume this will be optimal in all scenarios. On the other hand, we need to do something fairly complex to get the generic types from all the drivers.
 *          var qh = QueryHintsForTypes(types);
 *          var content = Services.ContentManager.GetManyByVersionId<SocketsPart>(leftVersionIds, qh)
 *              .Concat(Services.ContentManager.GetMany<SocketsPart>(leftIds, VersionOptions.Latest, qh));
 *          return content;
 *      }
        public IEnumerable <ConnectorDescriptor> AllowableConnectorTypes(IContent content)
            // Enforce sockets part.
            // TODO: Throw an error - this shouldn't be called on anything without sockets
            var part = content.As <SocketsPart>();

            if (part == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <ConnectorDescriptor>());

            var ConnectorTypes = ConnectorTypeDefinitions();

            // TODO: PERF: This can't be optimal with a lot of content types floating around, need a lookup.
            return(ConnectorTypes.Select(d => {
                var s = d.Parts.First(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == typeof(ConnectorPart).Name).Settings.GetModel <ConnectorTypePartSettings>();
                var allowTypes = s == null ? Enumerable.Empty <string>() : s.ListAllowedContentLeft();
                return new {
                    Settings = s,
                    Definition = d,
                    Allowed = (s != null && (!allowTypes.Any() || allowTypes.Any(t => t == part.TypeDefinition.Name)))
            }).Where(s => s.Allowed).Select(s => {
                var def = new ConnectorDescriptor(s.Definition, s.Settings);
                return def;
        public IActionResult RemoteServerDescriptor()
            RemoteServerDescriptor serverDescriptor = new RemoteServerDescriptor();
            var connectorDescriptor = new ConnectorDescriptor();

            connectorDescriptor.Name = "ProvisioningService";
            connectorDescriptor.Type = "Capgemini.ProvisioningPortal.Connector";
            connectorDescriptor.Path = "api";

            connectorDescriptor.ConnectionInstanceProperties.Add(new ConnectionInstancePropertyDescriptor()
                Name        = "url",
                DisplayName = "URL",
                HelpText    = "Url to the provisioning service",
                Type        = "String",
                Required    = true


            return(new ObjectResult(serverDescriptor));
        public IActionResult RemoteServerDescriptor()
            RemoteServerDescriptor serverDescriptor = new RemoteServerDescriptor();
            var connectorDescriptor = new ConnectorDescriptor();

            connectorDescriptor.Name = "RemedyITSM9";
            connectorDescriptor.Type = "Capgemini.RemedyITSM9.ServiceRequest.Connector";
            connectorDescriptor.Path = "api";

            connectorDescriptor.ConnectionInstanceProperties.Add(new ConnectionInstancePropertyDescriptor()
                Name        = "url",
                DisplayName = "URL",
                HelpText    = "Url to the Remedy 9 ITSM API",
                Type        = "String",
                Required    = true


            return(new ObjectResult(serverDescriptor));
Beispiel #4
 private string ConnectorDisplayName(ConnectorDescriptor t)
         ? (t.Definition.DisplayName + (t.Settings.AllowMany ? "s" : ""))
         : t.Settings.SocketDisplayName);
Beispiel #5
        protected IEnumerable <IConnector> CreateConnector(IContent left, IContent right, ConnectorDescriptor ConnectorDef, bool createInverseIfPossible, bool ignorePermissions = false)
            // Check sockets
            var leftSock  = left.As <SocketsPart>();
            var rightSock = right.As <SocketsPart>();

            // TODO: SocketsPart doesn't need any data so we could consider automatically welding it to any content that has valid connectors. It's
            // very rare that we want a connector type to apply to anything so maybe should disable the wildcard.
            if (leftSock == null || rightSock == null)
                throw new OrchardException(T("Attempted to create connector between non-socket content %0 (%1) and %2 (%3). You must add SocketsPart to content to participate in connections.", left.ContentItem.ContentType, leftSock == null ? "hasn't" : "has", right.ContentItem.ContentType, rightSock == null ? "hasn't" : "has"));

            // Build a new item
            var connector = Services.ContentManager.New <ConnectorPart>(ConnectorDef.Name);

            // Check security
            var createContext = new ConnectorCreateContext(left, right, ConnectorDef);

            createContext.ConnectorContent  = connector;
            createContext.SiblingConnectors = leftSock.Sockets[ConnectorDef.Name].ConnectorQuery;

            if (!ignorePermissions && !Services.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.PublishContent, connector, T("Cannot create connector")))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <IConnector>());

            // Store left and right items
            connector.LeftContentItemId  = left.ContentItem.Id;
            connector.RightContentItemId = right.ContentItem.Id;

            // Handle versioning
            if (left.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null)
                connector.LeftContentVersionId = left.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Id;
            if (right.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null)
                connector.RightContentVersionId = right.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Id;

            // Invoke Creating event
            _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c => c.Creating(createContext), Logger);
            if (createContext.Cancel)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <IConnector>());

            // Create the item and invoke Created
            Services.ContentManager.Create(connector, ((left.ContentItem.VersionRecord != null)? (left.ContentItem.VersionRecord.Published ? VersionOptions.Published : VersionOptions.Draft) : VersionOptions.Published));
            _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c => c.Created(createContext), Logger);

            IEnumerable <IConnector> returnList = new[] { connector };

            if (ConnectorDef.PartDefinition != null)
                var settings = ConnectorDef.Settings;
                // Can we create an inverse?
                if (createInverseIfPossible && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.InverseConnectorType))
                    var inverseDef = DescribeConnector(settings.InverseConnectorType);

                    var inverseContext = new ConnectorCreateContext(right, left, inverseDef);
                    inverseContext.InverseConnectorContent = createContext.ConnectorContent;
                    _connectorHandlers.Value.Invoke(c => c.CreatingInverse(inverseContext), Logger);
                    if (!inverseContext.Cancel)
                        // Create it
                        var inverseCreate = CreateConnector(right, left, inverseDef, false, ignorePermissions);
                        var inverseFirst  = inverseCreate.FirstOrDefault().As <ConnectorPart>();

                        // Exchange Ids
                        if (inverseFirst != null)
                            connector.InverseConnector    = inverseFirst;
                            inverseFirst.InverseConnector = connector;
                        returnList = returnList.Concat(inverseCreate);