private async Task MaybeCreateDatabase()
            var masterConnection = new Connection(new ConnectionFactory(ConnectionStringBuilder.For("master").ConnectionString, Output));

                var dbExists = Honestly.DontKnow;
                if (!Parameters.Optional(new InputBool("skip-create", "will not create database if set"), false).Get())
                    dbExists = (await masterConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>("SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @dbName", new { dbName = DatabaseName })) == 1;
                    if (!dbExists)
                        Logger.Log($"Database '{DatabaseName}' not found. It will be created.", "important");
                        Logger.Log($"Creating database '{DatabaseName}'.", "important");
                        await masterConnection.ExecuteAsync($@"IF(DB_ID(N'{DatabaseName}') IS NULL) BEGIN CREATE DATABASE [{DatabaseName}] END");

                        dbExists = true;
                if (!dbExists.IsKnown && Parameters.Optional(new InputBool("ensure-db-exists", "halts execution if db does not exist, requires access to master db"), false).Get())
                    dbExists = (await masterConnection.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>("SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases WHERE name = @dbName", new { dbName = DatabaseName })) == 1;
                    if (!dbExists)
                        throw new Exception($"Database {DatabaseName} does not exist");