Beispiel #1
                public override void PerformAction(string command, string[] arguments)
                    base.PerformAction(command, arguments);

                    switch (command)
                    // is this a goto command?
                    case PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Commands_Goto:
                        // make sure the argument is for us
                        if (arguments[0] == Command_Keyword( ) && arguments.Length > 1)
                            // check for groupfinder, because we support that one.
                            if (PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Page_GroupFinder == arguments[1])
                                PresentFragment(GroupFinder, true);
                                List <ConnectLink> engagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );

                                ConnectLink connectLink = engagedEntries.Where(e => e.Command_Keyword == arguments[1]).SingleOrDefault( );
                                if (connectLink != null)
                                    // now go to the requested URL
                                    TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(false, true, connectLink.Url, this, WebFragment);
Beispiel #2
        public void RowClicked(int rowIndex)
            if (rowIndex > -1)
                ConnectLink linkEntry = null;

                // is this a getEngaged row?
                if (rowIndex < GetEngagedEntries.Count)
                    linkEntry = GetEngagedEntries[rowIndex];

                // did they pick something valid?
                if (linkEntry != null)
                    // GroupFinder is unique in that it doesn't use a webView.
                    if (linkEntry.Title == ConnectStrings.Main_Connect_GroupFinder)
                        TaskUIViewController viewController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("GroupFinderViewController") as TaskUIViewController;
                        Task.PerformSegue(this, viewController);
                        TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, true, linkEntry.Url, Task, this, false, false, false);
Beispiel #3
                public override void OnClick(Fragment source, int buttonId, object context)
                    base.OnClick(source, buttonId, context);

                    // only handle input if the springboard is closed
                    if (NavbarFragment.ShouldTaskAllowInput( ))
                        // decide what to do.
                        if (source == MainPage)
                            ConnectLink linkEntry = (ConnectLink)context;

                            // group finder is the only connect link that doesn't use an embedded webView.
                            if (linkEntry.Title == ConnectStrings.Main_Connect_GroupFinder)
                                // launch group finder (and have it auto-show the search)
                                GroupFinder.ShowSearchOnAppear = true;

                                // if we're logged in, give it a starting address
                                if (MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.LoggedIn == true && MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.HasFullAddress( ))
                                    GroupFinder.SetSearchAddress(MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.Street1( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.City( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.State( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.Zip( ));

                                PresentFragment(GroupFinder, true);
                                // launch the ConnectWebFragment.
                                TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(false, true, linkEntry.Url, this, WebFragment);
                        else if (source == GroupFinder)
                            // turn off auto-show search so that if the user presses 'back', we don't pop it up again.
                            GroupFinder.ShowSearchOnAppear = false;

                            MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult entry = (MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult)context;

                            GroupInfo.GroupEntry = entry;

                            PresentFragment(GroupInfo, true);
                        else if (source == GroupInfo)
                            MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult entry = (MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult)context;

                            JoinGroup.GroupTitle  = entry.Name;
                            JoinGroup.Distance    = string.Format("{0:##.0} {1}", entry.DistanceFromSource, ConnectStrings.GroupFinder_MilesSuffix);
                            JoinGroup.GroupID     = entry.Id;
                            JoinGroup.MeetingTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.MeetingTime) == false ? entry.MeetingTime : ConnectStrings.GroupFinder_ContactForTime;

                            PresentFragment(JoinGroup, true);
Beispiel #4
        public override void PerformAction(string command, string[] arguments)
            base.PerformAction(command, arguments);

            switch (command)
            // is this a goto command?
            case PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Commands_Goto:
                // make sure the argument is for us
                if (arguments[0] == Command_Keyword( ) && arguments.Length > 1)
                    // check for groupfinder, because we support that one.
                    if (PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Page_GroupFinder == arguments[1])
                        // since we're switching to the read notes VC, pop to the main page root and
                        // remove it, because we dont' want back history (where would they go back to?)
                        ParentViewController.ClearViewControllerStack( );

                        // create and launch the group finder. It's fine to create it here because we always dynamically create this controller.
                        TaskUIViewController viewController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("GroupFinderViewController") as TaskUIViewController;
                        ParentViewController.PushViewController(viewController, false);
                        List <ConnectLink> engagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );
                        ConnectLink        connectLink    = engagedEntries.Where(e => e.Command_Keyword == arguments[1]).SingleOrDefault( );

                        if (connectLink != null)
                            // clear out the stack and push the main connect page onto the stack
                            ParentViewController.ClearViewControllerStack( );
                            ParentViewController.PushViewController(MainPageVC, false);

                            // now go to the requested URL (and do not animate it--that could allow a race condition if this action is called rapidly
                            TaskWebViewController.HandleUrl(false, true, connectLink.Url, this, MainPageVC, false, false, false, false);
Beispiel #5
                public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
                    if (container == null)
                        // Currently in a layout without a container, so no reason to create our view.

                    View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Connect_Primary, container, false);


                    GetEngagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );

                    GetEngagedBillboards = new Bitmap[GetEngagedEntries.Count];

                    ListView = view.FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.connect_primary_list);

                    ListView.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) =>
                        // ignore clicks to the top banner
                        if (e.Position > 0)
                            // get the row index relative to getEngaged
                            int getEngagedRowIndex = e.Position - 1;

                            // if they clicked a non-groupfinder row, get the link they want to visit
                            ParentTask.OnClick(this, getEngagedRowIndex, GetEngagedEntries[getEngagedRowIndex]);
                    ListView.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this);

                public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
                    if (container == null)
                        // Currently in a layout without a container, so no reason to create our view.
                        return null;

                    View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Connect_Primary, container, false);
                    view.SetOnTouchListener( this );

                    LinkEntries = ConnectLink.BuildList( );

                    // insert group finder into the beginning of the list so it's always the first entry
                    ConnectLink groupFinderLink = new ConnectLink( );
                    groupFinderLink.Title = ConnectStrings.Main_Connect_GroupFinder;
                    groupFinderLink.ImageName = PrivateConnectConfig.GroupFinder_IconImage;
                    LinkEntries.Insert( 0, groupFinderLink );

                    LinkBillboards = new Bitmap[ LinkEntries.Count ];

                    ListView = view.FindViewById<ListView>( Resource.Id.connect_primary_list );

                    ListView.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e ) =>
                            // ignore clicks to the top banner
                            if( e.Position > 0 )
                                if( e.Position == 1 )
                                    ParentTask.OnClick( this, 0 );
                                    // if they clicked a non-groupfinder row, get the link they want to visit
                                    ParentTask.OnClick( this, e.Position - 1, LinkEntries[ e.Position - 1 ].Url );
                    ListView.SetOnTouchListener( this );
                    ListView.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter( this );

                    if ( ParentTask.TaskReadyForFragmentDisplay == true )
                        SetupDisplay( view );

                    return view;
Beispiel #7
        public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)

            GetEngagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );
Beispiel #8
            UITableViewCell GetActivityCell(UITableView tableView, ConnectLink link, bool showSeperator)
                SeriesCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(SeriesCell.Identifier) as SeriesCell;

                // if there are no cells to reuse, create a new one
                if (cell == null)
                    cell        = new SeriesCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, SeriesCell.Identifier);
                    cell.Parent = this;

                    // take the parent table's width so we inherit its width constraint
                    cell.Bounds = new CGRect(cell.Bounds.X, cell.Bounds.Y, tableView.Bounds.Width, cell.Bounds.Height);

                    // configure the cell colors
                    cell.BackgroundColor = Rock.Mobile.UI.Util.GetUIColor(ControlStylingConfig.BackgroundColor);
                    cell.SelectionStyle  = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;

                // Thumbnail Image
                cell.Image.Image = new UIImage(NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath + "/" + link.ImageName);
                cell.Image.SizeToFit( );

                nfloat topPadding = 10;

                // force the image to be sized according to the height of the cell
                cell.Image.Frame = new CGRect(0,

                nfloat availableTextWidth = cell.Bounds.Width - cell.Chevron.Bounds.Width - cell.Image.Bounds.Width - 10;

                // Chevron
                nfloat chevronYPos = cell.Image.Frame.Top + ((PrivateConnectConfig.MainPage_ThumbnailDimension - cell.Chevron.Bounds.Height) / 2);

                cell.Chevron.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(cell.Bounds.Width - cell.Chevron.Bounds.Width - 5, chevronYPos);

                // Create the title
                cell.Title.Text = link.Title.ToUpper( );
                cell.Title.SizeToFit( );

                cell.SubTitle.Text = link.SubTitle;
                cell.SubTitle.SizeToFit( );

                // Position the Title & Date in the center to the right of the image
                nfloat totalTextHeight = cell.Title.Bounds.Height + cell.SubTitle.Bounds.Height - 6;

                cell.Title.Frame    = new CGRect(cell.Image.Frame.Right + 10, ((PrivateConnectConfig.MainPage_ThumbnailDimension - totalTextHeight) / 2) + topPadding, availableTextWidth - 5, cell.Title.Frame.Height);
                cell.SubTitle.Frame = new CGRect(cell.Image.Frame.Right + 10, cell.Title.Frame.Bottom - 6, availableTextWidth - 5, cell.Title.Frame.Height);

                // add the seperator to the bottom
                if (showSeperator)
                    cell.Seperator.Hidden = false;
                    cell.Seperator.Frame  = new CGRect(0, cell.Image.Frame.Bottom + 10, cell.Bounds.Width, 1);

                    PendingSeriesCellHeight = cell.Seperator.Frame.Bottom;
                    cell.Seperator.Hidden   = true;
                    PendingSeriesCellHeight = cell.Image.Frame.Bottom + 10;
