Beispiel #1
        public void TestMultiClientWithoutTor(int numClients)
            // Workaround for segwit not correctly activating
            Network.RegTest.Consensus.BIP9Deployments[BIP9Deployments.Segwit] = new BIP9DeploymentsParameters(1, 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(50).ToUnixTimestamp());

            NodeBuilder builder = NodeBuilder.Create(version: "0.15.1");

            CoreNode coreNode = GetCoreNode(builder);


            // Replicate portions of BreezeServer's Program.cs. Maybe refactor it into a class/function in future
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
                                  .AddSingleton <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService, Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.TumblerService>()

            .GetService <ILoggerFactory>()

            // Skip the registration code - that can be tested separately

            string configPath = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "breeze.conf");

            File.WriteAllLines(configPath, this.breezeServerConfig);

            BreezeConfiguration config = new BreezeConfiguration(configPath);

            var    coreRpc             = coreNode.CreateRPCClient();
            string ntbServerConfigPath = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "server.config");

            File.WriteAllLines(ntbServerConfigPath, GetNTBServerConfig(coreRpc));

            // We need to start up the masternode prior to creating the SBFN instance so that
            // we have the URI available for starting the TumbleBit feature
            // TODO: Also need to see if NTB interactive console interferes with later parts of the test
            new Thread(delegate()
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
                // By instantiating the TumblerService directly the registration logic is skipped
                var tumbler = serviceProvider.GetService <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService>();
                tumbler.StartTumbler(config, false, "server.config", Path.GetFullPath(coreNode.DataFolder), false);

            // Wait for URI file to be written out by the TumblerService
            while (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt")))

            Console.WriteLine("* URI file detected *");

            var serverAddress = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt"));

            // Not used for this test
            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> registrationStoreDirectory = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("RegistrationStoreDirectory", "");

            // Force SBFN to use the temporary hidden service to connect to the server
            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> masternodeUri = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("MasterNodeUri", serverAddress);

            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>[] configurationOptions = { registrationStoreDirectory, masternodeUri };

            List <CoreNode> clientNodes = new List <CoreNode>();

            int apiPortNum = 37229;

            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                var temp = builder.CreateStratisPowNode(false, fullNodeBuilder =>

                temp.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("apiuri", $"http://localhost:{apiPortNum}");



            foreach (var node in clientNodes)

            // Create the source and destination wallets for nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                var wm1 = clientNodes[i].FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
                wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", $"alice{i}");
                wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", $"bob{i}");

            // Mined coins only mature after 100 blocks on regtest
            // Additionally, we need to force Segwit to activate in order for NTB to work correctly

            while (coreRpc.GetBlockCount() < 450)

            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                coreRpc.AddNode(clientNodes[i].Endpoint, false);
                var rpc = clientNodes[i].CreateRPCClient();
                rpc.AddNode(coreNode.Endpoint, false);

                for (int j = 0; j < numClients; j++)
                    if (i != j)
                        rpc.AddNode(clientNodes[j].Endpoint, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                var wm1          = clientNodes[i].FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
                var destination1 = wm1.GetUnusedAddress(new WalletAccountReference($"alice{i}", "account 0"));
                coreRpc.SendToAddress(BitcoinAddress.Create(destination1.Address, Network.RegTest), new Money(5.0m, MoneyUnit.BTC));

            clientNodes[0].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation("Waiting for transactions to propagate and finalise");


            // Wait for SBFN clients to sync with the core node
            foreach (var node in clientNodes)
                TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => node.CreateRPCClient().GetBestBlockHash() == coreRpc.GetBestBlockHash());

            // Test implementation note: the coins do not seem to immediately appear in the wallet.
            // This is possibly some sort of race condition between the wallet manager and block generation/sync.
            // This extra delay seems to ensure that the coins are definitely in the wallet by the time the
            // transaction count gets logged to the console below.

            // Wait instead of generating a block

            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                var wm1 = clientNodes[i].FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
                //logger1.LogError($"({i}) Number of wallet transactions: " + wm1.GetSpendableTransactionsInWallet($"alice{i}").Count());

                // Connect each client to server and start tumbling
                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                    var apiSettings1   = clientNodes[i].FullNode.NodeService <ApiSettings>();
                    var connectContent = new StringContent(new ConnectRequest {
                        OriginWalletName = $"alice{i}"
                    }.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var connectResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings1.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/connect", connectContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    var tumbleContent   = new StringContent(new TumbleRequest {
                        OriginWalletName = $"alice{i}", OriginWalletPassword = "******", DestinationWalletName = $"bob{i}"
                    }.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var tumbleResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings1.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/tumble", tumbleContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Note that the TB client takes about 30 seconds to completely start up, as it has to check the server parameters and RSA key proofs

                clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"Client ({i}) About to start tumbling loop");

            while (true)
                for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)
                    clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"Wallet {i} balance height: " + clientNodes[i].FullNode.Chain.Height);

                    var wm1 = clientNodes[i].FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;

                    HdAccount alice1 = wm1.GetWalletByName($"alice{i}").GetAccountByCoinType("account 0", (CoinType)Network.RegTest.Consensus.CoinType);

                    clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"(A{i}) Confirmed: " + alice1.GetSpendableAmount().ConfirmedAmount.ToString());
                    clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"(A{i}) Unconfirmed: " + alice1.GetSpendableAmount().UnConfirmedAmount.ToString());

                    HdAccount bob1 = wm1.GetWalletByName($"bob{i}").GetAccountByCoinType("account 0", (CoinType)Network.RegTest.Consensus.CoinType);

                    clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"(B{i}) Confirmed: " + bob1.GetSpendableAmount().ConfirmedAmount.ToString());
                    clientNodes[i].FullNode.Settings.Logger.LogInformation($"(B{i}) Unconfirmed: " + bob1.GetSpendableAmount().UnConfirmedAmount.ToString());



                // Try to ensure the invalid phase error does not occur
                // (seems to occur when the server has not yet processed a new block and the client has)
                //TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc1.GetBestBlockHash() == coreRpc.GetBestBlockHash());
                //TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc2.GetBestBlockHash() == coreRpc.GetBestBlockHash());

                /*var mempool = node1.FullNode.NodeService<MempoolManager>();
                 * var mempoolTx = mempool.GetMempoolAsync().Result;
                 * if (mempoolTx.Count > 0)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("--- Mempool contents ---");
                 *  foreach (var tx in mempoolTx)
                 *  {
                 *      var hex = mempool.GetTransaction(tx).Result;
                 *      Console.WriteLine(tx + " ->");
                 *      Console.WriteLine(hex);
                 *      Console.WriteLine("---");
                 *  }
                 * }*/


            if (builder != null)
Beispiel #2
        public void TestWithoutTor()
            // Workaround for segwit not correctly activating
            Network.RegTest.Consensus.BIP9Deployments[BIP9Deployments.Segwit] = new BIP9DeploymentsParameters(1, 0, DateTime.Now.AddDays(50).ToUnixTimestamp());

            NodeBuilder builder = NodeBuilder.Create(version: "0.15.1");

            HttpClient client = null;

            var coreNode = GetCoreNode(builder);


            // Replicate portions of BreezeServer's Program.cs. Maybe refactor it into a class/function in future
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
                                  .AddSingleton <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService, Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.TumblerService>()

            .GetService <ILoggerFactory>()

            // Skip the registration code - that can be tested separately

            string configPath = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "breeze.conf");

            File.WriteAllLines(configPath, this.breezeServerConfig);

            BreezeConfiguration config = new BreezeConfiguration(configPath);

            var    coreRpc             = coreNode.CreateRPCClient();
            string ntbServerConfigPath = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "server.config");

            File.WriteAllLines(ntbServerConfigPath, GetNTBServerConfig(coreRpc));

            // We need to start up the masternode prior to creating the SBFN instance so that
            // we have the URI available for starting the TumbleBit feature
            // TODO: Also need to see if NTB interactive console interferes with later parts of the test
            new Thread(delegate()
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
                // By instantiating the TumblerService directly the registration logic is skipped
                var tumbler = serviceProvider.GetService <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService>();
                tumbler.StartTumbler(config, false, "server.config", Path.GetFullPath(coreNode.DataFolder), false);

            // Wait for URI file to be written out by the TumblerService
            while (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt")))

            Console.WriteLine("* URI file detected *");

            var serverAddress = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt"));

            // Not used for this test
            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> registrationStoreDirectory = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("RegistrationStoreDirectory", "");

            // Force SBFN to connect to the server
            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> masternodeUri = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("MasterNodeUri", serverAddress);

            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>[] configurationOptions = { registrationStoreDirectory, masternodeUri };

            CoreNode node1 = builder.CreateStratisPowNode(true, fullNodeBuilder =>

            // Logging for NTB client code
            ConsoleLoggerProcessor loggerProcessor = new ConsoleLoggerProcessor();

            Logs.Configure(new FuncLoggerFactory(i => new CustomerConsoleLogger(i, Logs.SupportDebug(true), false, loggerProcessor)), node1.DataFolder);

            var apiSettings = node1.FullNode.NodeService <ApiSettings>();

            // Create the source and destination wallets
            var wm1 = node1.FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;

            //var wm2 = node2.FullNode.NodeService<IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
            wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "alice");
            wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "bob");

            // Mined coins only mature after 100 blocks on regtest
            // Additionally, we need to force Segwit to activate in order for NTB to work correctly

            var rpc1 = node1.CreateRPCClient();

            coreRpc.AddNode(node1.Endpoint, false);
            rpc1.AddNode(coreNode.Endpoint, false);

            var amount      = new Money(5.0m, MoneyUnit.BTC);
            var destination = wm1.GetUnusedAddress(new WalletAccountReference("alice", "account 0"));

            coreRpc.SendToAddress(BitcoinAddress.Create(destination.Address, Network.RegTest), amount);

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for transaction to propagate and finalise");


            // Wait for SBFN to sync with the core node
            TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc1.GetBestBlockHash() == coreRpc.GetBestBlockHash());

            // Test implementation note: the coins do not seem to immediately appear in the wallet.
            // This is possibly some sort of race condition between the wallet manager and block generation/sync.
            // This extra delay seems to ensure that the coins are definitely in the wallet by the time the
            // transaction count gets logged to the console below.

            // Wait instead of generating a block

            //var log = node1.FullNode.NodeService<ILogger>();
            Console.WriteLine("Number of wallet transactions: " + wm1.GetSpendableTransactionsInWallet("alice").Count());

            // Connect to server and start tumbling
            using (client = new HttpClient())
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                // Sample returned output
                // {"tumbler":"ctb://<onionaddress>.onion?h=<confighash>","denomination":"0.01000000","fee":"0.00010000","network":"RegTest","estimate":"22200"}

                var connectContent = new StringContent(new ConnectRequest {
                    OriginWalletName = "alice"
                }.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var connectResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/connect", connectContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                var tumbleContent   = new StringContent(new TumbleRequest {
                    OriginWalletName = "alice", OriginWalletPassword = "******", DestinationWalletName = "bob"
                }.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var tumbleResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/tumble", tumbleContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                // Note that the TB client takes about 30 seconds to completely start up, as it has to check the server parameters and
                // RSA key proofs

                //Assert.StartsWith("[{\"", tumbleResponse);

            HdAccount alice;
            HdAccount bob;

            // TODO: Move forward specific numbers of blocks and check interim states? TB tests already do that
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Wallet balance height: " + node1.FullNode.Chain.Height);

                alice = wm1.GetWalletByName("alice").GetAccountByCoinType("account 0", (CoinType)Network.RegTest.Consensus.CoinType);

                Console.WriteLine("(A) Confirmed: " + alice.GetSpendableAmount().ConfirmedAmount.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("(A) Unconfirmed: " + alice.GetSpendableAmount().UnConfirmedAmount.ToString());

                bob = wm1.GetWalletByName("bob").GetAccountByCoinType("account 0", (CoinType)Network.RegTest.Consensus.CoinType);

                Console.WriteLine("(B) Confirmed: " + bob.GetSpendableAmount().ConfirmedAmount.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("(B) Unconfirmed: " + bob.GetSpendableAmount().UnConfirmedAmount.ToString());


                // Try to ensure the invalid phase error does not occur
                // (seems to occur when the server has not yet processed a new block and the client has)
                TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc1.GetBestBlockHash() == coreRpc.GetBestBlockHash());

                var mempool   = node1.FullNode.NodeService <MempoolManager>();
                var mempoolTx = mempool.GetMempoolAsync().Result;
                if (mempoolTx.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("--- Mempool contents ---");
                    foreach (var tx in mempoolTx)
                        var hex = mempool.GetTransaction(tx).Result;
                        Console.WriteLine(tx + " ->");


            // Check destination wallet for tumbled coins

            // TODO: Need to amend TumblerService so that it can be shut down within the test

            if (client != null)
                client = null;

            if (builder != null)
Beispiel #3
        public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
                var isTestNet = args.Contains("-testnet");
                var isStratis = args.Contains("stratis");
                var agent     = "Breeze";

                // This setting is not in NodeSettings yet, so get it directly from the args
                ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>   registrationStoreDirectory = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>("RegistrationStoreDirectory", args.GetValueOf("-storedir"));
                ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>[] configurationOptions       = { registrationStoreDirectory };

                NodeSettings nodeSettings;

                if (isStratis)
                    //if (NodeSettings.PrintHelp(args, Network.StratisMain))
                    //    return;

                    Network network = isTestNet ? Network.StratisTest : Network.StratisMain;
                    if (isTestNet)
                        args = args.Append("-addnode=").ToArray(); // TODO: fix this temp hack
                    nodeSettings = new NodeSettings(network, ProtocolVersion.ALT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, agent, args: args, loadConfiguration: false);
                    nodeSettings = new NodeSettings(agent: agent, args: args, loadConfiguration: false);

                IFullNodeBuilder fullNodeBuilder = null;

                if (args.Contains("light"))
                    fullNodeBuilder = new FullNodeBuilder()
                    fullNodeBuilder = new FullNodeBuilder()

                    if (args.Contains("stratis"))


                    if (args.Contains("stratis"))


                if (args.Contains("registration"))

                // Need this to happen for both TB and non-TB daemon
                Logs.Configure(new FuncLoggerFactory(i => new DualLogger(i, (a, b) => true, false)));

                // Start NTumbleBit logging to the console

                // Currently TumbleBit is bitcoin only
                if (args.Contains("-tumblebit"))
                    // We no longer pass the URI in via the command line, the registration feature selects a random one

                IFullNode node = fullNodeBuilder.Build();

                // Add logging to NLog

                // Start Full Node - this will also start the API.
                await node.RunAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("There was a problem initializing the node. Details: '{0}'", ex.Message);
Beispiel #4
        public static IFullNodeBuilder UseTumbleBit(this IFullNodeBuilder fullNodeBuilder, ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string> registrationStoreDirectory)
            fullNodeBuilder.ConfigureFeature(features =>
                .AddFeature <TumbleBitFeature>()
                .FeatureServices(services =>
                    JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings
                        Formatting       = Formatting.Indented,
                        ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(),
                        Converters       = new List <JsonConverter>
                            new NetworkConverter(),
                            new PermutationTestProofConverter(),
                            new PoupardSternProofConverter(),
                            new RsaPubKeyConverter()

                    services.AddSingleton <ITumbleBitManager, TumbleBitManager>();
                    services.AddSingleton <ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string> >(registrationStoreDirectory);
                    services.AddSingleton <TumbleBitController>();
                    //services.AddSingleton<IWalletFeePolicy, LightWalletFeePolicy>();

Beispiel #5
        public void TestDualClientWithoutTor()
            using (NodeBuilder builder = NodeBuilder.Create(version: "0.15.1"))
                HttpClient client = null;

                var coreNode = builder.CreateNode(false);

                coreNode.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("debug", "1");
                coreNode.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("printtoconsole", "0");
                coreNode.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("prematurewitness", "1");
                coreNode.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("walletprematurewitness", "1");
                coreNode.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("rpcworkqueue", "100");


                // Replicate portions of BreezeServer's Program.cs. Maybe refactor it into a class/function in future
                var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
                                      .AddSingleton <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService, Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.TumblerService>()

                .GetService <ILoggerFactory>()

                // Skip the registration code - that can be tested separately

                string   configPath         = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "breeze.conf");
                string[] breezeServerConfig =
                    "network=regtest", // Only the network setting is currently used from this file
                File.WriteAllLines(configPath, breezeServerConfig);

                BreezeConfiguration config = new BreezeConfiguration(configPath);

                var      rpc3 = coreNode.CreateRPCClient();
                string   ntbServerConfigPath = Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "server.config");
                string[] ntbServerConfig     =
                    "rpc.url=" + rpc3.Address.Port + "/",

                File.WriteAllLines(ntbServerConfigPath, ntbServerConfig);

                // We need to start up the masternode prior to creating the SBFN instance so that
                // we have the URI available for starting the TumbleBit feature
                // TODO: Also need to see if NTB interactive console interferes with later parts of the test
                new Thread(delegate()
                    Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
                    // By instantiating the TumblerService directly the registration logic is skipped
                    var tumbler = serviceProvider.GetService <Breeze.BreezeServer.Services.ITumblerService>();
                    tumbler.StartTumbler(config, false, "server.config", Path.GetFullPath(coreNode.DataFolder), false);

                // Wait for URI file to be written out by the TumblerService
                while (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt")))

                Console.WriteLine("* URI file detected *");

                var serverAddress = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(coreNode.DataFolder, "uri.txt"));

                // Not used for this test
                ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string> registrationStoreDirectory = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>("RegistrationStoreDirectory", "");

                // Force SBFN to use the temporary hidden service to connect to the server
                ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string> masternodeUri = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>("MasterNodeUri", serverAddress);

                ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string>[] configurationOptions = { registrationStoreDirectory, masternodeUri };

                // Logging for NTB client code
                ConsoleLoggerProcessor loggerProcessor = new ConsoleLoggerProcessor();
                Logs.Configure(new FuncLoggerFactory(i => new CustomerConsoleLogger(i, Logs.SupportDebug(true), false, loggerProcessor)));

                CoreNode node1 = builder.CreateStratisPowNode(false, fullNodeBuilder =>

                node1.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("apiuri", "http://localhost:37229");

                CoreNode node2 = builder.CreateStratisPowNode(false, fullNodeBuilder =>

                node2.ConfigParameters.AddOrReplace("apiuri", "http://localhost:37228");

                var apiSettings1 = node1.FullNode.NodeService <ApiSettings>();
                var apiSettings2 = node2.FullNode.NodeService <ApiSettings>();


                // TODO: See if it is possible to split node1 and node2's logs into separate folders
                NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration config1 = LogManager.Configuration;
                var folder = Path.Combine(node1.DataFolder, "Logs");

                var tbTarget = new FileTarget();
                tbTarget.Name             = "tumblebit";
                tbTarget.FileName         = Path.Combine(folder, "tumblebit.txt");
                tbTarget.ArchiveFileName  = Path.Combine(folder, "tb-${date:universalTime=true:format=yyyy-MM-dd}.txt");
                tbTarget.ArchiveNumbering = ArchiveNumberingMode.Sequence;
                tbTarget.ArchiveEvery     = FileArchivePeriod.Day;
                tbTarget.MaxArchiveFiles  = 7;
                tbTarget.Layout           = "[${longdate:universalTime=true} ${threadid}${mdlc:item=id}] ${level:uppercase=true}: ${callsite} ${message}";
                tbTarget.Encoding         = Encoding.UTF8;

                var ruleTb = new LoggingRule("*", NLog.LogLevel.Debug, tbTarget);

                // Apply new rules.


                // Create the source and destination wallets for node 1
                var wm1 = node1.FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
                wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "alice1");
                wm1.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "bob1");

                // Create the source and destination wallets for node 2
                var wm2 = node2.FullNode.NodeService <IWalletManager>() as WalletManager;
                wm2.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "alice2");
                wm2.CreateWallet("TumbleBit1", "bob2");

                // Mined coins only mature after 100 blocks on regtest
                // Additionally, we need to force Segwit to activate in order for NTB to work correctly

                var rpc1 = node1.CreateRPCClient();
                var rpc2 = node2.CreateRPCClient();

                rpc3.AddNode(node1.Endpoint, false);
                rpc3.AddNode(node2.Endpoint, false);

                rpc1.AddNode(coreNode.Endpoint, false);
                rpc1.AddNode(node2.Endpoint, false);

                var amount       = new Money(5.0m, MoneyUnit.BTC);
                var destination1 = wm1.GetUnusedAddress(new WalletAccountReference("alice1", "account 0"));
                var destination2 = wm2.GetUnusedAddress(new WalletAccountReference("alice2", "account 0"));

                rpc3.SendToAddress(BitcoinAddress.Create(destination1.Address, Network.RegTest), amount);
                rpc3.SendToAddress(BitcoinAddress.Create(destination2.Address, Network.RegTest), amount);

                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for transactions to propagate and finalise");


                // Wait for SBFN to sync with the core node
                TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc1.GetBestBlockHash() == rpc3.GetBestBlockHash());
                TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc2.GetBestBlockHash() == rpc3.GetBestBlockHash());

                // Test implementation note: the coins do not seem to immediately appear in the wallet.
                // This is possibly some sort of race condition between the wallet manager and block generation/sync.
                // This extra delay seems to ensure that the coins are definitely in the wallet by the time the
                // transaction count gets logged to the console below.

                // Wait instead of generating a block

                var loggerFactory1 = node1.FullNode.NodeService <ILoggerFactory>();
                var loggerFactory2 = node2.FullNode.NodeService <ILoggerFactory>();

                var logger1 = loggerFactory1.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);
                var logger2 = loggerFactory2.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);

                logger1.LogError("(1) Number of wallet transactions: " + wm1.GetSpendableTransactionsInWallet("alice1").Count());
                logger2.LogError("(2) Number of wallet transactions: " + wm2.GetSpendableTransactionsInWallet("alice2").Count());

                // Connect to server and start tumbling
                using (client = new HttpClient())
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                    // Sample returned output
                    // {"tumbler":"ctb://<onionaddress>.onion?h=<confighash>","denomination":"0.01000000","fee":"0.00010000","network":"RegTest","estimate":"22200"}
                    var connectResponse = client.GetStringAsync(apiSettings1.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/connect").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    //Assert.StartsWith("[{\"", connectResponse);
                    var tumbleModel = new TumbleRequest {
                        OriginWalletName = "alice1", OriginWalletPassword = "******", DestinationWalletName = "bob1"
                    var tumbleContent  = new StringContent(tumbleModel.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var tumbleResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings1.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/tumble", tumbleContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Note that the TB client takes about 30 seconds to completely start up, as it has to check the server parameters and
                    // RSA key proofs

                    //Assert.StartsWith("[{\"", tumbleResponse);

                using (client = new HttpClient())
                    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                    var connectResponse = client.GetStringAsync(apiSettings2.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/connect").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                    var tumbleModel     = new TumbleRequest {
                        OriginWalletName = "alice2", OriginWalletPassword = "******", DestinationWalletName = "bob2"
                    var tumbleContent  = new StringContent(tumbleModel.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var tumbleResponse = client.PostAsync(apiSettings2.ApiUri + "api/TumbleBit/tumble", tumbleContent).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    // Note that the TB client takes about 30 seconds to completely start up, as it has to check the server parameters and
                    // RSA key proofs

                logger1.LogError("(1) About to start tumbling loop");
                logger2.LogError("(2) About to start tumbling loop");

                // TODO: Move forward specific numbers of blocks and check interim states? TB tests already do that
                for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)

                    // Try to ensure the invalid phase error does not occur
                    // (seems to occur when the server has not yet processed a new block and the client has)
                    TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc1.GetBestBlockHash() == rpc3.GetBestBlockHash());
                    TestHelper.WaitLoop(() => rpc2.GetBestBlockHash() == rpc3.GetBestBlockHash());

                    /*var mempool = node1.FullNode.NodeService<MempoolManager>();
                     * var mempoolTx = mempool.GetMempoolAsync().Result;
                     * if (mempoolTx.Count > 0)
                     * {
                     *  Console.WriteLine("--- Mempool contents ---");
                     *  foreach (var tx in mempoolTx)
                     *  {
                     *      var hex = mempool.GetTransaction(tx).Result;
                     *      Console.WriteLine(tx + " ->");
                     *      Console.WriteLine(hex);
                     *      Console.WriteLine("---");
                     *  }
                     * }*/


                // Check destination wallet for tumbled coins

                // TODO: Need to amend TumblerService so that it can be shut down within the test

                if (client != null)
                    client = null;
Beispiel #6
        public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
                var comparer = new CommandlineArgumentComparer();

                var isRegTest = args.Contains("regtest", comparer);
                var isTestNet = args.Contains("testnet", comparer);
                var isStratis = args.Contains("stratis", comparer);
                var isLight   = args.Contains("light", comparer);

                var    useRegistration = args.Contains("registration", comparer);
                var    useTumblebit    = args.Contains("tumblebit", comparer);
                var    useTor          = !args.Contains("noTor", comparer);
                string registrationStoreDirectoryPath = args.GetValueOf("-storedir");

                TumblerProtocolType tumblerProtocol;
                    string tumblerProtocolString = args.GetValueOf("-tumblerProtocol");
                    if (!isRegTest && (tumblerProtocolString != null || !useTor))
                        Console.WriteLine("Options -TumblerProtocol and -NoTor can only be used in combination with -RegTest switch.");

                    if (tumblerProtocolString != null)
                        tumblerProtocol = Enum.Parse <TumblerProtocolType>(tumblerProtocolString, true);
                        tumblerProtocol = TumblerProtocolType.Tcp;

                    if (useTor && tumblerProtocol == TumblerProtocolType.Http)
                        Console.WriteLine("TumblerProtocol can only be changed to Http when Tor is disabled. Please use -NoTor switch to disable Tor.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Incorrect tumbling prococol specified; the valid values are {TumblerProtocolType.Tcp} and {TumblerProtocolType.Http}");

                var agent = "Breeze";

                NodeSettings nodeSettings;

                if (isStratis)
                    //if (NodeSettings.PrintHelp(args, Network.StratisMain))
                    //    return;

                    Network network;
                    if (isRegTest)
                        network = Network.StratisRegTest;
                    else if (isTestNet)
                        args    = args.Append("-addnode=").ToArray();      // TODO: fix this temp hack
                        network = Network.StratisTest;
                        network = Network.StratisMain;

                    nodeSettings = new NodeSettings(network, ProtocolVersion.ALT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, agent, args: args, loadConfiguration: false);
                    nodeSettings = new NodeSettings(agent: agent, args: args, loadConfiguration: false);

                IFullNodeBuilder fullNodeBuilder = null;

                if (isLight)
                    fullNodeBuilder = new FullNodeBuilder()
                    fullNodeBuilder = new FullNodeBuilder()

                    if (isStratis)


                    if (isStratis)


                if (useRegistration)

                // Need this to happen for both TB and non-TB daemon
                string dataDir = nodeSettings.DataDir;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataDir))
                    if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                        dataDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StratisNode");
                        dataDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME"), ".stratisnode");

                string logDir = Path.Combine(dataDir, nodeSettings.Network.RootFolderName, nodeSettings.Network.Name, "Logs");
                Logs.Configure(new FuncLoggerFactory(i => new DualLogger(i, (a, b) => true, false)), logDir);

                // Start NTumbleBit logging to the console

                // Currently TumbleBit is bitcoin only
                if (useTumblebit)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationStoreDirectoryPath))
                        string networkName;
                        if (isRegTest)
                            networkName = "StratisRegTest";
                        else if (isTestNet)
                            networkName = "StratisTest";
                            networkName = "StratisMain";

                        registrationStoreDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(dataDir, "stratis", networkName, "registrationHistory.json");

                    // Those settings are not in NodeSettings yet, so get it directly from the args
                    ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> registrationStoreDirectory = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("RegistrationStoreDirectory", registrationStoreDirectoryPath);
                    ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> torOption             = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("Tor", useTor);
                    ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> tumblerProtocolOption = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("TumblerProtocol", tumblerProtocol);
                    ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object> useDummyAddressOption = new ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>("UseDummyAddress", true);

                    ConfigurationOptionWrapper <object>[] tumblebitConfigurationOptions = { registrationStoreDirectory, torOption, tumblerProtocolOption, useDummyAddressOption };

                    // We no longer pass the URI in via the command line, the registration feature selects a random one

                IFullNode node = fullNodeBuilder.Build();

                // Add logging to NLog

                // Start Full Node - this will also start the API.
                await node.RunAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("There was a problem initializing the node. Details: '{0}'", ex.Message);
Beispiel #7
        public TumbleBitManager(
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
            NodeSettings nodeSettings,
            IWalletManager walletManager,
            IWatchOnlyWalletManager watchOnlyWalletManager,
            ConcurrentChain chain,
            Network network,
            Signals signals,
            IWalletTransactionHandler walletTransactionHandler,
            IWalletSyncManager walletSyncManager,
            IWalletFeePolicy walletFeePolicy,
            IBroadcasterManager broadcasterManager,
            FullNode fullNode,
            ConfigurationOptionWrapper <string> registrationStoreDirectory)
            this.walletManager            = walletManager as WalletManager;
            this.watchOnlyWalletManager   = watchOnlyWalletManager;
            this.walletSyncManager        = walletSyncManager as WalletSyncManager;
            this.walletTransactionHandler = walletTransactionHandler as WalletTransactionHandler;
            this.chain              = chain;
            this.signals            = signals;
              = network;
            this.nodeSettings       = nodeSettings;
            this.loggerFactory      = loggerFactory;
            this.logger             = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);
            this.walletFeePolicy    = walletFeePolicy;
            this.broadcasterManager = broadcasterManager;
            this.fullNode           = fullNode;

            if (registrationStoreDirectory.Value != null)
                this.registrationStore = new RegistrationStore(registrationStoreDirectory.Value);
                this.registrationStore = new RegistrationStore(this.nodeSettings.DataDir);

            this.tumblingState = new TumblingState(

            // Load saved state e.g. previously selected server
            if (File.Exists(this.tumblingState.GetStateFilePath()))
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    // The file appears to get corrupted sometimes, not clear why
                    // May be if the node is not shut down correctly


            // Remove the progress file from previous session as it is now stale