Beispiel #1
        //Action for Index view
        public ActionResult Index()
            //reset sessions for new route
            Session["ModeOfTransportation"] = null;
            Session["rvm"] = null;

            //pass API Keys to view
            ViewBag.Gcode = ConfigReaderDAL.ReadSetting("gcode_key");
            ViewBag.Gmap  = ConfigReaderDAL.ReadSetting("gmaps_key");
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to Call Routing API from that generates route
        /// from users start and endpoint while avoiding areas of bad AQI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPoint">Long/Lat of start point</param>
        /// <param name="endPoint">Long/Lat of end point</param>
        /// <param name="avoidTopLeftCoordinates">Long/Lat of top left corner of square to avoid</param>
        /// <param name="avoidBottomRightCoordinates">Long/Lat of bottom right corner of square to avoid</param>
        /// <returns> A list of coordinates for route</returns>
        public static Route GetRoute(string startPoint, string endPoint, List <Sensor> sensorsToAvoid = null, string mode = "pedestrian")
            Route route = new Route();

            route.ModeOfTransportation = mode;
            string AppCode = ConfigReaderDAL.ReadSetting("app_code");
            string AppId   = ConfigReaderDAL.ReadSetting("app_id");

            string URL = $"{AppId}&app_code={AppCode}&waypoint0=geo!{startPoint}&waypoint1=geo!{endPoint}&mode=fastest;{mode};traffic:disabled";

            if (sensorsToAvoid != null)
                URL += "&avoidareas=";
                for (int i = 0; i < sensorsToAvoid.Count; i++)
                    string sensor = sensorsToAvoid[i].BoundingBox.NorthWest.Latitude;
                    sensor += "," + sensorsToAvoid[i].BoundingBox.NorthWest.Longitude;

                    sensor += ";";

                    sensor += sensorsToAvoid[i].BoundingBox.SouthEast.Latitude;
                    sensor += "," + sensorsToAvoid[i].BoundingBox.SouthEast.Longitude;

                    if (i != sensorsToAvoid.Count - 1)
                        sensor += "!";

                    URL += sensor;

            URL += "&routeattributes=shape";

            string APIText = APICall(URL);

            route.RouteCoordinates = GetCoordinates(APIText);
            route.TotalTravelTime  = GetTotalTravelTime(APIText);
            route.TotalDistance    = GetTotalDistance(APIText);
            route.Maneuvers        = GetManeuvers(APIText);
