static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(onError); Log.Texte("", "-------------------- Lobby Server ---------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); // Loading all configs files ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <LobbyConfigs>(); // Loading log level from file if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "LobbyServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Client = new RpcClient("LobbyServer", Config.RpcInfo.RpcLocalIp, 1); if (!Client.Start(Config.RpcInfo.RpcServerIp, Config.RpcInfo.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } if (!TCPManager.Listen <TCPServer>(Config.ClientPort, "LobbyServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Server = TCPManager.GetTcp <TCPServer>("LobbyServer"); Log.Debug($"LobbyServer", $"RpcClient on Local Ip {Config.RpcInfo.RpcLocalIp}"); Log.Debug($"LobbyServer", $"RpcClient Connect (Start) to {Config.RpcInfo.RpcServerIp}:{ Config.RpcInfo.RpcServerPort}"); Log.Debug($"LobbyServer", $"TcpServer on Port {Config.ClientPort}"); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(onError); Log.Texte("", "-------------------- Account Cacher -------------------", ConsoleColor.Blue); Log.Texte("", "---Dawn of Reckoning project since 2008-2019 BY LEO228---", ConsoleColor.Red); // Loading all configs files ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <AccountConfigs>(); // Loading log level from file if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "AccountCacher")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } AccountMgr.Database = DBManager.Start(Config.AccountDB.Total(), ConnectionType.DATABASE_MYSQL, "Accounts"); if (AccountMgr.Database == null) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Server = new RpcServer(Config.RpcInfo.RpcClientStartingPort, 1); if (!Server.Start(Config.RpcInfo.RpcIp, Config.RpcInfo.RpcPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } AcctMgr = Server.GetLocalObject <AccountMgr>(); AcctMgr.LoadRealms(); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// 载入本地版本文件 /// </summary> public static IEnumerator LoadVersionFile() { // 本地版本文件不存在 string filePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}.bytes", ConfigMgr.ASSETBUNDLES_PATH, VERSION_NAME); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { NIDebug.Log("找不到本地版本文件"); yield break; } // 载入文件 WWW www = new WWW(ConfigMgr.GetLocalRootPathWWW(string.Format("{0}/{1}.bytes", ConfigMgr.ASSETBUNDLES_NAME, VERSION_NAME))); yield return(www); // 等待资源加载完成 while (!www.isDone) { yield return(null); } // 文件载入失败, 获取文件不存在 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) || www.bytes.Length <= 0) { yield break; } // 反序列化 MemoryStream csvStr = new MemoryStream(www.bytes, 0, www.bytes.Length, true, true); mVersionCsv = CsvFileMgr.Deserialize(csvStr); csvStr.Close(); // 释放www www.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 判断当前请求是否还了用户登录的cookie信息,如果带了,则再判断服务器缓存中记录是否有该用户的登录信息并是否一致 /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="cuser"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool IsSignIn(HttpRequestBase request, out CurrentUser cuser) { cuser = null; string cookieLoginInfo = CookieMgr.Get(UserBLL.LoginCookieName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieLoginInfo)) { var CrypteKey = ConfigMgr.GetAppSettingString("CrypteKey"); cuser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CurrentUser>(Cryptor.DesDecrypt(cookieLoginInfo, CrypteKey)); string cacheLoginInfo = CacheMaker.RedisCache.Get <string>("sidkey" + cuser.UserID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheLoginInfo)) { return(cookieLoginInfo.Equals(cacheLoginInfo)); } else { return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public IEnumerator Shuffle() { DisassemblygirlGoldConfigTable goldTable = ConfigMgr.GetInstance().DisassemblygirlGold; int lastValue = default(int); while (true) { int value = Random.Range(1, goldTable.configs.Count); if (value == lastValue) { value = (value == goldTable.configs.Count ? value - 1 : value + 1); } lastValue = value; DisassemblygirlGoldConfig config = goldTable.GetConfigById(lastValue); iconImg.spriteName = config.iconID; = goldTable.GetConfigById(lastValue).name; data.value = config.value; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.08f)); } }
public bool Update() { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Updating {_database.GetDatabaseName()} database..."); string sourceDirectory = GetSourceDirectory(); if (!Directory.Exists(sourceDirectory)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"DBUpdater: Given source directory {sourceDirectory} does not exist, skipped!"); return(false); } var availableFiles = GetFileList(); var appliedFiles = ReceiveAppliedFiles(); bool redundancyChecks = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.Redundancy", true); bool archivedRedundancy = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.Redundancy", true); UpdateResult result = new UpdateResult(); // Count updates foreach (var entry in appliedFiles) { if (entry.Value.State == State.RELEASED) { ++result.recent; } else { ++result.archived; } } foreach (var availableQuery in availableFiles) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Checking update \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\"..."); var applied = appliedFiles.LookupByKey(availableQuery.GetFileName()); if (applied != null) { // If redundancy is disabled skip it since the update is already applied. if (!redundancyChecks) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, "Update is already applied, skipping redundancy checks."); appliedFiles.Remove(availableQuery.GetFileName()); continue; } // If the update is in an archived directory and is marked as archived in our database skip redundancy checks (archived updates never change). if (!archivedRedundancy && (applied.State == State.ARCHIVED) && (availableQuery.state == State.ARCHIVED)) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, "Update is archived and marked as archived in database, skipping redundancy checks."); appliedFiles.Remove(availableQuery.GetFileName()); continue; } } // Calculate hash string hash = CalculateHash(availableQuery.path); UpdateMode mode = UpdateMode.Apply; // Update is not in our applied list if (applied == null) { // Catch renames (different filename but same hash) var hashIter = appliedFiles.Values.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Hash == hash); if (hashIter != null) { // Check if the original file was removed if not we've got a problem. var renameFile = availableFiles.Find(p => p.GetFileName() == hashIter.Name); if (renameFile != null) { Log.outWarn(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Seems like update \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\' was renamed, but the old file is still there! " + $"Trade it as a new file! (Probably its an unmodified copy of file \"{renameFile.GetFileName()}\")"); } // Its save to trade the file as renamed here else { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Renaming update \"{hashIter.Name}\" to \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\'."); RenameEntry(hashIter.Name, availableQuery.GetFileName()); appliedFiles.Remove(hashIter.Name); continue; } } // Apply the update if it was never seen before. else { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Applying update \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\'..."); } } // Rehash the update entry if it is contained in our database but with an empty hash. else if (ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.AllowRehash", true) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(applied.Hash)) { mode = UpdateMode.Rehash; Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Re-hashing update \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\'..."); } else { // If the hash of the files differs from the one stored in our database reapply the update (because it was changed). if (applied.Hash != hash && applied.State != State.ARCHIVED) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Reapplying update \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" \'{applied.Hash.Substring(0, 7)}\' . \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\' (it changed)..."); } else { // If the file wasn't changed and just moved update its state if necessary. if (applied.State != availableQuery.state) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Updating state of \"{availableQuery.GetFileName()}\" to \'{availableQuery.state}\'..."); UpdateState(availableQuery.GetFileName(), availableQuery.state); } Log.outDebug(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Update is already applied and is matching hash \'{hash.Substring(0, 7)}\'."); appliedFiles.Remove(applied.Name); continue; } } uint speed = 0; AppliedFileEntry file = new AppliedFileEntry(availableQuery.GetFileName(), hash, availableQuery.state, 0); switch (mode) { case UpdateMode.Apply: speed = ApplyTimedFile(availableQuery.path); goto case UpdateMode.Rehash; case UpdateMode.Rehash: UpdateEntry(file, speed); break; } if (applied != null) { appliedFiles.Remove(applied.Name); } if (mode == UpdateMode.Apply) { ++result.updated; } } // Cleanup up orphaned entries if enabled if (!appliedFiles.Empty()) { int cleanDeadReferencesMaxCount = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount", 3); bool doCleanup = (cleanDeadReferencesMaxCount < 0) || (appliedFiles.Count <= cleanDeadReferencesMaxCount); foreach (var entry in appliedFiles) { Log.outWarn(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"File \'{entry.Key}\' was applied to the database but is missing in your update directory now!"); if (doCleanup) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Deleting orphaned entry \'{entry.Key}\'..."); } } if (doCleanup) { CleanUp(appliedFiles); } else { Log.outError(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Cleanup is disabled! There are {appliedFiles.Count} dirty files that were applied to your database but are now missing in your source directory!"); } } string info = $"Containing {result.recent} new and {result.archived} archived updates."; if (result.updated == 0) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"{_database.GetDatabaseName()} database is up-to-date! {info}"); } else { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.SqlUpdates, $"Applied {result.updated} query(s). {info}"); } return(true); }
public void AddDatabase <T>(MySqlBase <T> database, string baseDBName) { bool updatesEnabled = database.IsAutoUpdateEnabled(_updateFlags); _open.Add(() => { MySqlConnectionInfo connectionObject = new MySqlConnectionInfo { Host = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(baseDBName + "DatabaseInfo.Host", ""), Port = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(baseDBName + "DatabaseInfo.Port", ""), Username = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(baseDBName + "DatabaseInfo.Username", ""), Password = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(baseDBName + "DatabaseInfo.Password", ""), Database = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(baseDBName + "DatabaseInfo.Database", "") }; var error = database.Initialize(connectionObject); if (error != MySqlErrorCode.None) { // Database does not exist if (error == MySqlErrorCode.UnknownDatabase && updatesEnabled && _autoSetup) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, $"Database \"{connectionObject.Database}\" does not exist, do you want to create it? [yes (default) / no]: "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) || answer[0] != 'y') { return(false); } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, $"Creating database \"{connectionObject.Database}\"..."); string sqlString = $"CREATE DATABASE `{connectionObject.Database}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; // Try to create the database and connect again if auto setup is enabled if (database.Apply(sqlString) && database.Initialize(connectionObject) == MySqlErrorCode.None) { error = MySqlErrorCode.None; } } // If the error wasn't handled quit if (error != MySqlErrorCode.None) { Log.outError(LogFilter.ServerLoading, $"\nDatabase {connectionObject.Database} NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLErrors for specific errors."); return(false); } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Done."); } return(true); }); if (updatesEnabled) { // Populate and update only if updates are enabled for this pool _populate.Add(() => { if (!database.GetUpdater().Populate()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.ServerLoading, $"Could not populate the {database.GetDatabaseName()} database, see log for details."); return(false); } return(true); }); _update.Add(() => { if (!database.GetUpdater().Update()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.ServerLoading, $"Could not update the {database.GetDatabaseName()} database, see log for details."); return(false); } return(true); }); } _prepare.Add(() => { database.LoadPreparedStatements(); return(true); }); }
static void Main() { //Set Culture CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; if (!ConfigMgr.Load("BNetServer.conf")) { ExitNow(); } // Initialize the database if (!StartDB()) { ExitNow(); } FixLegacyAuthHashes(); string bindIp = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BindIP", ""); var restSocketServer = new SocketManager <RestSession>(); int restPort = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("LoginREST.Port", 8081); if (restPort < 0 || restPort > 0xFFFF) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, $"Specified login service port ({restPort}) out of allowed range (1-65535), defaulting to 8081"); restPort = 8081; } if (!restSocketServer.StartNetwork(bindIp, restPort)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, "Failed to initialize Rest Socket Server"); ExitNow(); } // Get the list of realms for the server Global.RealmMgr.Initialize(ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 10)); Global.LoginServiceMgr.Initialize(); var sessionSocketServer = new SocketManager <Session>(); // Start the listening port (acceptor) for auth connections int bnPort = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BattlenetPort", 1119); if (bnPort < 0 || bnPort > 0xFFFF) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, $"Specified port ({bnPort}) out of allowed range (1-65535)"); ExitNow(); } if (!sessionSocketServer.StartNetwork(bindIp, bnPort)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "Failed to start BnetServer Network"); ExitNow(); } uint _banExpiryCheckInterval = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BanExpiryCheckInterval", 60u); _banExpiryCheckTimer = new Timer(_banExpiryCheckInterval); _banExpiryCheckTimer.Elapsed += BanExpiryCheckTimer_Elapsed; _banExpiryCheckTimer.Start(); }
static void Main() { Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => { Global.RealmMgr.Close(); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Halting process..."); Environment.Exit(-1); }; if (!ConfigMgr.Load(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".conf")) { ExitNow(); } // Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) { ExitNow(); } string bindIp = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BindIP", ""); var restSocketServer = new SocketManager <RestSession>(); int restPort = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("LoginREST.Port", 8081); if (restPort < 0 || restPort > 0xFFFF) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "Specified login service port ({0}) out of allowed range (1-65535), defaulting to 8081", restPort); restPort = 8081; } if (!restSocketServer.StartNetwork(bindIp, restPort)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, "Failed to initialize Rest Socket Server"); ExitNow(); } // Get the list of realms for the server Global.RealmMgr.Initialize(ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 10)); Global.SessionMgr.Initialize(); var sessionSocketServer = new SocketManager <Session>(); // Start the listening port (acceptor) for auth connections int bnPort = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BattlenetPort", 1119); if (bnPort < 0 || bnPort > 0xFFFF) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, "Specified port ({0}) out of allowed range (1-65535)", bnPort); ExitNow(); } if (!sessionSocketServer.StartNetwork(bindIp, bnPort)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "Failed to start BnetServer Network"); ExitNow(); } uint _banExpiryCheckInterval = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BanExpiryCheckInterval", 60u); _banExpiryCheckTimer = new Timer(_banExpiryCheckInterval); _banExpiryCheckTimer.Elapsed += _banExpiryCheckTimer_Elapsed; while (true) { ; } }
static void CreateAppenderFromConfig(string appenderName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appenderName)) { return; } string options = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue(appenderName, ""); var tokens = new StringArray(options, ','); string name = appenderName.Substring(9); if (tokens.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Log.CreateAppenderFromConfig: Wrong configuration for appender {0}. Config line: {1}", name, options); return; } AppenderFlags flags = AppenderFlags.None; AppenderType type = (AppenderType)uint.Parse(tokens[0]); LogLevel level = (LogLevel)uint.Parse(tokens[1]); if (level > LogLevel.Fatal) { Console.WriteLine("Log.CreateAppenderFromConfig: Wrong Log Level {0} for appender {1}\n", level, name); return; } if (tokens.Length > 2) { flags = (AppenderFlags)uint.Parse(tokens[2]); } byte id = NextAppenderId(); switch (type) { case AppenderType.Console: { var appender = new ConsoleAppender(id, name, level, flags); appenders[id] = appender; break; } case AppenderType.File: { string filename; if (tokens.Length < 4) { if (name != "Server") { Console.WriteLine("Log.CreateAppenderFromConfig: Missing file name for appender {0}", name); return; } filename = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".log"; } else { filename = tokens[3]; } appenders[id] = new FileAppender(id, name, level, filename, m_logsDir, flags); break; } case AppenderType.DB: { appenders[id] = new DBAppender(id, name, level); break; } default: Console.WriteLine("Log.CreateAppenderFromConfig: Unknown type {0} for appender {1}", type, name); break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(onError); Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnClose); Log.Texte("", "-------------------- World Server ---------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); // Loading all configs files ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <WorldConfigs>(); // Loading log level from file if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "WorldServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } #if DEBUG API.Server api = null; if (Config.EnableAPI) { try { api = new API.Server(Config.APIAddress, Config.APIPort, 100); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("API", "Unable to start API server: " + e.Message); } } #endif CharMgr.Database = DBManager.Start(Config.CharacterDatabase.Total(), Config.CharacterDatabase.ConnectionType, "Characters", Config.CharacterDatabase.Database); if (CharMgr.Database == null) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } else if (!Config.PreloadAllCharacters) { CharMgr.Database.RegisterAction(CharMgr.LoadPendingCharacters); } _timer = new Timer(AuctionHouse.CheckAuctionExpiry, null, new TimeSpan(0, 12, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 24, 0, 0)); WorldMgr.Database = DBManager.Start(Config.WorldDatabase.Total(), Config.CharacterDatabase.ConnectionType, "World", Config.WorldDatabase.Database); if (WorldMgr.Database == null) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } WorldMgr.StartingPairing = WorldMgr.Database.ExecuteQueryInt("SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 3) + 1"); WorldMgr.UpperTierBattlefrontManager = new UpperTierBattlefrontManager(); WorldMgr.UpperTierBattlefrontManager.SetInitialPairActive(); Log.Texte("Creating Upper Tier Battlefront Manager", WorldMgr.UpperTierBattlefrontManager.GetActivePairing().PairingName, ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.LowerTierBattlefrontManager = new LowerTierBattlefrontManager(); WorldMgr.LowerTierBattlefrontManager.SetInitialPairActive(); Log.Texte("Creating Lower Tier Battlefront Manager", WorldMgr.LowerTierBattlefrontManager.GetActivePairing().PairingName, ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("StartingPairing: ", WorldMgr.StartingPairing.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Cyan); Client = new RpcClient("WorldServer-" + Config.RealmId, Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcLocalIp, 1); if (!Client.Start(Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcServerIp, Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Rm = AcctMgr.GetRealm(Config.RealmId); if (Rm == null) { Log.Error("WorldServer", "Realm (" + Config.RealmId + ") not found"); return; } LoaderMgr.Start(); if (!TCPManager.Listen <TCPServer>(Rm.Port, "World")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Server = TCPManager.GetTcp <TCPServer>("World"); AcctMgr.UpdateRealm(Client.Info, Rm.RealmId); AcctMgr.UpdateRealmCharacters(Rm.RealmId, (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>("Realm=1"), (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>("Realm=2")); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
public void SetHostIp(string hostIp) { ConfigMgr.UpdateHostAddress(hostIp); }
/// <summary> /// 载入有文本资源 /// 1. Etc目录下的所有资源csv资源 /// 2. Etc目录下的所有资源txt资源 /// 3. Language目录下的所有资源txt资源 /// 4. ActionSet目录下的所有资源xml资源 /// </summary> /// <returns>The all text.</returns> public IEnumerator LoadEtcText() { // 本地版本文件不存在 string filePath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ConfigMgr.ASSETBUNDLES_PATH, ETC_BUNDLE); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { // 载入etc资源线程 Thread loadEtcTextThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DeLoadEtcTextThread)); loadEtcTextThread.Start(ConfigMgr.ETC_PATH); // 等待载入资源完毕 while (loadEtcTextThread.IsAlive) { yield return(null); } // 开启线程载入资源 yield break; } // www载入资源 WWW www = new WWW(ConfigMgr.GetLocalRootPathWWW(string.Format("{0}/{1}", ConfigMgr.ASSETBUNDLES_NAME, ETC_BUNDLE))); // 等待资源载入完成 yield return(www); // 解密资源 byte[] unEncyptbytes = Encypt(www.bytes); // 直接载入etc.ab资源 AssetBundle ab = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(unEncyptbytes); // 资源载入失败 if (ab == null) { yield break; } // 异步载入该ab下所有子资源 AssetBundleRequest assetLoadRequest = ab.LoadAllAssetsAsync(); yield return(assetLoadRequest); // 遍历各个资源进行分类处理 // bytes需要和其他资源区分开 foreach (string assetPath in ab.GetAllAssetNames()) { // 载入资源 TextAsset textAsset = ab.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(assetPath); if (textAsset == null) { continue; } // 获取资源扩展名 string ex = Path.GetExtension(assetPath); // 文本资源分类CSV_EXT需要和其他资源区分开 if (string.Equals(ex, CsvFileMgr.CSV_EXT)) { etcBtyeAssetMap.Add(assetPath, textAsset.bytes); } else if (string.Equals(ex, ".xml") && Path.GetFileName(assetPath).Contains("skill_action")) { etcSkillActionList.Add(textAsset.text); } else if (Path.GetFileName(assetPath).Contains(".lua.txt")) { string scriptName = Path.GetFileName(assetPath); string strSptNo = scriptName.Replace(".lua.txt", ""); int sptNo; if (!int.TryParse(strSptNo, out sptNo)) { // 如果是lua脚本公式 //FormulaMgr.AddLuaFormula(strSptNo, textAsset.text); } else { // 如果是lua脚本 //ScriptMgr.AddLuaScript(sptNo, textAsset.text); } } else { etcTextAssetMap.Add(assetPath, textAsset.text); } } // 释放etc.ab资源 ab.Unload(false); }
/// <summary> /// 更新资源 /// </summary> /// <returns>The daemon.</returns> private IEnumerator UpdateAllResources() { // 重置下载字节数标识 DownloadedBytes = 0; // 获取资源下载地址 IList abUrls = (IList)ConfigMgr.Get <JsonData> ("ab_urls", null); // 没有资源更新地址 if (abUrls == null || abUrls.Count == 0 || VersionMgr.UpdateResDict.Count == 0) { // 标识资源更新完成 isUpdateResOk = true; yield break; } // 抛出开始下载资源事件 //LoadingMgr.ChangeState(ResourceLoadingConst.LOAD_TYPE_UPDATE, ResourceLoadingStateConst.LOAD_STATE_UPDATE); // 获取需要更新资源大小 int totalDownloadBytes = VersionMgr.DownloadSize; int downloadedBytes = 0; int idx = 0; // 逐个资源下载 foreach (string fileName in VersionMgr.UpdateResDict.Keys) { // 获取资源名 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { continue; } // 保证该资源的download成功 while (true) { // 如果idx已经超过了abUrls范围修正一下 if (idx >= abUrls.Count) { idx = 0; } // 创建下载器 Download download = new Download( string.Format("{0}/{1}", abUrls[idx], fileName), 10, ConfigMgr.DOWNLOAD_PATH + fileName); Debug.Log(string.Format("下载补丁包 {0}", download.url)); // 等待获取头部 download.StartGetResponse(); while (!download.isGetResponse && !download.isTimeOut && download.error == 0) { yield return(null); } // GetResponse失败,使用新的链接地址重新下载 if (!download.isGetResponse || download.error != 0 || download.isTimeOut) { // 如果是磁盘空间满的情况,直接退出游戏 if (download.error == -2) { // 弹出窗口玩家让玩家确认一下,玩家确认后等待一下会在重试 bool isConfirmed = false; //DialogMgr.ShowSimpleSingleBtnDailog( // new CallBack((para, obj) =>{ isConfirmed = true; }), // LocalizationMgr.Get("ResourceCheckWnd_8", LocalizationConst.START)); // 等到玩家确认 while (!isConfirmed) { yield return(null); } // 退出应用 Application.Quit(); yield break; } idx++; download.Clear(); // 等待一会重试 yield return(new UnityEngine.WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); // 等待一会重试 continue; } // 开始下载资源 download.StartDownload(); // 等待资源下载完成 while (!download.isDownloaded && !download.isTimeOut && download.error == 0) { // 等待0.1s,尽量不要一帧等待 yield return(new UnityEngine.WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); DownloadedBytes = download.GetTotleDownloadSize() + downloadedBytes; //LoadingMgr.SetProgress (DownloadedBytes/(float)totalDownloadBytes); } // 如果下载资源失败 if (download.isTimeOut || download.error != 0) { // 如果是磁盘空间满的情况,直接退出游戏 if (download.error == -2) { // 弹出窗口玩家让玩家确认一下,玩家确认后等待一下会在重试 bool isConfirmed = false; //DialogMgr.ShowSimpleSingleBtnDailog( // new CallBack((para, obj) =>{ isConfirmed = true; }), // LocalizationMgr.Get("ResourceCheckWnd_8", LocalizationConst.START)); // 等到玩家确认 while (!isConfirmed) { yield return(null); } Application.Quit(); yield break; } idx++; download.Clear(); NIDebug.Log("{0}响应超时或错误", fileName); continue; } // 累计下载进度 downloadedBytes += download.GetTotleDownloadSize(); NIDebug.Log("downloadedBytes 大小{0},oldLoadedBytes 大小为{1}", download.downloadedBytes, download.oldLoadedBytes); NIDebug.Log("已下载总量{0}", downloadedBytes); // 释放下载器 download.Clear(); // 退出循环 break; } } // 设定更新总进度 //LoadingMgr.SetProgress (1.0f); //// 等待进度条结束 //while(!LoadingMgr.IsLoadingEnd(LoadingType.LOAD_TYPE_UPDATE_RES, // ResourceLoadingConst.LOAD_TYPE_UPDATE)) // yield return null; //LoadingMgr.ChangeState(ResourceLoadingConst.LOAD_TYPE_DECOMPRESS, ResourceLoadingStateConst.LOAD_STATE_CHECK); //// 切换流程 //LoadingMgr.ChangeState(ResourceLoadingConst.LOAD_TYPE_DECOMPRESS, ResourceLoadingStateConst.LOAD_STATE_UPDATE); // 当前解压缩文件进度 int unzipSize = 0; bool isUnzipFailed = false; string targetPath = ConfigMgr.ASSETBUNDLES_PATH + "/"; // 资源解压缩 foreach (string fileName in VersionMgr.UpdateResDict.Keys) { // 文件名为空 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { continue; } // 构建解压缩 Unzip zip = new Unzip( ConfigMgr.GetLocalRootPathWWW(ConfigMgr.DOWNLOAD_NAME + "/" + fileName), targetPath, VersionMgr.UpdateResDict[fileName]); // 开始解压缩 zip.Start(); // 等待解压缩结束 while (!zip.IsUnziped) { // 更新进度 //LoadingMgr.SetProgress((float)(unzipSize + zip.UnzipBytes) / VersionMgr.UnzipSize); yield return(null); } // 累计解压缩数量 unzipSize += zip.UnzipBytes; //LoadingMgr.SetProgress((float)unzipSize / VersionMgr.UnzipSize); // 释放zip zip.Clear(); // 回收内存 DoRecycleGC(); // 解压缩文件成功 if (zip.Error == 0) { // 解压缩成功, 删除补丁文件 // FileMgr.DeleteFile(ConfigMgr.DOWNLOAD_PATH + "/" + fileName); // 更新本地版本文件 VersionMgr.SyncVersion(VersionMgr.UpdateResDict[fileName]); continue; } // 如果解压缩失败 /// 0 : 解压缩成功 /// -1 : 压缩文件载入失败 /// -2 : 内存分配失败 /// -3 : 文件写入失败 /// -4 : 其他异常信息 string msg = string.Empty; //if (zip.Error == -2) // msg = LocalizationMgr.Get("ResourceCheckWnd_22", LocalizationConst.START); //else if (zip.Error == -3) // msg = LocalizationMgr.Get("ResourceCheckWnd_8", LocalizationConst.START); // 给出提示信息 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { // 弹出窗口玩家让玩家确认一下,玩家确认后等待一下会在重试 bool isConfirmed = false; //DialogMgr.ShowSimpleSingleBtnDailog(new CallBack((para, obj) => // { // isConfirmed = true; // }), msg); // 等到玩家确认 while (!isConfirmed) { yield return(null); } // 退出游戏 Application.Quit(); yield break; } // 标识有资源解压缩失败 isUnzipFailed = true; // 解压缩成功, 删除补丁文件 //FileMgr.DeleteFile(ConfigMgr.DOWNLOAD_NAME + "/" + fileName); // 给出提示信息 Debug.Log(string.Format("补丁包{0}结果解压缩{1}", fileName, zip.Error)); } // 如果有资源解压缩失败,需要玩家确认重启游戏重新下载资源 //if (isUnzipFailed) //{ // // 弹出窗口玩家让玩家确认一下,玩家确认后等待一下会在重试 // bool isConfirmed = false; // DialogMgr.ShowSimpleSingleBtnDailog(new CallBack((para, obj) => // { // isConfirmed = true; // }), LocalizationMgr.Get("ResourceCheckWnd_9", LocalizationConst.START)); // // 等到玩家确认 // while (! isConfirmed) // yield return null; // // 退出游戏 // Application.Quit(); // yield break; //} //// 等待进度条结束 //while(!LoadingMgr.IsLoadingEnd(LoadingType.LOAD_TYPE_UPDATE_RES, // ResourceLoadingConst.LOAD_TYPE_DECOMPRESS)) yield return(null); // 标识资源更新完成 isUpdateResOk = true; }
public static SkillData FromConfig(int id) { return(FromConfig(ConfigMgr.GetInstance().DisassemblygirlSkill.GetConfigById(id))); }
void Awake() { Inst = this; Log.saveToFile = runtimeConfig.saveToFile; }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(onError); Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnClose); Log.Info("", "-------------------- World Server ---------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); // Default the server to DEV mode. if (args.Length == 0) { WorldMgr.ServerMode = "DEV"; } else { if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == "DEV") { WorldMgr.ServerMode = "DEV"; } if (args[0] == "PRD") { WorldMgr.ServerMode = "PRD"; } } else { WorldMgr.ServerMode = "DEV"; } } Log.Info("", "SERVER running in " + WorldMgr.ServerMode + " mode", ConsoleColor.Cyan); // Loading all configs files ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <WorldConfigs>(); // Loading log level from file if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "WorldServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } #if DEBUG API.Server api = null; if (Config.EnableAPI) { try { api = new API.Server(Config.APIAddress, Config.APIPort, 100); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("API", "Unable to start API server: " + e.Message); } } #endif CharMgr.Database = DBManager.Start(Config.CharacterDatabase.Total(), Config.CharacterDatabase.ConnectionType, "Characters", Config.CharacterDatabase.Database); if (CharMgr.Database == null) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } else if (!Config.PreloadAllCharacters) { CharMgr.Database.RegisterAction(CharMgr.LoadPendingCharacters); } _timer = new Timer(AuctionHouse.CheckAuctionExpiry, null, new TimeSpan(0, 12, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 24, 0, 0)); WorldMgr.Database = DBManager.Start(Config.WorldDatabase.Total(), Config.CharacterDatabase.ConnectionType, "World", Config.WorldDatabase.Database); if (WorldMgr.Database == null) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } WorldMgr.StartingPairing = WorldMgr.Database.ExecuteQueryInt("SELECT FLOOR(RAND() * 3) + 1"); // Ensure directory structure is correct if (!Directory.Exists("Zones")) { Log.Error("Directory Check", "Zones directory does not exist"); ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } if (!Directory.Exists("Scripts")) { Log.Error("Directory Check", "Scripts directory does not exist"); ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } if (!Directory.Exists("World")) { Log.Error("Directory Check", "World directory does not exist"); ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } if (!Directory.Exists("Abilities")) { Log.Error("Directory Check", "Abilities directory does not exist"); ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Client = new RpcClient("WorldServer-" + Config.RealmId, Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcLocalIp, 1); if (!Client.Start(Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcServerIp, Config.AccountCacherInfo.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Rm = AcctMgr.GetRealm(Config.RealmId); if (Rm == null) { Log.Error("WorldServer", "Realm (" + Config.RealmId + ") not found"); return; } LoaderMgr.Start(); // Clean up rvr_metrics Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Clearing rvr_metrics", ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM rvr_metrics WHERE TIMESTAMP NOT BETWEEN DATE_SUB(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 60 DAY) AND UTC_TIMESTAMP()"); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Creating Upper Tier Campaign Manager", ConsoleColor.Cyan); if (RVRProgressionService._RVRProgressions.Count == 0) { Log.Error("RVR Progression", "NO RVR Progressions in DB"); return; } WorldMgr.UpperTierCampaignManager = new UpperTierCampaignManager(RVRProgressionService._RVRProgressions.Where(x => x.Tier == 4).ToList(), WorldMgr._Regions); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Creating Lower Tier Campaign Manager", ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.LowerTierCampaignManager = new LowerTierCampaignManager(RVRProgressionService._RVRProgressions.Where(x => x.Tier == 1).ToList(), WorldMgr._Regions); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Getting Progression based upon rvr_progression.LastOpenedZone", ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.UpperTierCampaignManager.GetActiveBattleFrontFromProgression(); WorldMgr.LowerTierCampaignManager.GetActiveBattleFrontFromProgression(); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Attaching Campaigns to Regions", ConsoleColor.Cyan); // Attach Battlefronts to regions WorldMgr.AttachCampaignsToRegions(); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Locking Battlefronts", ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.UpperTierCampaignManager.LockBattleFrontsAllRegions(4); WorldMgr.LowerTierCampaignManager.LockBattleFrontsAllRegions(1); Log.Info("Battlefront Manager", "Opening Active battlefronts", ConsoleColor.Cyan); WorldMgr.UpperTierCampaignManager.OpenActiveBattlefront(); WorldMgr.LowerTierCampaignManager.OpenActiveBattlefront(); WorldMgr.UpdateRegionCaptureStatus(WorldMgr.LowerTierCampaignManager, WorldMgr.UpperTierCampaignManager); if (!TCPManager.Listen <TCPServer>(Rm.Port, "World")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } Server = TCPManager.GetTcp <TCPServer>("World"); AcctMgr.UpdateRealm(Client.Info, Rm.RealmId); AcctMgr.UpdateRealmCharacters(Rm.RealmId, (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>("Realm=1"), (uint)CharMgr.Database.GetObjectCount <Character>("Realm=2")); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
private void TabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { try { if (new_form_tab != null && new_form_tab.IsSelected && isSourceFromOtherTab) { isSourceFromOtherTab = false; } else if (new_form_tab != null && new_form_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { ClearNewClientFormTab(); case_owner.ItemsSource = Enums.CaseOwners; case_type.ItemsSource = CaseDetails.CaseTypes; court_name.ItemsSource = Enums.CourtsNames; } else if (check_list_tab != null && check_list_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { // TODO: on select tab } else if (clients_status_tab != null && clients_status_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { IClientDAO clientDAO = new ClientFileDAO(new ConfigMgr()); List <Client> clients = clientDAO.GetClients(); Predicate <object> allClientDefaultFilter = new Predicate <object>(item => (true)); UpdateDataGridItems <Client>(clients_status_DataGrid, clients, allClientDefaultFilter); clients_status_cell.ItemsSource = Enums.CaseStatuses; clients_status_filter_case_owner.ItemsSource = new string[] { "הכל" }.Concat(Enums.CaseOwners); clients_status_filter_case_type.ItemsSource = new string[] { "הכל" }.Concat(CaseDetails.CaseTypes); } else if (working_schedule_search_grid_tab != null && working_schedule_search_grid_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { IClientDAO clientDAO = new ClientFileDAO(new ConfigMgr()); List <Client> clients = clientDAO.GetClients(); IEnumerable <dynamic> clientsWorkingReportDataGrid = getWorkPropertiesDatagrid(clients); UpdateDataGridItems(clients_working_data_grid, clientsWorkingReportDataGrid, new Predicate <object>(x => true)); clients_working_grid_search_case_owner.ItemsSource = new string[] { "הכל" }.Concat(Enums.CaseOwners); } else if (dashboard_tab != null && dashboard_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { IClientDAO clientDAO = new ClientFileDAO(new ConfigMgr()); List <Client> clients = clientDAO.GetClients(); dashboard_chart_by_owner.ItemsSource = clients.GroupBy(client => client.ContactForm.CaseOwnerValue) .Select(group => new { Metric = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }); dashboard_chart_by_status.ItemsSource = clients.GroupBy(client => client.StatusValue) .Select(group => new { Metric = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }); dashboard_chart_by_create_time.ItemsSource = clients.Where(client => client.ContactForm.CreationDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year).GroupBy(client => $"{client.ContactForm.CreationDate:MM/yyyy}") .Select(group => new { Metric = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }).OrderBy((group) => { CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; return(DateTime.ParseExact(group.Metric, "MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }); dashboard_chart_by_case_type.ItemsSource = clients.GroupBy(client => client.ContactForm.CaseInfo.CaseTypeValue) .Select(group => new { Metric = group.Key, Count = group.Count() }); } else if (settings_tab != null && settings_tab.IsSelected && e.Source.GetType() == typeof(TabControl)) { ConfigMgr configMgr = new ConfigMgr(); destenation_folder.Text = configMgr.GetDestenationPath(); clients_archive_file_path.Text = configMgr.GetClientArchivePathPath(); system_version_name.Text = $"גרסת מערכת: {configMgr.GetSystemVersionName()}"; case_owners_edit_list.Text = string.Join(',', Enums.CaseOwners); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { DisplaySnackbar("הקובץ לקוחות לא נמצא, בדוק בהגדרות מערכת את ההגדרות שלך"); } catch (Exception ex) { DisplaySnackbar("שגיאה כללית במערכת, אנא נסה שוב"); Logger log = new Logger(new ConfigMgr()); log.Error("general error on load tab", ex); } }
public void HandleLoginRequest(HttpHeader request) { LogonData loginForm = Json.CreateObject <LogonData>(request.Content); LogonResult loginResult = new LogonResult(); if (loginForm == null) { loginResult.AuthenticationState = "LOGIN"; loginResult.ErrorCode = "UNABLE_TO_DECODE"; loginResult.ErrorMessage = "There was an internal error while connecting to Please try again later."; SendResponse(HttpCode.BadRequest, loginResult); return; } string login = ""; string password = ""; for (int i = 0; i < loginForm.Inputs.Count; ++i) { switch (loginForm.Inputs[i].Id) { case "account_name": login = loginForm.Inputs[i].Value; break; case "password": password = loginForm.Inputs[i].Value; break; } } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.SEL_BNET_AUTHENTICATION); stmt.AddValue(0, login); SQLResult result = DB.Login.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { uint accountId = result.Read <uint>(0); string pass_hash = result.Read <string>(1); uint failedLogins = result.Read <uint>(2); string loginTicket = result.Read <string>(3); uint loginTicketExpiry = result.Read <uint>(4); bool isBanned = result.Read <ulong>(5) != 0; if (CalculateShaPassHash(login, password) == pass_hash) { if (loginTicket.IsEmpty() || loginTicketExpiry < Time.UnixTime) { byte[] ticket = new byte[0].GenerateRandomKey(20); loginTicket = "TC-" + ticket.ToHexString(); } stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_BNET_AUTHENTICATION); stmt.AddValue(0, loginTicket); stmt.AddValue(1, Time.UnixTime + 3600); stmt.AddValue(2, accountId); DB.Login.Execute(stmt); loginResult.LoginTicket = loginTicket; } else if (!isBanned) { uint maxWrongPassword = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.MaxCount", 0u); if (ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.Logging", false)) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Network, "[{0}, Account {1}, Id {2}] Attempted to connect with wrong password!", request.Host, login, accountId); } if (maxWrongPassword != 0) { SQLTransaction trans = new SQLTransaction(); stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_BNET_FAILED_LOGINS); stmt.AddValue(0, accountId); trans.Append(stmt); ++failedLogins; Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Network, "MaxWrongPass : {0}, failed_login : {1}", maxWrongPassword, accountId); if (failedLogins >= maxWrongPassword) { BanMode banType = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.BanType", BanMode.Ip); int banTime = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.BanTime", 600); if (banType == BanMode.Account) { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.INS_BNET_ACCOUNT_AUTO_BANNED); stmt.AddValue(0, accountId); } else { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.INS_IP_AUTO_BANNED); stmt.AddValue(0, request.Host); } stmt.AddValue(1, banTime); trans.Append(stmt); stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_BNET_RESET_FAILED_LOGINS); stmt.AddValue(0, accountId); trans.Append(stmt); } DB.Login.CommitTransaction(trans); } } loginResult.AuthenticationState = "DONE"; SendResponse(HttpCode.Ok, loginResult); } else { loginResult.AuthenticationState = "LOGIN"; loginResult.ErrorCode = "UNABLE_TO_DECODE"; loginResult.ErrorMessage = "There was an internal error while connecting to Please try again later."; SendResponse(HttpCode.BadRequest, loginResult); } }
//udp socket 回调函数,接收客户端数据,把数据放到消息队列等待处理 static void server_OnDataReceived(object sender, AsyncSocketUDPEventArgs e) { string card = ConfigMgr.byteToHexStr(e._state.buffer, 7); BusinessInfoHelper.Instance.AddQueue(card, (e._state.remote as IPEndPoint)); }
static void Main() { Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => Global.WorldMgr.StopNow(ShutdownExitCode.Shutdown); if (!ConfigMgr.Load(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".conf")) { ExitNow(); } var WorldSocketMgr = new WorldSocketManager(); if (!StartDB()) { ExitNow(); } // set server offline (not connectable) DB.Login.Execute("UPDATE realmlist SET flag = (flag & ~{0}) | {1} WHERE id = '{2}'", (uint)RealmFlags.VersionMismatch, (uint)RealmFlags.Offline, Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().Id.Realm); Global.RealmMgr.Initialize(ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 10)); Global.WorldMgr.SetInitialWorldSettings(); // Launch the worldserver listener socket int worldPort = WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.PortWorld); string worldListener = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("BindIP", ""); int networkThreads = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Network.Threads", 1); if (networkThreads <= 0) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, "Network.Threads must be greater than 0"); ExitNow(); return; } if (!WorldSocketMgr.StartNetwork(worldListener, worldPort, networkThreads)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "Failed to start Realm Network"); ExitNow(); } // set server online (allow connecting now) DB.Login.Execute("UPDATE realmlist SET flag = flag & ~{0}, population = 0 WHERE id = '{1}'", (uint)RealmFlags.Offline, Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().Id.Realm); Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().PopulationLevel = 0.0f; Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().Flags = Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().Flags & ~RealmFlags.VersionMismatch; //Set Culture CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; //- Launch CliRunnable thread if (ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Console.Enable", true)) { Thread commandThread = new Thread(CommandManager.InitConsole); commandThread.Start(); } WorldUpdateLoop(); try { // Shutdown starts here Global.WorldMgr.KickAll(); // save and kick all players Global.WorldMgr.UpdateSessions(1); // real players unload required UpdateSessions call // unload Battlegroundtemplates before different singletons destroyed Global.BattlegroundMgr.DeleteAllBattlegrounds(); WorldSocketMgr.StopNetwork(); Global.MapMgr.UnloadAll(); // unload all grids (including locked in memory) Global.ScriptMgr.Unload(); // set server offline DB.Login.Execute("UPDATE realmlist SET flag = flag | {0} WHERE id = '{1}'", (uint)RealmFlags.Offline, Global.WorldMgr.GetRealm().Id.Realm); Global.RealmMgr.Close(); ClearOnlineAccounts(); ExitNow(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.outException(ex); } }
public ExportCSV(ConfigMgr configMgr, string fileName, CSVExportType exportType) { string fileSuffix = exportType == CSVExportType.SCHEDULE_WORKING ? "working_schedule" : "clients"; targetPath = $"{configMgr.GetDestenationPath()}/{fileName}_{fileSuffix}.csv"; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Texte("", "-------------------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); Log.Texte("", " _____ _____ ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", " /\\ | __ \\ / ____|", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", " / \\ | |__) | (___ ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", " / /\\ \\ | ___/ \\___ \\ ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", " / ____ \\| | ____) |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "/_/ \\_\\_| |_____/ APB-Lobby", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Log.Texte("", "-------------------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); Log.Info("LobbyServer", "Starting ..."); ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <LobbyServerConfig>(); if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "LobbyServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } FileServerClient = new RpcClient("LobbyServer-File", Config.FileServerRpc.RpcLocalIp, 1); if (!FileServerClient.Start(Config.FileServerRpc.RpcServerIp, Config.FileServerRpc.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } CharacterServerClient = new RpcClient("LobbyServer-Char", Config.CharacterServerRpc.RpcLocalIp, 0); if (!CharacterServerClient.Start(Config.CharacterServerRpc.RpcServerIp, Config.CharacterServerRpc.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } if (!TCPManager.Listen <TcpServer>(Config.ClientServerPort, "Lobby")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } CharMgr = CharacterServerClient.GetServerObject <CharacterMgr>(); FileMgr = FileServerClient.GetServerObject <FileManager>(); DBAccount Acct = CharMgr.GetAccount(1); string[] sVersion = Config.ClientVersion.Split('.'); Build = Config.ClientBuild; Version = new byte[sVersion.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Version.Length; ++i) { Version[i] = byte.Parse(sVersion[i]); } Log.Info("LobbyServer", "Version = " + Version[0] + "." + Version[1] + "." + Version[2] + " : Build = " + Build); Log.Success("LobbyServer", "Server loaded."); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Log.Texte("", "---------------------------------------------------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); Log.Texte("", " _______ _________ _______ _________ _______ _______ ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "( ____ )\__ __/( ____ \\__ __/( ____ \( )|\ /|", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "| ( )| ) ( | ( \/ ) ( | ( \/| () () || ) ( |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "| (____)| | | | (__ | | | (__ | || || || | | |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "| __) | | | __) | | | __) | |(_)| || | | |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "| (\ ( | | | ( | | | ( | | | || | | |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "| ) \ \_____) (___| ) | | | (____/\| ) ( || (___) |", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "|/ \__/\_______/|/ )_( (_______/|/ \|(_______)", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Log.Texte("", "", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); Log.Texte("", "---------------------------------------------------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); // Loading all configs files ConfigMgr.LoadConfigs(); Config = ConfigMgr.GetConfig <MapConfig>(); // Loading log level from file if (!Log.InitLog(Config.LogLevel, "Map")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } FileStream Str = File.Open("player.cache", FileMode.Open); BuildPlayer = new byte[Str.Length]; Str.Read(BuildPlayer, 0, BuildPlayer.Length); /*// Listening Client * if (!TCPManager.Listen<RiftServer>(Config.ServerInfo.MapPort, "CharacterServer")) * ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); * * PacketInStream Entity = new PacketInStream(BuildPlayer,BuildPlayer.Length); * WorldEntityUpdate Update = PacketProcessor.ReadPacket(ref Entity) as WorldEntityUpdate; * Log.Info("Entity", "GUID = " + Update.GUID + " List Lengh = " + Update.Field1.Count); * Console.ReadKey(); * Environment.Exit(0);*/ // Starting Remote Client Client = new RpcClient("Map-" + Config.ServerInfo.MapAdress, Config.ClientInfo.RpcLocalIp, 2); if (!Client.Start(Config.ClientInfo.RpcServerIp, Config.ClientInfo.RpcServerPort)) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } // Listening Client if (!TCPManager.Listen <RiftServer>(Config.ServerInfo.MapPort, "CharacterServer")) { ConsoleMgr.WaitAndExit(2000); } MapMgr.Client = Client; MapMgr.MapInfo = Config.ServerInfo; MapMgr.MapInfo.RpcInfo = Client.Info; Rm = Client.GetServerObject <CharactersMgr>().GetRealm(); Log.Success("Realm", "Connected to : " + Rm.Name); World.RegisterMaps(Config.ServerInfo, Client.Info); ConsoleMgr.Start(); }
public DatabaseLoader(DatabaseTypeFlags defaultUpdateMask) { _autoSetup = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.AutoSetup", true); _updateFlags = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.EnableDatabases", defaultUpdateMask); }
private Config_func() { bLastNight = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigMgr.GetAppConfig("LastNight")); bStrictTime = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigMgr.GetAppConfig("StrictTime")); }
string GetSourceDirectory() { return(ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("Updates.SourcePath", "../../../")); }
public void HandleLoginRequest(HttpHeader request) { LogonData loginForm = Json.CreateObject <LogonData>(request.Content); LogonResult loginResult = new LogonResult(); if (loginForm == null) { loginResult.AuthenticationState = "LOGIN"; loginResult.ErrorCode = "UNABLE_TO_DECODE"; loginResult.ErrorMessage = "There was an internal error while connecting to Please try again later."; SendResponse(HttpCode.BadRequest, loginResult); return; } string login = ""; string password = ""; for (int i = 0; i < loginForm.Inputs.Count; ++i) { switch (loginForm.Inputs[i].Id) { case "account_name": login = loginForm.Inputs[i].Value; break; case "password": password = loginForm.Inputs[i].Value; break; } } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.SEL_BNET_ACCOUNT_INFO); stmt.AddValue(0, login); SQLResult result = DB.Login.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { loginResult.AuthenticationState = "LOGIN"; loginResult.ErrorCode = "UNABLE_TO_DECODE"; loginResult.ErrorMessage = "There was an internal error while connecting to Please try again later."; SendResponse(HttpCode.BadRequest, loginResult); return; } string pass_hash = result.Read <string>(13); var accountInfo = new AccountInfo(); accountInfo.LoadResult(result); if (CalculateShaPassHash(login, password) == pass_hash) { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.SEL_BNET_CHARACTER_COUNTS_BY_BNET_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, accountInfo.Id); SQLResult characterCountsResult = DB.Login.Query(stmt); if (!characterCountsResult.IsEmpty()) { do { accountInfo.GameAccounts[characterCountsResult.Read <uint>(0)] .CharacterCounts[new RealmHandle(characterCountsResult.Read <byte>(3), characterCountsResult.Read <byte>(4), characterCountsResult.Read <uint>(2)).GetAddress()] = characterCountsResult.Read <byte>(1); } while (characterCountsResult.NextRow()); } stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.SEL_BNET_LAST_PLAYER_CHARACTERS); stmt.AddValue(0, accountInfo.Id); SQLResult lastPlayerCharactersResult = DB.Login.Query(stmt); if (!lastPlayerCharactersResult.IsEmpty()) { RealmHandle realmId = new RealmHandle(lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <byte>(1), lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <byte>(2), lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <uint>(3)); LastPlayedCharacterInfo lastPlayedCharacter = new LastPlayedCharacterInfo(); lastPlayedCharacter.RealmId = realmId; lastPlayedCharacter.CharacterName = lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <string>(4); lastPlayedCharacter.CharacterGUID = lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <ulong>(5); lastPlayedCharacter.LastPlayedTime = lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <uint>(6); accountInfo.GameAccounts[lastPlayerCharactersResult.Read <uint>(0)].LastPlayedCharacters[realmId.GetSubRegionAddress()] = lastPlayedCharacter; } byte[] ticket = new byte[0].GenerateRandomKey(20); loginResult.LoginTicket = "TC-" + ticket.ToHexString(); Global.SessionMgr.AddLoginTicket(loginResult.LoginTicket, accountInfo); } else if (!accountInfo.IsBanned) { uint maxWrongPassword = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.MaxCount", 0u); if (ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.Logging", false)) { Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Network, "[{0}, Account {1}, Id {2}] Attempted to connect with wrong password!", request.Host, login, accountInfo.Id); } if (maxWrongPassword != 0) { SQLTransaction trans = new SQLTransaction(); stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_BNET_FAILED_LOGINS); stmt.AddValue(0, accountInfo.Id); trans.Append(stmt); ++accountInfo.FailedLogins; Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Network, "MaxWrongPass : {0}, failed_login : {1}", maxWrongPassword, accountInfo.Id); if (accountInfo.FailedLogins >= maxWrongPassword) { BanMode banType = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.BanType", BanMode.Ip); int banTime = ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue("WrongPass.BanTime", 600); if (banType == BanMode.Account) { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.INS_BNET_ACCOUNT_AUTO_BANNED); stmt.AddValue(0, accountInfo.Id); } else { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.INS_IP_AUTO_BANNED); stmt.AddValue(0, request.Host); } stmt.AddValue(1, banTime); trans.Append(stmt); stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_BNET_RESET_FAILED_LOGINS); stmt.AddValue(0, accountInfo.Id); trans.Append(stmt); } DB.Login.CommitTransaction(trans); } } loginResult.AuthenticationState = "DONE"; SendResponse(HttpCode.Ok, loginResult); }
//private readonly string targetPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); public DocxGenerator(ContactFormPerson contactForm, ConfigMgr configMgr) { contactFormPerson = contactForm; targetPath = configMgr.GetDestenationPath(); }
static bool PLimit(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (!args.Empty()) { string paramStr = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramStr)) { return(false); } switch (paramStr.ToLower()) { case "player": Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerSecurityLimit(AccountTypes.Player); break; case "moderator": Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerSecurityLimit(AccountTypes.Moderator); break; case "gamemaster": Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerSecurityLimit(AccountTypes.GameMaster); break; case "administrator": Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerSecurityLimit(AccountTypes.Administrator); break; case "reset": Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerAmountLimit(ConfigMgr.GetDefaultValue <uint>("PlayerLimit", 100)); Global.WorldMgr.LoadDBAllowedSecurityLevel(); break; default: if (!int.TryParse(paramStr, out int value)) { return(false); } if (value < 0) { Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerSecurityLimit((AccountTypes)(-value)); } else { Global.WorldMgr.SetPlayerAmountLimit((uint)value); } break; } } uint playerAmountLimit = Global.WorldMgr.GetPlayerAmountLimit(); AccountTypes allowedAccountType = Global.WorldMgr.GetPlayerSecurityLimit(); string secName = ""; switch (allowedAccountType) { case AccountTypes.Player: secName = "Player"; break; case AccountTypes.Moderator: secName = "Moderator"; break; case AccountTypes.GameMaster: secName = "Gamemaster"; break; case AccountTypes.Administrator: secName = "Administrator"; break; default: secName = "<unknown>"; break; } handler.SendSysMessage("Player limits: amount {0}, min. security level {1}.", playerAmountLimit, secName); return(true); }