public async void ComputerProcessesStartStopTest001(ComputerProcessesStartStopTestData TestData)
            int specifiedTestRunTime = TestData.SpecifiedTestRunTime;
            ComputerSoftwareProgram computerSoftwareProgram = TestData.ComputerSoftwareProgram;

            object[] arguments = TestData.Arguments;
            Fixture.ComputerProcesses = new ComputerProcesses();
            // stop the program in 1/2 of the specified test run time (specifiedTestRunTime is in seconds, timers are in milliseconds)
            Timer aTimer = new Timer(specifiedTestRunTime * 500);

            aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(HandleTimer);
            TimeInterval ti = new TimeInterval(System.DateTime.Now);

            //ToDo turn this into a COD dictionary <int,Command>
            Fixture.PidUnderTest = Fixture.ComputerProcesses.Start(
                //new Command(),
                //new object[2] {
                //       "-Command",
                //           $"&{{start-sleep -s {TestData.SpecifiedTestRunTime}; exit}}"
            // wait for the program to stop. The event handler should stop it.
            var p = Fixture.ComputerProcesses.ComputerProcessDictionary[Fixture.PidUnderTest];
            await Task.Delay(10); //ToDo Fix this test

             * await p.Command.Task;
             * ti.ExpandTo(System.DateTime.Now);
             * // Dispose of the timer
             * aTimer.Dispose();
             * var processResult = p.Command.Task.Result;
             * p.Command.Result.ExitCode.Should().Be(-1);
             * p.Command.Result.Success.Should().Be(false);
             * ti.Duration.Should().BeCloseTo(new TimeSpan(0, 0, specifiedTestRunTime / 2), 1000);
             * }
             * /*
             * [Theory]
             * [InlineData("5")]
             * public async void ComputerProcessesStartTest001(string _testdatainput)
             * {
             * int specifiedTestRunTime = int.Parse(_testdatainput);
             * // ToDo: Need to create a ComputerSoftwareProgram for PowerShell as a builtin, and figure out how to get its path "the right way"
             * ComputerSoftwareProgram powerShell = new ComputerSoftwareProgram(DefaultConfiguration.Production["PowerShell"],new Philote.Philote<IComputerSoftwareProgram>());
             * DiFixture.ComputerProcesses = new ComputerProcesses();
             * TimeInterval ti = new TimeInterval(System.DateTime.Now);
             * DiFixture.pidUnderTest = DiFixture.ComputerProcesses.Start(powerShell,
             *                                                       new object[2] {
             *    "-Command",
             *        $"&{{start-sleep -s {_testdatainput}; exit}}"
             * });
             * // wait for the program to stop
             * var p = DiFixture.ComputerProcesses.ComputerProcessDictionary[DiFixture.pidUnderTest];
             * await Task.Delay(10); //ToDo Fix this test
             * /*
             * await p.Command.Task;
             * ti.ExpandTo(System.DateTime.Now);
             * var processResult = p.Command.Task.Result;
             * p.Command.Result.ExitCode.Should()
             *  .Be(0);
             * p.Command.Result.Success.Should()
             *  .Be(true);
             * ti.Duration.Should()
             *  .BeCloseTo(new TimeSpan(0, 0, specifiedTestRunTime), 1000);
             * }
 //ToDo: Implement creating a ComputerSoftwareProgram object from a set of Configuration Settings
 public static bool FromConfigurationSettings(Dictionary <string, string> configurationSettings, out ComputerSoftwareProgram computerSoftwareProgram)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public ComputerProcessesStartStopTestData(ComputerSoftwareProgram computerSoftwareProgram, object[] arguments, int specifiedTestRunTime)
     ComputerSoftwareProgram = computerSoftwareProgram ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(computerSoftwareProgram));
     Arguments            = arguments ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(arguments));
     SpecifiedTestRunTime = specifiedTestRunTime;
 //ToDo: Implement writing a ComputerSoftwareProgram object to a set of Configuration Settings
 public static Dictionary <string, string> ToConfigurationSettings(this ComputerSoftwareProgram computerSoftwareProgram)
     throw new NotImplementedException();