Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>Gets the nearest focusable element below this.</summary>
        /// <returns>The nearest focusable element below. Null if there is none.</returns>
        public HtmlElement GetFocusableBelow()
            // Has the element defined something specific?
            HtmlElement target = GetFocusableOverride("down");

            if (target != null)
                // Yep, it did!

            // Distance of the nearest element (set when nearest is first set):
            float nearestDistance = 0f;
            // The current nearest element:
            HtmlElement nearest = null;
            // Grab my computed style:
            ComputedStyle computed = Style.Computed;
            // Get hold of the iterator (so we can safely skip child elements):
            NodeIterator allElements = document.allNodes;

            // Grab my x position:
            float myX = computed.GetMidpointX();
            // Grab the midpoint of this element on Y:
            float myY = computed.GetMidpointY();

            // For each element in the dom that is focusable and below this..
            foreach (Node node in allElements)
                HtmlElement element = node as HtmlElement;

                if (element == null)

                if (element != this && element.IsBelow(myY) && element.focusable)
                    // We have an element below.

                    // Check if it is closer than the current result.
                    // If it is, it's the current result.

                    // Is it nearer?
                    float distance = element.DistanceFromFast(myX, myY);

                    // Is it the first we've found, or is it nearer?
                    if (nearest == null || distance < nearestDistance)
                        nearest         = element;
                        nearestDistance = distance;

                    // Make sure we don't now iterate its kids:
                    allElements.SkipChildren = true;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Finds the distance on both axis of the given point from this elements midpoint. Then, it divides
        /// the x result by the y result giving a ratio of 'verticalness' of the distance. This is used by focus graphs, as it can
        /// be used to perceive how upward or how downward an element is.</summary>
        private float VerticalDistanceRatio(float x, float y)
            ComputedStyle computed = Style.Computed;

            // Find the distance along both axis:
            x -= computed.GetMidpointX();
            y -= computed.GetMidpointY();

            if (x < 0f)
                x = -x;

            if (y < 0f)
                y = -y;

            if (y == 0f)
                // Horizontal line - it's not vertical at all!

            return(x / y);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>Gets a relative 2D distance of this elements midpoint from the given point.
        /// The value returned is a fast distance used for comparison only. Use DistanceFrom for the correct distance.</summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate to check from.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate to check from.</param>
        public float DistanceFromFast(float x, float y)
            ComputedStyle computed = Style.Computed;

            x -= computed.GetMidpointX();
            y -= computed.GetMidpointY();

            return((x * x) + (y * y));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>Finds out the distance in pixels on the x and y axis the given point is away from this elements midpoint.</summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x coordinate to check from.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y coordinate to check from.</param>
        /// <returns>The distance on each axis from the given point as a vector.</returns>
        public Vector2 AxisDistanceFrom(float x, float y)
            ComputedStyle computed = Style.Computed;

            x -= computed.GetMidpointX();
            y -= computed.GetMidpointY();

            if (x < 0f)
                x = -x;

            if (y < 0f)
                y = -y;

            return(new Vector2(x, y));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Gets the nearest focusable element below this.</summary>
        /// <returns>The nearest focusable element below. Null if there is none.</returns>
        public Element GetFocusableBelow()
            // Has the element defined something specific?
            Element target = GetFocusableOverride("down");

            if (target != null)
                // Yep, it did!

            // Distance of the nearest element (set when nearest is first set):
            float nearestDistance = 0f;
            // The current nearest element:
            Element nearest = null;
            // Grab my computed style:
            ComputedStyle computed = Style.Computed;
            // Get hold of the iterator (so we can safely skip child elements):
            DocumentElements allElements = Document.allElements;

            // Grab my x position:
            float myX = computed.GetMidpointX();
            // Grab the midpoint of this element on Y:
            float myY = computed.GetMidpointY();

            // For each element in the dom that is focusable and below this..
            foreach (Element element in allElements)
                if (element != this && element.IsBelow(computed) && element.focusable)
                    // We have an element below.

                    // Check if it is closer than the current result.
                    // If it is, it's the current result.

                    // Is it nearer?
                    float distance = element.DistanceFromFast(myX, myY);

                    // Next, weight the distance by it's verticalness - that's by how much above/below the element actually looks.
                    float verticalness = element.VerticalDistanceRatio(myX, myY);

                    if (verticalness < 0.01f)
                        verticalness = 0.01f;

                    distance *= verticalness;

                    // Is it the first we've found, or is it nearer?
                    if (nearest == null || distance < nearestDistance)
                        nearest         = element;
                        nearestDistance = distance;

                    // Make sure we don't now iterate its kids:
                    allElements.SkipChildren = true;
