void btnValidate_Clicked(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
         string idNumber = txtIDNumber.Text.Trim();
         if (txtIDNumber.Text != "")
             bool isValid = Computations.validateDlsuIdNumber(int.Parse(idNumber));
             if (isValid)
                 DisplayAlert("ID Validator", "ID Number " + idNumber + " is VALID.", "Ok");
                 DisplayAlert("ID Validator", "ID Number " + idNumber + " is INVALID.", "Ok");
             DisplayAlert("ID Validator", "Please enter an ID number to validate.", "Ok");
     catch (Exception ex)
         DisplayAlert("ID Validator", "Please check if your input format is correct.", "Ok");
Beispiel #2
        public void T17_ReflectanceOfPerpRay()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            Sphere sphere = new Sphere();


            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, 0),
                              new Vector(0, 1, 0));

            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(sphere, -1));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(sphere, 1));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[1], ray, xs);

            double reflectance = Scene.current.Schlick(c);

            Assert.IsTrue(Utility.FE(0.04, reflectance));
        public void ShouldFindN1AndN2AtIntersection(int index, float n1, float n2)
            var a = Sphere.CreateGlass();

            a.Transform = CreateScale(2, 2, 2);
            a.Material.RefractiveIndex = 1.5f;

            var b = Sphere.CreateGlass();

            b.Transform = CreateTranslation(0, 0, -0.25f);
            b.Material.RefractiveIndex = 2f;

            var c = Sphere.CreateGlass();

            c.Transform = CreateTranslation(0, 0, 0.25f);
            c.Material.RefractiveIndex = 2.5f;

            var r  = new Ray(CreatePoint(0, 0, -4f), CreateVector(0, 0, 1));
            var xs = new List <Intersection>
                new Intersection(2, a),
                new Intersection(2.75f, b),
                new Intersection(3.25f, c),
                new Intersection(4.75f, b),
                new Intersection(5.25f, c),
                new Intersection(6, a),

            var comps = Computations.Prepare(xs[index], r, xs);

            comps.N1.Should().BeApproximately(n1, Tolerance);
            comps.N2.Should().BeApproximately(n2, Tolerance);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// generate data packet from this vechile to the TargetVehicle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DestinationVehicle"></param>
        public void GeneratePacket(VehicleUi DestinationVehicle)
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                Packet packet = new Packet();

                packet.Type = PacketType.Data;
                PublicStatistics.GeneratedPacketsCount += 1;
                packet.PID          = PublicStatistics.GeneratedPacketsCount;
                packet.PacketLength = PublicParamerters.DataPacketLength;

                packet.TravelledRoadSegmentString += CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.RID; // add the first rs.
                packet.VehiclesString             += VID;                           // start by current sender.
                packet.SRID = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.RID;
                // set source and distination:
                packet.SourceVehicle      = this;
                packet.DestinationVehicle = DestinationVehicle;
                packet.Direction          = DestinationVehicle.CurrentLane.LaneDirection;
                packet.CurrentRoadSegment = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment;                                                   // the segment of the vechile.

                packet.EuclideanDistance = Computations.Distance(InstanceLocation, DestinationVehicle.InstanceLocation); // the intial distance
                packet.RoutingDistance   = packet.EuclideanDistance;
                packet.SVID = VID;
                packet.DVID = DestinationVehicle.VID;

                DestinationVehicle.WaitingPacketsIDsList.Add(packet.PID); // flage

                // start count the delay.
                PacketQueue.Enqueue(packet);                                                                  // add the packet to the queue.
                PacketQueueTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(PublicParamerters.PacketQueueTimerInterval); // retry after...
                PacketQueueTimer.Start();                                                                     // start the timer.
Beispiel #5
        public void T18_ReflectanceN2GreaterN1()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            Sphere sphere = new Sphere();


            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0.99, -2),
                              new Vector(0, 0, 1));

            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(sphere, 1.8589));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], ray, xs);

            double reflectance = Scene.current.Schlick(c);

            Assert.IsTrue(Utility.FE(0.48873, reflectance));
        public void T06_ShadeHitIntersectionInShadow()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            Light  light = new Light(new Point(0, 0, -10), new Color(1, 1, 1));
            Sphere s1    = new Sphere();
            Sphere s2    = new Sphere();

            s2.SetMatrix(Mat4.TranslateMatrix(0, 0, 10));

            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, 5), new Vector(0, 0, 1));

            Intersection i = new Intersection(s2, 4);

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(i, ray, null);

            Color color = Scene.current.ShadeHit(c);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f), color);
Beispiel #7
        public void T16_ReflectanceUnderTotalInteralReflection()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            Sphere sphere = new Sphere();


            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2),
                              new Vector(0, 1, 0));

            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(sphere, Math.Sqrt(2) / -2));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(sphere, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[1], ray, xs);

            double reflectance = Scene.current.Schlick(c);

            Assert.IsTrue(Utility.FE(1.0, reflectance));
Beispiel #8
        public void ShadeHitWithReflectiveTransparency()
            World w     = World.DefaultWorld();
            Shape floor = new Plane();

            floor.Transform                = new Translate(0, -1, 0).GetTransform();
            floor.Material.Reflectivity    = 0.5;
            floor.Material.Transparency    = 0.5;
            floor.Material.RefractiveIndex = 1.5;
            Shape ball = new Sphere();

            ball.Material.Color   = new Color(1, 0, 0);
            ball.Material.Ambient = 0.5;
            ball.Transform        = new Translate(0, -3.5, -0.5).GetTransform();
            Ray r = new Ray(Tuple.Point(0, 0, -3), Tuple.Vector(0, -Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(Math.Sqrt(2), floor));
            Computations comps = Computations.PrepareComputations(xs[0], r, xs);
            Color        c     = w.ShadeHit(comps, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(c, new Color(0.93391, 0.69643, 0.69243));
Beispiel #9
        public void T13_TotalInternalReflection()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            RayObject ro1 = Scene.current.root.GetChildren()[0];

            ro1.material.Transparency = 1.0;
            ro1.material.RefracIndex  = 1.5;

            Ray r = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2),
                            new Vector(0, 1, 0));
            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, Math.Sqrt(2) / -2));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            Computations c     = Computations.Prepare(xs[1], r, xs);
            Color        color = Scene.current.RefractedColor(c, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(Color.black, color);
Beispiel #10
        public void T14_FindRefractedColor()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            RayObject a = Scene.current.root.GetChildren()[0];

            a.material.Ambient = 1.0;
            a.material.pattern = new Patterns.TestPattern();

            RayObject b = Scene.current.root.GetChildren()[1];

            b.material.Transparency = 1.0;
            b.material.RefracIndex  = 1.5;

            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector(0, 1, 0));
            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(a, -0.9899));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(b, -0.4899));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(b, 0.4899));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(a, 0.9899));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[2], ray, xs);

            Color color = Scene.current.RefractedColor(c, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Color(0, 0.99888, 0.04725), color);
Beispiel #11
        public void T12_RefractedColorAtMaxRecusionDepth()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            RayObject ro1 = Scene.current.root.GetChildren()[0];

            ro1.material.Transparency = 1;
            ro1.material.RefracIndex  = 1.5;

            Ray r = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), new Vector(0, 0, 1));

            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, 4));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, 6));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], r, xs);

            Color color = Scene.current.RefractedColor(c, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(Color.black, color);
Beispiel #12
        public void T11_RefractedColorOfOpaque()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();



            RayObject ro1 = Scene.current.root.GetChildren()[0];

            Ray ray = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -5), new Vector(0, 0, 1));

            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, 4));
            xs.Add(new Intersection(ro1, 6));

            Computations c     = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], ray, xs);
            Color        color = Scene.current.RefractedColor(c, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(Color.black, color);
Beispiel #13
        public void ShouldShadeHitWithReflectiveTransparentMaterial()
            var w          = World.CreateDefault();
            var floorPlane = new XZPlane
                Transform = CreateTranslation(0, -1, 0),
                Material  =
                    Reflective      = 0.5f,
                    Transparency    = 0.5f,
                    RefractiveIndex = 1.5f,

            var ball = new Sphere
                Material =
                    Color   = VColor.LinearRGB(1, 0, 0),
                    Ambient =               0.5f,
                Transform = CreateTranslation(0, -3.5f, -0.5f),


            var r     = new Ray(CreatePoint(0, 0, -3), CreateVector(0, -Sqrt(2) / 2, Sqrt(2) / 2));
            var xs    = Intersection.CreateList((Sqrt(2), floorPlane));
            var comps = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], r, xs);
            var color = w.ShadeHit(comps, 5);

            AssertActualEqualToExpected(color, VColor.LinearRGB(0.93391f, 0.69643f, 0.69243f));
Beispiel #14
        public IRegionModelResident CreateModelOnceResolved(Computations computations, IRegionNodeResident resident)
            var resolver = new CreateModel_RegionNodeResidentResolver(this, computations);

Beispiel #15
        public void T19_CombiningReflectionAndRefraction()
            if (Scene.current == null)
                new Scene();


            Plane plane = new Plane();

            plane.SetMatrix(Mat4.TranslateMatrix(0, -1, 0));
            plane.material.Reflective   = 0.5;
            plane.material.Transparency = 0.5;
            plane.material.RefracIndex  = 1.5;

            Sphere ball = new Sphere();

            ball.material.color   = new Color(1, 0, 0);
            ball.material.Ambient = 0.5;
            ball.SetMatrix(Mat4.TranslateMatrix(0, -3.5, -0.5));

            Ray r = new Ray(new Point(0, 0, -3), new Vector(0, Math.Sqrt(2) / -2,
                                                            Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            List <Intersection> xs = new List <Intersection>();

            xs.Add(new Intersection(plane, Math.Sqrt(2)));

            Computations c = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], r, xs);

            Color color = Scene.current.ShadeHit(c, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(new Color(0.93391, 0.69643, 0.69243), color);
Beispiel #16
        public IGlobeResident CreateModelOnceResolved(Computations computations, ITaxonomyResident resident)
            var resolver = new CreateModel_TaxonomyResidentResolver(this, computations);

        public void computeElevationTest()
            Computations computations = new Computations();
            double       answer       = computations.computeElevation(2.7260);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1.2088, answer);
        public void computeCTest()
            Computations computations = new Computations();
            double       answer       = computations.computeC(15.1981, computations.computeDistance(15.1981, -29.1068));

            Assert.AreEqual(115.214431518215, answer);
        public void NanTest()
            Computations computations = new Computations();
            decimal      answer       = (decimal)computations.convertToDegrees(Math.Acos(0.8431564976));

            Assert.AreEqual(12.415, answer);
        public void convertToDegreesTest()
            Computations computations = new Computations();
            double       answer       = computations.convertToDegrees(0.942893362561167);

            Assert.AreEqual(32.5250, answer);
        public void computeDistanceTest()
            Computations computations = new Computations();
            double       answer       = computations.computeDistance(15.1981, -29.1068);

            Assert.AreEqual(32.5250, answer);
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// we have three lanes per segments. the index should be 1,2,3. ONLY.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lindex"></param>
        public void ChangeLaneRandomly()
            Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate
                int lanConut = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment.LanesCount;
                if (lanConut > 2)
                    RoadSegment rs  = CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment;
                    LaneUi prevLane = CurrentLane;
                    LaneUi newlane  = null;

                    if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.N)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.North(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(newlane.MyCenterLeft, this.Margin.Top, 0, 0);
                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.S)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.South(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(newlane.MyCenterLeft, this.Margin.Top, 0, 0);

                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.E)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.East(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(this.Margin.Left, newlane.MyCenterTop, 0, 0);

                    else if (prevLane.LaneDirection == Direction.W)
                        newlane = rs.Lanes[LaneIndex.RandomLaneIndex.West(rs.LanesCount)];

                        this.CurrentLane = newlane;
                        this.Margin      = new Thickness(this.Margin.Left, newlane.MyCenterTop, 0, 0);

                    // change my speed to random.
                    double instanceSpeed = Computations.GetTimeIntervalInSecond(Computations.RandomSpeedkmh(CurrentLane.MyRoadSegment)); // slow the speed.
                    InstantaneousSpeed   = instanceSpeed;

                    // display:
                    prevLane._MainWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => prevLane.lbl_info.Text = prevLane.LaneVehicleAndQueue.CountInLane.ToString()), DispatcherPriority.Send);
Beispiel #23
        public void PrecomputeReflectionVector()
            Plane        shape = new Plane();
            Ray          r     = new Ray(Tuple.Point(0, 1, -1), Tuple.Vector(0, -Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
            Intersection i     = new Intersection(Math.Sqrt(2), shape);
            Computations comps = Computations.PrepareComputations(i, r);

            Assert.AreEqual(comps.reflectv, Tuple.Vector(0, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, Math.Sqrt(2) / 2));
Beispiel #24
        public void PrepareComputationsOutside()
            Ray          r     = new Ray(Tuple.Point(0, 0, -5), Tuple.Vector(0, 0, 1));
            Sphere       shape = new Sphere();
            Intersection i     = new Intersection(4, shape);
            Computations comps = Computations.PrepareComputations(i, r);

        public void ShouldPrecomputeReflectionVector()
            var shape = new XZPlane();
            var r     = CreateRay(CreatePoint(0, 1, -1), CreateVector(0, -Sqrt(2) / 2, Sqrt(2) / 2));
            var i     = new Intersection(Sqrt(2), shape);
            var comps = Computations.Prepare(i, r);

            AssertActualEqualToExpected(comps.ReflectV, CreateVector(0, Sqrt(2) / 2, Sqrt(2) / 2));
        public void ShouldComputeSchlickApproximationUnderTotalInternalReflection()
            var shape       = Sphere.CreateGlass();
            var r           = new Ray(CreatePoint(0, 0, Sqrt(2) / 2), CreateVector(0, 1, 0));
            var xs          = Intersection.CreateList((-Sqrt(2) / 2, shape), (Sqrt(2) / 2, shape));
            var comps       = Computations.Prepare(xs[1], r, xs);
            var reflectance = comps.GetSchlickReflectance();

            reflectance.Should().BeApproximately(1, Tolerance);
        public void ShouldIndicateWhenIntersectionOccursOnTheOutside()
            var r     = CreateRay(CreatePoint(0, 0, -5), CreateVector(0, 0, 1));
            var shape = new Sphere();
            var i     = new Intersection(4, shape);

            var comps = Computations.Prepare(i, r);

        public void ShouldComputeSchlickApproximationWithSmallAngleAndN2GreaterThanN1()
            var shape       = Sphere.CreateGlass();
            var r           = new Ray(CreatePoint(0, .99f, -2), CreateVector(0, 0, 1));
            var xs          = Intersection.CreateList((1.8589f, shape));
            var comps       = Computations.Prepare(xs[0], r, xs);
            var reflectance = comps.GetSchlickReflectance();

            reflectance.Should().BeApproximately(0.48873f, Tolerance);
        public void ShouldComputeSchlickApproximationWithPerpendicularViewingAngle()
            var shape       = Sphere.CreateGlass();
            var r           = new Ray(CreatePoint(0, 0, 0), CreateVector(0, 1, 0));
            var xs          = Intersection.CreateList((-1, shape), (1, shape));
            var comps       = Computations.Prepare(xs[1], r, xs);
            var reflectance = comps.GetSchlickReflectance();

            reflectance.Should().BeApproximately(0.04f, Tolerance);
Beispiel #30
        public void TestZeroIfEmpty()
            var computator = new Computations();
            string emptyString = string.Empty;
            var result = computator.Calculate(emptyString);

            Assert.Equal(0, result, 5);