public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid)
     : base(AceType.AccessAllowedCompound, flags)
     this.compound_ace_type  = compoundAceType;
     this.AccessMask         = accessMask;
     this.SecurityIdentifier = sid;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAce" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="flags">Contains flags that specify information about the inheritance, inheritance propagation, and auditing conditions for the new Access Control Entry (ACE).</param>
 /// <param name="accessMask">The access mask for the ACE.</param>
 /// <param name="compoundAceType">A value from the <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType" /> enumeration.</param>
 /// <param name="sid">The <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier" /> associated with the new ACE.</param>
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid) : base(InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None)
     this.compound_ace_type  = compoundAceType;
     base.AceFlags           = flags;
     base.AccessMask         = accessMask;
     base.SecurityIdentifier = sid;
Beispiel #3
		public CompoundAce (AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid)
			: base (AceType.AccessAllowedCompound, flags)
			this.compound_ace_type = compoundAceType;
			this.AccessMask = accessMask;
			this.SecurityIdentifier = sid;
Beispiel #4
		public CompoundAce (AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid)
			: base (InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None)
			this.compound_ace_type = compoundAceType;
			this.AceFlags = flags;
			this.AccessMask = accessMask;
			this.SecurityIdentifier = sid;
Beispiel #5
        public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask,
                           CompoundAceType compoundAceType,
                           SecurityIdentifier side)
            this.compoundAceType = compoundAceType;

            throw new NotImplementedException();
        private static object[] CompoundAce_CreateTestData(int intFlags, int accessMask, int intCompoundAceType, string stringsid, int offset)
            CompoundAceType    compoundAceType = (CompoundAceType)intCompoundAceType;
            AceFlags           flags           = (AceFlags)intFlags;
            SecurityIdentifier sid             = new SecurityIdentifier(stringsid);

            CompoundAce ace = new CompoundAce(flags, accessMask, compoundAceType, sid);

            Assert.Equal(flags, ace.AceFlags);
            Assert.Equal(accessMask, ace.AccessMask);
            Assert.Equal(compoundAceType, ace.CompoundAceType);
            Assert.Equal(sid, ace.SecurityIdentifier);

            byte[] binaryForm = new byte[ace.BinaryLength + offset];
            binaryForm[offset + 0] = (byte)(AceType.AccessAllowedCompound);
            binaryForm[offset + 1] = (byte)flags;
            binaryForm[offset + 2] = (byte)(ace.BinaryLength >> 0);
            binaryForm[offset + 3] = (byte)(ace.BinaryLength >> 8);

            int baseOffset  = offset + 4;
            int offsetLocal = 0;

                binaryForm[baseOffset + 0] = (byte)(accessMask >> 0);
                binaryForm[baseOffset + 1] = (byte)(accessMask >> 8);
                binaryForm[baseOffset + 2] = (byte)(accessMask >> 16);
                binaryForm[baseOffset + 3] = (byte)(accessMask >> 24);
            offsetLocal += 4;

            binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 0] = (byte)((ushort)compoundAceType >> 0);
            binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 1] = (byte)((ushort)compoundAceType >> 8);
            binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 2] = 0;
            binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 3] = 0;
            offsetLocal += 4;

            sid.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, baseOffset + offsetLocal);

            return(new object[] { ace, binaryForm, offset });
Beispiel #7
        public static void RemoveInheritedAces_BasicValidationTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl           rawAcl           = null;
            DiscretionaryAcl discretionaryAcl = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;

            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;

            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BG";

            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;

            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, no Ace
            revision         = 127;
            capacity         = 1;
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 2, only have explicit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 3,  non-inherited CommonAce, ObjectAce, CompoundAce, CustomAce
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 5;
            sid        = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag    = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags;
            accessMask = 1;

            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Dennied CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(2, gAce);
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(3, gAce);
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(2, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
            //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>

            //case 4,  all inherited CommonAce, ObjectAce, CompoundAce, CustomAce
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 5;
            sid        = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag    = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags | AceFlags.Inherited;
            accessMask = 1;

            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Dennied CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(aceFlag, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 5, only have one inherit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 6, have one explicit Ace and one inherited Ace
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP), AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //215  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP | FlagsForAce.IH), AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(1, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 7, have two inherited Aces
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215  has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            sid = "BA";
            //16 has Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)16, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 8, 1 inherited CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            aceFlag = (AceFlags)215;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 9,  1 inherited CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 10, 1 inherited ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = true;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid);
Beispiel #9
 // Constructors
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier sid)
Beispiel #10
        public static void Constructor3_AdditionalTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl           rawAcl           = null;
            DiscretionaryAcl discretionaryAcl = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;

            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;

            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BG";

            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;

            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, an AccessAllowed ACE with a zero access mask is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 0,
                                     new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //drop the Ace from rawAcl

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 2, an inherit-only AccessDenied ACE on an object ACL is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //15 has all inheritance AceFlags but Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)15, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 3, an inherit-only AccessAllowed ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //8 has inheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)8, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 4, 1 CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = AceFlags.None;
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 5, 1 CompoundAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            // 2 has ContainerInherit
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)2;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 6, 1 ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)15; //all inheritance flags ored together but Inherited
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = true;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 7, no Ace
            revision    = 127;
            capacity    = 1;
            rawAcl      = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 8, all Aces from case 1, and 3 to 6
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 5;
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")).ToString();
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //0 access Mask
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 0,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 1.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            //an inherit-only AccessAllowed ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object is meaningless, will be removed

            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)8, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 2.ToString())), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // ObjectAce
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)15; //all inheritance flags ored together but Inherited
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 3.ToString())), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // CustomAce
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag = AceFlags.None;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            // CompoundAce
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)2;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid + 4.ToString())));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical

            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            discretionaryAcl = null;
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            rawAcl           = null;
            //case 1, rawAcl = null
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(isDS ? GenericAcl.AclRevisionDS : GenericAcl.AclRevision, 1);
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(isDS ? GenericAcl.AclRevisionDS : GenericAcl.AclRevision, 1);
            Assert.True(VerifyACL(discretionaryAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));
	// Constructors
	public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier sid) {}
Beispiel #12
        public static void BasicValidationTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl    rawAcl    = null;
            SystemAcl systemAcl = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BA";
            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;
            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, no Ace

            revision    = 127;
            capacity    = 1;
            rawAcl      = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 2, only have explicit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 3, only have one inherit Ace
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 4, have one explicit Ace and one inherited Ace
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(1, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 5, have two inherited Aces
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //215 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            sid = "BA";
            //16 has Inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)16, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BA")), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 6, 1 inherited CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = (AceFlags)208; //SuccessfulAccess | FailedAccess | Inherited
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);


            //case 7,  1 inherited CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);

            //case 8, 1 inherited ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = true;
            systemAcl   = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier sid) : base(default(AceType), default(AceFlags), default(int), default(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))
        public static void AdditionalTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl    rawAcl = null;
            SystemAcl sAcl   = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BA";
            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;
            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, an SystemAudit ACE with a zero access mask is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.AuditFlags,
                                     new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            //drop the ace from the rawAcl
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 2, an inherit-only SystemAudit ACE on an object ACL is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.InheritanceFlags | AceFlags.AuditFlags,
                                     new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)),
                                     false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed

            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 3, an inherit-only SystemAudit ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //200 has inheritOnly, SuccessfulAccess and FailedAccess
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)200,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //the only ACE is a meaningless ACE, will be removed
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 4, a SystemAudit ACE without Success or Failure Flags is meaningless, will be removed
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None,
                                     new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //audit ACE does not specify either Success or Failure Flags is removed
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 5, a CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = AceFlags.AuditFlags;
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = false;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //Mark changed design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 6, a CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = AceFlags.AuditFlags;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag,
                                              new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //Mark changed design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));

            //case 7, a ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags | AceFlags.AuditFlags;
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)),
                                 objectAceFlag, objectAceType,
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = true;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 8, no Ace
            revision    = 127;
            capacity    = 1;
            rawAcl      = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, true, rawAcl));

            //case 9, Aces from case 1 to 7
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 5;
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)).ToString();
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //an SystemAudit ACE with a zero access mask
            //is meaningless, will be removed
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.AuditFlags,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid) + 1.ToString()),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);
            //an inherit-only SystemAudit ACE without ContainerInherit or ObjectInherit flags on a container object
            //is meaningless, will be removed
            //200 has inheritOnly, SuccessfulAccess and FailedAccess
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)200,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid) + 2.ToString()),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);
            //a SystemAudit ACE without Success or Failure Flags
            //is meaningless, will be removed
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid) + 3.ToString()),
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);
            //a ObjectAce
            aceFlag                = AceFlags.InheritanceFlags | AceFlags.AuditFlags;
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.SystemAudit;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag,
                                 new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid) + 4.ToString()),
                                 objectAceFlag, objectAceType,
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);
            // a CustomAce
            gAce = new CustomAce(AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1,
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);
            //a CompoundAce
            gAce = new CompoundAce(AceFlags.AuditFlags,
                                   new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid) + 5.ToString()));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(rawAcl.Count, gAce);

            isContainer = true;
            isDS        = false;
            sAcl        = new SystemAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            //the first 3 Aces will be removed by SystemAcl constructor
            //Mark changed design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical
            Assert.True(TestConstructor(sAcl, isContainer, isDS, false, rawAcl));
Beispiel #15
        private const int AceTypeLength = 4; // including 2 reserved bytes


        #region Constructors

        public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid)
            : base(AceType.AccessAllowedCompound, flags, accessMask, sid)
            // The compound ACE type value is deliberately not validated

            _compoundAceType = compoundAceType;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>初始化 <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAce" /> 类的新实例。</summary>
 /// <param name="flags">包含标志,这些标志为新的访问控制项 (ACE) 指定有关继承、继承传播和审核条件的信息。</param>
 /// <param name="accessMask">ACE 的访问掩码。</param>
 /// <param name="compoundAceType">
 /// <see cref="T:System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType" /> 枚举中的一个值。</param>
 /// <param name="sid">与新的 ACE 关联的 <see cref="T:System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier" />。</param>
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid)
     : base(AceType.AccessAllowedCompound, flags, accessMask, sid)
     this._compoundAceType = compoundAceType;
Beispiel #17
        internal static bool ParseBinaryForm(
            byte[] binaryForm,
            int offset,
            out int accessMask,
            out CompoundAceType compoundAceType,
            out SecurityIdentifier sid)
            // Verify the ACE header

            VerifyHeader(binaryForm, offset);

            // Verify the length field

            if (binaryForm.Length - offset < HeaderLength + AccessMaskLength + AceTypeLength + SecurityIdentifier.MinBinaryLength)
                goto InvalidParameter;

            int baseOffset = offset + HeaderLength;
            int offsetLocal = 0;

            // The access mask is stored in big-endian format

            accessMask =
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + 0]) << 0) +
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + 1]) << 8) +
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + 2]) << 16) +
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + 3]) << 24));

            offsetLocal += AccessMaskLength;

            compoundAceType =
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 0]) << 0) +
                (((uint)binaryForm[baseOffset + offsetLocal + 1]) << 8));

            offsetLocal += AceTypeLength; // Skipping over the two reserved bits

            // The access mask is followed by the SID

            sid = new SecurityIdentifier(binaryForm, baseOffset + offsetLocal);

            return true;


            accessMask = 0;
            compoundAceType = 0;
            sid = null;

            return false;
Beispiel #18
 internal static bool ParseBinaryForm(byte[] binaryForm, int offset, out int accessMask, out CompoundAceType compoundAceType, out SecurityIdentifier sid)
     GenericAce.VerifyHeader(binaryForm, offset);
     if (binaryForm.Length - offset >= 12 + SecurityIdentifier.MinBinaryLength)
         int num1 = offset + 4;
         int num2 = 0;
         accessMask = (int)binaryForm[num1 + 0] + ((int)binaryForm[num1 + 1] << 8) + ((int)binaryForm[num1 + 2] << 16) + ((int)binaryForm[num1 + 3] << 24);
         int num3 = num2 + 4;
         compoundAceType = (CompoundAceType)((int)binaryForm[num1 + num3 + 0] + ((int)binaryForm[num1 + num3 + 1] << 8));
         int num4 = num3 + 4;
         sid = new SecurityIdentifier(binaryForm, num1 + num4);
     accessMask      = 0;
     compoundAceType = (CompoundAceType)0;
     sid             = (SecurityIdentifier)null;
Beispiel #19
        public static void Purge_BasicValidationTestCases()
            bool isContainer = false;
            bool isDS        = false;

            RawAcl           rawAcl           = null;
            DiscretionaryAcl discretionaryAcl = null;
            int aceCount           = 0;
            SecurityIdentifier sid = null;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;

            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;

            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sidStr          = "LA";

            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;

            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, no Ace
            revision         = 127;
            capacity         = 1;
            rawAcl           = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 0;
            sidStr           = "BG";
            sid = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 2, only have 1 explicit Ace of the sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritonly and inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 0;

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 3, only have 1 explicit Ace of different sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
            sidStr = "BG";
            sid    = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            gAce   = new CommonAce((AceFlags)199, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 1;
            sidStr           = "BA";
            sid = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 4, only have 1 inherited Ace of the sid
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //215 has all aceflags but inheritedonly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)215, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 1;

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 5, have one explicit Ace and one inherited Ace of the sid
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //199 has all aceflags but inheritedonly and inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP), AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //215 has all aceflags but inheritedonly
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)(FlagsForAce.AuditFlags | FlagsForAce.OI | FlagsForAce.CI | FlagsForAce.NP | FlagsForAce.IH), AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 2, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(1, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 1;

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));

            //case 6, have two explicit Aces of the sid
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sidStr   = "BG";
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sidStr));
            //207 has all AceFlags but inherited
            gAce = new CommonAce((AceFlags)207, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessDenied, 2, sid, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 0;

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, 0));

            //case 7, 1 explicit CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            //199 has all AceFlags except InheritOnly and Inherited
            aceFlag = (AceFlags)199;
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = false;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
            aceCount = 1;

            //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
            //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount);

            //case 8,  1 explicit CompoundAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //207 has all AceFlags but inherited
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)207;
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            sid             = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, sid);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = false;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 0;

            //After Mark changes design to make ACL with any CustomAce, CompoundAce uncanonical and
            //forbid the modification on uncanonical ACL, this case will throw InvalidOperationException
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount);

            //case 9, 1 explicit ObjectAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            sid      = new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid("BG"));
            //207 has all AceFlags but inherited
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)207;
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, sid, objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            isContainer      = true;
            isDS             = true;
            discretionaryAcl = new DiscretionaryAcl(isContainer, isDS, rawAcl);
            aceCount         = 0;

            Assert.True(TestPurge(discretionaryAcl, sid, aceCount));
        public static void BasicValidationTestCases()
            RawAcl rawAcl = null;

            byte[] binaryForm = null;
            int    offset     = 0;

            GenericAce gAce     = null;
            byte       revision = 0;
            int        capacity = 0;
            //CustomAce constructor parameters
            AceType  aceType = AceType.AccessAllowed;
            AceFlags aceFlag = AceFlags.None;

            byte[] opaque = null;
            //CompoundAce constructor additional parameters
            int             accessMask      = 0;
            CompoundAceType compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            string          sid             = "BA";
            //CommonAce constructor additional parameters
            AceQualifier aceQualifier = 0;
            //ObjectAce constructor additional parameters
            ObjectAceFlags objectAceFlag = 0;
            Guid           objectAceType;
            Guid           inheritedObjectAceType;

            //case 1, a valid binary representation with revision 0, 1 SystemAudit CommonAce
            revision = 0;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 2, a valid binary representation with revision 255, 1 AccessAllowed CommonAce
            revision = 255;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            gAce     = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 3, a valid binary representation with revision 127, 1 CustomAce
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 1;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceType  = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag  = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            opaque   = null;
            gAce     = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 4, a valid binary representation with revision 1, 1 CompoundAce
            revision        = 127;
            capacity        = 1;
            rawAcl          = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 5, a valid binary representation with revision 1, 1 ObjectAce
            revision               = 127;
            capacity               = 1;
            rawAcl                 = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 1, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 6, a valid binary representation with revision 1, no Ace
            revision   = 127;
            capacity   = 1;
            rawAcl     = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 0, rawAcl.BinaryLength));

            //case 7, a valid binary representation with revision 1, and all Aces from case 1 to 5
            revision = 127;
            capacity = 5;
            rawAcl   = new RawAcl(revision, capacity);
            //SystemAudit CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            //Access Allowed CommonAce
            gAce = new CommonAce(AceFlags.None, AceQualifier.AccessAllowed, 1, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceType = AceType.MaxDefinedAceType + 1;
            aceFlag = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            opaque  = null;
            gAce    = new CustomAce(aceType, aceFlag, opaque);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceFlag         = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            accessMask      = 1;
            compoundAceType = CompoundAceType.Impersonation;
            gAce            = new CompoundAce(aceFlag, accessMask, compoundAceType, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)));
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            aceFlag                = (AceFlags)223; //all flags ored together
            aceQualifier           = AceQualifier.AccessAllowed;
            accessMask             = 1;
            objectAceFlag          = ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent | ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
            objectAceType          = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111");
            inheritedObjectAceType = new Guid("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222");
            gAce = new ObjectAce(aceFlag, aceQualifier, accessMask, new SecurityIdentifier(Utils.TranslateStringConstFormatSidToStandardFormatSid(sid)), objectAceFlag, objectAceType, inheritedObjectAceType, false, null);
            rawAcl.InsertAce(0, gAce);
            binaryForm = new byte[rawAcl.BinaryLength];
            rawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, 0);
            Assert.True(TestCreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset, revision, 5, rawAcl.BinaryLength));
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, SecurityIdentifier sid);
 public CompoundAce(AceFlags flags, int accessMask, CompoundAceType compoundAceType, System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier sid) : base (default(AceType), default(AceFlags), default(int), default(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))