Beispiel #1
		public static void InitializeDefaultSemanticRules()
			//constructs the following expression: Booleans = { True, False }
			var notions = new Notion[] { Booleans, EqualityOperator, SetBuilderOpeningBraces, True, SetBuilderEnumerationDelimiters, False, SetBuilderClosingBraces };
			var names = notions.Select(GetDefaultName).ToReadOnlyList();
			var expression = new CompositeName(names, RootPosition.Instance, Booleans);

			//states that that expression is true
			new SemanticRule2(True.GetDefaultName(), expression, null, null);
Beispiel #2
		private static CompositeName AsRootNodes(params char[] chars)
			var charPositions = chars.Select((s, i) => new LinearPosition(i));
			//var charNameInstances = Enumerable.Zip(chars, charPositions, (c, p) => new AtomicNameInstance(c, p)).ToReadOnlyList<NameInstance>();

			var charForms = Enumerable.Zip(chars, charPositions, ToAtomicName).ToReadOnlyList();
			//var charNameInstances = charForms.Select(charForm => (Name)charForm.ResultingType).ToList<NameInstance>();

			var cni = new CompositeName(charForms, new LinearPosition(0), dummyNotion);
			return cni;
		/// <summary> Tries to convert to composite name to a subset relation. It regards the "proper" sub/superset as identical to sub/superset, and regards the superset as inverted subset relation. </summary>
		private SetRelation TryFindRelation(CompositeName potentialRelation)
			Contract.Requires(potentialRelation != null);

			//if it is a linear notation
			if (potentialRelation.Notation.GetType().GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.Name == "ILinearForm`1"))

				if (potentialRelation.Elements.Count.IsAnyOf(3, 5)
					&& potentialRelation.Elements[0].Notion is Set
					&& potentialRelation.Elements[2].Notion is Set)
					Set leftOperand = (Set) potentialRelation.Elements[0].Notion;
					Set rightOperand = (Set) potentialRelation.Elements[2].Notion;

					//if it has the three elements {set, ⊆ or ⊂ or ⊃ or ⊇, set} denoting the subset-relation
					if (potentialRelation.Elements.Count == 3)
						if (potentialRelation.Elements[1].Notion.IsAnyOf(DefaultNotions.ProperSubset, DefaultNotions.Subset))
							return new SetRelation(leftOperand, rightOperand, Relation.Containment);
						if (potentialRelation.Elements[1].Notion.IsAnyOf(DefaultNotions.ProperSuperset, DefaultNotions.Superset))
							return new SetRelation(rightOperand, leftOperand, Relation.Containment);

					//if it has the 5 elements {set, ∩, set, =, ∅ }, then the two sets are disjoint. If the 5 elements {set, ∩, set, ≠, ∅ } or the 5 elements {set, ∩, set, =, non-empty set }, then the first two sets have overlap
					if (potentialRelation.Elements.Count == 5 && potentialRelation.Elements[1].Notion == DefaultNotions.Intersect && potentialRelation.Elements[4].Notion is Set)
						if (potentialRelation.Elements[3].Notion == DefaultNotions.EqualityOperator && potentialRelation.Elements[4].Notion == DefaultNotions.EmptySet)
							return new SetRelation(leftOperand, rightOperand, Relation.None);
						if (potentialRelation.Elements[3].Notion == DefaultNotions.InequalityOperator && potentialRelation.Elements[4].Notion == DefaultNotions.EmptySet)
							return new SetRelation(leftOperand, rightOperand, Relation.Overlap);
						if (potentialRelation.Elements[3].Notion == DefaultNotions.EqualityOperator && potentialRelation.Elements[4].Notion != DefaultNotions.EmptySet)
							return new SetRelation(leftOperand, rightOperand, Relation.Overlap);

					//TODO: search for more possible (but less likely) ways of denoting a set relation, such as {∅, =, set, ∩, set }
			return null;
Beispiel #4
		private static CompositeName ToScriptPersistentTreeNode(char[] chars, IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Script>> scripts)
			Contract.Requires(chars != null);
			Contract.Requires(scripts != null);
			Contract.Requires(scripts.Count() == chars.Length);

			var scriptPositions = scripts.Select(s => new RelativeScriptPosition(s));

			var scriptForms = Enumerable.Zip(chars, scriptPositions, ToAtomicName).ToReadOnlyList();
			//var scriptNameInstances = scriptForms.Select(charForm => (Name)charForm.ResultingType).ToList<NameInstance>();
			//var scriptsNameInstances = Enumerable.Zip(chars, scriptPositions, (c, p) => new AtomicName(c, p)).ToReadOnlyList();
			//var scriptsForms = scriptsNameInstances.Select(scriptNameInstance => new ElementaryForm<NameInstance>(scriptNameInstance));
			//var scriptForms = scriptsNameInstances.Select(scriptNameInstance => scriptNameInstance.Notation);

			var cni = new CompositeName(scriptForms, new LinearPosition(0), dummyNotion);

			//var result = new ScriptNotation<NameInstance>(scriptNameInstances, scriptPositions, cni, 0);

			//cni.Notation = result;
			//return result;
			return cni;
Beispiel #5
		//internal static Name eAcute = ToScriptDiacritic('é');

		private static Name encapsulate(Name form)
			var result = new CompositeName(form.ToSingletonReadOnlyList(), form.ResultingDomain.Position, dummyNotion);
			return result;
Beispiel #6
 public ImportDefinition(CompositeName @namespace)
     Namespace = @namespace;
Beispiel #7
 public void Set(CompositeName name)
     this.compositeName = name;