Beispiel #1
 public ScriptCompilationException(string scriptPath, CompilerException e)
     : base(e.Message, e)
     _scriptPath = scriptPath;
     _errors     = e.Data["Errors"] as List <string> ?? new List <string>();
     _warnings   = e.Data["Warnings"] as List <string> ?? new List <string>();
Beispiel #2
        public void AddError(CompilerException ex)
            if (null == ex.Location)
                ex.Location = CurrentLocation;

            if (null != ex.Location)
                ex.Location.SourceFile = SourceFile;



            if (null != ex.Location)
                Trace("{0}: {1}", ex.Location, ex.Message);
                Trace("{0}", ex.Message);
        private void CreateImplicitFolders(FrontendCompiler context, List <FileSystemResource> implicitPaths)
            implicitPaths.Sort((x, y) => x.Path.CompareTo(y.Path));

            foreach (FileSystemResource r in implicitPaths)
                string path         = String.Empty;
                Folder parentFolder = null;

                string[] splitPath = r.Path.Split(FileSystemResourceManager.DirectorySplitChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < splitPath.Length - 1; ++i)
                    Folder   folder = null;
                    Resource found  = null;

                    path = IO.Path.Combine(path, splitPath[i]) + "\\";
                    if (path.EndsWith(":\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        PackageItem item;
                        if (context.TryGetItemById(path.Substring(0, path.Length - 2), out item))
                            folder = (Folder)item;
                    else if (this.resolvedPaths.TryGetValue(path, out found))
                        folder = found as Folder;
                        if (folder == null)
                            CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Failed to resolve path to Folder. The path: '{0}' should resolve to a Folder instead of: '{1}'.", path, found);
                        else if (folder.ParentFolder != parentFolder)
                            CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Found Folder.ParentFolder does not match expected parent Folder. Ensure path: '{0}' is correctly rooted to Folder/@Id='{1}'.", path, folder.Id);
                    else // need to create the implicit folder.
                        folder       = new Folder();
                        folder.Group = r.Group;
                        folder.Name  = splitPath[i];
                        context.AddItem(r.LineNumber, folder);

                        // Since the folder was just created, we need to jump start its "resolving" since all
                        // of the other resources have already started resolve.
                        this.ResolvePath(context, folder);

                    parentFolder = folder;

                if (r.ParentFolder != parentFolder)
        internal void VerifyResolvedConsistency()
            if (this.Deleted)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Item was deleted.");

            if (this.Parent != null && this.Parent.Deleted)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Parent was deleted.");

            if (this.Group != null && this.Group.Deleted)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Group was deleted.");

            if (!this.resolved)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Item was not resolved.");

            if (this.resolving)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Item was still resolving.");

            if (!this.resolvedGroup)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Item did not resolve its group.");

Beispiel #5
        protected override void OnVerifyResolvedConsistency()

            if (this.ParentFolder != null && this.ParentFolder.Deleted)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: File system ParentFolder was deleted.");
        public static DataphorFault ExceptionToFault(DataphorException exception)
            DataphorFault fault = new DataphorFault();

            fault.ExceptionClassName = exception.GetType().Name;
            fault.Code          = exception.Code;
            fault.Severity      = exception.Severity;
            fault.Message       = exception.Message;
            fault.Details       = exception.Details;
            fault.ServerContext = exception.ServerContext;
            if (exception.InnerException != null)
                fault.InnerFault = ExceptionToFault(exception.InnerException);

                        #if !SILVERLIGHT
            // Under Silverlight, a ConnectionException will come back as a DataphorException
            // The statement is still present in the Details.
            ConnectionException connectionException = exception as ConnectionException;
            if (connectionException != null)
                fault.Statement = connectionException.Statement;

            SyntaxException syntaxException = exception as SyntaxException;
            if (syntaxException != null)
                fault.Locator   = syntaxException.Locator;
                fault.Line      = syntaxException.Line;
                fault.LinePos   = syntaxException.LinePos;
                fault.Token     = syntaxException.Token;
                fault.TokenType = syntaxException.TokenType;

            CompilerException compilerException = exception as CompilerException;
            if (compilerException != null)
                fault.Locator    = compilerException.Locator;
                fault.Line       = compilerException.Line;
                fault.LinePos    = compilerException.LinePos;
                fault.ErrorLevel = compilerException.ErrorLevel;

            RuntimeException runtimeException = exception as RuntimeException;
            if (runtimeException != null)
                fault.Locator = runtimeException.Locator;
                fault.Line    = runtimeException.Line;
                fault.LinePos = runtimeException.LinePos;
                fault.Context = runtimeException.Context;

Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Format and write a <see cref="CompilerException"/>
 /// </summary>
 private async Task WriteCompilerException(CompilerException ex)
     var message = Formatter switch
         LogFormatter.MSBuild => $"{ReservedWords.CompilerName} : fatal error BOP{ex.ErrorCode}: {ex.Message}",
         LogFormatter.Structured => $"[{DateTime.Now}][Compiler][Error] {ex.Message}",
         LogFormatter.JSON => $@"{{""Message"": ""{ex.Message}""}}",
         _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
     await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #8
 internal void SetPath(string path)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path))
         this.Path = path;
         CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Path was already set on the Resource. Resource.SetPath() cannot be called when the Path has already been set. Attempting to overwrite path: '{0}' with path: '{1}'", this.Path, path);
Beispiel #9
        protected override void OnVerifyResolvedConsistency()

            foreach (PackageItem item in this.Items)
                if (item.Deleted)
                    CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Internal resolved consistency violation: Item contained in Group was deleted.");
 public void Print(CompilerException e)
     if (e.Node != null)
                    GetLine(e.Node.LineNumber - 1));
         Console.WriteLine($"\nAn error was detected:\n{e.Message}");
Beispiel #11
    static void ReportCompilerError(CompilerException e)
        CompilerErrorCollection errors = (CompilerErrorCollection)e.Data["Errors"];

        foreach (CompilerError err in errors)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}({1},{2}): {3} {4}: {5}",
                              err.IsWarning ? "warning" : "error",
Beispiel #12
        public void ShowError(Exception ex)
                string errorText = string.Empty;
                string callStack = string.Empty;

                CompilerException cex = ex as CompilerException;

                if (cex != null)
                    foreach (CompilerError error in cex.Results.Errors)
                        errorText += "Error Found in " + cex.Template.Header.FullFileName + " on line " +
                                     cex.Template.TemplateLineFromErrorLine(error.Line) +
                                     Environment.NewLine + error.ErrorText + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                    Exception rootCause = ex;

                    while (rootCause.InnerException != null)
                        if (rootCause.Equals(ex.InnerException))

                        rootCause = ex.InnerException;

                    errorText = rootCause.Message;

                this.splitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = false;
                this.pictureBoxError.Image          = Resource.error;
                this.textBoxError.Text  = errorText;
                this.textBoxError.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                this.textBoxError.Text += ex.StackTrace;
            catch (Exception exx)
        private Folder GetDefaultRoot(FrontendCompiler context)
            PackageItem item;

            if (!context.TryGetItemById(this.defaultFolderId, out item))
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Failed to locate default root folder with Id: '{0}'.", this.defaultFolderId);

            Folder folder = item as Folder;

            if (folder == null)
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Unexpected default root item type. Ensure Id: '{0}' resolves to a Folder instead of a: '{1}'.", this.defaultFolderId, item);

Beispiel #14
        private void HandleCompilerErrors(CompilerException ex, ScriptCompilerLogger logger)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine($"Text: \"{ex.Text}\"");
            sb.AppendLine("Line: " + ex.Line);
            sb.AppendLine("Column: " + ex.Column);
            var _ = MetroMessageBox.Show("Compilation Failed", sb.ToString(), MetroMessageBox.MessageBoxButtons.Ok);

            if (txtScript.TextArea.Focus())
                txtScript.TextArea.Caret.Offset = txtScript.Document.GetOffset(ex.Line, ex.Column);
Beispiel #15
        private OutputDescription CompileInputDescriptionJson(string jsonInput,
                                                              CompileErrorHandling errorHandling = CompileErrorHandling.ThrowOnError,
                                                              Dictionary <string, string> soliditySourceFileContent = null)
            // Wrap the resolver object in a using to avoid it from being garbage collected during the
            // execution of the native solc compile function.
            using (var sourceResolver = new SourceFileResolver(_solSourceRoot, soliditySourceFileContent))
                var res    = _native.Compile(jsonInput, sourceResolver.ReadFileDelegate);
                var output = OutputDescription.FromJsonString(res);

                var compilerException = CompilerException.GetCompilerExceptions(output.Errors, errorHandling);
                if (compilerException != null)
                    throw compilerException;
        private void ReparentFolderChildren(FrontendCompiler context, Folder deleteFolder, Folder replacementFolder)
            Debug.Assert(replacementFolder != deleteFolder);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deleteFolder.Path) && !deleteFolder.Path.Equals(replacementFolder.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Reparenting to folder with different path. That should not be possible.");

            foreach (FileSystemResource child in new List <FileSystemResource>(deleteFolder.Items))
            Debug.Assert(deleteFolder.Items.Count == 0);

            if (deleteFolder.ParentFolder != null)

Beispiel #17
        internal void ReparentFolder(Folder newParentFolder)
            // Ensure this new parent folder will not change our path if we already calculated it.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Path) && !this.Path.StartsWith(newParentFolder.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Reparenting folder would change already calculated path. That is not allowed.");

            // If the parent was the parent folder, update the parent to point to the replacement folder.
            if (this.Parent == this.ParentFolder)
                this.Parent = newParentFolder;

            if (this.ParentFolder != null)

            this.ParentFolder = newParentFolder;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TemplateException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="templateName">Template that failed compilation.</param>
 /// <param name="err">Exception thrown by the compiler.</param>
 public TemplateException(string templateName, CompilerException err) : base(string.Empty, err)
     _err = err;
     _templateName = templateName;
 public void Add(CompilerException e)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TemplateException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="templateName">Template that failed compilation.</param>
 /// <param name="err">Exception thrown by the compiler.</param>
 public TemplateException(string templateName, CompilerException err) : base(string.Empty, err)
     _err          = err;
     _templateName = templateName;
        private string ResolvePath(FrontendCompiler context, FileSystemResource r)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Path))
                // If there is a parent folder resolve it's path.
                string parentPath = String.Empty;
                if (r.ParentFolder != null)
                    parentPath = ResolvePath(context, r.ParentFolder); // recurse.

                string path = IO.Path.Combine(parentPath, r.ParentRelativePathFromName ?? String.Empty, r.Name ?? String.Empty);
                Debug.Assert((r is Folder && path.EndsWith("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) || (r is File && !path.EndsWith("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)));


            // If in the process of calculating this resource's path we reparented the folder (which deletes the
            // resource) then don't check for a conflicting resource because this resource would lose anyway.
            if (!r.Deleted)
                Resource conflictingResource;
                if (this.resolvedPaths.TryGetValue(r.Path, out conflictingResource))
                    if (conflictingResource == r)
                        // We found ourself so don't do anything.
                    else if (conflictingResource is Folder && r is Folder) // folders are special because the can be implicitly created.
                        // If our resource has an id that makes it a better candidate for the path.
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Id))
                            // The conflicting resource cannot also have an Id or the backend compiler will be all confusimicated.
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conflictingResource.Id))
                                // TODO: change this to an error message instead of an internal compiler error.
                                CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Two named folders refer to the same path. That is not supported.");

                            this.ReparentFolderChildren(context, (Folder)conflictingResource, (Folder)r);

                            this.resolvedPaths[r.Path] = r; // this resource now owns the path.
                        else // the conflicting resource either has an Id or was here first so it's a better parent.
                            this.ReparentFolderChildren(context, (Folder)r, (Folder)conflictingResource);
                        // TODO: change this to an error message instead of an internal compiler error.
                        CompilerException.ThrowInternalError("Two files or a file and a folder ended up with the same path. That is not allowed.");
                else // no one owns this path yet so take it over.
                    Debug.Assert(r != r.ParentFolder);
                    this.resolvedPaths.Add(r.Path, r);
