Beispiel #1
        public void Compile(CompileMethod method)

                _method = method;

                if (_compileThread == null || !_compileThread.IsAlive)
                    if (_pane == null)
                        _pane = Shell.CreateOutputPane(_paneGuid, Constants.CompileOutputPaneTitle);

                    if (_pane != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine(string.Concat("Exception when starting compile:\r\n", ex));
Beispiel #2
        public EPCompiled ReflectiveCompileFireAndForget(
            string epl,
            Configuration configuration,
            EPCompilerPathable optionalPathable)
            CompileMethod method = (
                args) => _compileFireAndForget.Invoke(compiler, new[] { epl, args });

            return(CompileInternal(method, configuration, optionalPathable));
Beispiel #3
        public EPCompiled ReflectiveCompile(
            Module module,
            Configuration configuration,
            EPCompilerPathable optionalPathable)
            CompileMethod method = (
                args) => _compileModuleObject.Invoke(compiler, new[] { module, args });

            return(CompileInternal(method, configuration, optionalPathable));
Beispiel #4
        private EPCompiled CompileInternal(
            CompileMethod compileMethod,
            Configuration configuration,
            EPCompilerPathable optionalPathable)
            object compiler = GetCompiler();

            // Same as: CompilerArguments args = new CompilerArguments(configuration);
            object compilerArguments;

            try {
                compilerArguments = _compilerArgsCtor.Invoke(new object[] { configuration });
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new EPException("Failed to instantiate compiler arguments: " + ex.Message, ex);

            // Same as: CompilerPath path = args.getPath()
            object path;

            try {
                path = _compilerArgsGetPath.Invoke(compilerArguments, new object[0]);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new EPException("Failed to instantiate compiler arguments: " + ex.Message, ex);

            // Same as: path.add(runtime.getRuntimePath());
            if (optionalPathable != null)
                try {
                    _compilerPathAdd.Invoke(path, new object[] { optionalPathable });
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new EPException("Failed to invoke add-method of compiler path: " + ex.Message, ex);

            try {
                return((EPCompiled)compileMethod.Invoke(compiler, compilerArguments));
            catch (TargetException ex) {
                throw new EPException("Failed to compile: " + ex.InnerException.Message, ex.InnerException);
            catch (TargetInvocationException ex) {
                throw new EPException("Failed to compile: " + ex.InnerException.Message, ex.InnerException);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new EPException("Failed to invoke compile method of compiler: " + ex.Message, ex);
Beispiel #5
        private void CompileNextMethodHeader(LexList theLexList, bool overwriteAllowed, List <CompileMethod> currentListOfMethods)
            CompileMethod cm = DoOneMethod(theLexList);

            AddMethodToDictionary(cm, overwriteAllowed);
            if (cm.MethodName != "FieldsInitialiser")
                MostRecentNameAdded = cm.MethodName;
            if (MadeFieldsDict.ContainsKey(cm.MethodName))
                theLexList.ThrowException("This method name already used for a field.");
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     获取属性
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override SyntaxNode VisitPropertyDeclaration(PropertyDeclarationSyntax node)
            var attributeLists = GetCompileAttributeList(node.AttributeLists);

            // accessor 就是获取 Set get

            ICompileMethod get = null;
            ICompileMethod set = null;

            if (node.AccessorList != null)
                foreach (var temp in node.AccessorList.Accessors)
                    if (temp.Keyword.Text == "get")
                        get = new CompileMethod(GetCompileAttributeList(temp.AttributeLists), "get");
                    else if (temp.Keyword.Text == "set")
                        set = new CompileMethod(GetCompileAttributeList(temp.AttributeLists), "set");

            var compileProperty = new CompileProperty(node.Type.ToString(), attributeLists, node.Identifier.ToString())
                SetMethod = set,
                GetMethod = get

            foreach (var temp in node.Modifiers)
                compileProperty.MemberModifiers |= SyntaxKindToMemberModifiers(temp.Kind());

            var type = _lastType;


Beispiel #7
        // Each method declaration starts with a 'private' or a 'public' and then continues as per a method processed in MakeMethod.cs
        private CompileMethod DoOneMethod(LexList theLexList)
            BindingFlags vis = BindingFlags.Public;

            if (theLexList.Str == "public")
                vis = BindingFlags.Public;
            else if (theLexList.Str == "private")
                vis = BindingFlags.NonPublic;
                theLexList.ThrowException("Expected this method to be marked either public or private.");
            CompileMethod cm = new CompileMethod(Parser, theLexList, ClassType, vis);

            theLexList.CheckStrAndAdvance("}", "Expected a closing } at the end of the method.");
Beispiel #8
        private void AddMethodToDictionary(CompileMethod cm, bool overwriteAllowed)
            CompileMethod existing = null;

            if (CompileMethodsDict.TryGetValue(cm.MethodName, out existing))
                if (!overwriteAllowed)
                    InputList.ThrowException("The method '" + cm.MethodName + "' already exists.");
                if (cm.MethodName != DoExpressionName && existing.MethodDelegateType != cm.MethodDelegateType)
                    InputList.ThrowException("Trying to replace the method '" + cm.MethodName + "', however its signature does not exactly match the existing method.");
                cm.Index = existing.Index;
                cm.Index = CompileMethodsDict.Count;
            CompileMethodsDict[cm.MethodName] = cm;
Beispiel #9
    public RegAlloc(
        DafnySpec dafnySpec,
        CompileMethod compileMethod,
        List <string> inVars,
        List <string> outVars,
        List <Formal> inIntList,
        List <Formal> outIntList,
        List <Formal> inPtrList,
        List <Formal> outPtrList,
        Dictionary <string, RtlVar> allVars,
        List <RtlStmt> stmts) :
        base(inVars, outVars, stmts)
        this.dafnySpec     = dafnySpec;
        this.compileMethod = compileMethod;

        IPSize  = ((DafnyCC)dafnySpec).IPSize;
        IPWords = IPSize / 4;

        if (compileMethod.dafnycc.useFramePointer)
            regs = new List <string>(new string[] { "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESI", "EDI" });
            regs = new List <string>(new string[] { "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESI", "EDI", "EBP" });
        initAssign = new List <string>(new string[regs.Count]);
        retAssign  = new List <string>(new string[regs.Count]);
        for (int i = 0; i < inIntList.Count; i++)
            inInts.Add(compileMethod.GhostVar(inIntList[i].Name), 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < outIntList.Count; i++)
            outInts.Add(compileMethod.GhostVar(outIntList[i].Name), 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < inPtrList.Count; i++)
            string x = compileMethod.GhostVar(inPtrList[i].Name);
            inPtrs.Add(x, 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < outPtrList.Count; i++)
            string x = compileMethod.GhostVar(outPtrList[i].Name);
            outPtrs.Add(x, 4 * i);
        allVars.ToList().ForEach(p => varTypes.Add(p.Key, p.Value.type));

        /* for now, just use the stack for simplicity
         * if (inVars.Count >= 1)
         * {
         *  initAssign[regs.IndexOf("ECX")] = inVars[0];
         * }
         * if (inVars.Count >= 2)
         * {
         *  initAssign[regs.IndexOf("EDX")] = inVars[1];
         * }
         * if (inVars.Count >= 3)
         * {
         *  initAssign[regs.IndexOf("EBX")] = inVars[2];
         * }
         * if (inVars.Count >= 4)
         * {
         *  throw new Exception("not implemented: more than two arguments");
         * }
         * if (outVars.Count >= 1)
         * {
         *  retAssign[regs.IndexOf("EAX")] = outVars[0];
         * }
         * if (outVars.Count >= 2)
         * {
         *  retAssign[regs.IndexOf("ESI")] = outVars[1];
         * }
         * if (outVars.Count >= 3)
         * {
         *  throw new Exception("not implemented: more than two return values");
         * }
Beispiel #10
    public List <RtlStmt> Alloc()
        assigned = new List <List <string> >(new List <string> [stmts.Count]);
        Func <int, string>    slotMem  = offset => "[r.regs[ESP] + " + offset + "]";
        Func <RtlExp, string> spillLoc = e => "EvalPtr(r, " + e.AsOperand() + ")";
        Func <RtlExp, string> spillMem = e => "[" + spillLoc(e) + "]";
        Stack <int>           workList = new Stack <int>();

        List <RtlStmt>          newStmts = new List <RtlStmt>();
        Action <string, string> move     = (string dest, string src) =>
            if (dest != src)
                newStmts.Add(new RtlInst("instr_Mov", new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(dest, false) },
                                         new RtlVar[0], new RtlExp[] { new RtlVar(src, false) }, false)
                             .WithComment("regalloc_move:: " + dest + " := " + src));
        Action <string, RtlExp, string> sLoad = (string dest, RtlExp src, string var) =>
            int dbgTag = debugTag++;
            Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad: dest = " + dest + " " + dbgTag);
            newStmts.Add(new RtlStmtComputed((inst =>
                var eDst = inst.args[0].e;
                string opPtr = inst.args[1].e.AsOperand();
                string ptr = "EvalPtr(r, " + opPtr + ")";
                        ? "call r, mems := heapLoadStack(r, core_state, stk, statics, io, mems, "
                       + "$commonVars, $gcVars, $absMem, $toAbs, $stacksFrames, objLayouts, "
                       + eDst + ", " + opPtr + ", " + ptr + ");"
                       + Environment.NewLine
                       + "    " + var + "__abs := frameGet($stacksFrames, " + ptr + ");"
                        : "call r := logical_Load(r, core_state, stk, " + eDst + ", " + opPtr + ");");
                                             new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(true, false, new RtlVar(dest, false)),
                                                            new RtlArg(true, false, src) }, false)
                         .WithComment(() => "regalloc_stack_load:: " + dest + " := " + src + "  // var = " + var + " " + dbgTag));
        Action <RtlExp, string, string> sStore = (RtlExp dest, string src, string var) =>
            newStmts.Add(new RtlStmtComputed((inst =>
                string opPtr = inst.args[0].e.AsOperand();
                string opVal = inst.args[1].e.AsOperand();
                string ptr = "EvalPtr(r, " + opPtr + ")";
                string val = "Eval(r, " + opVal + ")";
                        ? "call mems, $stacksFrames := "
                       + "heapStoreStack(r, core_state, stk, statics, io, mems, "
                       + "$commonVars, $gcVars, $absMem, $toAbs, $stacksFrames, objLayouts, "
                       + opPtr + ", " + opVal + ", " + ptr + ", " + var + "__abs);"
                        : "call stk := logical_Store(r, core_state, stk, " + opPtr + ", " + opVal + ");");
                                             new RtlArg[] { new RtlArg(true, false, dest),
                                                            new RtlArg(true, false, new RtlVar(src, false)) }, false)
                         .WithComment(() => "regalloc_stack_store:: " + dest + " := " + src + "  // var = " + var));

        while (workList.Count > 0)
            int     i    = workList.Pop();
            RtlStmt stmt = stmts[i];
            stmt.Uses().ForEach(x =>
                                preds[i].ForEach(p =>
                                                 { if (!defVars[p].Contains(x))
                                                       throw new Exception(
                                                           "variable " + x + " is used before it is assigned");
            Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ": " + stmt);
            List <string> vars       = stmt.Vars();
            List <string> assignment = new List <string>((i == 0) ? initAssign :
                                                         preds[i].ConvertAll(p => assigned[p]).Find(a => a != null));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  " + String.Join(", ", assignment));
            RtlInst inst = stmt as RtlInst;
            List <Tuple <string, string> > pinVars = (inst == null) ? new List <Tuple <string, string> >() :
                                                     inst.args.Where(arg => arg.pinReg != null && arg.e is RtlVar)
                                                     .Select(arg => Tuple.Create(((RtlVar)arg.e).x, arg.pinReg)).ToList();
            for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                string rx = assignment[r];
                if (rx != null && !liveVars[i].ContainsKey(rx))
                    assignment[r] = null;

                if (pinVars.Exists(p => p.Item1 == rx))
                    assignment[r] = null;

                foreach (var p in pinVars)
                    if (p.Item2 == regs[r])
                        assignment[r] = p.Item1;
            if (stmt is RtlCall)
                RtlCall call = (RtlCall)stmt;
                if (!call.ghost)
                    for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                        assignment[r] = null;

                     * Func<RtlExp, bool> shouldSkip = (RtlExp e) => ((e is RtlVar) && ((RtlVar)e).isGhost);
                     * int[] outsToReg = new int[2] { regs.IndexOf("EAX"), regs.IndexOf("ESI") };
                     * int[] argsToReg = new int[3] { regs.IndexOf("ECX"), regs.IndexOf("EDX"), regs.IndexOf("EBX") };
                     * for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                     * {
                     *  string rx = assignment[r];
                     *  if (rx != null && (call.outs.Where(v => v.ToString() == rx).Count() != 0 || call.args.Where(v => v.ToString() == rx).Count() != 0))
                     *  {
                     *      assignment[r] = null;
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++)
                     * {
                     *  if (call.outs.Count >= idx + 1 && !shouldSkip(call.outs[idx]))
                     *  {
                     *      int r = outsToReg[idx];
                     *      string rx = assignment[r];
                     *      if (rx != null)
                     *      {
                     *          sStore(Spill(rx), regs[r]);
                     *      }
                     *      assignment[r] = call.outs[idx].ToString();
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)
                     * {
                     *  if (call.args.Count >= idx + 1 && !shouldSkip(call.args[idx]))
                     *  {
                     *      int r = argsToReg[idx];
                     *      string rx = assignment[r];
                     *      if (rx != null)
                     *      {
                     *          sStore(Spill(rx), regs[r]);
                     *      }
                     *      assignment[r] = call.args[idx].ToString();
                     *  }
                     * }
            else if (stmt is RtlReturn)
                for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                    assignment[r] = null;
            else if (inst == null || !inst.ghost)
                foreach (string x in vars)
                    Tuple <int, int> bestEvict = null;
                    for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                        var rx = assignment[r];
                        if (rx == x)
                            goto done;
                        if (!vars.Contains(rx))
                            int thisEvict = (rx == null) ? Int32.MaxValue : liveVars[i][rx];
                            if (bestEvict == null || thisEvict > bestEvict.Item2)
                                bestEvict = Tuple.Create(r, thisEvict);
                    string ex = assignment[bestEvict.Item1];
                    if (ex != null)
                    assignment[bestEvict.Item1] = x;
                    done : {}
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  vars =  " + String.Join(", ", vars));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  preds = " + String.Join(", ", preds[i]));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  succs = " + String.Join(", ", succs[i]));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  live =  " + String.Join(", ", liveVars[i].Keys.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, liveVars[i][x]))));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  assign: " + String.Join(", ", assignment));
            assigned[i] = assignment;
            succs[i].Where(s => assigned[s] == null).ToList().ForEach(workList.Push);
        for (int i = 0; i < stmts.Count; i++)
            RtlJump jump = stmts[i] as RtlJump;
            if (jump != null && jump.cond != null)
                List <string> assignment1 = assigned[i];
                List <string> assignment2 = assigned[labels[jump.label]];
                List <string> condVars    = jump.cond.Vars();
                for (int r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                    string x1 = assignment1[r];
                    string x2 = assignment2[r];
                    if (x1 != null && x2 != null && condVars.Contains(x1) && x1 != x2)
                        assignment2[r] = null;

        Action <List <string>, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, int>, Dictionary <string, string> > transition =
            (List <string> assignment2, Dictionary <string, int> live, Dictionary <string, int> liveAlt, Dictionary <string, string> varToReg) =>
            Util.DebugWriteLine("start transition");

            varToReg.Keys.Where(x => x != null && !live.ContainsKey(x) && !liveAlt.ContainsKey(x)).ToList()
            .ForEach(x => varToReg.Remove(x));

            bool done;
                done = true;
                for (int rx = 0; rx < regs.Count; rx++)
                    string x   = assignment2[rx];
                    string reg = regs[rx];
                    if (x != null && varToReg.ContainsKey(x) && varToReg[x] != reg &&
                        Util.DebugWriteLine("move " + x + ": " + regs[rx] + " <- " + varToReg[x]);
                        move(regs[rx], varToReg[x]);
                        varToReg[x] = reg;
                        done        = false;
            } while (!done);

            List <string> toSpill = new List <string>();
            foreach (var current in varToReg)
                string x  = current.Key;
                int    rx = regs.IndexOf(current.Value);
                Util.DebugWriteLine("current = " + x + " -> " + regs[rx]);
                Util.DebugWriteLine("assign  = " + assignment2[rx] + " -> " + regs[rx]);
                if (assignment2[rx] != x && (live.ContainsKey(x) || liveAlt.ContainsKey(x)))
                    Util.DebugWriteLine("spilling " + x + " from " + regs[rx]);
                    sStore(Spill(x), regs[rx], x);
            toSpill.ForEach(x => varToReg.Remove(x));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("live   = " + String.Join(", ", live));

            for (int rx = 0; rx < regs.Count; rx++)
                string x = assignment2[rx];
                if (x != null && live.ContainsKey(x))
                    Util.DebugWriteLine("assign  = " + x + " -> " + regs[rx]);
                    if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x))
                        Util.Assert(varToReg[x] == regs[rx]);
                        Util.DebugWriteLine("loading  " + x + " to   " + regs[rx]);
                        sLoad(regs[rx], Spill(x), x);
                        Util.DebugWriteLine("loaded   " + x + " to   " + regs[rx]);
                        varToReg.Add(x, regs[rx]);

        Util.DebugWriteLine("spilled: " + String.Join(", ", spillInts.Keys));

        Action <string> DebugWriteLine = s =>

        if (stmts.Count > 0)
            transition(assigned[0], liveVars[0], liveVars[0], new Dictionary <string, string>());
        for (int i = 0; i < stmts.Count; i++)
            List <string> assignment             = assigned[i];
            RtlStmt       stmt                   = stmts[i];
            List <string> vars                   = stmt.Vars();
            List <string> uses                   = stmt.Uses();
            Dictionary <string, string> varToReg = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ":  " + stmt);
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  assignment: " + String.Join(", ", assignment));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  vars:" + String.Join(", ", vars));
            Util.DebugWriteLine("  uses:" + String.Join(", ", uses));
            DebugWriteLine(i + ":  " + stmt.GetType() + ": " + stmt);
            DebugWriteLine("  vars =  " + String.Join(", ", vars));
            DebugWriteLine("  uses =  " + String.Join(", ", uses));
            DebugWriteLine("  preds = " + String.Join(", ", preds[i]));
            DebugWriteLine("  succs = " + String.Join(", ", succs[i]));
            DebugWriteLine("  live =  " + String.Join(", ", liveVars[i].Keys.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, liveVars[i][x]))));
            DebugWriteLine("  defs =  " + String.Join(", ", defVars[i]));
            DebugWriteLine("  assign: " + String.Join(", ", assignment));
            Action <int, int> transitionTarget = (int target, int altTarget) =>
                Util.DebugWriteLine("transition from " + i + " to " + target);
                transition(assigned[target], liveVars[target], liveVars[altTarget], varToReg);

            int r;
            for (r = 0; r < regs.Count; r++)
                string x = assignment[r];
                if (x != null)
                    varToReg.Add(x, regs[r]);
            r = 0;
            foreach (string x in vars)
                if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x) || stmt is RtlReturn)
                int rx = assignment.IndexOf(x);
                if (rx < 0)
                    rx = assignment.IndexOf(null, r);
                    Util.Assert(rx >= 0);
                    Util.DebugWriteLine(i + ": MOVE(1): " + x);
                    sLoad(regs[rx], Spill(x), x);
                    r = rx + 1;
                varToReg.Add(x, regs[rx]);

            Util.DebugWriteLine("vars = " + String.Join(", ", vars));
            List <string> defs = stmt.Defs();
            stmt = stmt.Subst(varToReg);
            Dictionary <string, string> regToVar = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            varToReg.ToList().ForEach(p => regToVar.Add(p.Value, p.Key));
            RtlJump      jump  = stmt as RtlJump;
            RtlReturn    ret   = stmt as RtlReturn;
            RtlLabel     label = stmt as RtlLabel;
            RtlCall      call  = stmt as RtlCall;
            RtlCallInOut inOut = stmt as RtlCallInOut;
            if (ret != null)
                Util.DebugWriteLine("RETURN: " + outVars.Count);

                for (int rr = 0; rr < regs.Count; rr++)
                    string rx = assignment[rr];
                    if (rx != null)
                        newStmts.Add(new RtlComment("spill variable " + rx + " from register " + regs[rr]));
                        sStore(Spill(rx), regs[rr], rx);
            if (jump == null)
                List <string> spilledArgs = new List <string>();

                if (inOut != null)
                    string reg    = ((RtlVar)(inOut.args[0].e)).getName();
                    string var    = regToVar[reg];
                    bool   isPtr  = IsPtr(var);
                    int    offset = 4 * inOut.index;
                    RtlExp slot   = new RtlExpComputed(e => isPtr ? StackOMemPtr(offset) : StackOMem(offset));
                    newStmts.Add(new RtlComment(inOut.comment));
                    if (inOut.isRet)
                        if (isPtr)
                            callPtrRets = Math.Max(callPtrRets, inOut.index + 1);
                            callIntRets = Math.Max(callIntRets, inOut.index + 1);

                            newStmts.Add(new RtlInst(null,
                                                     new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(var, true) }, new RtlVar[0],
                                                     new RtlExp[] { new RtlLiteral(
                                                                        CompileMethod.IntToTyped(varTypes[var], slotMem(offset))) },
                        Util.DebugWriteLine("  var = " + var + " live = " + String.Join(",", liveVars[i].Keys) + " live' = " + String.Join(",", liveVars[i + 1].Keys));
                        if (i + 1 >= liveVars.Count || liveVars[i + 1].ContainsKey(var))
                            Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad inOut: " + reg + " " + slot + " " + var);
                            sLoad(reg, slot, var);
                        if (isPtr)
                            callPtrArgs = Math.Max(callPtrArgs, inOut.index + 1);
                            callIntArgs = Math.Max(callIntArgs, inOut.index + 1);
                        sStore(slot, reg, var);

                    defs.Where(x => !IsPtr(x)).ToList()
                    .ForEach(x => newStmts.Add(new RtlInst(null,
                                                           new RtlVar[] { new RtlVar(x, true) }, new RtlVar[0],
                                                           new RtlExp[] { new RtlLiteral(
                                                                              CompileBase.IntToTyped(varTypes[x], Reg(varToReg[x]))) },

                Util.DebugWriteLine("sLoad spilled: " + String.Join(", ", spilledArgs.Select(arg => "(" + varToReg[arg] + " <- " + arg + ")")));
                spilledArgs.ForEach(arg => sLoad(varToReg[arg], Spill(arg), arg));
            if (label != null && label.loop)
                List <RtlExp> typeInvs = new List <RtlExp>();
                newStmts.Add(new RtlComment("loop invariants"));
                foreach (string x in liveVars[i].Keys)
                    if (defVars[i].Contains(x))
                        compileMethod.AddTypeWellFormed(typeInvs, x, false, varTypes[x]);
                        string save_x = x;
                        RtlExp loc    = varToReg.ContainsKey(x) ? new RtlVar(Reg(varToReg[x]), false)
                            : (RtlExp) new RtlExpComputed(e => spillMem(Spill(save_x)));
                        if (IsPtr(x))
                            string absData = "Abs_" + TypeString(varTypes[x]) + "(" + x + ")";
                            if (varToReg.ContainsKey(x))
                                newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlLiteral(
                                                               "HeapAbsData(heap, " + x + "__abs) == " + absData), true));
                                newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e =>
                                                                              "HeapValue(objLayouts, true, $toAbs, " + loc + ", " + save_x + "__abs)"), true));
                                if (IsArray(x))
                                    newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlLiteral(
                                                                   x + "__abs == " + x + ".arrAbs"), true));
                                newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e =>
                                                                              "StackAbsSlot(heap, $stacksFrames, " + spillLoc(Spill(save_x)) + ") == " + absData), true));
                                if (IsArray(x))
                                    newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(new RtlExpComputed(e =>
                                                                                  "frameGet($stacksFrames, " + spillLoc(Spill(save_x)) + ") == " + save_x + ".arrAbs"), true));
                            newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(CompileMethod.IntEqTyped(varTypes[x],
                                                                                new RtlVar(x, false),
                                                                                new RtlExpComputed(e => loc.ToString())), true));
                typeInvs.ForEach(e => newStmts.Add(new RtlAssert(e, true)));

            bool fallThru = (ret == null && i + 1 < stmts.Count && (jump == null || jump.cond != null));
            if (jump != null)
                transitionTarget(labels[jump.label], fallThru ? (i + 1) : labels[jump.label]);
            if (fallThru)
                transitionTarget(i + 1, i + 1);
Beispiel #11
 public bool IsPtr(string x)
Beispiel #12
    public RegAlloc(
        DafnySpec dafnySpec,
        CompileMethod compileMethod,
        List<string> inVars,
        List<string> outVars,
        List<Formal> inIntList,
        List<Formal> outIntList,
        List<Formal> inPtrList,
        List<Formal> outPtrList,
        Dictionary<string,RtlVar> allVars,
        List<RtlStmt> stmts):
        base(inVars, outVars, stmts)
        this.dafnySpec = dafnySpec;
        this.compileMethod = compileMethod;
        IPSize = ((DafnyCC)dafnySpec).IPSize; 
        IPWords = IPSize/4;

        if (compileMethod.dafnycc.useFramePointer)
            regs = new List<string>(new string[] { "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESI", "EDI" });
            regs = new List<string>(new string[] { "EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESI", "EDI", "EBP" });
        initAssign = new List<string>(new string[regs.Count]);
        retAssign = new List<string>(new string[regs.Count]);
        for (int i = 0; i < inIntList.Count; i++)
            inInts.Add(compileMethod.GhostVar(inIntList[i].Name), 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < outIntList.Count; i++)
            outInts.Add(compileMethod.GhostVar(outIntList[i].Name), 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < inPtrList.Count; i++)
            string x = compileMethod.GhostVar(inPtrList[i].Name);
            inPtrs.Add(x, 4 * i);
        for (int i = 0; i < outPtrList.Count; i++)
            string x = compileMethod.GhostVar(outPtrList[i].Name);
            outPtrs.Add(x, 4 * i);
        allVars.ToList().ForEach(p => varTypes.Add(p.Key, p.Value.type));
        /* for now, just use the stack for simplicity
        if (inVars.Count >= 1)
            initAssign[regs.IndexOf("ECX")] = inVars[0];
        if (inVars.Count >= 2)
            initAssign[regs.IndexOf("EDX")] = inVars[1];
        if (inVars.Count >= 3)
            initAssign[regs.IndexOf("EBX")] = inVars[2];
        if (inVars.Count >= 4)
            throw new Exception("not implemented: more than two arguments");
        if (outVars.Count >= 1)
            retAssign[regs.IndexOf("EAX")] = outVars[0];
        if (outVars.Count >= 2)
            retAssign[regs.IndexOf("ESI")] = outVars[1];
        if (outVars.Count >= 3)
            throw new Exception("not implemented: more than two return values");