Beispiel #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Input strings from file into string array (.txt file of numbers 1 to 10,000, unordered)
            string[] readFile = File.ReadAllLines("/Users/redahanb/projects/courseraalgorithms_programming2/quicksort.txt");

            // for testing purposes
            //string[] readFile = File.ReadAllLines ("/Users/redahanb/projects/courseraalgorithms_programming2/1000.txt");

            // copy and parse strings into new integer array
            int[] convertedFile = new int[readFile.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < convertedFile.Length; i++)
                convertedFile[i] = int.Parse(readFile[i]);                  // this is the file we work with

            // Testing findMedian function
            //Console.WriteLine (findMedian(new int[]{8,2,4,5,7,1}));

            // Perform QuickSort operation
            int[] sortedarray = QuickSort(convertedFile);

            // testing
            for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++)

            // report back number of comparisons performed during QuickSort
            Console.WriteLine("Comparisons performed: " + ComparisonCounter.reportCount().ToString());
        }         // main function/method
Beispiel #2
        }         // main function/method

        public static int[] QuickSort(int[] input)
            // Randomly select a pivot, P
            int n = input.Length;

            if (n < 2)
                // Set pivot index // 3 options here for each of three different parts of the assignment
                //int pivot = 0; // question 1: pivot is first element
                //int pivot = n-1; // question 2: pivot is last element
                int pivot = findMedian(input);                 // question 3: pivot is median of 1st, last, and middle element

                ///Partitioning the array///
                int divide = 1;                 // integer to keep track of index between the 2 partitions

                // put pivot at index 0 temporarily
                swapEntry(ref input, 0, pivot);

                // Sort the array to have entries less than the pivot to the left, and greater than the pivot to the right
                for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                    if (input[j] < input[0])
                        // swap operation
                        swapEntry(ref input, divide, j);
                ComparisonCounter.incrementCount(n - 1);

                // put the pivot element at the partition, dividing the array IN TWAIN
                swapEntry(ref input, 0, divide - 1);               // divide is the left-most element in the upper partition (> pivot value)

                ///Recursive sorting ///

                // Split the array above and below the pivot
                int[] arrayA = new int[divide - 1];
                int[] arrayB = new int[n - divide];

                Array.Copy(input, 0, arrayA, 0, divide - 1);
                Array.Copy(input, divide, arrayB, 0, n - divide);

                // Recursively call QuickSort() on the arrays on either side of the pivot
                arrayA = QuickSort(arrayA);
//				if(arrayA.Length > 1){
//					ComparisonCounter.incrementCount (arrayA.Length - 1);
//				}

                arrayB = QuickSort(arrayB);
//				if(arrayB.Length > 1){
//					ComparisonCounter.incrementCount (arrayB.Length - 1);
//				}

                // create a return array to return the sorted arrays from the recursive calls, adding in the pivot inbetween
                int[] returnArray = new int[n];
                arrayA.CopyTo(returnArray, 0);
                returnArray [divide - 1] = input [divide - 1];
                arrayB.CopyTo(returnArray, divide);

        }         // QuickSort function