public WorldGenSpawnConditions Clone() { return(new WorldGenSpawnConditions() { Group = Group, MinLightLevel = MinLightLevel, MaxLightLevel = MaxLightLevel, LightLevelType = LightLevelType, HerdSize = HerdSize?.Clone(), Companions = Companions?.Clone() as AssetLocation[], InsideBlockCodes = InsideBlockCodes?.Clone() as AssetLocation[], RequireSolidGround = RequireSolidGround, TryOnlySurface = TryOnlySurface, MinTemp = MinTemp, MaxTemp = MaxTemp, MinRain = MinRain, MaxRain = MaxRain, ClimateValueMode = ClimateValueMode, MinForest = MinForest, MaxForest = MaxForest, MinShrubs = MinShrubs, MaxShrubs = MaxShrubs, MinForestOrShrubs = MinForestOrShrubs, TriesPerChunk = TriesPerChunk?.Clone() }); }
private void RenumberCompanions() { int companionId = 1; bool refreshCompanions = false; foreach (var companion in Companions.OrderBy(x => x.Id)) { if (companion.Id != companionId) { refreshCompanions = true; } companion.Id = companionId; companionId++; } if (refreshCompanions) { listCompanions.Items.Clear(); foreach (var obj in Companions) { var name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Name) ? " - Companion" : " - " + obj.Name; listCompanions.Items.Add(new ListBoxItem { Tag = obj.Id, Content = obj.Id + name }); } } }
public void Recruit() { if (CurrentLocation.Location.PossibleActions?.Contains(Enums.LocationActions.Recruit) == true) { Companions.Add(Characters.Goblin_Swordsman_LeatherArmor()); } }
public static async Task PocceCompanion() { var pocce = Config.PocceList[API.GetRandomIntInRange(0, Config.PocceList.Length)]; var ped = await Companions.SpawnHuman(pocce); API.SetPedAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
public static async Task PetCompanion() { int player = Game.Player.Character.Handle; if (API.IsPedInAnyHeli(player)) { Hud.Notification("Don't spawn that poor pet on a heli"); return; } else if (API.IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) { var vehicle = API.GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false); if (API.GetVehicleDashboardSpeed(vehicle) > 0.1f) { Hud.Notification("Player is in a moving vehicle"); return; } } var ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PetList, 28); Companions.Add(ped); await Peds.Arm(ped, null); API.SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
public static async Task PocceCompanion() { int ped; int player = Game.Player.Character.Handle; if (API.IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false)) { var vehicle = API.GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false); if (Vehicles.GetFreeSeat(vehicle, out int seat)) { var pocce = Config.PocceList[API.GetRandomIntInRange(0, Config.PocceList.Length)]; await Common.RequestModel(pocce); ped = API.CreatePedInsideVehicle(vehicle, 26, pocce, seat, true, false); } else if (API.GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) > 0.1f) { Hud.Notification("Player is in a moving vehicle and there are no free seats"); return; } else { ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PocceList); } } else { ped = await Peds.Spawn(Config.PocceList); } Companions.Add(ped); await Peds.Arm(ped, Config.WeaponList); API.SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
public void RetreatFromBattle() { for (int i = 0; i < Controls.Count; i++) { if (Controls[i].PrisonerUnit.Character.IsMonster == false) { var heroInfo = RaidSceneManager.Raid.RaidParty.HeroInfo.Find(info => info.Hero == Controls[i].PrisonerUnit.Character as Hero); heroInfo.IsAlive = false; heroInfo.DeathRecord = new DeathRecord() { HeroClassIndex = heroInfo.Hero.ClassIndexId, HeroName = heroInfo.Hero.Name, KillerName = Controls[i].ControllUnit.Character.Name, ResolveLevel = heroInfo.Hero.Resolve.Level, Factor = DeathFactor.AttackMonster, }; Controls[i].PrisonerUnit.Formation.DeleteUnit(Controls[i].PrisonerUnit); if (RaidSceneManager.RaidPanel.SelectedUnit == Controls[i].PrisonerUnit) { if ( > 0) {[0].OverlaySlot.UnitSelected(); } } } } Controls.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Captures.Count; i++) { if (Captures[i].PrisonerUnit.Character.IsMonster == false) { var heroInfo = RaidSceneManager.Raid.RaidParty.HeroInfo.Find(info => info.Hero == Captures[i].PrisonerUnit.Character as Hero); heroInfo.IsAlive = false; heroInfo.DeathRecord = new DeathRecord() { HeroClassIndex = heroInfo.Hero.ClassIndexId, HeroName = heroInfo.Hero.Name, KillerName = Captures[i].CaptorUnit.Character.Name, ResolveLevel = heroInfo.Hero.Resolve.Level, Factor = DeathFactor.CaptorMonster, }; Captures[i].PrisonerUnit.Formation.DeleteUnit(Captures[i].PrisonerUnit); if (RaidSceneManager.RaidPanel.SelectedUnit == Captures[i].PrisonerUnit) { if ( > 0) {[0].OverlaySlot.UnitSelected(); } } } } Captures.Clear(); Companions.Clear(); FinishBattle(); Round.HeroAction = HeroTurnAction.Retreat; }
public override int GetHashCode() { int num = 1; if (AccountData) { num ^= AccountData.GetHashCode(); } if (Occupation) { num ^= Occupation.GetHashCode(); } if (HeroData) { num ^= HeroData.GetHashCode(); } if (Decks) { num ^= Decks.GetHashCode(); } if (Companions) { num ^= Companions.GetHashCode(); } if (Weapons) { num ^= Weapons.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { num ^= ((object)_unknownFields).GetHashCode(); } return(num); }
private void NewCompanion() { var newCompanion = new Companion(); newCompanion.Id = 1; if (Companions.Any()) { newCompanion.Id = Companions.Max(x => x.Id) + 1; } Companions.Add(newCompanion); _currentCompanion = newCompanion; var newCompanionListItem = new ListBoxItem { Tag = newCompanion.Id, Content = newCompanion.Id + " - Companion" }; listCompanions.Items.Add(newCompanionListItem); foreach (ListBoxItem item in listCompanions.Items) { var tag = (int)item.Tag; if (tag == newCompanion.Id) { listCompanions.SelectedItem = item; } } LoadCompanion(); SaveCompanions(); }
public static async Task PetCompanion() { var pet = Config.PetList[API.GetRandomIntInRange(0, Config.PetList.Length)]; var ped = await Companions.SpawnNonhuman(pet); API.SetPedAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a deep copy of this set of spawn conditions. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RuntimeSpawnConditions Clone() { return(new RuntimeSpawnConditions() { Group = Group, MinLightLevel = MinLightLevel, MaxLightLevel = MaxLightLevel, LightLevelType = LightLevelType, HerdSize = HerdSize?.Clone(), Companions = Companions?.Clone() as AssetLocation[], InsideBlockCodes = InsideBlockCodes?.Clone() as AssetLocation[], RequireSolidGround = RequireSolidGround, TryOnlySurface = TryOnlySurface, MinTemp = MinTemp, MaxTemp = MaxTemp, MinRain = MinRain, MaxRain = MaxRain, MinForest = MinForest, MaxForest = MaxForest, MinShrubs = MinShrubs, MaxShrubs = MaxShrubs, ClimateValueMode = ClimateValueMode, MinForestOrShrubs = MinForestOrShrubs, Chance = Chance, MaxQuantity = MaxQuantity, MinDistanceToPlayer = MinDistanceToPlayer }); }
private void Build() { OrbitNum = ComOrbit(); if (NumOrbits > (OrbitNum / 2)) { NumOrbits = OrbitNum / 2; } if (OrbitNum == 0) { Orbits[0].OrbitalType = Orbit.OrbitType.UNAVAILABLE; } if (OrbitNum == FAR_ORBIT) { Range = Common.d6() * 1000; SysNat = StarSystem.Nature(true); if (SysNat == StarSystem.SystemType.BINARY) { NumCompanions = 1; Companions.Add(new CompanionStar(_configuration)); AvaialbleOribits(0); } } }
protected IFighter GetFighter(double fighterId) { return(Monsters.Find(x => x.Id == fighterId) != null ? Monsters.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == fighterId) : (Companions.Find(x => x.Id == fighterId) != null ? Companions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == fighterId) : Fighters.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == fighterId))); }
public CompanionState(Companions companion, string greeting, int[] talkIndex, string lastReply, int numberOfChanges, DateTime lastChangeTime) { Companion = companion; Greeting = greeting; TalkIndex = talkIndex; LastReply = lastReply; NumberOfChanges = numberOfChanges; LastChangeTime = lastChangeTime; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the companion list /// </summary> /// <returns>A tuple containing lists of all companion data</returns> public async Task <(List <XivMinion> MinionList, List <XivMount> MountList, List <XivPet> PetList, List <XivMount> OrnamentList)> GetCompanionList() { var companions = new Companions(_gameDirectory, GetLanguage()); if (GetLanguage() == XivLanguage.Chinese) { return(await companions.GetMinionList(), await companions.GetMountList(), await companions.GetPetList(), new List <XivMount>()); } return(await companions.GetMinionList(), await companions.GetMountList(), await companions.GetPetList(), await companions.GetOrnamentList()); }
public void UpdateFromBattleGround(BattleGround battleGround) { RoundNumber = battleGround.Round.RoundNumber; RoundStatus = battleGround.RoundStatus; TurnType = battleGround.Round.TurnType; TurnStatus = battleGround.TurnStatus; HeroAction = battleGround.Round.HeroAction; SelectedUnitId = battleGround.Round.SelectedUnit == null ? -1 : battleGround.Round.SelectedUnit.CombatInfo.CombatId; SelectedTargetId = battleGround.Round.SelectedTarget == null ? -1 : battleGround.Round.SelectedTarget.CombatInfo.CombatId; BattleStatus = battleGround.BattleStatus; SurpriseStatus = battleGround.SurpriseStatus; StallingRoundNumber = battleGround.StallingRoundNumber; OrderedUnitsCombatIds.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < battleGround.Round.OrderedUnits.Count; i++) { OrderedUnitsCombatIds.Add(battleGround.Round.OrderedUnits[i].CombatInfo.CombatId); } CombatIds.Clear(); CombatIds.AddRange(battleGround.CombatIds); Companions.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < battleGround.Companions.Count; i++) { Companions.Add(battleGround.Companions[i].GetHashCode()); } Captures.Clear(); RemovedUnits.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < battleGround.Captures.Count; i++) { Captures.Add(battleGround.Captures[i].GetHashCode()); if (battleGround.Captures[i].RemoveFromParty) { var newRemovedUnitData = new FormationUnitSaveData(); newRemovedUnitData.UpdateFromUnit(battleGround.Captures[i].PrisonerUnit); RemovedUnits.Add(newRemovedUnitData); } } Controls.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < battleGround.Controls.Count; i++) { Controls.Add(battleGround.Controls[i].GetHashCode()); } BattleLoot = battleGround.BattleLoot; LastDamaged = battleGround.LastDamaged; LastSkillUsed = battleGround.LastSkillUsed == null ? "" : battleGround.LastSkillUsed; MonsterFormation.UpdateFormation(battleGround.MonsterFormation); }
public bool CompanionWith(string name, string mode) { General other = Engine.GetGeneral(name, mode); if (other == null || !Engine.GetMode(mode).GeneralPackage.Contains(Package)) { return(false); } return(lord || other.lord || (Kingdom.Count == 1 && other.Kingdom.Count == 1 && Kingdom[0] == other.Kingdom[0] && (Companions.Contains(name) || other.Companions.Contains(Name)))); }
private WangLordItemVM GetDefaultMember() { if (Family.Any()) { return(Family.First()); } if (Companions.Any()) { return(Companions.First()); } return(null); }
public static async Task CustomCompanionByName() { var model = await Common.GetUserInput("Spawn companion by model name", "", 30); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { return; } var hash = (uint)API.GetHashKey(model); var ped = await Companions.SpawnHuman(hash); API.SetPedAsNoLongerNeeded(ref ped); }
private void HandleGameFightSynchronizeMessage(IAccount account, GameFightSynchronizeMessage message) { lock (CheckLock) { Fighters.Clear(); Monsters.Clear(); Companions.Clear(); foreach (var fighter in message.Fighters) { AddFighter(fighter); } } Account.Character.Status = CharacterStatus.Fighting; }
private void DeleteCompanion() { if (_currentCompanion == null || listCompanions.SelectedItem == null || !Companions.Any()) { return; } Companions.RemoveAll(x => x.Id == _currentCompanion.Id); listCompanions.Items.Remove(listCompanions.SelectedItem); _currentCompanion = null; ClearCompanion(); RenumberCompanions(); }
public override void RefreshValues() { base.RefreshValues(); FamilyText = GameTexts.FindText("str_family_group").ToString(); WishPerksText = new TextObject("{=wang_washPerk}WashPerk").ToString(); TraitsText = GameTexts.FindText("str_traits_group").ToString(); LearnSkillFromOtherText = new TextObject("{=str_learning_skill}Learning which skill from other").ToString(); Family.ApplyActionOnAllItems(delegate(WangLordItemVM x) { x.RefreshValues(); }); Companions.ApplyActionOnAllItems(delegate(WangLordItemVM x) { x.RefreshValues(); }); }
public bool CompanionWith(string name) { General other = Engine.GetGeneral(name, "Hegemony"); if (other == null || !Engine.GetMode("Hegemony").GeneralPackage.Contains(Package)) { return(false); } if (Kingdom != other.Kingdom) { return(false); } return(lord || other.lord || Companions.Contains(name) || other.Companions.Contains(Name)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ReadConfig(); var lang = XivLanguage.English; _gameDir = new DirectoryInfo(_gamePath); _ttObj = new Obj(_gameDir); _gear = new Gear(_gameDir, lang); _companions = new Companions(_gameDir, lang); BatchExport(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void LoadCompanion() { if (listCompanions.SelectedItem == null) { _currentCompanion = null; return; } ClearCompanion(); var selectedCompanion = listCompanions.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem; var companionId = Convert.ToInt32(selectedCompanion.Tag); var companion = Companions.Single(x => x.Id == companionId); _currentCompanion = companion; txtCompanionName.Text = companion.Name; }
/// <summary> /// Populate the mounts table. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private async Task RebuildMountsCache() { using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(_connectionString)) { var _companions = new Companions(_gameInfo.GameDirectory, _gameInfo.GameLanguage); var list = await _companions.GetUncachedMountList(); // Don't get the ornament list for the Chinese or Korean clients as they don't have them yet if (_gameInfo.GameLanguage != XivLanguage.Chinese && _gameInfo.GameLanguage != XivLanguage.Korean) { list.AddRange(await _companions.GetUncachedOrnamentList()); } db.Open(); using (var transaction = db.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (var item in list) { var query = @" insert into monsters ( name, category, primary_id, secondary_id, imc_variant, model_type) values($name, $category, $primary_id, $secondary_id, $imc_variant, $model_type) on conflict do nothing"; using (var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(query, db)) { try { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", item.Name); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("category", item.SecondaryCategory); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("primary_id", item.ModelInfo.PrimaryID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("secondary_id", item.ModelInfo.SecondaryID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("imc_variant", item.ModelInfo.ImcSubsetID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("model_type", ((XivMonsterModelInfo)item.ModelInfo).ModelType.ToString()); cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } transaction.Commit(); } } }
protected void AddFighter(GameFightFighterInformations infos) { if (infos is GameFightMonsterInformations monsterInfo) { Monsters.Add(new Monster(monsterInfo.ContextualId, monsterInfo.Disposition.CellId, monsterInfo.Stats, monsterInfo.TeamId, monsterInfo.Alive, monsterInfo.CreatureGenericId, monsterInfo.CreatureGrade)); } else if (infos is GameFightCompanionInformations companionInfo) { Companions.Add(new Companion(companionInfo.ContextualId, companionInfo.Disposition.CellId, companionInfo.Stats, companionInfo.TeamId, companionInfo.Alive, companionInfo.CompanionGenericId, companionInfo.Level, companionInfo.MasterId)); } else { Fighters.Add(new Fighter(infos.ContextualId, infos.Disposition.CellId, infos.Stats, infos.TeamId, infos.Alive)); } }
public Fellowship RemoveCompanion(Companion casualty) { if (casualty.IsRemovable()) { if (Companions.Length == 1) { Companion[] gollums = { new Gollum() }; return(new Fellowship(gollums)); } else { return(new Fellowship(Companions.Where(companion => companion != casualty).ToArray())); } } else { return(this); } }
private void SaveCompanions() { if (_currentCompanion == null) { return; } lblSaveSuccess.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; saveTimer.Stop(); saveCounter = 0; var companion = Companions.Single(x => x.Id == _currentCompanion.Id); companion.Name = txtCompanionName.Text; _currentCompanion = companion; lblSaveSuccess.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; saveTimer.Start(); UpdateNames(); }
public void RefreshMembersList() { Family.Clear(); Companions.Clear(); List <Hero> list = new List <Hero>(); foreach (Hero noble in _faction.Nobles) { HeroHelper.SetLastSeenLocation(noble, willUpdateImmediately: true); if (noble.IsAlive) { if (noble == Hero.MainHero) { list.Insert(0, noble); } else { list.Add(noble); } } } IEnumerable <Hero> enumerable = _faction.Companions.Where((Hero m) => m.IsPlayerCompanion); foreach (Hero item in list) { Family.Add(new WangLordItemVM(item, OnMemberSelection)); } foreach (Hero item2 in enumerable) { Companions.Add(new WangLordItemVM(item2, OnMemberSelection)); } GameTexts.SetVariable("COMPANION_COUNT", _faction.Companions.Count()); GameTexts.SetVariable("COMPANION_LIMIT", _faction.CompanionLimit); CompanionsText = GameTexts.FindText("str_companions_group").ToString(); OnMemberSelection(GetDefaultMember()); }