Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTestCase()
            Reporter.Chapter.Title = "Clicks all the links in the webportal";
            Step = "Login into web portal application";
            CommonPage.NavigateTo(Driver, Reporter, Util.EnvironmentSettings["Server"]);
            CommonPage.Login(Driver, Reporter, UserName, Password);

            Step = "Select " + TestData["APPLICATIONNAME"] + " link from the navigation menu";
            CommonPage.SelectApplication(Driver, Reporter, TestData["APPLICATIONNAME"]);

            Step = "Assert page title of " + TestData["TITLE"] + "";
            CommonPage.AssertPageTitle(Driver, Reporter, TestData["TITLE"]);

            int menuCount = CommonPage.GetMenuCount(Driver, Reporter, TestData["APPLICATIONNAME"]);

            for (int menu = 1; menu <= menuCount; menu++)
                MenuNames.Add(CommonPage.GetMenuNames(Driver, Reporter, menu));

            Step = "Number of menu items in  " + "<b>" + TestData["APPLICATIONNAME"] + "</b>" + "menu is:" + menuCount + "";
            foreach (string menu in MenuNames)
                Step = "Click on " + "<b>" + menu + "</b>" + " menu and click links under it";
                CommonPage.ClickAllSubMenusInMenu(Driver, Reporter, resultsPath, menu);