/// <summary> /// Uruchamia formularz mastera /// </summary> private void StartMaster() { currentForm = masterController.GetForm(); currentForm.Switch += SwitchToSlave; currentForm.FormClosed += ExitApp; currentForm.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Uruchamia formularz slave'a /// </summary> private void StartSlave() { currentForm = slaveController.GetForm(); currentForm.Switch += SwitchToMaster; currentForm.FormClosed += ExitApp; currentForm.Show(); }
private static XElement ToTable(CommonForm input) { // The template will wrap this element in a table to allow for the template to use it's own attributes for the table. // The span tag will (should be) ignored since it is inside a table. XElement returnElement = new XElement("span"); string html = ""; // Add first List<string> as table headers html += "<tr>"; foreach (string columnHeader in input.Headers) { html += "<th>" + columnHeader + "</th>"; } html += "</tr>"; // Add rest of List<strings> as table cell values foreach (List <string> row in input.Body) { html += "<tr>"; foreach (string value in row) { html += "<td>" + value + "</td>"; } html += "</tr>"; } returnElement.Value = html; return(returnElement); }
public MyTopScreen(bool first_param, string second_param) { CommonForm commonGridForm = new CommonForm(this); DataGridView dataGridView1 = commonGridForm.dataGridView1; _commonAttributForm = commonAttributForm; InitializeComponent(); this.TabPage1.Controls.Add(dataGridView1); }
private static CommonForm FromCsv(string input, string[] returnHeaders, string[] returnHeaderNames) { CommonForm commonForm = new CommonForm(); input = input.Trim(); string[] rows = input.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] receivedHeaders = rows[0].Split(','); List <int> returnHeaderIndexes = new List <int>(); int latitudeIndex = Array.IndexOf(receivedHeaders, receivedHeaders.Where(header => header.ToLower() == "latitude").FirstOrDefault()); int longitudeIndex = Array.IndexOf(receivedHeaders, receivedHeaders.Where(header => header.ToLower() == "longitude").FirstOrDefault()); // Add column names as first List<string> in returnValue for (int i = 0; i < returnHeaders.Length; i++) { int indexOfReturnHeader = Array.IndexOf(receivedHeaders, returnHeaders[i]); returnHeaderIndexes.Add(indexOfReturnHeader); commonForm.Headers.Add(returnHeaderNames[i]); } // Add each row of data as a new List<string> in result for (int row = 1; row < rows.Length; row++) { string[] rowValues = rows[row].Split(','); List <string> newRow = new List <string>(); if (rowValues.Length == receivedHeaders.Length) { foreach (int index in returnHeaderIndexes) { if (index != -1) { newRow.Add(rowValues[index]); } else { newRow.Add("field not found"); } } commonForm.Body.Add(newRow); if (latitudeIndex != -1 && longitudeIndex != -1) { double latitude; double.TryParse(rowValues[latitudeIndex], out latitude); commonForm.Latitudes.Add(latitude); double longitude; double.TryParse(rowValues[longitudeIndex], out longitude); commonForm.Longitudes.Add(longitude); } } } commonForm.Body = commonForm.Body.Where(list => list.Count > 0).ToList(); return(commonForm); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { projGuid = Request["ProjGuid"] ?? ""; CommonForm form = new CommonForm(); //费用类型 form.SetDropDownListValue(CostType, "BBD8C56C-87E1-4C34-9B01-D5A79FA794F9", true); Json = ef.getData(projGuid, true); EarlyJson = ef.getEarInvestData(projGuid, true); EstOutJson = ef.getOutsideData(projGuid); }
public static XElement GetStructureLocationInformation(XElement element) { try { string url = element.Value.Trim(); Log.Debug(url); string userName = (string)element.Attribute("userName"); string password = (string)element.Attribute("password"); string domain = (string)element.Attribute("domain"); string authenticationType = (string)element.Attribute("authenticationType"); string queryResultType = (string)element.Attribute("queryResultType") ?? "htmlcsv"; string elementType = (string)element.Attribute("returnElementType") ?? "span"; string[] returnHeaders = ((string)element.Attribute("returnFields") ?? "").Split(','); string[] returnHeaderNames = ((string)element.Attribute("returnFieldNames") ?? "").Split(','); string makeGoogleMapsLinkString = (string)element.Attribute("makeGoogleMapsLink") ?? "false"; bool makeGoogleMapsLink; if (!bool.TryParse(makeGoogleMapsLinkString, out makeGoogleMapsLink)) { makeGoogleMapsLink = false; } ICredentials credential = null; if (userName != null && password != null && domain != null && authenticationType != null) { NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(userName, password, domain); Log.Debug($"userName: {userName}, password: {password}, domain: {domain}"); CredentialCache cache = new CredentialCache(); cache.Add(new Uri(url), authenticationType, networkCredential); credential = cache; } // If queryResult is formatted in html, we should decode that to a regular string bool decode = queryResultType.ToLower().Contains("html"); string structureInfo = GetStructureInfo(url, decode, credential); CommonForm intermediateResult = queryResultType.Contains("csv") ? FromCsv(structureInfo, returnHeaders, returnHeaderNames) : new CommonForm(); return(elementType == "table" ? ToTable(intermediateResult) : elementType == "span" ? ToSpan(intermediateResult, makeGoogleMapsLink) : element); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Debug(e.Message + "\nStackTrace\n" + e.StackTrace); return(element); } }
private static string ToFormat(CommonForm input, string headerFormat, string rowFormat) { object[] headerData = input.Headers.AsEnumerable <object>().ToArray(); string header = string.Format(headerFormat, headerData); List <string> rows = input.Body .Select(rowData => rowData.AsEnumerable <object>().ToArray()) .Select(rowData => string.Format(rowFormat, rowData)) .ToList(); List <string> lines = new[] { header }.Concat(rows).ToList(); return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines)); }
private void ShowAbout() { aboutInfo.Copyright = ProgramSettings.Default.Copyright; aboutInfo.ProductName = ProgramSettings.Default.ProductName; aboutInfo.Version = ProgramSettings.Default.Version; aboutInfo.Website = ProgramSettings.Default.WebSite; using (CommonForm fm = new CommonForm()) { UCAbout ucAbout = new UCAbout(); ucAbout.SetDeviceId("Device ID: " + settings.DeviceAddress); ucAbout.SetAboutInfo(aboutInfo); fm.AddControlForDialog(ucAbout, "About"); fm.ShowDialog(); } }
private static XElement ToSpan(CommonForm input, bool makeGoogleMapsLink) { XElement returnElement = new XElement("span"); string html = ""; if (makeGoogleMapsLink) { string latitude = input.Latitudes.FirstOrDefault().ToString("###.######"); string longitude = input.Longitudes.FirstOrDefault().ToString("###.######"); html = "<a href = 'https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=map¢er=" + latitude + "," + longitude + "&zoom=21&basemap=satellite'>" + input.Body.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault() + "</a>"; } else { html = input.Body.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault(); } returnElement.Value = html; return(returnElement); }
private string ObtainPasswordFromSettingsOrUx() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(syncSettings.Password)) { return(syncSettings.Password); } using (CommonForm fm = new CommonForm()) { UCPassword ucPassword = new UCPassword(); fm.AddControlForDialog(ucPassword, "Password"); if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { return(ucPassword.Password); } else { return(null); } } }
public static bool ShowModal(ApplicationSettingsBase settings) { if (settings == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("settings"); using (CommonForm fm = new CommonForm()) { UcOptions ucOptions = new UcOptions(settings); fm.AddControlForDialog(ucOptions, "Options"); if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { settings.Save(); return true; } else { settings.Reload(); return false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a form for application containing UcMultiSyncMain. /// And this form can remember its own location in multiscreen. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Form CreateMainForm(SyncSettingsBase settings) { if (settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("settings", "How could settings be null?"); } CommonForm form = new CommonForm(); form.ShowInTaskbar = true; // form.AutoSize = true;/// Because this form is used as main form. // AutoSize can not work properly probably the autosize takes effects // before UcMultiSyncMain is loaded. // form.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; form.Icon = Properties.Resources.syncIcon; form.Load += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { UcMultiSyncMain uc = new UcMultiSyncMain(settings); form.AddControl(uc, ProgramSettings.Default.ProductName); // form.AutoSize = true;//not working either } catch (System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException exception) { MessageBox.Show("Configuration has problem: " + e.ToString() + "~" + exception.Message); } }; MultiScreenHelper.RefineLocation(form, ProgramSettings.Default.Location, ProgramSettings.Default.ScreenDeviceName); form.FormClosing += delegate(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs e) { ProgramSettings.Default.Location = form.Location; ProgramSettings.Default.ScreenDeviceName = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromControl(form).DeviceName; ProgramSettings.Default.Save(); }; return(form); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); FileConfig.ReadFile(); try { try { if (FileConfig.config.updateapi != "") { Updater.checkversion(); if (Updater.ready.Count() > 0) { DialogResult dlr = MessageBox.Show("Sẵn sàng cho cật nhập", "", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dlr == DialogResult.OK) { UpdaterForm upd = new UpdaterForm(); upd.ShowDialog(); return; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (!FileConfig.config.connectsuccess) { CommonForm cf = new CommonForm(); cf.signal = 0; Application.Run(cf); } else if (FileConfig.config.connectsuccess) { using (var context = new ControllerModel()) { if (context.Database.Exists()) { if (!UserController.countUser()) { CommonForm cf = new CommonForm(); cf.signal = 1; Application.Run(cf); } } else { BackupFile buf = new BackupFile(); buf.ShowDialog(); } } Application.Run(new LoginForm()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex); BackupFile buf = new BackupFile(); buf.ShowDialog(); } }